Colaspis Larva

John K. Saichuk, Meszaros, Anna

Colaspis larva.

Colaspis spp. - Colaspis brunnea and Colaspis louisianae

There are two species of COLASPIS that can be found in Louisiana rice: Colaspis brunnae and Colaspis louisianae. This pest can be found damaging fields of dry-seeded rice in a soybean-rice rotation. Colaspis will complete a single generation in soybeans and lespedeza. The larvae of Colaspis will overwinter in the soil. When rice, or another crop, is planted into a field that is infested with Colaspis larvae, the larvae will begin to feed on the roots of the plant. Feeding on fine root hair may result in plant death. The larvae will then pupate and emerge as adults.

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2/25/2012 2:04:29 AM
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