Here's how to Join the Club:
Combating Hunger & Poverty in Louisiana is our state and parish service-learning focus for the 2023-2024 year. Opportunities will be offered for you to participate in our statewide focus. Let’s all make a difference in our community and state.
"One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well." – Virginia Woolf
The 4-H junior leader experience is designed to provide members with the opportunity to learn about the qualities and competencies needed to be a leader. Junior leaders provide assistance with 4-H events and assume more challenging leadership roles. Our Junior Leader program is a great place to experience new things, complete service-learning projects, meet new friends, travel, and learn the leadership skills necessary in the world. Contact the office for more information.
The main focus of the poster must be an anti-drug message!
4-H is selling sweet, delicious, nutritious Louisiana strawberries for only $23 per flat. Sales will help defray costs of 4-H’ers attending 4-H Summer Camp and 4-H U this summer. Orders/payment are due to the 4-H Office by Wednesday, March 6th. Strawberries will be delivered to the 4-H Office and must be picked up as follows: Thursday, March 14th from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. We will not be responsible for the quality of the strawberries if they are not picked up on the 14th. NO REFUNDS! Make checks payable to East Carroll 4-H.
Briarfield Academy Socks for Seniors
Briarfield Academy students learned about pollination among other things at Ag Alley.
Briarfield Academy's 1st grade Cloverbuds learned about the purpose and importance of bridges using Legos.
Entrepreneur Pitch Contest - Griffin Middle Academy students created business pitches and prototypes and presented them to judges.
4-H Night with the New Orleans Pelicans
The 2023 LBIC Beef Poster Contest theme is “Beef: A Sustainable Choice.”
I. 4th, 5th, and 6th grades
II. 7th and 8th grades
III. 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grades
Rules and Regulations:
Learn more about milk and milk products and their importance to healthy bodies by drawing a dairy “billboard.” Demonstrate your communication skills in the drawing by encouraging or promoting the consumption of milk and/or milk products. Share your knowledge with others. Sponsored by the Louisiana Dairy Industry Promotion Board and the Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service.
I. 4th, 5th, and 6th grades
II. 7th and 8th grades
III. 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grades
Please submit East Carroll Parish 4-H Scholarship applications by Friday, April 1st.
It’s time to plan for 4-H Summer Camp. 4th-6th graders (ages 9-12) are eligible to attend. The base cost is $215; however, if you are eligible for both offered scholarships the cost is $95. East Carroll will camp May 20th-23rd. The deadline to pay in full is April 1st. Spaces are limited, so register early.
4-H members who were 13 years of age before January 1 are eligible to attend 4-H University. 4-H’ers can experience an exciting week on the LSU campus in Baton Rouge. This event will give students the opportunity to compete in contests, explore the LSU campus, and visit academic departments. 4-H U will be held June 19th-22nd. The total cost is $95. The deadline to pay is May 1st.