This documnet contains the estimated costs and returns from sorghum production in Louisiana for 2025.
This document contains the projected costs and returns for sorghum production in Louisiana for 2024.
This publication presents estimates of projected costs and returns for sorghum production in Louisiana for the 2023 crop year.
The decision tool contains five Excel worksheets which compare net returns above variable production costs for alternative crop production choices.
Net return comparison tool for cotton, corn, and soybeans. Supplemental file to include sorghum competitiveness.
Enterprise budgets are presented for the 2022 crop year.
This document contains an estimate for the costs and returns of sorghum produced in Louisiana for the 2021 crop year.
This document provides an estiamte of the costs and returns associated with sorghum production in Louisiana.
This publication presents estimates of projected costs and returns for grain sorghum production in Louisiana for the 2019 crop year.
This publication presents estimates of projected costs and returns for sorghum production in Louisiana for the 2018 crop year.
This document contains enterprise budgets for sorghum produced in Louisiana for the 2017 crop year.
This document contains enterprise budgets for sorghum produced in Louisiana for the 2017 crop year.
This report presents estimated cost and return data for grain sorghum produced in Louisiana for the 2016 crop year.
This report presents projected costs and returns budgets for sorghum production in Louisiana for the 2015 crop year.