This is Chapter 7 of the Louisiana Crawfish Production Manual. The chapter discusses water supply and quantity, water quality parameters of greatest importance and practices that affect water quality including flooding date and forage type. Best management practices (BMPs) to minimize the impact of tailwater releases on the environment are also discussed. This work was supported in part by EPA Grant #C9-996102-08 through the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality.
This fact sheet provides information on chemical test kits and meters for measuring oxygen, the advantages and disadvantages of each, and a list of vendors where oxygen-measuring kits or meters can be purchased.
This article discusses recommendations for maximizing efficiency of water use in commercial crawfish aquaculture.
This article discusses 10 best management practices that have been identified to minimize the potential impact of crawfish pond effluents (tailwater) on the environment.
Farming crawfish requires pumping water. Pumping water costs money. Although there is really no way to get around these facts, we can take action to minimize pumping costs.
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture