Complete video gallery of the Colaspis spp. (Colaspis brunnea and Colaspis louisianae):
Slide 1: Colaspis Larva. There are two species of COLASPIS that can be found in Louisiana rice: Colaspis brunnae and Colaspis louisianae. This pest can be found damaging fields of dry-seeded rice in a soybean-rice rotation. Colaspis will complete a single generation in soybeans and lespedeza. The larvae of Colaspis will overwinter in the soil. When rice, or another crop, is planted into a field that is infested with Colaspis larvae, the larvae will begin to feed on the roots of the plant. Feeding on fine root hair may result in plant death. The larvae will then pupate and emerge as adults.
Photo credit: J. Saichuk
Slide 2: Colaspis Life Cycle. There are two species of COLASPIS that can be found in Louisiana rice: Colaspis brunnae and Colaspis louisianae. This pest can be found damaging fields of dry-seeded rice in a soybean-rice rotation. Colaspis will complete a single generation in soybeans and lespedeza. The larvae of Colaspis will overwinter in the soil. When rice, or another crop, is planted into a field that is infested with Colaspis larvae, the larvae will begin to feed on the roots of the plant. Feeding on fine root hair may result in plant death. The larvae will then pupate and emerge as adults. Adults are oval in shape and about 1/4 inch in length. They are a light golden color with white/gold stripes down their back and long antennae. Adults will not lay eggs on rice, but will most likely travel to a near soybean field. It is common to find a clumped distribution of larvae in the soil and patches of stand loss.
Credit: created by A. Meszaros, pictures: J. Saichuk and R. M. Riggio.
Slide 3: Colaspis Larva. The larvae of Colaspis will overwinter in the soil. When rice, or another crop, is planted into a field that is infested with Colaspis larvae, the larvae will begin to feed on the roots of the plant. Feeding on fine root hair may result in plant death. It is common to find a clumped distribution of larvae in the soil and patches of stand loss.
Photo credit: N. Hummel.
Slide 4: Colaspis Larva. The larvae of Colaspis will overwinter in the soil. When rice, or another crop, is planted into a field that is infested with Colaspis larvae, the larvae will begin to feed on the roots of the plant. Feeding on fine root hair may result in plant death. It is common to find a clumped distribution of larvae in the soil and patches of stand loss.
Photo credit: N. Hummel.
Slide 5: Colaspis Larva. The larvae of Colaspis will overwinter in the soil. When rice, or another crop, is planted into a field that is infested with Colaspis larvae, the larvae will begin to feed on the roots of the plant. Feeding on fine root hair may result in plant death. It is common to find a clumped distribution of larvae in the soil and patches of stand loss.
Photo credit: N. Hummel.
Slide 6: Missing Rice Plants. Missing plants in rice field, probably due to heavy Colaspis infestation. Larva feeds on the roots of rice plants causing reduction in stand. Feeding on fine root hair may result in plant death. It is common to find a clumped distribution of larvae in the soil and patches of stand loss.
Photo credit: J. Saichuk or N. Hummel.
Slide 7: Missing Rice Plants 2. Feeding on fine root hair may result in plant death. It is common to find a clumped distribution of larvae in the soil and patches of stand loss.
Photo credit: J. Saichuk or N. Hummel.
Slide 8: High Spot in Rice Field. It is common to find a clumped distribution of larvae in the soil and patches of stand loss. High spot in rice field is a good place to start to scout for Colaspis larvae.
Photo credit: J. Saichuk or N. Hummel.
Slide 9: Dying Rice Pant. It is common to find a clumped distribution of larvae in the soil and patches of stand loss. High spot in rice field is a good place to start to scout for Colaspis larvae.
Photo credit: J. Saichuk or N. Hummel.
Slide 10: Scouting for Colaspis Larvae. To scout for Colaspis larvae, locate rice plants that are stunted, dying and surrounded by declining plants. Dig around the base of the plants, carefully peeling back the soil and looking for white grubs with brown heads that are little larger than rice water weevil larvae. You might also find pupae or adults in the soil.
Photo credit: N. Hummel.
Watch “How to Scout for Colaspis in rice” video.
Slide 11: Colaspis Larva in Dirt 1. When you scout for Colaspis larvae, dig around the base of the plants, carefully peeling back the soil and looking for white grubs with brown heads that are little larger than rice water weevil larvae. You might also find pupae or adults in the soil.
Photo credit: Johnny Saichuk.
Slide 12: Colaspis Larva in Dirt 2. When you scout for Colaspis larvae, dig around the base of the plants, carefully peeling back the soil and looking for white grubs with brown heads that are little larger than rice water weevil larvae. You might also find pupae or adults in the soil.
Photo credit: Johnny Saichuk.
Slide 13: Colaspis Pupa. Feeding on fine root hair may result in plant death. It is common to find a clumped distribution of larvae in the soil and patches of stand loss.
Photo credit: Johnny Saichuk.
Slide 14: Colaspis Pupa 1. Feeding on fine root hair may result in plant death. It is common to find a clumped distribution of larvae in the soil and patches of stand loss.
Photo credit: Johnny Saichuk.
Slide 15: Colaspis Adult 1. Adults are oval in shape and about 1/4 inch in length. They are a light golden color with white/gold stripes down their back and long antennae. Adults will not lay eggs on rice, but will most likely travel to a near soybean field. Photo credit: Johnny Saichuk.
Slide 16: Colaspis Adult 2. Adults are oval in shape and about 1/4 inch in length. They are a light golden color with white/gold stripes down their back and long antennae. Adults will not lay eggs on rice, but will most likely travel to a near soybean field.
Photo credit: Johnny Saichuk.
Slide 17: Colaspis Adult 3. Adults are oval in shape and about 1/4 inch in length. They are a light golden color with white/gold stripes down their back and long antennae. Adults will not lay eggs on rice, but will most likely travel to a near soybean field.
Photo credit: Johnny Saichuk
Slide 18: Colaspis Adult 4. Adults are oval in shape and about 1/4 inch in length. They are a light golden color with white/gold stripes down their back and long antennae. Adults will not lay eggs on rice, but will most likely travel to a near soybean field.
Photo credit: Johnny Saichuk.
Slide 19: Colaspis Adult – Close Up. Adults are oval in shape and about 1/4 inch in length. They are a light golden color with white/gold stripes down their back and long antennae. Adults will not lay eggs on rice, but will most likely travel to a near soybean field.
Photo credit: Johnny Saichuk.