Think 4-H Might be for You?
Here's how to Join the Club:
- Attend the 4-H Club meeting in your school.
- Review the 4-H materials given to you.
- Return the enrollment card to your club leader.
- Select a 4-H project book.
- Pay your $5 dues at your school.
4-H University 2020
Congratulations to this year's delegates:
- Maryanne Haley
- KarVan Powell, Jr.
- Ta'Kayia Powell
Photography Challenge Winner
Congratulations to Jhaniyah Gates for her winning shot!
Service-learning Focus
Disability Awareness is our state and parish service-learning focus for the 2020-2021 year. Opportunities will be offered for you to participate in our statewide focus. Let's get busy making a difference in our community and state.
Volunteer Leader Forum
If you know of an adult who would make a great 4-H volunteer, please ask him or her to contact Mrs. Powell.
The 2020 4-H Volunteer Leader Forum will be held virtually October 5-8. The deadline to register is October 2.
National 4-H Week
National 4-H Week is October 4-10, 2020.
Pumpkin Decorating Contest
What to do:
- Select the perfect pumpkin for your design.
- Paint, carve or decorate the pumpkin at home.
- Fill out the entry tag (get one from your leader), cut it out and attach it to your pumpkin with tape or string.
- Bring your pumpkin to the 4-H Office by 1 p.m. on Monday, October 26. NONE will be accepted after 1:00.
All entries will receive achievement certificates and ribbons. First, Second and Third place winners will receive cash awards.
Ag Photography Contest
Grab your camera and get to shootin'! Deadline is November 6.
Rules and Regulations:
- All pictures must relate to Agriculture.
- Pictures must be taken by individual listed on entry label (get a label from your leader).
- Entry label must include name, parish, grade and category.
- Photograph entered must have been taken during 2020 and in Louisiana.
- All entries must be 8"x10" (color or black & white), no other sizes will be accepted.
- Each photograph must include a one-line title.
- You are limited to enter only one picture in each of the categories listed.
- Entries cannot be duplicated.
- Ink jet prints are acceptable.
- Farm Animals
- Horticulture (flowers & gardens), Plants or Crops
- Any Other Agriculture (like farm machinery, barns, silos, hen house, etc.)
Join the Junior Leader Club
The 4-H Jr. Leader Club is open to 9th-12th graders. The Jr. Leader experience is designed to provide members with an opportunity to learn about the qualities and competencies needed to be a leader. Jr. Leaders provide assistance with 4-H events and assume more challenging leadership roles. Our Jr. Leader program is a great place to experience new things and learn the leadership skills necessary in the world. Please contact Mrs. Powell for more information.
Download a printable version of The Clover Journal September 2020pdf