Rogers, S. From Field to Plate: Alabama Fruit and Vegetable Production, Marketing, and the Impact of Consumer Demand. PhD Dissertation, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama. 2012.
Hanagriff, R., M. Lau, and S. Rogers. Economic Impact of a State Sponsored Marketing Program: A Case Study of the 2007 GO TEXAN Program. Proceedings of 2008 The College Teaching & Learning (TLC) Conference and Applied Business Research (ABR) Conference Orlando, Florida. January 2-5, 2008.
Hanagriff, R., M. Beverly, M. Lau and S. Rogers. Assessment of a State Marketing Program: A Case Study Using GO TEXAN Marketing Program Evaluation. The Business Review, Cambridge, Vol. 9, No. 1 (December 2007):42-48.
Hanagriff, R., M. Lau and S. Rogers. The Texas Wine Industry: A Descriptive Analysis of 2001 to 2007 Texas Wine Production and Consumption. The Business Review, Cambridge, Vol. 9, No. 1 (December 2007):175-180.
Lau, M., R. Hanagriff and S. Rogers. "Supply Constraints in Texas Wine Grape Production." Poster presentation presented at the American Farm Bureau Federation Annual Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana. January 13-15, 2008.
Hanagriff, R., M. Lau, T. Murphy, and S. Rogers. "Assessment of a State Wine Marketing Program." Proceedings of the Southern Agriculture Association of Research Scientist Poster Session. Mobile, Alabama. February 2007.
Hanagriff, R., T. Murphy and S. Rogers. 2007 Assessment of Square Meals Educational Outreach Materials, Texas Department of Agriculture, Assessment Report 2007.
Hanagriff, R., S. Rogers and L. Cox. 2007 Impact Assessment of GO TEXAN Partner Program (GOTEPP) - Annual and Quarterly Reports for Texas Department of Agriculture, Legislative Report 2007.
Hanagriff, R. S. Rogers and T. Murphy. Assessment of 2007 GO TEXAN Marketing Program and GO TEXAN Events, Texas Department of Agriculture, Legislative Report 2007.
Hanagriff, R. and S. Rogers. Assessment Report for 2006 Texas Yes! Rural Development Workshop Series, Texas Department of Agriculture, Legislative Report December 2006.
Hanagriff, R., T. Murphy and S. Rogers. Impact Assessment of GO TEXAN Partner Program (GOTEPP) - Biennium Report, Texas Department of Agriculture, Legislative Report 2006.
Hanagriff, R., M. Lau and S. Rogers. Impact Assessment of the 2006 GO TEXAN Wine Marketing Assistance Program, Texas Department of Agriculture, Legislative Report 2006.