Soybean Insecticide Formulation, Rate and Pre-harvest Intervals

Soybean Insecticide Formulation, Rate and Pre-harvest Interval

Soybean Insecticide Formulation, Rate and Pre-harvest Interval

Originally published August 22, 2012

Beware, generics were not included in the above list, rates and formulations may be different.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact:

Sebe Brown Cell: 318-498-1283 Office: 318-435-2903

Dr. Jeff Davis Cell: 225-747-0351 Office: 225-578-5618

Dr. David Kerns Cell: 318-439-4844 Office: 318-435-2157

Dr. Julien Beuzelin Cell: 337-501-7087 Office: 318-473-6523

9/5/2019 4:09:04 PM
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