Wayne E. Wyatt

Wyatt, Wayne E.
Address 1


DeRouen, S. M., W. E. Wyatt, T. D. Bidner, P. E. Humes, D. E. Franke, and D. C. Blouin. 2005. Cow-calf performance of Brahman-British and Brahman-Continental beef females. Proceedings: Symposium on Tropically Adapted Breeds; S-1013 Regional Project Bulletin (In Press).

Wyatt, W. E., S. M. DeRouen, T. D. Bidner, P. E. Humes, D. E. Franke, and D. C. Blouin. 2005. Feedlot performance and carcass characteristics of Brahman x British and Brahman x Continental beef steers. Proceedings: Symposium on Tropically Adapted Breeds; S-1013 Regional Project Bulletin (In Press).

Franke, D. E., S. M. DeRouen, A. R. Williams, and W. E. Wyatt. 2005. Direct and maternal breed additive and heterosis genetic effects for reproductive, preweaning, and carcass traits. Proceedings: Symposium on Tropically Adapted Breeds; S-1013 Regional Project Bulletin (In Press).

Wyatt, W. E., B. C. Venuto, J. M. Gillespie, and D. C. Blouin. 2005. The effects of pasture stocking rate and method on forage characterization and cow-calf performance: Early spring (February - April). 2005 Beef Cattle Research Report 33: (In Press).

Wyatt, W. E., B. C. Venuto, J. M. Gillespie, and D. C. Blouin. 2005. The effects of pasture stocking rate and method on forage characterization and cow-calf performance: Late spring (May - June). 2005 Beef Cattle Research Report 33: (In Press).

Wyatt, W. E., B. C. Venuto, J. M. Gillespie, and D. C. Blouin. 2005. The effects of pasture stocking rate and method on forage characterization and cow-calf performance: Summer (July - October). 2005 Beef Cattle Research Report 33: (In Press).

Wyatt, W. E.. 2004. Master Cattle Producer Program - Breeding and Selection: Section 3. Sire Selection and Expected Progeny Differences (EPDs). Power Point presentation and script.

Venuto, B. C., B. L. Burson, M. A. Hussey, D. D. Redfearn, W. E. Wyatt, and L. P. Brown. 2003. Forage yield, nutritive value, and grazing tolerance of Dallisgrass biotypes. Crop Sci. 43: 295-301.

DeRouen, S. M., L. D. Foil, A. J. MacKay, D. E. Franke, D. W. Sanson, and W. E. Wyatt. 2003. Effect of horn fly (Haematobia irritans) control on growth and reproduction of beef. Veterinary Entomology 96 (5): 1612-1616.

Wyatt, W. E., B. C. Venuto, J. M. Gillespie, and D. C. Blouin. 2003. The effects of pasture stocking rate and method on cow-calf production: Cow performance. 2003 Beef Cattle Research Report 32: 17-20.

Wyatt, W. E., B. C. Venuto, J. M. Gillespie, and D. C. Blouin. 2003. The effects of pasture stocking rate and method on cow-calf production: Calf performance. 2003 Beef Cattle Research Report 32: 21-24.

DeRouen, S. M., L. D. Foil, A. J. Mackay, D. E. Franke, D. W. Sanson, and W. E. Wyatt. 2003. Effect of horn fly control on growth and reproduction of beef heifers. 2003 Beef Cattle Research Report 32: 41-43.

Wyatt, W. E., B. C. Venuto, J. M. Gillespie, and D. C. Blouin. 2003. The effects of pasture stocking rate and method on cow-calf production: Calf performance. The Louisiana Cattleman 36 (1): 12, 35.

Wyatt, W. E., B. C. Venuto, J. M. Gillespie, and D. C. Blouin. 2003. The effects of pasture stocking rate and method on cow-calf production: Cow performance. The Louisiana Cattleman 36 (2): 8, 16-17.

Venuto, B. C., M. W. Alison, J. L. Ashley, D. L. Corkern, H. M. Downer, W. D. Pitman, E. K. Twidwell, G. J. Williams, C. C. Willis, and W. E. Wyatt. Performance of cool-season annual forage crops in Louisiana, 2002-2003. LAES Research Summary 152, LSU AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA.

Venuto, B. C., B. L. Burson, M. A. Hussey, D. D. Redfearn, W. E. Wyatt, and L. P. Brown. 2002. Forage yield, nutritive value, and grazing tolerance of Dallisgrass biotypes. Crop Sci. 42: (In press.).

Bidner, T. D., W. E. Wyatt, P. E. Humes, D. E. Franke, and D. C. Blouin. 2002. Influence of Brahman-derivative breeds and Angus on carcass traits, physical composition, and palatability. J. Anim. Sci. 80: 2126-2133.

Venuto, B.C., B.L. Burson, D.D. Redfearn, W.E. Wyatt, M.A. Hussey, and L.P. Brown. 2002. Grazing tolerance and forage production of selected dallisgrass accessions. p. 27. In Abstracts of Technical Papers, 2002 Annual Meeting. Southern Branch ASA. 3- 5 Feb. 2002. Orlando, FL.

Venuto, B. C., D. L. Corkern, M. W. Alison, J. L. Ashley, H. Aymond, L. Brown, C. R. Chaney, W. D. Pitman, E. K. Twidwell, C. C. Willis, and W. E. Wyatt. 2002. Performance of cool-season annual forage crops in Louisiana, 2001-2002. LAES Research Summary 142. Louisiana Agric. Center, Baton Rouge, LA.

Wyatt, W. E., T. D. Bidner, P. E. Humes, D. E. Franke, and D. C. Blouin. 2002. Cow-calf and feedlot performances of Brahman-derivative breeds. J. Anim. Sci. 80: 3037-3045.

Wyatt, Wayne. 2002. Ryegrass variety and beef stocker programs. Louisiana Agric. 45 (1): 26.

Wyatt, W. E., B. C. Venuto, J. M. Gillespie, and D. C. Blouin. 2002. Effects of stocking method and rate on cow and calf performance. p. 43, 299. In K. Cassida (ed.) Proceedings of the American Forage and Grassland Council. July 14-17, 2002. Bloomington, MN.

Venuto, B. C., B. L. Burson, W. E. Wyatt, and L. P. Brown. 2002. Dallisgrass research. The Louisiana Cattleman 35 (3): 5-6.

Foil, L., M.W. Alison, Jr., S. DeRouen, M. Kimball, D. Sanson, and W. Wyatt. 2002. Studies on horn fly control with insecticide ear tags and resistance management. The Louisiana Cattleman 35 (4): 10-13.

Venuto, B.C., C.D., D.D. Redfearn, D. Blouin, M.W. Alison, W.D. Pitman, and W. Wyatt. 2001. Twelve years of annual ryegrass evaluation in Louisiana. p. 192. In T. Terrill (ed.) Proceedings of the American Forage and Grassland Council. 22-25 April, 2001. Springdale, AR.

Burson, B.L., B.C. Venuto, M. A. Hussey, W.E. Wyatt, L.P. Brown and D.D. Redfearn. 2001. Forage production and persistence of different dallisgrass ecotypes. p. 5. In Abstracts of Technical Papers, 2001 Annual Meeting. Southern Branch ASA. 27- 31 Jan. 2001. Fort Worth, TX.

Wyatt, Wayne and Andrew Granger. 2001. Does ryegrass variety matter in a beef stocker program? 2001 Beef Cattle Research Report 31: 35.

DeRouen, S.M., W.E. Wyatt, T.D. Bidner, and M.A. Persica, III. 2001. Carcass traits of crossbred steers sired by Angus, Brangus, Gelbvieh, and Gelbray bulls. 2001 Beef Cattle Research Report 31: 43.

Venuto, B. C., M. W. Alison, J. L. Ashley, H. Aymond, L. Brown, C. R. Chaney, D. L. Corkern, S. L. Dickey, T. B. McKnight, W. D. Pitman, D. D. Redfearn, E. K. Twidwell, C. C. Willis, and W. E. Wyatt. 2001. Performance of cool-season annual forage crops in Louisiana, 2000-2001. LAES Research Summary 132. Louisiana Agric. Center, Baton Rouge, LA.

DeRouen, S.M., W.E. Wyatt, T.D. Bidner, and M.A. Persica. 2000. Feedlot and carcass performance of Angus-, Brangus-, Gelbvieh-, and Gelbray-sired crossbred steers.Professional Animal Scientist 16: 6-12.

Bidner, Thomas D., Wayne E. Wyatt, Paul E. Humes, and Donald E. Franke. 2000. Carcass and palatability traits of Brahman-composite and Angus steers. Louisiana Agriculture 43: (1): 6-7.

DeRouen, S.M., W.E. Wyatt, T.D. Bidner, and M.A. Persica, III. 2000. Feedlot and carcass traits of crossbred steers with Brahman, British, and Continental breeding. The Louisiana Cattleman 33 (12): 5, 6, and 15.

Pena, M. T., Miller, J. E., Wyatt, W. E., and Kearney, M. T. 2000. Differences in susceptibility to gastrointestinal nematode infection between Angus and Brangus cattle in south Louisiana. Vet. Parasitol. 89: 51-61.

Wyatt, Wayne E. and Paul E. Humes. 2000. Beef overview - A diversified leader in Louisiana agriculture. Louisiana Agric. 43 (4): 4.

DeRouen, Sidney M., Donald E. Franke, Paul E. Humes, and Wayne E. Wyatt. 2000. Crossbreeding research meets needs of Louisiana beef industry. Louisiana Agric. 43 (4): 7.

Foil, Lane, Montgomery Alison, Sidney M. DeRouen, Millard Kimball, David G. Morrison, David W. Sanson, and Wayne E. Wyatt. 2000. Controlling horn flies. Louisiana Agric. 43 (4): 21.

DeRouen, Sidney M., Wayne E. Wyatt, Thomas D. Bidner, and Manuel A. Persica, III. 2000. Comparing beef breeds by birth, weaning, and feedlot performance. Louisiana Agric. 43 (4): 25.

Wyatt, Wayne E., Danny F. Coombs, Sidney M. DeRouen, Donald E. Franke, Jeffrey M. Gillespie, Paul E. Humes, David G. Morrison, and T.W. White. 2000. Maintaining adequate body condition improves the productivity of young beef cows. Louisiana Agric. 43 (4): 31.

Wyatt, Wayne and Andrew Granger. 2000. Does ryegrass variety matter in a beef stocker program? The Louisiana Cattleman 33 (11): 8-11.

Venuto, B.C., M.W. Alison, J.L. Ashley, H. Aymond, L. Brown, C.R. Chaney, D.L. Corkern, S.L. Dickey, M.M. Eichhorn, T.B. McKnight, W.E. Pitman, D.D. Redfearn, E.K. Twidwell, C.C. Willis, and W.E. Wyatt. 2000. Performance of cool-season annual forage crops in Louisiana, 1999-2000. LAES Research Summary No. 121. L.S.U. Agric. Ctr., Baton Rouge, LA.

Byford, R.L., M.E. Craig, S.M. DeRouen, M.D. Kimball, D.G. Morrison, W.E. Wyatt, and L.D. Foil. 1999. Influence of permethrin, diazinon and ivermectin treatments on insecticide resistance in the horn fly (Diptera: Muscidae). Int. J. Parasitol. 29 (1): 125-135, 137-138.

Foil, L., M.W. Alison, Jr., S. DeRouen, M. Kimball, D. Sanson, and W. Wyatt. 1999. Studies on horn fly control with insecticide ear tags and resistance management. The Louisiana Cattleman 32 (4): 27, 35-36.

Wyatt, W.E., D.L. Thompson, Jr., D.C. Blouin, and R.A. Harpel. 1999. Effects of breed type, creep feeding, and growth implants on heifer pre- and postweaning growth and reproductive performance. The Louisiana Cattleman 32 (6): 18-19, 23.

Wyatt, W.E., D.L. Thompson, Jr., D.C. Blouin, and R.A. Harpel. 1999. Effects of breed type, creep feeding, and growth implants on heifer pre- and postweaning growth and reproductive performance. 1999 Beef Cattle Research Report 30: 33-35.

Wyatt, W.E. and P.E. Humes. 1998. Body condition scoring of beef cows. Mimeograph, L.S.U. Agric. Ctr., Baton Rouge, LA.
Wyatt, W.E., T.D. Bidner, P.E. Humes, D.E. Franke, M.M. Pike, R.A. Harpel, J.P. Blanchard, M.J. Canal, and J. Carothers. 1998. An evaluation of Angus and Brahman-derivative beef breeds: Birth, weaning, and feedlot performance. The Louisiana Cattleman 31 (5): 19, 25, 26, and 27.

Foil, L.D., G.R. Strother, J.A. Hawkins, S.J. Gross, D.F. Coombs, S.M. Derouen, W.E. Wyatt, L.K. Kuykendall, and B.G. Spears, Jr. 1998. The use of IvomecĀ® (Ivermectin) pour-on and permethrin ear tags for horn fly control. Southwestern Entomologist 23 (4): 317-323.
Bidner, D., P.E. Humes, W.E. Wyatt, and D.E. Franke. 1998. A comparison among Brahman-composite and Angus steers for carcass and palatability traits. The Louisiana Cattleman 31 (6): 14, 15, and 16.

Venuto, B.C., M.W. Alison, C.R. Chaney, D.L. Corkern, M.M. Eichhorn, W.D. Pitman, D.D. Redfearn, E.K. Twidwell, C. Wildamn, C.C. Willis, and W.E. Wyatt. 1998. Performance of cool-season annual forage crops in Louisiana, 1997-1998. LAES Mimeo Series No. 140. L.S.U. Agric. Ctr., Baton Rouge, LA.
Foil, L., M.W. Alison, Jr., S. Derouen, M. Kimball, D. Sanson, and W. Wyatt. 1997. Studies on horn fly control with insecticide ear tags and resistance management. Louisiana Cattleman 30 (4): 37, 41, 44, and 50.

Wyatt, W.E. and D.L. Thompson, Jr. 1997. Effects of breed type, limit-fed high-protein creep and Synovex-C on cow-calf performance. Louisiana Agric. 40 (3): 26-28.

Wyatt, W.E., D.L. Thompson, Jr., and R.A. Harpel. 1997. Effects of breed type, limit-fed high protein creep and Synovex-C on cow-calf performance. Louisiana Beef Research Report 29: 1-4.
Wyatt, W.E., R.N. Gates, D.C. Blouin, A.M. Saxton, and B.D. Nelson. 1997. Performance of Angus and Brangus cow-calf pairs grazing Alicia bermudagrass and common bermudagrass-Dallisgrass pastures. J. Anim. Sci. 74: 1926.

DeRouen, S.M., D.E. Franke, D.G. Morrison, D.F. Coombs, J.M. Gillespie, W.E. Wyatt, T.W. White, and P.E. Humes. 1997. Winter supplementation and body condition influences on reproductive performance of first-calf beef heifers. 1997 Beef Cattle Research Report 29: 45.

Wyatt, W.E., T.D. Bidner, P.E. Humes, D.E. Franke, M.M. Pike, R.A. Harpel, J.P. Blanchard, M.J. Canal, and J. Carothers. 1997. Feedlot performance of Angus and Zebu-derivative beef breeds. Louisiana Beef Research Report 29: 68-71.

Wyatt, W.E., T.D. Bidner, P.E. Humes, D.E. Franke, M.M. Pike, R.A. Harpel, J.P. Blanchard, M.J. Canal, and J. Carothers. 1997. Carcass evaluation of Angus and Zebu-derivative beef breeds. Louisiana Beef Research Report 29: 72-75.

T.D. Bidner, W.E. Wyatt, D.E. Franke, P.E. Humes, M.M. Pike, R.A. Harpel, J.P. Blanchard, M.J. Canal, and J. Carothers. 1997. Carcass acceptability and meat quality of Angus and Zebu-derivative beef breeds. Louisiana Beef Research Report 29: 76-79.
Humes, P.E., D.E. Franke, W.E. Wyatt, T.D. Bidner, and K.S. King.1997. A comparison among Brahman-Composite and Brahman-Hereford F1 cows for calf weaning traits. Louisiana Cattleman 30 (5): 11, 12, 34, and 35.

Coombs, D.F., D.G. Morrison, D.E. Franke, S.M. DeRouen, W.E. Wyatt, T.W. White, P.E. Humes, B.B. Greene, and J.M. Gillespie. 1996. Body condition and winter supplementation effect on weight change and reproduction in spring-calving beef heifers. Louisiana Agric. Exp. Sta. Bull. 853.

Wyatt, Wayne E. 1996. Introduction: Forage factors affecting net profit of beef enterprises. 1996 Beef and Forage Field Day Proceedings pp. 1-3. Iberia Research Station, Jeanerette, LA.

Wyatt, Wayne E., Don L. Thompson, Jr., Jenny L. Hafley, and Richard A. Harpel. 1996. Beef research: Creep feeding calves. Louisiana Cattleman 29 (11): 18-19.

Wyatt, W.E., R.N. Gates, D.C. Blouin, R.A. Harpel, J.P. Blanchard, and N.J. Trabeaux. 1995. Does beef cow breed or type of summer grass pasture affect milk production? Louisiana Cattleman 28 (11): pp. 28 and 30.

Wyatt, W.E., R.N. Gates, B.D. Nelson, and D.C. Blouin. 1995. Does type of summer grass pasture affect beef production? Louisiana Agriculture 38 (3): 14.

Wyatt, W.E., R.N. Gates, D.C. Blouin, R.A. Harpel, J.P. Blanchard, and N.J. Trabeaux. 1995. Does beef cow breed or type of summer grass pasture affect milk production? Louisiana Agriculture 38 (4): 21.

Vagnoni, D.B., W.M. Craig, R.N. Gates, W.E. Wyatt, and L.L. Southern. 1995. Monensin and ammoniation or urea supplementation of bermudagrass hay diets for steers. J. Anim. Sci. 73: 1793.

Derouen, S.M., D.E. Franke, D.G. Morrison, W.E. Wyatt, D.F. Coombs, T.W. White, P.E. Humes, and B.B. Greene. 1994. Prepartum body condition and weight influences on reproductive performance of first-calf beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. 72: 1119.

Wyatt, W.E., R.N. Gates, D.C. Blouin, A.M. Saxton, B.D. Nelson, R.A. Harpel, and J.P. Blanchard. 1994. What difference does cow breed or the type of forage in the pasture really make come weaning time? Louisiana Cattleman 27 (11): pp 5-6, 12, 14.

Foil, L., M.W. Alison, Jr., S. DeRouen, M. Kimball, D. Morrison, and W. Wyatt. 1994. Studies on horn fly control with insecticide ear tags and resistance. Louisiana Cattleman 27 (6): pp 10-11, 14.

Foil, L., D. G. Luther, M. W. Alison, Jr., S. Derouen, M. Kimball, J. Knox, D. Morrison and W. E. Wyatt. 1993. Studies on horn fly control with insecticide ear tags and resistance. The Louisiana Cattleman 26 (5): 15.

Morrison, D.G., S.M. DeRouen, D.E. Franke, W.E. Wyatt, D.F. Coombs, T.W. White, P.E. Humes, and B.B. Greene. 1993. Precalving body condition and winter energy feeding levels affect reproduction in first-calf beef heifers. The Louisiana Cattleman 26 10): 10.

Wyatt, W.E., A.L. Granger, D.L. Thompson, Jr., F.G. Hembry, W.M. Craig, R.A. Harpel and J.P. Blanchard. 1992. Winter feeding of replacement heifers: How much is enough? Louisiana Agriculture 35 (4): 17.

Wyatt, W.E., A.L. Granger, D.L. Thompson, Jr., F.G. Hembry, W.M. Craig, R.A. Harpel and J.P. Blanchard. 1991. Effect of winter diets on development of replacement heifers. The Louisiana Cattleman 24 (2): 7.

Wyatt, Wayne E., F. Glen Hembry, Richard A. Harpel and J. Paul Blanchard. 1991. Spring creep feeding provides low-cost calf gains. Louisiana Agric. 34(3):12.

Gates, R.N., W.E. Wyatt, L.T. Roland, F.G. Hembry and J.H. Bailie. 1991. Comparison of a grain supplement or intraruminal bolus for tetronasin administration to grazing steers. J. Prod. Agric. 4 (2): 229.

Sticker, L.S., L.D. Bunting, W.E. Wyatt and G.W. Wolfrom. 1991. Effect of supplemental lysocellin and tetronasin on growth, ruminal and blood metabolites, and ruminal proteolytic activity in steers grazing ryegrass. J. Anim. Sci. 69: 4273.

Notter, D.R. and W.E. Wyatt. 1991. Effects of genetic line and intake level on growth of mice: Feed intake and mature maintenance requirements. J. Anim. Breed. Genet. 108: 299.

Notter, D.R., W.E. Wyatt and W.E. Vinson. 1990. Effects of genetic line and intake level on growth of mice: Growth with ad libitum feeding. Z. Tiersuchtg. Zuchtgsbiol. 107: 119.

Wyatt, W.E., W.M. Craig, R.N. Gates, F.G. Hembry, D.L. Thompson, Jr., J.P. Blanchard and R.A. Harpel. 1990. Enhancing bermudagrass hay diets fed to replacement heifers. Louisiana Agric. 33(4): 3.

Granger, A.L., W.E. Wyatt, F.G. Hembry, W.M. Craig and D.L. Thompson, Jr. 1990. Effects of breed and wintering diet on heifer postweaning growth and development. J. Anim. Sci. 68: 304.

Foil, L.D., D.G. Luther, B. Greene, J. Knox, D. Morrison and W. Wyatt. 1990. Effectiveness of commercially available insecticide ear tags for horn fly control in 1989. The Louisiana Cattleman 23 (5): 11.

Coombs, D.F., W.E. Wyatt and R.N. Gates. 1990. Low-endophyte tall fescue - Is it really an alternative to annual ryegrass in Louisiana? The Louisiana Cattleman 23(9): 11.

Bagley, C.P., G.M. Hill, J.W. Knox, D.F. Coombs, W.M. Oliver, A.F. Loyacano, W.E. Wyatt, D.C. Huffman, K.W. McMillin, T.D. Bidner and A.M. Saxton. 1990. Year-round production of beef using maximum levels of forages. I. Stocker phase. Appl. Agric. Res. 5 (4): 309.

Coombs, D.F., C.P. Bagley, J.W. Knox, A.F. Loyacano, W.M. Oliver, W.E. Wyatt, D.C. Huffman, K.W. McMillin, T.D. Bidner and A.M.Saxton. 1990. Year-round production of beef using maximum levels of forages. II. Finishing phase. Appl. Agric. Res. 5 (4): 315.

K.W. McMillin, T.D. Bidner, G.M. Hill, D.F. Coombs, C.P. Bagley, J.W. Knox, A.F. Loyacano, W.M. Oliver, D.C. Huffman, W.E. Wyatt and A.M. Saxton. 1990. Year-round production of beef using maximum levels of forages. II. Carcass evaluation. Appl. Agric. Res. 5 (4): 321.

Wyatt, W.E., W.M. Craig, R.N. Gates, F.G. Hembry, D.L. Thompson, Jr., J.P. Blanchard and R.A. Harpel. 1989. Enhancing bermudagrass hay diets fed to replacement heifers. The Louisiana Cattleman 22(9):13.

Granger, A.L., W.E. Wyatt, W.M. Craig, D.L. Thompson, Jr. and F.G. Hembry. 1989. Effects of breed and wintering diet on growth, puberty and plasma concentrations of growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor 1 in heifers. Domest. Anim. Endocrinol. 6: 253.

Wyatt, W.E., W.M. Craig, R.N. Gates, F.G. Hembry and D.L. Thompson, Jr. 1989. Effects of ammoniated bermudagrass hay and monensin supplementation on heifer postweaning growth. J. Anim. Sci. 67: 1698.

Gates, R.N., L.T. Roland, W.E. Wyatt, K.R. Broussard, J.P. Blanchard, R.A. Harpel and F.G. Hembry. 1989. A new ionophore improves performance of grazing cattle. Louisiana Agric. 32(2):17.

Gates, R.N. and W.E. Wyatt. 1989. Evaluation of low-endophyte tall fescue for cool-season forage in the lower south. J. Prod. Agric. 2: 24.

Gates, R.N., L.T. Roland, W.E. Wyatt, F.G. Hembry and J.H. Bailie. 1989. Dose-response relationship of tetronasin administered to grazing steers. J. Anim. Sci. 67: 3419.

Morrison, D.G., W.E. Wyatt, J.I. Feazel, J.P. Blanchard and R.A. Harpel. 1988. Time AI in beef cows. The Louisiana Cattleman 21(12):14.

Byford, R.L., T.C. Sparks, B.B. Greene, W.E. Wyatt and J.W. Knox. 1988. Organophosphorus insecticides for the control of pyrethroid resistant horn flies, HaematobiaIrritans (L.) (Diptera:Muscidae). J. Econ. Entomology. 81(6): 1562.

Morrison, D.G., W.E. Wyatt, J.I. Feazel, J.P. Blanchard and R.A. Harpel. 1988. Synchronization postpartum beef cows. Louisiana Agric. 31(4):10.

Wyatt, W.E., R.N. Gates, H.P. Viator, J.P. Blanchard, R.A. Harpel and K.R. Broussard. 1988. Ryegrass production and use for stocker beef. Louisiana Agric. 31(4):6.

Wyatt, W.E., R.N. Gates, H.P. Viator, J.P. Blanchard, R.A. Harpel and K.R. Broussard. 1988. Planting methods and stocking rates for annual ryegrass stocker production. The Louisiana Cattleman 21(11):7.

Wyatt, W.E., G.M. Hill, J.P. Blanchard and R.A. Harpel. 1987. Iberia Research Station: [IN] Year-round production of slaughter beef using optimum levels of forages. (Edited by C.P. Bagley). Louisiana Agric. Exp. Sta. Bull. 781.

Wyatt, W.E. and D.E. Franke. 1986. Estimation of direct and maternal additive and heterotic effects for cattle breeds represented in the southern region. Southern Cooperative Series Bull. No. 310.

Bagley, C.P., G.M. Hill, J.W. Knox, D.F. Coombs, W.M. Oliver, A.F. Loyacano, K.W. McMillin, W.M. Oliver, A.M. Saxton and W.E. Wyatt. 1985. Using forages to produce stocker and finished beef year-round. Louisiana Agric. 29(1):17.

Bagley, C.P., G.M. Hill, J.W. Knox, D.F. Coombs, W.M. Oliver, A.F. Loyacano, K.W. McMillin, W.M. Oliver, A.M. Saxton and W.E. Wyatt. 1985. Using forages to produce stocker and finished beef year-round. Louisiana Agric. 29(1):17.

Wyatt, W.E., G.M. Hill, J.P. Blanchard and R.A. Harpel. 1984. Year around production of slaughter beef using optimum levels of forage - project overview. Louisiana Agric. Exp. Sta. Livest. Producers Day Rep. 25:9.

  • 1984-present Iberia Research Station, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center
    • Professor (2003-present)
    • Associate Professor (1989-2002)
    • Assistant Professor (1984-1989)
  • 1981-1983 Animal Science Department, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center
    • Postdoctoral Associate (1981-1983)
  • 1976-1980 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

  • Graduate Research Assistant (1979-1980)
  • Graduate Teaching Assistant (1978-1979)
  • Graduate Research Assistant (1976-1978)

Professional Organizations

  • American Society of Animal Science
  • American Forage and Grassland Council
  • American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists

    • 1976 B.S. Agriculture, University of Tennessee--Martin.
    • 1979 M.S. Animal Science (Animal Breeding and Genetics), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.
    • 1981 Ph.D. Animal Science (Animal Breeding and Genetics), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

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