Identification & Management
(12/04/24) LSU AgCenter plant pathologist Paul “Trey” Price has received the Louisiana Soybean and Feed Grains and Promotion Board Distinguished Professorship.
Aerial blight is a soybean disease caused by the soilborne fungus Rhizoctonia solani AG1-IA, and it is particularly important in the Midsouth.
Taproot decline of soybean (TRD), is an emerging fungal disease affecting soybean production in the southern U.S.
Disease control of seedling diseases, charcoal rot, phytophthora root rot, red crown rot, Southern blight, aerial blight, brown leaf spot, downy mildew, frogeye, purple seed stain, anthracnose, pod & stem blight, stem canker, virus or viruslike disease complex, nematodes, root knot and soybean cyst.
Links to publications and websites related to soybeans and soybean diseases.
Images to help with the identification of Asian soybean rust.
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture