Command Injury to Cheniere Rice

Originally published May 7, 2012

Below are three photographs taken in the same field where Command had been applied with a ground rig. The applicator made one pass on each end to provide a turn around area. Then he started making linear passes from the east side of the field working his way to the west. In the top photograph the clearly damaged area on the right is the first pass. The green area is the east half of the field. The bare area across the top of the picture is the west side of the field. We could not determine if there was some extremely odd mixing problem that caused a light to normal dose to be applied at the beginning then a heavy rate later as more product mixed or if there was some sort of mechanical malfuntion in the spray rig. It does have electronic spray controllers so I suppose it is possible that caused the strange injury pattern. The severly damaged area will have to be replanted. This is the most severe Command injury I have ever seen.

Command injury to rice

Close up of rice seedlings with Command injury

9/5/2019 8:42:28 PM
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