Complete pdf of the Chemical Weed Management Guide.
Things that promote resistance along with examples of herbicides having same mode of action and weeds that are resistant to them.
Rice Chemical Weed Control.
Weed Control Guide - information on recrop intervals.
This publication includes keys to identification of water paspalum, brook paspalum, knotgrass and perennial barnyardgrass. (PDF Format Only)
Photographs of red sprangletop (Leptochloa filiformis)
Photographs of Texasweed a.k.a. Mexicanweed, Birdeye.
Photographs of Hedge Hyssop plants.
Photographs of Jointvetch (Aeschynomene sp.) and its parts.
This 2012 guide includes helpful information on herbicides and weed control with detailed suggestions for aquatics, commercial nursery stock, field crops, forestry, fruit crops, home gardens, lawns and many other Louisiana crops. It includes information on different types of herbicide registrations, as well as information on herbicide labels and restricted uses. Also included are sprayer calibration techniques, suggestions for reducing herbicide drift and a guide to proper spray tip selection.
Photographs of arrowhead or duck-potato (Sagittaria sp.)
Photographs of red rice (Oryza sativa) and its various forms.