Jr Harrison

Harrison, Jr, Robert W
Address 1


Teaching Merit Honor Roll, Teaching Award for Meritorious Teaching Efforts in the College of Agriculture, Presented by The Honor Society of Agriculture, Gamma Sigma Delta. 2011.

Teaching Merit Honor Roll, Teaching Award for Meritorious Teaching Efforts in the College of Agriculture, Presented by The Honor Society of Agriculture, Gamma Sigma Delta. 2010.

Distinguished Professional Contribution Award, Southern Agricultural Economics Association. 2007

LSU Tiger Athletic Foundation Undergraduate Teaching Award - Outstanding Teacher in the College of Agriculture. 2005.

Teaching Merit Honor Roll, Teaching Award for Meritorious Teaching Efforts in the College of Agriculture, Presented by The Honor Society of Agriculture, Gamma Sigma Delta. 2006.

Teaching Merit Honor Roll, Teaching Award for Meritorious Teaching Efforts in the College of Agriculture, Presented by The Honor Society of Agriculture, Gamma Sigma Delta. 2001.

Special Recognition for Service to the Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Graduate Student Association, Presented by the Graduate Student Association. 1999.

Teaching Merit Honor Roll, Teaching Award for Meritorious Teaching Efforts in the College of Agriculture, Presented by The Honor Society of Agriculture, Gamma Sigma Delta. 1998.

Teaching Merit Honor Roll, Teaching Award for Meritorious Teaching Efforts in the College of Agriculture, Presented by The Honor Society of Agriculture, Gamma Sigma Delta. 1997.

Food Distribution Research Society’s Presidential Award for Excellence in Research and Communication for Outstanding Published Journal Article Journal of Food Distribution Research. 1999.

Special Recognition Award as Chair of the Coordination Committee for Agribusiness Research Emphasizing Competitiveness (WCC-72). 1999.

Member, Gamma Sigma Delta, The Honor Society of Agriculture. 1988 - present.


“Profitability for Small Beef Producers through Sustainable Forage Systems and Value Added Forage Fed Beef.” USDA NRI, Agricultural Prosperity for Small and Medium-sized Farms program. Award: $500,000. Project period: 2-01-11 to 1-31-15. Co-PI with Guillermo Scaglia, Kenneth W. McMillin and Jeffrey W Gillespie.

“Enhanced economic benefits for meat goat producers through production, meat yield and palatability, and consumer information.” USDA NRI Agricultural Prosperity for Small and Medium-sized Farms program. Award: $498,232. Project period: 2-01-10 to 1-31-13. Co-PI with Kenneth W. McMillin and Jeffrey W Gillespie.

“Biofuels and the Southeastern United States: An Overview of Production, Consumption and
Transportaion needs in the Southeastern United States.” Louisiana Transportation Research Center. Award: $13,745. Project period: 6-01-2009 to 9-30-2009. Co-PI with Roger Hinson, Louisiana State University.

“Continuous Tracking and Analysis of Consumer Confidence in the Food Supply Chain.” National Center for Food Protection and Defense, Department of Homeland Security, University of Minnesota. Award: $420,992. Project period: 9-01-07 to 7-01-10. Co-PI with Jean Kinsey, University of Minnesota.

“Analysis of Market Potential and Willingness-to-Pay for Aquatic Species Cryopreservation.” USDA Special Grant Program. Award: $27,500. Project period: 08-01-2003 to 09-30-2005. Co-PI with Terrence R. Tiersch, LSU AgCenter, Aquaculture Research Station.

“Development of Aquaculture Web-Profiles for AgMRC.” Iowa State University. Award: $20,000: Project period: 6-01-03 to 8-31-03. Co-PI with Greg Lutz and Robert Romaire, LSU AgCenter, Aquaculture Research Station.

“Graduate Fellowships in Agricultural Economics.” Louisiana Board of Regents Support Fund. Award: $100,000: 8-01-2002 to 7-31-2006. Co-PI with Richard .F. Kazmierczak, Jeffery M. Gillespie, and P. Lynn Kennedy, Louisiana State University AgCenter.

“Irradiated Ground Beef: The Adoption Decision by Supermarkets and Grocery Stores.” USDA-CREES, NRI Competitive Grant Program. Award: $110,000: Project period 10-01 2000 to 6-30-2005. Co-PI with E.C. Jaenicke, Pennsylvania State University, Kim L. Jensen, University of Tennessee and Paul Jakus, Utah State University.

“In-Store Testing of Value-Added Food Products Derived from Undersized Crawfish.” USDA Special Grant Program. Award:$11,000. Project period: 10-01-2001 to 10-31-2002. Co-PI with. Wittoon Prinyawiwatkul, Louisiana State University, Dept. of Food Science.

“Optimization and Characterization of Sensory Qualities of a Prototype Nugget Product Derived from Undersized Crawfish.” USDA Special Grant Program. Award $10,000. Project period: 6-01-1998 to 3-31-1999. Co-PI with Witoon Prinyawiwatkul and Sandeep Kumar Rout, Louisiana State University, Dept. of Food Science.

“Development and Test Marketing of Prototype Value-Added Food Products Derived from Undersized Crawfish.” USDA Special Grant Program. Award: $19,000. Project period: 3-01-1997 to 12-31-1998. Co-PI with Drs. Witoon Prinyawiwatkul and Samuel P. Meyers, Louisiana State University, Dept. of Food Science.

“Size Distribution of Shrimp Processing Firms in the Southeast Region of the United States: An Application of the Markov Process.” NOAA Grant No. NA46RG0096. Award: $4,515. Project period: 12-01-1997 to 12-31-1998. Co-PI with Walter Keithly, Louisiana State University Sea Grant, Dept. of Coastal Fisheries.

“Study of the Niche Market Potential for Mince-Meat Products Derived from Undersized Crawfish.” Louisiana Crawfish Promotion Board. Award: $10,000. Project period: 1-01-1996 to 12-31-1997. Co-PI with Samuel P. Meyers, Louisiana State University, Dept. of Food Science.

“Analysis of the Economic Feasibility and Market Potential for Value-Added Processing of Undersized Crawfish into Edible Food Products.” USDA Special Grant Program. Award: $20,000. Project period: 3-01-1996 to 12-31-1997. Co-PI with Samuel P. Meyers, Louisiana State University, Dept. of Food Science, and P. Lynn Kennedy, LSU.

Peer Reviewed Publications

Kinsey, Jean, R. Wes Harrison, Dennis Degeneffe, Gustavo Ferreira, and Sakiko Shiratori. 2009. “Index of Consumer Confidence in the Safety of the Food System.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 91(5):1470-1476.

Harrison, R. Wes. 2009. “The Food Versus Fuel Debate: Implications for Consumers.” Journal of Agriculture and Applied Economics 41(2):493-500.

Jae-Hwan Han and R. Wes Harrison. 2007. "Factors Influencing Urban Consumers’ Acceptance of Genetically Modified Foods." Review of Agricultural Economics 29(4):700-719.

Jae-Hwan Han and R.Wes Harrison. 2006. "U.S. Consumer Acceptance of Genetically Modified (GM) Meat Products: Its Potential Ramification for the Korean GM Food Market." Korean Journal of Agricultural Economics 47(3):67-91.

Jae-Hwan Han and R. Wes Harrison. 2006. "U.S. Consumer Labeling Preferences and Purchasing Behavior of Biotech Foods from Crops: An Implication for the Korean Biotech Food Market.” Korean Journal of Agricultural Management and Policy 33(3):599-617.

Jaenicke, Edward C., R.Wes Harrison, Kimbery L. Jensen, and Paul M. Jakus. 2006. “Follow the Leader? Adoption Behavior in Food Retailers' Decision to Offer Fresh Irradiated Ground Beef." Agribusiness: An International Journal 22(4):547-568.

Harrison, R. Wes, Jeffery Gillespie, and Deacue Fields. 2005. “Analysis of Cardinal and Ordinal Assumptions in Conjoint Analysis.” Agricultural and Resource Economic Review 34(2):1-14.

Harrison, R. Wes, and Jae-Hwan Han. 2005. “The Effects of Urban Consumer Perceptions on Attitudes for Labeling Genetically Modified Foods.” Journal of Food Distribution Research 36(2):29-38.

Harrison, R. Wes, Stefano Boccaletti, and Lisa House. 2004. “Comparison of the Risk Perceptions of Italian and United States Consumers for GMO Foods.” AgBioForum: TheJournal of Agrobiotechnology Management and Economics 7(4):1-7.

Harrison, R. Wes and Pramod Sambidi. 2004. “A Conjoint Analysis of the U.S. Broiler Complex Location Decision.” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 36(3):639-655.

Harrison, R. Wes and Everald McClennon. 2004. “Analysis of Consumer Preferences for Biotech Labeling Formats.” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 36(1):159-171.

Sambidi, Pramod, R. Wes Harrison, and James Farr. 2004. “A Conjoint Analysis of Site-Selection for U.S. Broiler Industry: Implications for Louisiana.” Louisiana State University Agricultural Experiment Station Research Bulletin No. 882, August.

Harrison, R. Wes, Timothy Stringer, and Witoon Prinyawiwatkul. 2002. “An Analysis of Consumer Preferences for Value-Added Seafood Products Derived from Crawfish.” Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 31(2):157-170.

Harrison, R. Wes, T. Stringer, and Witoon Prinyawiwatkul. 2001. “Evaluating Consumer Preferences for Aquacultural Products: An Application to the U.S. Crawfish Industry.” Aquaculture Economics and Management 5(5):337-349.

Harrison, R. Wes, A. Özayan, and S.P. Meyers.1998. “A Conjoint Analysis of New Food Products Processed from Underutilized Small Crawfish.” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 30(2):257-265.

Harrison, R. Wes. 1998. “Stochastic Dominance Analysis of Futures and Option Strategies for Hedging Feeder Cattle.” Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 28(2):270-280.

Kennedy, P. Lynn., R. Wes Harrison, and Mario A. Piedras. 1998. “Analyzing Agribusiness
Competitiveness: The Case of the United States Sugar Industry.” The International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 1(2):245-257.

Hinson, Roger A., R. Wes Harrison, and Linda Andrews. 1998. “Impact of Socio-Economic Characteristics on Attitudes Toward Food Irradiation.” Journal of Food Distribution Research 29(3):26-34.

Hinson, Roger A., R. Wes Harrison, David Deephouse, and Barbara Minsky. 1998. “The Green
Company: A Case of Labor Management and Employee Empowerment in a Small Business.” The International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 1(2):287-299.

Özayan, Alyn, R. Wes Harrison, and Samuel P. Meyers. 1998. “A Market Analysis of New Food Products Derived from Louisiana’s Undersized Crawfish.” Louisiana State University Agricultural Experiment Station Research Bulletin No. 864, June.

Harrison, R. Wes. 1997. “The Effects of Weather and Output Price Risk on the Economic Returns of Backgrounding Feeder Cattle.” Journal of Agribusiness 15(2):199-214.

Kennedy, P. Lynn, R. Wes Harrison, Nicholas G. Kalaitzandonakes, H.Christopher Peterson, and Ronald P. Rindfuss. 1997. “Perspectives on Evaluating Competitiveness in Agribusiness Industries.” Agribusiness: An International Journal 13(4):385-392.

Harrison, R. Wes and P. Lynn Kennedy. 1997. “A Neo-classical Economic and Strategic Management Approach to Evaluating Global Agribusiness Competitiveness.” Competitiveness Review: An International Business Journal 7(1):14-25.

Harrison, R. Wes., Barry Bobst, Fred Benson, and Lee Meyer. 1996. “Analysis of the Risk Management Properties of Grazing Contracts Versus Futures and Option Contracts.” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 28(2):247-262.

Harrison, R. Wes and P. Lynn Kennedy. 1996. “A Framework for Implementing Agribusiness Internship Programs.” Agribusiness: An International Journal 12(6):561-568.

Kennedy, P. Lynn and R. Wes. Harrison. 1996. “International Internships in Agribusiness Curricula:A Proposal for Implementation.” Journal of Agribusiness 14(2):173-182.

Hughes, D. W. and R. Wes Harrison. 1995. “A Comparison of the Size and Location of Agribusiness Industries for Louisiana and Its Parishes: 1982-1992.” Louisiana State University Agricultural Experiment Station Research Bulletin No. 849, October.

Book Chapters

Boever, B. P., R. W. Harrison and T. R. Tiersch. 2011. Willingness-to-Pay for Specific Genetic Improvements for Aquaculture Species. In: Cryopreservation in Aquatic Species, 2nd Edition. T. R. Tiersch and C. C. Green, editors. World Aquaculture Society, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Pp. 917-930.

Articles in Popular Press

Harrison, R. Wes, Alvin R. Schupp, and Jeffery M. Gillespie. 2002. “A Multidisciplinary Approach to New Product Development.” Louisiana Agriculture 45(4):18-19.

Prinyawiwatkul, W. V. Suvanich, R.W. Harrison, J.M. King, S. Sathivel, K. Pacheco, S.K. Rout, K. Nadarajah, and S. Sonti. 2002. “Value-added from Crawfish and Catfish.”Louisiana Agriculture 45(4):20-21.

Prinyawiwatkul, Witoon and R. Wes Harrison.1999. “Value Addition to Louisiana Underutilized
Undersized Crawfish: A Research Note." Louisiana Agriculture 42(4):29.

Whitley, Daniel B., R. Wes Harrison, Roger Hinson, and Linda Andrews. 1998. “Food Safety and the Louisiana Oyster Industry.” Louisiana Rural Economist 60(2):2-5.

Harrison, R. Wes, P. L. Kennedy, and M. A. Piedra. 1998. “Analyzing the Competitiveness of The Louisiana Sugar Industry.” Louisiana Agriculture 41(1):7-9.

Özayan, A., R. Wes Harrison, and S.P. Meyers. 1997. “A Market Survey of New Food Products Derived from Undersized Crawfish.” Louisiana Rural Economist 59(4):5-7.

Fannin, J. M. and R. Wes Harrison. 1996. “Option Contracts as an Alternative Risk Management Tool.” Louisiana Rural Economist 58(3)7-9.

Kennedy, P. L. and R. Wes Harrison. 1996. “Agribusiness Competitiveness: Implications for Louisiana Agriculture.” Louisiana Agriculture 39(1):5-7.

Hughes, D. W. and R. Wes Harrison. 1996. “Measuring and Evaluating the Changing Contribution of Louisiana Agriculture and Agribusiness to Parish Economies.” Louisiana Agriculture 39(1):14-16.

Harrison, R. Wes and David W. Hughes. 1995. "Value-added in Louisiana's Food and Fiber Production and Marketing System.” Louisiana Agriculture 38(1):5-7.

Other Publications

Harrison, R. Wes, Stefano Boccaletti, and Lisa House. "Comparison of the Risk Perceptions of Italian and United States Consumers for GMO Foods." Proceedings of the 14th International Food and Agribusiness Management Association Annual World Food and Agribusiness Symposium and Forum, Montreux, Switzerland, June 12-15, 2004.

Harrison, R. Wes, and Jae-Hwan Han. "The Effects of Risk Perceptions on United States
Consumer Preferences for GMO Labeling." Proceedings of the 14th International Food and Agribusiness Management Association Annual World Food and Agribusiness Symposium and Forum, Montreux, Switzerland, June 12-15, 2004.

Harrison, R. Wes and Everald McClennon. “Analysis of U.S. Consumer Preferences for Biotech Labeling.” Proceedings of the Food and Agribusiness Symposium at the 13th Annual World Food and Agribusiness Forum, Cancun, Mexico, June 21-24, 2003.

Baker, Julie and R. Wes Harrison. "Louisiana Directory of Farmer Cooperatives – 2004." Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness. June 2004.

Velupillai, Laksham, Jonathan Hubchen, R. Wes Harrison, Kenneth McMillin, Micheal Moody, and Brink Seward.”Partnerships for Food Industry Development: Third Semi-Annual Report.” USAID Report. Washington, DC. July 2002.

Velupillai, Laksham, Jonathan Hubchen, R. Wes Harrison, Kenneth McMillin, Micheal Moody, and Brink Seward.”Partnerships for Food Industry Development: Second Semi-Annual Report.” USAID Report. Washington, DC. January 2002.

Velupillai, Laksham, Jonathan Hubchen, R. Wes Harrison, Kenneth McMillin, Micheal Moody, and Brink Seward. “Partnerships for Food Industry Development: Initial Assessment Report - Ukraine and Moldova Meat, Poultry, and Seafood Industries.” USAID Report. Washington, DC. Fall 2001.

Harrison, R. Wes and P. Lynn Kennedy. “Trade, Technology, and Competitiveness: A Comparison of the European Union and the United States Sugar Sectors.” Proceedings of the International Food and Agribusiness Management Association Annual World Congress, Florence, Italy, June 1999.

Kennedy, P. Lynn and R. Wes Harrison. “Developing International Agribusiness Management Skills: The Use of Intern-Partnerships.” Proceedings of the Western Decision Sciences Institute, Twenty-Fifth Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, April 1996.

Harrison, R. Wes. “A Bio-economic Simulation and Generalized Stochastic Dominance
Analysis of Marketing Alternatives for Backgrounding Feeder Cattle” Proceedings of the Southeast Decision Sciences Institute, Twenty-Sixth Annual Meeting, Charleston, SC, February 1996.

Peralta, F. E., R. Wes Harrison, and F. J. Benson. "Using AMOC to Estimate the Machinery
Costs of Alternate Tillage Practices.” Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computers in Agricultural Extension Programs, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Services, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, January 1992.

Benson, F. J., R. Wes Harrison, B.F. Parker, and M. R. Lindley. "An Economic Comparison of
Solar and LP Gas Forage Drying System.” Proceedings of the 47th Southern Pasture and Forage Crop Improvement Conference, USDA, Agricultural Research Service, ARS-105, Chicago, IL, September 1991.

Harrison, R. Wes, F. Peralta, and F. Benson. "Whole Farm Linear Programming - From
Mainframe to PC.” Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computers in Agricultural Extension Programs, Volume 2. Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Services, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, February 1990.

Bobst, Barry, and R. Wes Harrison. "Rational Expectations of Livestock Sector Prices." Department of Agricultural Economics, Staff Paper 267, College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, January 1990.

Bobst, Barry W., and R. Wes Harrison. "Rationally Expected Livestock and Poultry Price
Forecasts and Meat Price Predictions from a Livestock and Meat Sector Model.” Proceedings of the NCR Conference on Applied Commodity Price Analysis, Forecasting, and Market Risk Management, Chicago, IL, April 1990.

Harrison, R. Wes, G. Wells, and J. S. Lytle. "Impact of Price and Nonprice Incentives on
Supplier Selection in the Fresh Produce Industry: A Survey.” Agricultural Economics Report No. 459, South Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, September 1989.

Online Publications

Lutz, G.C., P. Sambidi, and R.W. Harrison. “Alligator Profile.” Ag. Marketing Resource Center. Internet site: http://www.agmrc.org/commodities__products/aquaculture/alligator_profile.cfm (Last accessed August 13, 2009).

Lutz, G.C., P. Sambidi, and R.W. Harrison.. “Crawfish Profile.” Ag. Marketing Resource Center. Internet site: http://www.agmrc.org/commodities__products/aquaculture/crawfish_profile.cfm
(Last accessed August 13, 2009).

Lutz, G.C., P. Sambidi, and R.W. Harrison. “Oysters Profile.” Ag. Marketing Resource Center.
Internet site: http://www.agmrc.org/commodities__products/aquaculture/oyster_profile.cfm (Last accessed August 13, 2009).

Lutz, G.C., P. Sambidi, and R.W. Harrison. “Turtles Profile.” Ag. Marketing Resource Center. Internet site: http://www.agmrc.org/commodities__products/aquaculture/turtle_profile.cfm
(Last accessed August 13, 2009).


Presentations to Industry

“Mid-Level Managers Training Program.” Proposal presented to the President and executive staff of the National Grocers Association (NGA). NGA National Headquarters, Washington DC, May 10, 2011.

“Consumer Attitudes and the Gulf Oil Spill: Evidence from a National Survey.” Louisiana State Seafood Promotion and Marketing Board, Seafood Summit New Orleans, LA, April 18-19, 2011.

“Grocery Integrated Marketing Communications.” Invited speaker at the NGA Retail Manager Advancement Program (R-MAP). University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL. March 23-16, 2010.

“Consumer Confidence in the Safety & Security of the Food Supply.” Invited speaker at the Louisiana Food Processor Conference, Baton Rouge, LA, March 18, 2009.

“Sustainability in the Food Industry Louisiana.” Invited speaker at the Louisiana Food Processor Conference, Baton Rouge, LA, April 3, 2008.
“Disaster Planning for the Louisiana Food Industry.” Organizer and Moderator of focused group discussion at the Louisiana Food Processor Conference, Baton Rouge, LA, April 3, 2008.

“The LSU Undergraduate Agribusiness Program.” Invited speaker at the Louisiana Council of Farmer Cooperatives Annual Meeting, Marksville, LA, February 20, 2008.

“Food Safety Consumer Confidence Tracking.” Invited speaker at the National Grocers Association Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV, February 2, 2008.

"Food Security & Disaster Preparedness: The University Coalition’s Role." Invited speaker at the National Grocers Association Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV, January 31, 2007.

“Organic and Natural Foods: What do we know about the Organic Buyer?” Invited speaker at the National Grocers Association Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV, February 8, 2006.

“Food Glorious Food – How do we Protect it?” Invited Speaker at the National Grocers Association Executive Management Workshop, Indian Wells, CA, October 16, 2006.

“Food Industry Internships: Philosophy & Implementation.” Invited speaker at the National Grocers Association Executive Management Workshop, Albuquerque, NM, September 19, 2005.

"Retail Trends: A Food Processor’s Perspective." Invited speaker at the Louisiana Food Processors Conference, Baton Rouge, LA, February 16-17, 2005.

"Food Processing in Louisiana: An Economist’s Perspective.” Invited speaker at the Louisiana Food Processors Conference, Baton Rouge, LA, March 3-4, 2004.

“Economic Importance of Louisiana’s Food Processing Industry” Louisiana Food Processors Conference, Baton Rouge, LA, March 11-12, 2003.

Presentations at Professional Meetings

Harrison, R. W., D. Degeneffe and J. Kinsey. “Consumer Attitudes and the Gulf Oil Spill.” Louisiana Sea Grant Marine Extension Planning Quarterly Meeting. Baton Rouge, LA, March 14-15, 2011.

Harrison, R. W., D. Degeneffe and J. Kinsey. “Consumer Attitudes and the Gulf Oil Spill: Evidence from Two Surveys.” Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting Annual Meeting, Corpus Christi, TX, Feb. 6-8, 2011.

Harrison, R.W., D. Degeneffe and J. Kinsey. “Consumer Confidence in Food Safety: Evidence from the Gulf Oil Spill.” Invited Speaker at the Food Distribution Research Society Annual Meeting, Destin, FL October 16-20, 2010.

Bonilia, T., and R.W. Harrison. “Analysis of Consumer Preferences Toward 100% Fruit Juice Packages and Labels.” Paper presented at the Food Distribution Research Society Annual Meeting, Destin, FL October 16-20, 2010.

Bharad, A., R.W. Harrison, D. Degeneffe and J. Kinsey. “Analysis of Media Agenda-Setting Effects on Consumer Confidence in the Safety of the U.S. Food System across Consumer Segments.” Paper presented at the Food Distribution Research Society Annual Meeting, Destin, FL October 16-20, 2010.

Ferreira G., P. Garcia, R. W. Harrison, J. Kinsey, and D. Degeneffe. “The Effects of Consumer Confidence in Food Safety and Media Coverage on Food Industry Stock Prices.” Presented at the 2010 Agricultural and Applied Economics Annual Meeting, Denver CO, July 24-27, 2010.

Bharad, A.B., R.W. Harrison, J. Kinsey, D. Degeneffe, and G. Ferreira. “Analysis of Media Agenda-Setting Effects on Consumer Confidence in the Safety of the U.S. Food System.” Paper presented at the 2010 Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL, February 7-9, 2010.

Harrison R. Wes, and Roger Hinson. “Alternative Fuels - Transportation and Rural Development” Paper presented at the Freight in the Southeast Conference. Memphis, TN, January 25-27, 2010.

Kinsey, Jean, R.Wes Harrison, Dennis Degeneffe, Gustavo Ferreira and Sakiko Shiratori. “Index of Consumer Confidence in the Safety of the Food System.” Invited paper presented at the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Annual Meeting, Milwaukie, IL, July 26-29, 2009.

Harrison, R.Wes, Jean Kinsey, Gustavo Ferreira, Dennis Degeneffe. “Methodologies for Constructing Media Tracking Indices for Food Safety and Defense Events.” Paper presented at Agribusiness Economics and Management Track Session titled “ Information Effects on Consumer Food Choices: Implications for Food Industry Managers and Public Policy.” Agricultural and Applied Economics Annual Meeting, Milwaukie, WI, July 26-28, 2009

Harrison, R.Wes “The Food Versus Fuel Debate: Implications for Consumers.” Invited paper presented at the Southern Association of Agricultural Economics, Atlanta, GA, February 2-4, 2009.

Westra, JohnV., Roger Hinson, Carl Motsenbocker and R.Wes Harrison. “Integrating Production And Marketing of Asian Vegetables: A Case Study of A Central American Firm’s Strategy to Export into the North American Market.” International Food and Agribusiness Management Association Annual Conference, Monterey, CA, June16, 2008.

Han, Jae-Hwan and R.Wes Harrison. “Consumer Valuation of the Second Generation of Genetically Modified Foods with Benefits Disclosure.” Selected Paper at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, February 4-8, 2006.

Sambidi Pramod R , and R. Wes Harrison. “Spatial Dependency of Geographically Concentrated U.S. Broiler Industry”. Selected Paper presented at the American Agricultural Economics Association, Providence, RI, July 24-27, 2005.

Edward C. Jaenicke, R. Wes Harrison, Kimberly L. Jensen, and Paul M. Jakus. “Follow the Leader: Follower Behavior in Food Retailers’ Decision to Offer Fresh Irradiated Ground Beef.” Selected Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Economics Association, Providence, RI, July 24-27, 2005.

Harrison, R. Wes, Stefano Boccaletti and Lisa House. “Comparison of the Risk Perceptions of Italian and United States Consumers for GMO Foods”. Contributed paper presented at the Food and Agribusiness Symposium at the 14th Annual World Food and Agribusiness Forum, Montreux, Switzerland, June 12-15, 2004.

Harrison, R. Wes, and Jae-Hwan Han. “The Effects of Risk Perceptions on United States Consumer Preferences for GMO Labeling.” Contributed paper presented at the Food and Agribusiness Symposium at the 14th Annual World Food and Agribusiness Forum, Montreux, Switzerland, June 12-15, 2004.

Harrison, R. Wes. "Biotechnology Impacts on Rice Production and Consumption." Organized symposium presenter at Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Tulsa, OK, February 15-18, 2004.

Han, Jae Hwan, and R. Wes Harrison. “The Effects of Risk Perceptions on Consumer Preferences for Biotech Labeling.” Paper presented at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Tulsa, OK, February 15-18, 2004.

Harrison, R. Wes, and Everald McClennon. “Analysis of U.S. Consumer Preferences for Biotech Labeling.” Contributed paper presented at the Food and Agribusiness Symposium at the 13th Annual World Food and Agribusiness Forum, Cancun, Mexico, June 21-24, 2003.

Sambidi Pramod R., and R. Wes Harrison. “Analysis of Site-Specific Determinants of Location Decisions for the U.S. Poultry Industry.” Paper Presented at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Mobile, AL, February 2-5, 2003.

Mclennon, Everald A., and R. Wes Harrison. “Analysis of Food Labels for Agricultural Biotechnology.” Paper presented at the Southern Economics Association Annual Meeting, Mobile, AL, February 2-5, 2003.

Harrison, R. Wes, and K. Guidry. “Stochastic Dominance Analysis of Hedge-to-Arrive Hedging Strategies for Soybean Producers in the Southern United States.” Paper presented at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, February 2002.

Harrison, R. Wes and Jeffrey Gillespie. “Theoretical and Empirical Considerations of Eliciting
Preferences and Model Estimation in Conjoint Analysis”. Selected Paper presented at the American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, August 2001.

Harrison R. Wes. “Evaluating Consumer Preferences for Aquaculture Products: An Application
to the U.S. Crawfish Industry”. Invited Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the World Aquaculture Society, Orlando, FL, January 2001.

Hamady Diop, R. Wes Harrison, and Walter R. Keithly. “Non-Stationary Markov Process
Analysis of the Size Distribution of Shrimp Processing Firms in the Southeastern United States.” Selected paper presented at the 10th Annual Meeting of the International Institute for Fisheries Economics and Trade, Corvallis, OR, July 2000.

Hamady Diop, R. Wes Harrison, and Walter R. Keithly. “Increasing Imports and the Size
Distribution of Shrimp Processing Firms in the Southeastern United States.” Selected Paper 27th Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Society of Economists, San Antonio, TX, March 2000.

Harrison, R. Wes, T. Stringer, and W. Prinyawiwatkul. “Analysis of Consumer Preferences for
Value-Added Seafood Products Derived from Crawfish”. Selected paper at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Lexington, KY, February 2000.

Diop, Hamady, R. Wes Harrison, and Walter R. Keithly. “Impact of Increasing Imports on the United States Southeastern Region Shrimp Processing Industry 1973-1996." Selected paper presented at the American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, August 1999.

Kennedy P.Lynn, and R. Wes Harrison. “Competitiveness in the World Sugar Industry: A
Comparison of the EU and U.S. Sugar Sectors.” Selected paper presented at the American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, August 1999.

Harrison, R. Wes and P. Lynn Kennedy. “Trade, Technology, and Competitiveness: A Comparison of the European Union and the United States Sugar Sectors.” Selected paper presented at the International Food and Agribusiness Management Association Annual World Congress, Florence, Italy, June 1999.

Pacheco, Kathy, Prinyawiwatkul, Witoon, Sereda, V. L., Suvanich, V., and R. Wes Harrison.
“Use of Discriminate Analysis for Predicting Consumer Sensory Acceptability and Purchase Intent.” Paper Presented at the Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, June 1999.

Harrison, R. Wes. “What’s Wrong with Open Markets and Vertical Ownership?” Organized
Symposium presentation at the American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting., Salt Lake City UT, August, 1998.

Hamady, Diop, R. Wes Harrison, and Walter R. Keithly. “Performance of Shrimp Processing
Plants in the Southeastern Region of the United States.” Selected paper at the Ninth Int. Conference of the Int. Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade, Tromsö, Norway, July 1998.

Whitley, Daniel B., R. Wes Harrison, Roger Hinson, and Linda Andrews. “Food Safety and the
Louisiana Oyster Industry.” Poster presented at the NE-165 Regional Project Conference on the Economics of HACCP, Washington, DC, June 1998.

Özayan, Aylin, R. Wes Harrison, and Samuel P. Meyers. “New Food Products Derived from
Crawfish: A Survey of Seafood Restaurants in the Southern Region.” Paper presented at the Food Distribution Research Society Annual Meeting, Clearwater Beach, FL, October 1997.

Harrison, R. Wes. “Stochastic Dominance Analysis of Futures and Option Strategies for
Hedging Feeder Cattle.” Selected paper presented at the American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, August 1997.

Özayan, A., R. Wes Harrison, and Samuel P. Meyers. “A Conjoint Analysis of Food Products
Made From Undersized Southern Crawfish.” Selected paper presented at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Birmingham, AL, February 1997.

Özayan, A., R. Wes Harrison, and Samuel P. Meyers. “A Market Analysis of Minced Meat Products Made from Undersized Crawfish.” Paper presentation at the Food Distribution Research Society’s Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, October 1996.

Harrison, R. Wes and P. L. Kennedy. “Evaluating Competitiveness in Agribusiness Industries.”
Co-organizer and presenter at the International Food and Agribusiness Management Association World Congress VI, Cancun, Mexico, May 1996.

Harrison, R. Wes. “A Bio-economic Simulation and Generalized Stochastic Dominance
Analysis of Marketing Alternatives for Backgrounding Feeder Cattle.” Paper presented at the Southeast Decision Sciences Institute Twenty-Sixth Annual Meeting, Charleston, SC, February 1996.

Kennedy, P. L. and R. Wes Harrison. “A Framework for Evaluating Agricultural
Competitiveness.” Paper presented at the Fall Meeting of Regional Project S-256: An Evaluation of International Markets for Southern Commodities, Memphis, TN, November 1995.

Harrison, R. Wes and P. L. Kennedy. “A Neo-classical Economic and Strategic Management
Approach to Evaluating Global Agribusiness Competitiveness.” Paper presented at the American Society for Competitiveness Annual Conference, Dallas, TX, October 1995.

Kennedy, P. L., R. Wes Harrison, and M. Piedra. “Evaluating the Competitiveness of United
States Food Processing Industries in Latin America.” Paper presented at the Food Distribution Research Society Annual Meeting, Myrtle Beach, SC, October 1995.

Hughes, D. W. and R. Wes Harrison. “The Changing Contribution of the Food and Fiber
Marketing System to the Louisiana Economy.” Paper presented at the Food Distribution Research Society Annual Meeting, Myrtle Beach, SC, October 1995.

Harrison, R .Wes. “Using Bio-economic Stochastic Simulation to Analyze Marketing
Alternatives for Selected Feeder Cattle Backgrounding Systems.” Poster presented at the American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, August 1995.

Harrison, R. Wes, B. W. Bobst, F. Benson, and L. Meyer. "Risk Shifting Efficiency of Grazing
Contracts Versus Futures and Option Contracts.” Paper presentation at the Southern Agricultural Economic Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, February 1995.
Harrison, R. Wes and P. L. Kennedy. “Evaluating and Measuring Agribusiness
Competitiveness.” Poster presented at WCC-72 Coordinating Committee on Research Emphasizing Agribusiness Competitiveness Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, June 1995.

Harrison, R. Wes, F. Peralta, and F. Benson. "Whole Farm Linear Programming On A
Personal Computer: An Application for the Cooperative Extension Service.” Poster presented at the Southern Agricultural Economic Association Annual Meeting, Lexington, KY, February 1992.

Parker, B.F., M.R. Lindley, F.J. Benson, and R. Wes Harrison. "Assessment of Solar Energy
Potential in Agriculture.” Paper presented at the International Winter Meeting for the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, Chicago, IL, December 1990.

Bobst, B. W., and R. Wes Harrison. "Rational Expectations of Livestock Sector Prices.” Paper
presented at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Little Rock, AK, February 1990.

Bobst, B. W., and R. Wes Harrison. "Rationally Expected Livestock and Poultry Price Forecasts
and Meat Price Predictions from a Livestock and Meat Sector Model.” Paper presented at the NCR 134 Conference on Applied Commodity Price Analysis, Forecasting, and Market Risk Management, Chicago, IL, April 1990.

International Seminars

Harrison, R. Wes. “Food Product Marketing”. Organizer and Presenter. Sponsored by the Moldovan National Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine (INZMV). Chisinau, Moldova, June 17-18, 2002.

Harrison, R. Wes. “Overview of the U.S. Poultry Industry”. Organizer and Presenter. Sponsored by the Ukranian Poultry Association. Kiev, Ukraine, June 13, 2002.

Professional Meetings, Symposia, Workshops, and Conferences on Teaching

Harrison, R. Wes. “Agribusiness Marketing Class Project: A Real World Experience.” Organized Symposium presentation at American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Tampa, Florida, August 2000.

Harrison, R. Wes. “Louisiana State University’s Undergraduate Agribusiness Internship Program.” Organized Symposium presentation at the American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Salt Lake, City UT, August 1998.

Harrison, R. Wes. “Louisiana State University’s Undergraduate Agribusiness Internship Program.” Organized Symposium presentation at the 1998 Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Little Rock, AK, February 1998.

Harrison, R. Wes. “Use of Oral Presentations in the Classroom.” Presentation at the WCC-72
Coordinating Committee on Research Emphasizing Agribusiness Competitiveness Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, June 1997.

Harrison, R. Wes. “Internships in Agribusiness Curricula: Issues for Discussion.” Selected
poster presented at the WCC-72 Coordinating Committee on Research Emphasizing Agribusiness Competitiveness Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, June 1997.

Kennedy, P. Lynn and R. Wes Harrison. “Developing International Agribusiness Management Skills: The Use of Intern-Partnerships.” Paper presented at the Western Decision Sciences Institute Twenty-Fifth Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, April 1996.

Harrison, R.Wes and P. L. Kennedy. “Implementing Internships in Agribusiness Curricula.”
Selected paper presented at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Greensboro, NC, February 1996.

Warner L. Bruner Regents Professor, Food Marketing and Agribusiness, 60/40 T/R , Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. 2006 – present.

Associate Professor, Food Marketing and Agribusiness, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. 2000 – 2006.

Associate Professor, Agribusiness Management, Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee. 1999 - 2000.

Assistant Professor, Food Marketing and Agribusiness, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. 1994 - 1999.

Instructor, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky. 1992 - 1993.

Research Assistant, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky. 1988 - 1993.

Research Assistant, Department of Agricultural Economics, Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina. 1986 - 1987.


Lead Economist on USAID project titled: “Partnerships for Food Industry Development for Meat, Seafood and Poultry: Developing Awareness, Support Systems, Networks and Best Practices for the Food Industry (Phase I).” United States Agency for International Development (USAID). 2000 – 2004.

This was a joint project between the Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, the World Food Logistics Organization (WFLO) in Washington DC, the World Laboratory, Ukraine Branch, and Central Agricultural Marketing Information Bureau (CAMIB) in Moldova. The project was designed to develop awareness, support systems, networks and best practices for food safety in the meat, seafood and poultry industries in Ukraine and Moldova. The four-year project, funded at two million dollars, was unique because the start up program was centered in the fore-mentioned two countries while the program’s overall impact targeted a global audience.


Courses Taught

AGEC 1003, Introduction to Agricultural Business, Louisiana State University

Students are exposed to the nature and scope of agribusiness management and apply its principles to selected agribusiness problems. Students also learn about careers in the agribusiness sector through guest lectures from professionals in the industry.

AGEC 3213, Agribusiness Marketing, Louisiana State University

Students are exposed to the unique problems and issues of marketing food and fiber products. Students also learn to apply marketing principles to real-world problems by way of a group assignment that walks them through the formulation of a strategic marketing plan for a local agribusiness firm.

AGEC 7203, Advanced Agricultural Marketing Theory, Louisiana State University

Students are exposed to basic and applied analytical procedures in marketing research, emphasizing quantitative methods and firm theory applied to marketing.

AGEC 4413, Agricultural Commodity Exchanges and Futures Trading, Louisiana State University

Functions, institutions, economic performance, and procedures involved in utilizing futures trading to minimize marketing risks in producing, processing, storing, buying, selling, and financing agricultural commodities are explored.

AGEC 412, Agricultural Finance, University of Tennessee

Macro-finance, financial objectives, acquisition of debt and equity funds, capital investments, capital allocation, debt repayment, credit analysis, borrower and lender loan application analysis, insurance strategies, computer applications, kinds and sources of agricultural credit, and financial intermediation.

AGEC 442, Agribusiness Management, University of Tennessee

Integration of economic, management, finance, and marketing concepts for the successful planning and implementation of agricultural business decisions. Emphasis is placed on using case studies to evaluate strategic planning, financial management, and marketing management decisions in an agribusiness setting.

AGEC 3003, Economic Analysis in Agricultural Business, Louisiana State University

Applications of graphical, mathematical, and computer-based microeconomic analysis to problems in the production and marketing of food and agricultural products.

AGEC 4203, Intermediate Food And Fiber Products Marketing, Louisiana State University

Industrial organization analysis applied to the food and fiber system; emphasis on structural problems and their control by competition, resource valuations.

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky.
Doctor of Philosophy, Agricultural Economics, 1994.

Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina.
Master of Science, Agricultural Economics, 1988.

University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida.
Bachelor of Science, Business Administration, Marketing Major, 1982.

Central Florida Community College, Ocala, Florida.
Associate of Arts, 1979.

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