Performance of grain sorghum hybrids is annually evaluated by Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station (LAES) researchers.
The LSU AgCenter conducts yearly grain sorghum hybrid yield tests at several locations around the state.
Performance of grain sorghum hybrids is annually evaluated by Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station (LAES) researchers. The purpose of these trials is to provide to Louisiana growers, seedsmen, county agents of the Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service (LCES), and other interested individuals and organizations with unbiased performance data for commercial grain sorghum hybrids submitted for evaluation by private agencies.
Preliminary resutls for performance of grain sorghum hybrids is annually evaluated by Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station (LAES) researchers.
2010 recommendations. This information will help producers choose grain sorghum hybrids which have displayed good yield potential and agronomic performance. The LSU AgCenter conducts yearly grain sorghum hybrid yield tests at several locations in Louisiana. This is done to provide producers with unbiased information on hybrid performance under different soil types and climatic conditions.
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture