Every year around the milk or “roasting ear” stage, we begin to wonder how good the corn crop is going to be.
For the corn and sorghum industry to remain viable, it is essential that producers and consultants be able to manage weed, insect and disease issues.
Corn seed manufacturers provided 48 hybrids that were part of the official variety trials on several LSU AgCenter research stations during 2015. Five variety trials were conducted at four AgCenter research stations on soils that included a Commerce silt loam and Sharkey clay at the AgCenter’s Northeast Research Station.
The purpose of this publication is to provide up-to-date information on agronomic and pest management practices for southern row crops in conservation tillage systems. Many of these recommendations will help producers and private crop consultants implement conservation tillage and other soil-conserving practices to maintain efficient and economical production while minimizing negative effects on soil and water quality. (PDF format only)
Material presented to parish agents on the general concept of grain drying and stored-grain pest management.
A description of how biomass is being used for energy in Louisiana with an emphasis on the potential for expansion in the industry. (PDF format only)
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture