Tri Setiyono

Tri Setiyono.
Title Assistant Professor
Department School of Plant, Environmental and Soil Sciences
Address 1 104 Sturgis Hall
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Phone 225-578-3135
Fax 225-578-1403

PhD, Agronomy, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2007

MS, Agronomy, Kansas State University, 2003

BS, Agronomy, Bogor Agricultural University, 1998

2021 – present. Assistant Professor. School of Plant, Environmental, and Soil Sciences (SPESS), Louisiana State University (LSU), Baton Rouge, LA, USA

2011 – 2021. Scientist. Sustainable Impact Platform, International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Los Baños, Philippines

2007 – 2011. Postdoctoral Research Associate. Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL), Lincoln, NE, USA

  • Precision agriculture for sustainable crop production
    • Remote sensing and Artificial Intelligent (AI) applications to enhance row crop production resiliency against climate change pressure and other emerging constraints
  • Geographic Information System (GIS) applications for agronomic research and extension
  • Agricultural modeling

Lee, J.S., Chabatarov, D., McNally, K., Pede, V., Setiyono, T.D. , Raquid, R., Hyun, W.J., Jeung, J.U., Kohli, A., Mo, Y. 2021. Novel sources of pre-harvest sprouting resistance for Japonica rice improvement. Plants, 20(8), 1709,

Hellin, J., Balie, J., Fisher, E., Kohli, A., Melanie, C., Yadav, S., Virender, K., Krupnik, T., Sander, B.O., Cobb, J., Nelson, K., Setiyono, T., Ranjitha, P., Chivenga, P., Martin, G. 2020. Trans-disciplinary response to climate change: Lesson from rice-based systems in Asia. Climate. 8, 35. doi:10.3390/cli8020035

Setiyono, T.D., Quicho, E.D., Holecz, F.H., Khan, N.I., Romuga, G., Maunahan, A., Garcia C., Rala, A., Ravis, J., Collivignarelli, F., Gatti, L., Barbieri, M., Phuong, D.M., Minh, V.Q., Vo, Q.T., Intrman, A., Rakwatin, P., Sothy, M., Veasna, T., Pazhanivelan, S., Mabalay, M.R.O. 2019. Rice yield estimation using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and the ORYZA crop growth model: development and application of the system in South and South-east Asian countries. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 40 (21): 8093-8124. DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2018.1547457

Setiyono, T.D., Quicho, E., Gatti, L., Campos-Taberner, M., Busetto, L., Collivignarelli, F., García-Haro, F. J., 3, Boschetti, M., Khan, N. I., Holecz, F. 2018. Spatial rice yield estimation based on MODIS and Sentinel-1 SAR data and ORYZA crop growth model. Remote Sensing. 10, 293, doi:10.3390/rs10020293

Nelson A., Setiyono T., et al. 2014. Towards an operational SAR-based rice monitoring system in Asia: Examples from 13 demonstration sites across Asia in the RIICE project. Remote Sensing. 6, 1773-10812.

Setiyono, T.D., Yang, H., Walters, D.T., Dobermann, A., Ferguson, R.B., Roberts, D.F., Lyon, D.J., Clay, D.E., Cassman, K.G. 2011. Maize-N: A decision tool for nitrogen management in Maize. Agronomy Journal 103: 1276-1283.

Torrion, J., Setiyono T.D., Cassman, K., Specht, J. 2011. Soybean phenology simulation in the North-Central United States. Agronomy Journal. 103: 1661-1667.

Setiyono, T.D., Cassman, K.G., Specht, J.E., Dobermann, A., Weiss, A., Yang, H., Conley, S.P., Robinson, A.P., Pedersen, P., De Bruin, J.L. 2010a. Simulation of soybean growth and yield in near-optimal growth conditions. Field Crop Research 119:161-174.

Setiyono, T.D., Walters, D.T., Cassman, K.G., Witt, C., Dobermann, A. 2010b. Estimating maize nutrient uptake requirements. Field Crop Research 118:158-168.

Setiyono, T.D., Cassman, K.G., Specht, J.E., Weiss, A., Dobermann, A., Yang, H. 2009. SoySim: A Simulation Model for Soybean Growth and Yield. Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Setiyono, T.D., Weiss, A., Specht, J.E., Cassman, K.G., Dobermann, A., 2008. Leaf area index simulation in soybean grown under near-optimal conditions. Field Crop Reserach 108: 82-92.

Bastidas, A.M., Setiyono, T.D., Dobermann, A., Cassman, K.G., Elmore, R.W., Graef G.L., Specht, J.E. 2008. Soybean Sowing Date: The Vegetative, Reproductive, and Agronomic Impacts. Crop Science 48:727-740.

Setiyono, T.D., Weiss, A., Specht, J., Bastidas, A.M., Cassman, K.G., Dobermann, A., 2007. Understanding and modeling the effect of temperature and daylength on soybean phenology under high-yield conditions. Field Crop Research 100: 257-271.

Specht, J.E., Bastidas, A., Salvagiotti, F., Setiyono, T., Liska, A. J., Dobermann, A., Walters, D.T., Cassman, K.G. 2006. Soybean yield potential and management practices required to achieve it. Fluid Fertilizer Forum, February 13-14, Scottsdale, Arizona.

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