Field Notes 4/1/2010, DD50, heat units, soil crusting
An explanation of DD50 and heat units and photographs with accompanying text concerning soil crusting.
Field Notes 4/12/2010, seed midge, barnyardgrass
Photographs and accompanying text describing seed midge, seed midge damage and barnyardgrass seedlings.
Field Notes, 4/19/2010, barnyardgrass versus signalgrass, allelopathy
Photographs and accompanying text discussing the differences between barnyardgrass and broadleaf signalgrass. Also contains an explanation of allelopathy.
Field Notes 4/26/2010, fall panicum, hemp sesbania, jointvetch, dayflower, Texasweed, seed midge damage
Photographs and accompanying text regarding fall panicum, hemp sesbania, jointvetch, dayflower, Texasweed, and seed midge damage.
Field Notes 4/29/2010, fall panicum, hemp sesbania, jointvetch, and Facet injury
More photographs and discussion of fall panicum, hemp sesbania and jointvetch. Also, photopgraph and description of Facet herbicide injury.
Field Notes 5/10/2010, volunteer hybrid rice, Prowl injury, rice water weevil
Photographs and accompanying text discussing volunteer hybrid rice, Prowl herbicide injury and the rice water weevil.
Field Notes 5/17/2010, thrips, iron toxicity
Photographs and accompanying text describing thrips and iron toxicity in rice.
Field Notes 5/24/10, localized decline, brown spot, billbug
Photographs and accompanying text concerning localized decline, brown spot, and the rice levee billbug.
Field Notes 5/31/2010, borers, scum, volunteer hybrid rice
Photographs and accompanying text discussing sugarcane borer in rice, scum formation, and volunteer hybrid rice.
Field Notes 6/14/2010, black rice bugs, spider mites, ground beetle
Photographs and accompanying text describing black rice bugs, spider mites and a ground beetle.
Field Notes 6/21/2010, Colaspis, Oryza sp., spider mites, guttation
Photographs and accompanying text describing, Colaspis beetle, an unusual rice plant, spider mites, and water of guttation in rice.
Field Notes 6/28/2010, Cercospora and chinch bugs
Photographs and accompanying text describing Cercospora and chinch bugs in rice.
Field Notes 7/2/2010, chinch bugs, Gramoxone injury, straighthead disease
Photographs and accompanying text describing chinch bugs, Gramoxone injury, and straighthead disease in rice.
Field Notes 7/12/2010, bacterial panicle blight, panicle blast, potassium deficiency, tip burn, herbicide injury
Photographs and accompanying text describing bacterial panicle blight, panicle blast, potassium deficiency, leaf tip burn, and herbicide injury in rice.
Field Notes 7/19/2010, glyphosate injury, sheath blight, brown spot
Photographs and accompanying text describing glyphosate injury, sheath blight disease, and brown spot disease.
Field Notes 7/26/2010, brown spot, sprangletop, glyphosate injury
Photographs and accompanying text concerning brown spot, sprangletop, and glyphosate injury.
Field Notes 8/5/2010, herbicide injury, panicle blight
Photographs and accompanying text describing herbicide injury and bacterial panicle blight.
Field Notes 8/26/2010, lodging, verification field harvest, leaf scald, leaf smut
Photographs and accompanying text describing lodging, verification field harvest results, leaf scald and leaf smut.