Originally published April 17, 2012
Vermilion Rice Grower, Dwight Hardee of Gueydan is taking part in a field demonstration of the N-Sta*R test. His 15-acre field is divided into three nitrogen treatments based on
University of Arkansas nitrogen soil test recommendations.
Treatment 1: 95% relative yield–65 units of Nitrogen
Treatment 2: 100% relative yield–95 units of Nitrogen
Treatment 3: Standard Farmer Practice–95 units of Nitrogen plus an
additional nitrogen application at green ring
Field history:
–2/9/12: burn down with 1.5 pt 2,4-D, and 1 qt. roundup
–3/7/12: no-til drill planted into bean stubble CL151 at 50 lbs to the acre. Seed was treated with dermacor/cruiser/fungicide/AV1011
-3/26/12: 4.5 qts RiceBeaux, 6 oz command, 9 oz newpath
4/10/12– 6 oz command, 4 oz newpath, 1 oz permit Fertilizer applied
4/11/12–Fertilizer applied
4/15/12–Flood established
(took 4 days to flood)
Urea was treated with N-fix.
All 3 plots received 150 lbs DAP 18-46-0 and 150 lbs of Potassium
Sulfate 0-0-50.
Urea was used to make up the remaining nitrogen required.
(83lbs–95% and 150 lbs–100%)
I will keep you updated on the progress of the plots. We hope to visit
the plots at the Vermilion Rice Field Day scheduled for Thursday, July
5th, 2012. We will keep track of the yields when the plots are
harvested. The plots are just to the west of the Hardee drier on
Burnell Road in Gueydan.
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture