Evaluation report based on participant feedback during the pilot program phase in 2008 and 2009.
Fall 2009 course offerings in rural Louisiana. E-Business Topics: How Business Use the Internet to Make Money; How to Establish a Credible Web Presence; How to Start Blogging for Business; Basics of eBay; Searching the Internet for Better Prices; New Ideas for Building Customer Loyalty; Options for Getting a Business Online; Explore the Cost of Establishing a Website; Successful Marketing Strategies.
Faculty include:
The LSU AgCenter's Delta Rural Development Center documents the work of the Louisiana Delta Initiative by providing access to presentations made at the April 2 Louisiana Delta Initiative Summit meeting.
This article answers some of the most important questions new business startups face.
This file explains the structure of delivery and philosophy behind the development of the Lead Louisiana leadership program.
Dr. Barnes explains the launch of the new leadership program Lead Louisiana. Lead Louisiana is a leadership education program offered at the parish level. The program was developed in collaboration with Southern University community rural development faculty.
Blogger comments from Class 1
How can you take the lessons learned from the egg drop activity and apply them to community problem solving?
Instructions on how to post comments to the Evaluation blog.
Link for curriculum.
Click here for the learning objectives and the mission statement of Lead Louisiana.
Click here for information about Lead Louisiana.