Step-by-step instructions for calibrating your sprayer.
Contains recommendations for controlling bollworms, tobacco budworms, loopers, tarnished plant bugs and fleahoppers, spider mites, cotton aphids, thrips, cutworms, whiteflies, fall armyworms, beet armyworms, green stink bugs and brown stink bugs.
2020 Insect Pest Management Guide – Complete book
In Louisiana, southern green stink bugs and brown stink bugs (Figures 1, 2 and 3) have become common pests of corn, cotton, grain sorghum, soybean and wheat. In corn, an infestation can cause injury to the plant from seedling emergence through ear formation and grain development. Seedlings punctured by stink bugs exhibit small holes surrounded by localized dead tissue.
(Distrubuted 02/07/11) Roger Leonard explains the stages of cotton on which the tarnished plant bug prefers to feed. (Runtime :54)
(Distrubuted 02/07/11) Roger Leonard explains the advantages of using a shake sheet in scouting a cotton field. (Runtime: 2:11)
(Distrubuted 02/07/11) Roger Leonard explains the advantages and proper techniques for using a shake sheet in cotton. (Runtime: 5:16)
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture