The Clover Journal, April 2024

The Clover Journal banner. News and highlights for East Carroll Parish 4-H.

In This Issue:

  • Upcoming Events
  • Think 4-H Might be for You
  • Service-learning Focus
  • Join the Junior Leader Club
  • 4-H University
  • Draw a Dairy Billboard Contest
  • 4-H Highlights
  • Beef Poster Contest
  • Twisted X and BOGS Footwear

Upcoming Events

  • 4-H Summer Camp - May 20th-23rd - fees/paperwork due April 19th
  • 4-H U - June 18th-20th - due May 1st
  • Draw a Dairy Billboard - due May 1st
  • Beef Poster Contest - due May 1st

Think 4-H Might be for You?

Here's how to Join the Club:

  • Attend the 4-H Club meeting in your school.
  • Review the 4-H materials given to you.
  • Return the enrollment form to your club leader.
  • Select a 4-H project book.
  • Pay your $5 dues at your school.

Service-learning Focus

Combating Hunger & Poverty in Louisiana is our state and parish service-learning focus for the 2023-2024 year. Opportunities will be offered for you to participate in our statewide focus. Let’s all make a difference in our community and state.

"If we can conquer space, we can conquer childhood hunger."Buzz Aldrin

Join the Junior Leader Club

The 4-H junior leader experience is designed to provide members with the opportunity to learn about the qualities and competencies needed to be a leader. Junior leaders provide assistance with 4-H events and assume more challenging leadership roles. Our Junior Leader program is a great place to experience new things, complete service-learning projects, meet new friends, travel, and learn the leadership skills necessary in the world. Contact the office for more information.

4-H University

4-H members who were 13 years of age before January 1 are eligible to attend 4-H University. 4-H’ers can experience an exciting week on the LSU campus in Baton Rouge. This event will give students the opportunity to compete in contests, explore the LSU campus, and visit academic departments. 4-H U will be held June 18th-20th. The total cost is $95. The deadline to pay is May 1st.

Draw a Dairy Billboard Contest

Contest is open to all 4th-12th grade 4-H members. Draw a billboard that encourages or promotes the consumption of milk and milk products from Dairy Cattle Only and their importance for health.

  • Billboard must be made on 22”x28” regular poster board size only.
  • Do not attach anything to the poster that is more than ½” thick.
  • Do not use the commercial brand names of products on the poster. Do not use jingles, slogans, signs, or pictures that are trademark or copyright protected on the poster.
  • Be sure to print name, address, grade in school and parish on back of the poster in the upper right-hand corner. Please fill out the reporting form completely.
  • A 4-H club member is allowed to win 1st Place in each division only once.
  • Due May 1st

4-H Highlights

A boy holding a white envelope.

Jaylen Hickman won 1st Place in the Valentine's Day Card Contest.

A woman, a man, and two girls standing with a black cow.

Natalie Brown won Grand Champion AOB Non-Brahman at the 2024 LSU AgCenter 4-H/FFA State Livestock Show.

A group of pictures including a woman holding an egg in front of a group of kids, two girls taking eggs out of a carton, and an incubator filled with eggs.

Students at Briarfield Academy learned Incubating Education - Embryology. Morehouse Parish 4-H Agent Denise Guyewski set up an incubator and gave an overview of the embryology project.

A set of pictures including a boy holding a certificate of participation and a boy holding a Lego toy.

Kason Frasier won the 4-H Lego Challenge.

A group of pictures including three girls cutting papers, encouragement notes and a thank you card, and two boys arranging candy to go into gift bags.

GMA 8th grade 4-H Club made gift bags for ECP Sheriff's Department and Lake Providence Police Department in honor of Law Enforcement Appreciation Day.

A set of pictures including a woman reading a book to a group of children and four children looking at a solar system display on a desk.

Southside Elementary's Cloverbuds Dive into the Solar System Adventure. There's No Place Like Space!

Two boys using a ruler to measure one's wrist.

BA 1st grade Cloverbuds compared standard units of measurement with rulers and Legos.

Three girls each holding a library card.

These Junior Leaders visited the ECP Library and obtained knowledge of its fantastic programs for teens and new library cards.

Three boys conducting a demonstration with cooking oil, food coloring, and water.

GMA 6th grade students mastering the art of presentation and public speaking through 4-H Demonstrations in a Bag.

Four teenagers and two children posing with the Easter bunny.

4-H Junior Leaders volunteered at the Easter egg hunt held at the Louisiana State Cotton Museum.

Three children playing with four baby chicks on the floor.

BA 4-H Club's embryology project - all chicks hatched!

Beef Poster Contest

Contest is open to all 4th-12th grade 4-H members. Participants can only win the state level contest one time. May compete in either the poster or digital competition; cannot participate in both divisions in the same year. The theme is Bite into Beef.

  • Posters must be on 22”x28” poster board only.
  • Place your name, address, age, grade in school, and parish on the back, upper right corner of poster.
  • Digital entries must be designed using one of the following programs: Microsoft Publisher, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, or Canva. Digital designs should be formatted for 22”x28” poster size prints. All digital entries must be saved in high-resolution 300 DPI in all of the following: original design file, .png file format, and .pdf file format. Digital designs should be saved to a blank jump drive, placed in a 3 ½x6 blank envelope labeled with name, address, age, grade in school, and parish on the front.
  • Posters and digital designs should generate positive images and promotion of beef (not live cattle production) using the indicated theme. Posters should promote beef without projecting any negative messages towards other agricultural commodities (chicken, pork, etc.)
  • Do not use copyrighted materials. You may develop ideas from magazines, parents, friends, nutrition bulletins, Beef Ambassador Fact Sheets, and meat publications but the end concept should be original and not copied material.
  • No templates may be used in the digital division. All design work must be original and from scratch, just as a poster would be designed.
  • Pictures, clip-art and materials (i.e. cartoon characters, advertisements, logos, etc.) that are copyrighted may not be used on the poster. The poster will be disqualified if copyrighted materials are used.
  • Computer generated clip-art may be used on the poster if it is not copyrighted material.
  • Materials to pull ideas from are also available from your local supermarket, butcher, the American Meat Institute, and National Livestock and Meat Board.
  • Due May 1st

Twisted X and BOGS Celebrate New 4-H Collection

Twisted X footwear proudly supports 4-H youth and their strong commitment to environmental stewardship this April in honor of Earth Day.

BOGS and 4-H have the perfect boots for you, and we are excited to introduce two new styles to the BOGS x 4-H collection!

4/19/2024 7:13:33 PM
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