(04/25/24) An important plant disease called southern blight has started to show up in Louisiana vegetable and ornamental production.
Background information including biology, sampling methods, and control methods for the cotton bollworm in Louisiana row crops.
Major varieties are now susceptible, so it will not be possible to cultivate only resistant varieties.
Bacillus thuringiensis as a biopesticide
Leaf mold, caused by the fungus Passalora fulva, can cause severe defoliation and yield losses to tomatoes produced in the field in the southern United States.
Choanephora flower and fruit rot is a common fungal disease of many vegetable crops in Louisiana. Cultural practices are used to manage the disease.
Sheath blight has been the most economically significant disease of rice in Louisiana since the early 1970s. The disease is caused by a fungal pathogen of both rice and soybeans. This fact sheet describes the symptoms of the disease and gives suggested management procedures. (PDF Format Only)
Blast is the most important disease of rice worldwide and the second most important in Louisiana. Yield losses as high as 75 to 90 percent have been observed in Louisiana due to this disease. Use this fact sheet to help you identify and manage rice blast. (PDF Format Only)
Despite their similar names and the fact that they both produce powdery growth on leaves, the pathogens that cause powdery mildew and downy mildew diseases are very different.