Title | Professor Emeritus |
Department | Rice Research Station |
SLinscombe@agcenter.lsu.edu | |
Address 1 | 1373 Caffey Road Rayne, LA 70578 |
Phone | 337-788-7531 |
Fax | 337-788-7553 |
Ph.D., 1982; Mississippi State Univ., Mississippi State. Agronomy - Plant Breeding and Genetics.
M.S., 1979; Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge.
B.S., 1976; Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge.
Dec. 2001-present: Regional Director, Southwest Region; Resident Coordinator, H. Rouse Caffey Rice Research Station.
Responsibilities: Administrator of all LSU AgCenter research and extension activities in the Southwest Region; Administrator of the H. Rouse Caffey Rice Research Station.
June 1988-present: Senior Rice Breeder and Geneticist, LSU AgCenter, Rice Research Station, Crowley, LA.
Responsibilities: Project Leader - Rice Breeding and Genetics Project at the Rice Research Station. Activities include coordination of all activities within this large scale rice variety development program. Includes close cooperation with other projects at the Rice Research Station, as well as on the LSU campus at Baton Rouge. In addition to applied research in variety development, project includes basic research problems in rice genetics. This position also requires extensive contact with rice growers, extension agents, researchers, support industry personnel, etc., in technology transfer in all areas of rice production.
1986-1988; Associate Specialist, LSU AgCenter, La. Coop. Extn. Serv., Baton Rouge, LA.
1982-1986; Assistant Specialist, LSU AgCenter, La. Coop. Extn. Serv., Baton Rouge, LA.
Responsibilities: Coordinate Extension activities on all agronomic aspects of rice and grain sorghum production; provide educational programs (agent training and grower training) in rice and grain sorghum agronomy; inform researchers of the needs of producers and help design and implement research to answer those needs; cooperate with researchers in ongoing research projects; visit farming operations and provide answers about appropriate agronomic practices with rice and grain sorghum; work with other agencies (U.S.D.A., Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry) and chemical companies in providing or obtaining information; interpret data provided by research groups; work very closely with members of other disciplines in a team approach to answer the needs of the people; work with researchers, chemical companies and others to obtain new or modified labels on pesticides essential to rice and grain sorghum production; write bulletins, handbooks, pamphlets, news articles and circular letters explaining various aspects of rice and grain sorghum production; make radio and television tapes to provide timely information for producers; teach in a formal setting (Agronomy 3061 - Rice Production); serve on graduate student committees; conduct on-farm demonstrations (replicated and unreplicated) to speed producer adoption of new recommended practices; conduct field days and discuss demonstrations.
American Society of Agronomy
Crops Registration Committee Member; Rice Registration Sub-committee Chairman; Membership Committee, 1984-87; Crop Advisory Committee (Rice) Member; Membership Committee; Reviewer
Crop Science Society of America
Crops Registration Committee; Rice Registration Sub-Committee, Chair; Crop Advisory Committee; Reviewer
Louisiana Association of Agronomy
Rice Technical Working Group
2004 Local Arrangements Chair; General Program Coordinator, 1993-94; Local Arrangements Committee, 1983-84 and 1993-94; Rice Variety Acreage Committee, 1986-present; Nominations Committee, 1990-present; Breeding, Genetics, and Cytogenetics Committee, Chair, 1993-96
Louisiana Rice Variety Recommendations Committee, 1982-present; Chairman, 1982-88
Louisiana Department of Agriculture
Plant Breeding Examination Committee Chairman, 1986
L.S.U. Agricultural Center Future Planning Think Tank, 1986-87
Reduction of Per Unit Production Cost Subcommittee Chairman
Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station Rice Research Advisory Committee, 1990-present
Rice Foundation - Focus on Research Committee, 1992
Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Stn. Strategic Planning Implementation Committee, 1993
Temperate Rice Conference – Organizing Committee, 1999, 2003, 2007, 2012
Patent Number | Title | Issued Date |
9,480,219 | Rice cultivar designated ‘CL152’ | November 1, 2016 |
9,220,220 | Rice cultivar designated ‘CL131’ | December 29, 2015 |
8,946,528 | Hybrids of, and cultivars derived from the rice cultivar designated ‘CL151’ | February 3, 2015 |
8,841,526 | Rice cultivar designated ‘CL261’ | September 23, 2014 |
8,841,525 | Rice cultivar designated ‘CL111’ | September 23, 2014 |
8,598,080 | Rice cultivar designated ‘CL131’ | December 3, 2013 |
7,786,360 | Rice cultivar designated ‘CL131’ | August 31, 2010 |
7,253,347 | Rice cultivar designated ‘Trenasse’ | August 7, 2007 |
7,141,725 | Rice cultivar designated 'Cheniere' | Novemeber 28, 2006 |
Junda, J., S.D. Linscombe, J. Wang, and J.H. Oard. 2000. High efficiency transformation of U.S. rice lines from mature seed-derived calli and segregation of glufosinate resistance under field conditions. Crop Science. 40:1729-1741.
Linscombe, S.D., F. Jodari, P.K. Bollich, D.E. Groth, L.M. White, Q.R. Chu, R.T. Dunand, and D.E. Sanders. 2000. Registration of ‘Cocodrie’ rice. Crop Science 40:294.
Linscombe, S.D., Jodari, F., Bollich, P.K., Groth, D.E., White, L.M., Chu, Q.R., and Dunand, R.T. 2001. Registration of ‘Earl’ Rice. Crop Science 41(6):2003-2004.
Stout, M.J., W.C. Rice, S.D. Linscombe, and P.K. Bollich. 2001. Identification of rice cultivars resistant to Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus (Coleoptera:Curculionidae), and Their Use in an Integrated Management Program. Journal of Economic Entomology 94(4):963-970.
Ellis, J.M., J.L. Griffin, S.D. Linscombe, and E.P. Webster. 2003. Rice (Oryza sativa) and corn (Zea mays) response to simulated drift of glyphosate and glufosinate. Weed Technol. 17:452-460.
Jodari, F., X. Sha, S.D. Linscombe, P.K. Bollich, D.E. Groth, L.M. White, R.T. Dunand, and Q.R. Chu. 2003. Registration of ‘Dellmati’ Rice. Crop Science 43(1):435-436.
Ellis, J.M., J.L. Griffin, S.D. Linscombe, and E.P. Webster. 2003. Rice (Oryza sativa) and corn (Zea mays) response to simulated drift of glyphosate and glufosinate. Weed Technol. 17:452-460.
Lanclos, D.Y., E.P. Webster, W. Zhang, and S.D. Linscombe. 2003. Response of glufosinate-resistant rice (Oryza sativa) to glufosinate application timings. Weed Technol. 17:157-160.
Slaton, N.A., S.D. Linscombe, R.J. Norman, and E.E. Gbur, Jr. 2003. Seeding date effect on rice grain yields in Arkansas and Louisiana. Agronomy Journal 95:218-223.
Zhang, N., S.D. Linscombe, and J.H. Oard. 2003. Out-crossing frequency and genetic analysis of hybrids between transgenic glufosinate herbicide-resistant rice and the weed, red rice. Euphytica 130:35-45.
Linscombe, S.D., D.L. Jordan, A.B. Burns, and R.P. Viator. 2004. Rice response to planting date differs at two locations in Louisiana. Online. Crop Management doi:10.1094/CM-2004-0130-01-RS.
Sha, X., S.D. Linscombe, K. Bearb, Q.R. Chu, D.E. Groth, L.M. White, R.T. Dunand, and P.K. Bollich. 2004. Registration of ‘Pirogue’ Rice. Crop Science. 44:2269-2270.
hang, W., E.P. Webster, D.C. Blouin, and S.D. Linscombe. 2004. Differential tolerance of rice (Oryza sativa) varieties to clomazone. Weed Technol. 18:73:76.
Chu, Q.R. and S.D. Linscombe. 2005. Use of bridge parents with high anther culturability in doubled haploid breeding of southern U.S. long-grain rice (Oryza sativa L.). Sabrao J. 37(1)11-18.
Chu, Q.R., S.D. Linscombe, M.C. Rush, D.E. Groth, J. Oard, X. Sha, and H.S. Utomo. 2006. Registration of a C/M Doubled Haploid Mapping Population of Rice. Crop Science 46:1417.
Levy, R.J., Jr., J.A. Bond, E.P. Webster, J.L. Griffin, and S.D. Linscombe. 2006. Effect of cultural practices on weed control and crop response in imidazolinone-tolerant rice. Weed Technol. 20:249-254.
Levy, R.J., Jr., J.A. Bond, E.P. Webster, J.L. Griffin, W. Zhang, and S.D. Linscombe. 2006. Imidazolinone-tolerant rice response to imazethapyr application. Weed Technol. 20:389-393.
Linscombe, S.D., X. Sha, J.A. Bond, K. Bearb, M.C. Rush, Q.R. Chu, D.E. Groth, L.M. White, and R.T. Dunand. 2006. Registration of ‘Trenasse’ Rice. Crop Science 46:2318.
Linscombe, S.D., X.Y. Sha, K. Bearb, Q. Chu, D.E. Groth, L.M. White, R.T. Dunand, and P.K. Bollich. 2006. Registration of ‘Cheniere’ Rice. Crop Science 46:1814-1815.
Sha, X., S.D. Linscombe, Q. Chu, D.E. Groth, L.M. White, J. Bond, R.T. Dunand, and H. Utomo. 2006. Registration of ‘Jupiter’ Rice. Crop Science 46:1811-1812.
Shao, Q., M.C. Rush, S.D. Linscombe, D.E. Groth, and M.S. Kang. 2006. Allelic analysis for bar gene from different rice transformation events. Journal of Crop Improvement 15(1):33-49.
Shao, Q.M., M.C. Rush, M.S. Wu, D.E. Groth, M.S. Kang, and S.D. Linscombe. 2006. Transgene transfer to United States commercial rice cultivars via conventional breeding techniques. Journal of Crop Improvement 16:49-65.
Zhang, W., S.D. Linscombe, E. P. Webster, S. Tan, and J. Oard. 2006. Risk assessment of the transfer of imazethapyr herbicide tolerance from Clearfield rice to red rice (Oryza sativa). Euphytica 152:75-86.
Groth, D.E., S.D. Linscombe, and X. Sha. 2007. Registration of two disease-resistant germplasm lines of rice. Journal of Plant Registrations 1:63-64.
Sha, X.Y., S.D. Linscombe, and D.E. Groth. 2007. Field evaluation of Imidazolinone-tolerant Clearfield rice (Oryza sativa L.) at nine Louisiana locations. Crop Science 47:1177-1185.
Blanche, S.B., S.D. Linscombe, X. Sha, K.F. Bearb, D.E. Groth, L.M. White, and D. Harrell. 2009. Registration of ‘Catahoula’ Rice. Journal of Plant Registrations 3:146-149.
Blanche, S.B., X. Sha, S.D. Linscombe, D.E. Groth, and R.R. Dilly, Jr. 2009. Visual estimation of rice (Oryza sativa L.) grain yield in multiple environments in Louisiana. Journal of New Seeds 10:74-87.
Utomo, H.S., I. Wenefrida, S. Blanche, and S.D. Linscombe. 2009. Low-cost method for streamlining marker-assisted selection and breeding line development in rice (Oryza sativa L.). International Journal of Genetics and Molecular Biology 1(4):64-74.
Utomo, H.S. and S.D. Linscombe. 2009. Current patents and future development underlying marker-assisted breeding in major grain crops. Recent Patents on DNA & Gene Sequences 3:53-62.
Wenefrida, I., H.S. Utomo, S.B. Blanche, and S.D. Linscombe. 2009. Enhancing essential amino acids and health benefit components in grain crops for improved food functionality. Recent Patent on DNA & Gene Sequence 3(3):219-225.
Linscombe, S.D. 2010. Clearfield technology clears out red rice. Rice Today 9(4):44-45.
Oard, J.A. Moldenhauer, K., Fjellstrom, B., Nelson, J.C., Scheffler, B., Linscombe, S., Correll, J., Silva, J., May, G.D. 2010. Registration of the MY2 Cypress/LaGrue Rice Recombinant Inbred Line Mapping Population. Journal of Plant Registrations 4: 1-5.
Sha, X. and S.D. Linscombe. 2010. Jasmine meets Jazzman. Rice Today 9(1):13.
Sha, X.Y., S.D. Linscombe, S.B. Blanche, D.E. Groth, D.L. Harrell, L.M. White, and S.J. Theunissen. 2010. Registration of ‘Neptune’ Southern Medium-Grain Rice. Journal of Plant Registrations. 4(3):179-182.
Blanche, S.B., X. Sha, D.L. Harrell, D.E. Groth, K.F. Bearb, L.M White, III, and S.D. Linscombe. 2011. Registration of ‘CL151’ Rice. Journal of Plant Registrations. 5(2):177-180.
Linscombe, S.D. and X. Sha. 2011. Bred from Louisiana. Rice Today 10(2):38-39.
Sha, X.Y., S.D. Linscombe, F. Jodari, Q.R. Chu, D.E. Groth, S.B. Blanche, D.L. Harrell, L.M. White, J.H. Oard, M.H. Chen, S.J. Theunissen, and B.J. Henry. 2011. Registration of ‘Jazzman’ Aromatic Long-Grain Rice. Journal of Plant Registrations 5(3):304-308.
Blanche, S.B., X. Sha, D.L. Harrell, D.E. Groth, K.F. Bearb, L.M. White, and S.D. Linscombe. 2012. Registration of ‘Caffey’ Rice. Journal of Plant Registrations. 6(3):284-288.
Sha, X.Y., S.D. Linscombe, D.E. Groth, J.H. Oard, D.L. Harrell, L.M. White, C.C. Frimm, S.J. Theunissen, and B.J. Henry. 2012. Registration of ‘Jazzman-2’ aromatic long-grain rice. Journal of Plant Registrations. 10.3198/jpr2012.02.012crc.
Utomo, H.S., I. Wenefrida, and S.D. Linscombe. 2012. Progression of DNA marker and the next generation of crop development. In: A. Goyal (ed), Crop Plant. InTech. Pp.24-52. ISBN: 978-953-308-78-1 (Book Chapter).
Salassi, M.E., M.A. Deliberto, S.D. Linscombe, C.E. Wilson Jr., T.W. Walker, G.N. McCauley, and D.C. Blouin. 2013. Impact of harvest lodging on rough rice milling yield and market price. Agronomy Journal 105(6):1860-1867.
Sha, X.Y., S.D. Linscombe, D.E. Groth, D.L. Harrell, L.M. White, S.J. Theunissen, and B.J. Henry. 2013. Registration of ‘Della-2’ Aromatic Long-Grain Rice. Journal of Plant Registration. 7:269-272.
Wenefrida, I., H.S. Utomo, and S.D. Linscombe. 2013. Mutational Breeding and Genetic Engineering in the Development of High Grain Protein Content. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2013, 61, 11702-11710.
McKenzie, K.S., X. Sha, K.A.K. Moldenhauer, S.D. Linscombe, N.B. Lyman, and L.L. Nalley. 2014. Rice. In: S. Smith, B. Diers, J. Specht, and B. Carver (eds.), Yield Gains in Major U.S. Field Crops, pp. 267-289. (Book Chapter)
Oard, J.H., D.L. Harrell, D.E. Groth, K.F. Bearb, L.M. White III, and S.D. Linscombe. 2014. Registration of ‘CL111’ Rice. Journal of Plant Registration 8(1):5–8.
Oard, J.H., D.L. Harrell, D.E. Groth, K.F. Bearb, L.M. White III, and S.D. Linscombe. 2014. Registration of ‘CL152’ Rice. Journal of Plant Registration 8:9–12.
Oard, J.H., D.L. Harrell, D.E. Groth, K.F. Bearb, L.M. White III, and S.D. Linscombe. 2014. Registration of ‘CL261’ Rice. Journal of Plant Registration 8(2):131–134.
Oard, J.H., D.L. Harrell, D.E. Groth, K.F. Bearb, L.M. White III, and S.D. Linscombe. 2014. Registration of ‘Mermentau’ Rice. Journal of Plant Registration 8(2):135–138.
De Leon, T.B., Linscombe, S., Gregorio, G., Subudhi, P.K. 2015. Genetic variation in Southern USA rice genotypes for seedling salinity tolerance. Frontiers in Plant Science 6:374 doi:10.3389/fpls.2015.00374.
Oard, J.H., D.L. Harrell, D.E. Groth, K.F. Bearb, L.M. White III, M. Esguerra, and S.D. Linscombe. 2015. Registration of 'CL271' rice. Journal of Plant Registration 9:168–171 (doi:10.3198/jpr2014.09.0067crc).
Ziska, L.H., Gealy, D.R., Burgos, N., Caicedo, A.L., Gressel, J., Lawton-Rauh, A.L., Avila, L.A., Theisen, G., Norsworthy, J., Ferrero, A., Vidotto, F., Johnson, D.E., Ferreira, F.G., Marchesan, E., Menezes, V., Cohn, M.A., Linscombe, S., Carmona, L., Tang, R., Merotto Jr., A. 2015. Weedy (Red) Rice: An Emerging Constraint to Global Rice Production. In: Sparks, D.L. (Ed.), Advances in Agronomy, pp. 181–228. (Book Chapter)
Espe, Matthew B., K.G. Cassman, H. Yang, N. Guilpart, P. Grassini, J. Van Wart, M. Anders, D. Beighley, D. Harrell, S. Linscombe, K. McKenzie, R. Mutters, L.T. Wilson, and B.A. Linquist. 2016. Yield gap analysis of US rice production systems shows opportunities for improvement. Field Crops Research 196:276-283 (doi:10.1016/j.fcr.2016.07.011).
Famoso, A.N., Oard, J.H., Harrell, D.L., Groth, D.E., Bearb, K.F., White, L.M., Zaunbrecher, R.E., Linscombe, S.D. 2016. Registration of 'CL153' Rice. Journal of Plant Registration (doi:10.3198/jpr2016.04.0023crc).
Famoso, A.N., Oard, J.H., Harrell, D.L., Groth, D.E., Bearb, K.F., White, L.M., Zaunbrecher, R.E., Linscombe, S.D. 2016. Registration of 'CL272' Rice. Journal of Plant Registration (doi:10.3198/jpr2016.04.0024crc).
Utomo, H.S., I. Wenefrida, and S.D. Linscombe. 2016. Use of an airplane and simulated aerial planting to evaluate seed coating, seed palletization, and seeding rate on smooth cordgrass vegetation. Ecological Restoration 34(1):10-14.
De Leon, T.B., S.D. Linscombe, P.K. Subudhi. 2017. Identification and validation of QTLs for seedling salinity tolerance in introgression lines of a salt tolerant rice landrace ‘Pokkali.’ PLoS ONE 12(4):e0175361. Doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0175361.
Wenefrida, I., H.S. Utomo, and S.D. Linscombe. 2017. Development and Registration of 'Frontiere,' a High-Protein Rice Cultivar. Journal of Plant Registration.
OTHER PUBLICATIONS (2000-present):
Annual Research Report (2000-present):
Chu, Q.R., S.D. Linscombe, H.X. Cao, P.A. Bollich, D.E. Groth, and M.C. Rush. 2000. Rice Anther Culture Breeding. 92nd Annual Research Report, Rice Research Station, Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, LSU Agricultural Center, 92:357-380.
Groth, D.E., M.J. Frey, J. Nugent, P.K. Bollich, and S.D. Linscombe. 2000. Rice Disease Control Studies, 2000. 92nd Annual Research Report, Rice Research Station, Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, LSU Agricultural Center, 92:612-703.
Linscombe, S.D., X.Y. Sha, K.F. Bearb, A.M. Howard, J. McCrory, B.W. Theunissen, S.W. Cramer, and H.L. Hoffpauir. 2000. Rice Breeding. 92nd Annual Research Report, Rice Research Station, Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, LSU Agricultural Center, 92:3-87.
Rush, M.C., Q.M. Shao, S.D. Linscombe, X.Y. Sha, and D.E. Groth. 2000. Development of Sheath Blight Resistance in Rice. 92nd Annual Research Report, Rice Research Station, Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, LSU Agricultural Center, 92:699-703.
Shahjahan, A.K.M., M.C. Rush, D.E. Groth, and S.D. Linscombe. 2000. Bacterial Panicle Blight (Burkholderia glumae) Reasctions of Rice Germplasms in the Field Nursery. 92nd Annual Research Report, Rice Research Station, Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, LSU Agricultural Center, 92:692-698.
Chu, Q.R., S.D. Linscombe, P.A. Bollich, X. Jin, D.E. Groth, and M.C. Rush. 2001. Rice Anther Culture Breeding. 93rd Annual Research Report, Rice Research Station, Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, LSU Agricultural Center, 93:300-312.
Dunand, R.T., S.D. Linscombe, E.P. Webster, and R.R. Dilly, Jr. 2001. Rice Physiology: Seedling Vigor Studies – Seed and Foliar Treatment. 93rd Annual Research Report, Rice Research Station, Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, LSU Agricultural Center, 93:208-213.
Linscombe, S.D., X.Y. Sha, K.F. Bearb, A.M. Howard, B.W. Theunissen, S.W. Cramer, B.J. Henry, and H.L. Hoffpauir. 2001. Rice Breeding. 93rd Annual Research Report, Rice Research Station, Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, LSU Agricultural Center, 93:3-91.
McClain, W.R., S.D. Linscombe, and J.J. Sonnier. 2001. Comparison of Forage Crop Biomass and Persistence for Selected Rice Genotypes Planted in May. 93rd Annual Research Report, Rice Research Station, Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, LSU Agricultural Center, 93:275-276.
Rush, M.C., Q.M. Shao, S.D. Linscombe, and D.E. Groth. 2001. Development of Sheath Blight Resistance in Rice. 93rd Annual Research Report, Rice Research Station, Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, LSU Agricultural Center, 93:370-375.
Chu, Q.R., S.D. Linscombe, T. Fontenot, P.A. Bollich, X. Jin, D.E. Groth, and M.C. Rush. 2002. Rice Anther Culture Breeding. 94th Annual Research Report, Rice Research Station, Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, LSU Agricultural Center, 94:249-253.
Dunand, R.T., S.D. Linscombe, R.R. Dilly, Jr., K.F. Bearb, A.M. Howard, B.W. Theunissen, B.J. Henry, and H.L. Hoffpauir. 2002. Rice Physiology: Seedling Vigor Studies – Seed and Foliar Treatment. 94th Annual Research Report, Rice Research Station, Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, LSU Agricultural Center, 94:178-184.
Linscombe, S.D., X.Y. Sha, K.F. Bearb, C.A. Conner, A.M. Howard, B.W. Theunissen, B.J. Henry, and H.L. Hoffpauir. 2002. Rice Breeding. 94th Annual Research Report, Rice Research Station, Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, LSU AgCenter, 94:3-77.
Rush, M.C., Q.M. Shao, A.K.M. Shahjahan, S.L. Zhang, S.D. Linscombe, and D.E. Groth. 2002. Development of Disease Resistance and Related Control Measures in Rice. 94th Annual Research Report, Rice Research Station, Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, LSU Agricultural Center, 94:301-310.
Chu, Q.R., S.D. Linscombe, J.N. Kibanda, T.W. Fontento, P.A. Bollich, X. Jin, D.E. Groth, and M.C. Rush. 2003. Rice Anther Culture Breeding. 95th Annual Research Report, Rice Research Station, Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, LSU Agricultural Center, 95:260-270.
Linscombe, S.D., X.Y. Sha, K.F. Bearb, C.A. Conner, A.M. Howard, B.W. Theunissen, B.J. Henry, and H.L. Hoffpauir. 2003. Rice Breeding. 95th Annual Research Report, Rice Research Station, Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, LSU Agricultural Center, 95:3-99.
Rush, M.C., Q.M. Shao, S.D. Linscombe, and D.E. Groth. 2003. Development of Sheath Blight Resistance in Rice. 95th Annual Research Report, Rice Research Station, Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, LSU Agricultural Center, 95:322-328.
Chu, Q.R., S.D. Linscombe, L.P. Diao, T. Fontento, S. Theunissen, X. Jin, D.E. Groth, and M.C. Rush. 2004. Rice Anther Culture Breeding. 96th Annual Research Report, Rice Research Station, Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, LSU Agricultural Center, 96:319-327.
Linscombe, S.D., X.Y. Sha, K.F. Bearb, C.A. Conner, B.W. Theunissen, B.J. Henry, and H.L. Hoffpauir. 2004. Rice Breeding. 96th Annual Research Report, Rice Research Station, Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, LSU Agricultural Center, 96:3-103.
McClain, W.R., S.D. Linscombe, and J.J. Sonnier. 2004. Forage Biomass Production and Persistence of Common Rice Varieties in a Rice-Crawfish Field Rotational Strategy. 96th Annual Research Report, Rice Research Station, Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, LSU Agricultural Center, 96:311-313.
Rush, M.C., Q.M. Shao, S.I. Zhang, X.Y. Sha, D.E. Groth, and S.D. Linscombe. 2004. Development of Sheath Blight Resistance in Rice. 96th Annual Research Report, Rice Research Station, Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, LSU Agricultural Center, 96:396-399.
Linscombe, S.D., X.Y. Sha, K.F. Bearb, C.A. Conner, B.W. Theunissen, B.J. Henry, H.L. Hoffpauir, and X. Jin. 2005. Date of Planting Studies. 97th Annual Research Report, Rice Research Station, Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, LSU Agricultural Center, 97:74-77. (Pub. in 2006).
Linscombe, S.D., X.Y. Sha, K.F. Bearb, C.A. Conner, B.W. Theunissen, B.J. Henry, H.L. Hoffpauir, and X. Jin. 2005. Rice Breeding. 97th Annual Research Report, Rice Research Station, Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, LSU Agricultural Center, 97:3-106. (Pub. in 2006).
Rush, M.C., P.A. Bollich, S.L. Zhang, R. Nandakumar, X.Y. Sha, D.E. Groth, and S.D. Linscombe. 2005. Disease Resistance and Management in Rice. 97th Annual Research Report, Rice Research Station, Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, LSU Agricultural Center, 97:393-405. (Pub. in 2006).
Utomo, H.S., I. Wenefrida, M.D. Materne, S.A. Harrison, and S.D. Linscombe. 2005. Development of Seed-Based Spartina Alterniflora (Smooth Cordgrass) Propagation Technology for Coastal Wetlands Restoration. 97th Annual Research Report, Rice Research Station, Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, LSU Agricultural Center, 97:420-421. (Pub in 2006).
Blanche, S.B., S.D. Linscombe, X.Y. Sha, G.A. Anderson, K.F. Bearb, C.A. Conner, B.T. Theunissen, S.J. Theunissen, and H.L. Hoffpauir. 2006. Medium-Grain Rice Breeding. 98th Annual Research Report, Rice Research Station, Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, LSU Agricultural Center, 98:45-50.
Linscombe, S.D., X.Y. Sha, S.B. Blanche, K.F. Bearb, C.A. Conner, B.W. Theunissen, S.J. Theunissen, G.E. Anderson, B.J. Henry, H.L. Hoffpauir, and X. Jin. 2006. Rice Breeding. 98th Annual Research Report, Rice Research Station, Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, LSU Agricultural Center, 98:3-88.
Rush, M.C., P.A. Bollich, R. Nandakumar, X.Y. Sha, D.E. Groth, and S.D. Linscombe. 2006. Disease Resistance and Management in Rice. 98th Annual Research Report, Rice Research Station, Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, LSU Agricultural Center, 98:330-342.
Linscombe, S.D., X.Y. Sha, S.B. Blanche, K.F. Bearb, C.A. Conner, B.W. Theunissen, S.J. Theunissen, G.E. Anderson, B.J. Henry, and H.L. Hoffpauir. 2007. Rice Breeding. 99th Annual Research Report, Rice Research Station, Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, LSU Agricultural Center, 99:3-82.
Rush, M.C., P.A. Bollich, R. Nandakumar, N.P. Nyaupane, X.Y. Sha, D.E. Groth, and S.D. Linscombe. 2007. Disease Resistance and Management in Rice. 99th Annual Research Report, Rice Research Station, Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, LSU Agricultural Center, 99:279-286.
Linscombe, S.D., X.Y. Sha, S.B. Blanche, K.F. Bearb, C.A. Conner, R.R. Dilly, Jr., B.W. Theunissen, S.J. Theunissen, B.J. Henry, H.L. Hoffpauir, and L.E. Leonards. 2008. Rice Breeding. 100th Annual Research Report, Rice Research Station, Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, LSU Agricultural Center, 100:3-85.
Rush, M.C., D.E. Groth, X.Y. Sha, R. Nandakumar, N.P. Nyaupane, X.Y. Sha, and S.D. Linscombe. 2008. Disease Management in Rice. 100th Annual Research Report, Rice Research Station, Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, LSU Agricultural Center, 100:250-257.
Blanche, S.B., S.D. Linscombe, X.Y. Sha, R.R. Dilly, Jr., K.F. Bearb, B.T. Theunissen, S.J. Theunissen, H.L. Hoffpauir, and B.J. Henry. 2009. Medium-Grain Rice Breeding. 101st Annual Research Report, Rice Research Station, Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, LSU Agricultural Center, 101:48-52.
Li, W., X. Sha, S. Linscombe, D. Groth, J. Oard, S. Theunissen, and B. Henry. 2009. Development of Hybrid Rice for Louisiana. 101st Annual Research Report, Rice Research Station, Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, LSU Agricultural Center, 101:69-70.
Linscombe, S.D., X.Y. Sha, S.B. Blanche, K.F. Bearb, R.R. Dilly, Jr., B.W. Theunissen, S.J. Theunissen, B.J. Henry, H.L. Hoffpauir, and L.E. Leonards. 2009. Rice Breeding. 101st Annual Research Report, Rice Research Station, Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, LSU Agricultural Center, 101:3-91.
Linscombe, S.D., X.Y. Sha, S.B. Blanche, K.F. Bearb, R.R. Dilly, Jr., B.W. Theunissen, S.J. Theunissen, R.E. Zaunbrecher, B.J. Henry, and H.L. Hoffpauir. 2010. Rice Breeding. 102nd Annual Research Report, Rice Research Station, Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, LSU Agricultural Center, 102:3-75.
Linscombe, S.D., X.Y. Sha, K.F. Bearb, R.R. Dilly, Jr., B.W. Theunissen, S.J. Theunissen, R.E. Zaunbrecher, B.J. Henry, and H.L. Hoffpauir. 2011. Rice Breeding. 103rd Annual Research Report, Rice Research Station, Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, LSU Agricultural Center, 103:3-99. (Published in 2012).
Linscombe, S.D., X.Y. Sha, K.F. Bearb, R.R. Dilly, Jr., B.W. Theunissen, S.J. Theunissen, R.E. Zaunbrecher, B.J. Henry, and H.L. Hoffpauir. 2012. Rice Breeding. 104th Annual Research Report. Rice Research Station, Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, LSU Agricultural Center, 104:3-94. (Published in 2013).
Linscombe, S.D., K.F. Bearb, B.W. Theunissen, R.E. Zaunbrecher, B.J. Frey, and H.L. Hoffpauir. 2013. Rice Breeding. 105th Annual Research Report, Rice Research Station, Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, LSU Agricultural Center, 105:3-84. (Published online in 2014).
Linscombe, S.D., K.F. Bearb, R.R. Dilly, Jr., B.W. Theunissen, R.E. Zaunbrecher, B.J. Frey, and H.L. Hoffpauir. 2014. Rice Breeding. 106th Annual Research Report, Rice Research Station, Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, LSU Agricultural Center, 106:3-85. (Published online in 2015).
Linscombe, S.D., A.N. Famoso, K.F. Bearb, B.W. Theunissen, R.E. Zaunbrecher, B.J. Frey, and L.N. Pavich. 2015. Rice Breeding. 107th Annual Research Report, H. Rouse Caffey Rice Research Station, Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, LSU Agricultural Center, 107:3-72. (Published online in 2016).
Linscombe, S.D., A.N. Famoso, K.F. Bearb, B.W. Theunissen, R.E. Zaunbrecher, B.J. Frey, G.J. Guidry, and L.N. Pavich. 2016. Rice Breeding. 108th Annual Research Report, H. Rouse Caffey Rice Research Station, Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, LSU Agricultural Center, 108:3-96. (Published online in 2017).
Louisiana Agriculture (2000-present):
Elis, J.M., J.L. Griffin, S.D. Linscombe, and E.P. Webster. 2000. Crop Response to Simulated Drift of Roundup Ultra and Liberty Herbicides. Louisiana Agriculture 43(3):18-19.
Dunand, R.T., S.D. Linscombe, and R.R. Dilly, Jr. 2002. Plant Growth Regulator Offers Advantages for Herbicide-tolerant Rice. Louisiana Agriculture. 45(1):16-17.
Chu, Q.R. and S.D. Linscombe. 2003. Slicing Years Off Rice Varietal Improvement. Louisiana Agriculture 46(4):16-18.
Griffin, J.L. J.M. Ellis, C.A. Jones, J.D. Siebert, E.P. Webster, and S.D. Linscombe. 2003. Reducing Roundup Drift. Louisiana Agriculture 46(1):16-18.
Oard, J.H., S.D. Linscombe, and D. Groth. 2003. Biotechnology for Herbicide, Disease Resistance in Rice. Louisiana Agriculture 46(4):27-28.
Rush, M.C., Q.M. Shao, S. Zhang, A.K.M. Shahjahan, K. O'Reilly, D. Shih, D. Groth, and S.D. Linscombe. 2003. Biotechnology and Control of Rice Diseases. Louisiana Agriculture 46(4):20-22.
Sha, X. and S.D. Linscombe. 2003. Specialty Rices for Louisiana. Louisiana Agriculture 46(3):8.
Linscombe, S.D. 2005. Efforts Must Be Made To Minimize Outcrossing in Clearfield Rice. Louisiana Agriculture 48(3):10.
Sha, X.Y. and S.D. Linscombe. 2005. Planting Date Critical for Maximum Rice Yield, Milling Quality. Louisiana Agriculture 48(3):6-8.
Linscombe, S.D. 2007. New Rice Lines in the Works. Louisiana Agriculture 50(3):24.
Rush, M.C., R. Nandakumar, X. Sha, D. Groth, and S.D. Linscombe. 2007. Partial Resistance to Bacterial Panicle Blight in Jupiter Rice. Louisiana Agriculture 50(3):23-24.
Linscombe, S.D. 2009. Developing New Varieties of Rice. Louisiana Agriculture 52(3):8-13.
Linscombe, S.D. and X.Y. Sha. 2009. Jazzman: A New Jasmine-type Rice Variety. Louisiana Agriculture 52(3):13.
Blanche, S.B. and S.D. Linscombe. 2010. New Methods to Evaluate Optimum Rice Planting Dates. Louisiana Agriculture 53(1):22-23.
Blanche, S.B. and S.D. Linscombe. 2010. Rice Hybrids: Yield and Stability Comparisons. Louisiana Agriculture 53(3):20-21.
Utomo, H.S., S.D. Linscombe, D.E. Groth, I. Wenefrida, and S.B. Blanche. 2010. Molecular Marker: A Tool in Rice Variety Development. Louisiana Agriculture 53(1):20-21.
Sha, X.Y. and S.D. Linscombe. 2011. Jazzman Rice Development of a Jasmine-Type Rice Variety for the Southern United States. Louisiana Agriculture 54(3):6-8.
Linscombe, S.D. 2012. Clearfield technology changes the rice industry. Louisiana Agriculture 55(4):6-7.
Linscombe, S.D. 2012. Water Issues in Rice Production. Louisiana Agriculture 55(1):2.
Utomo, H.S., C.S. Steyer, I. Wenefrida, S.D. Linscombe, D. Breaux, C. LeJeune, D. Garber, and S. Faust. 2012. Aerial planting of smooth cordgrass using a fixed-wing airplane and airboat. Louisiana Agriculture 55(1):6-8.
Utomo, H.S., I. Wenefrida, S.D. Linscombe, M.D. Materne, S.A. Harrison, and C. Knott. 2012. Smooth Cordgrass for Large-scale Coastal Restoration. Louisiana Agriculture 55(3):12-13.
Harrell, D.L. and S.D. Linscombe. 2013. U.S. rice production improves sustainability. Louisiana Agriculture 56(2):10.
Salassi, M.E., S.D. Linscombe, and M.A. Deliberto. 2013. The Consequences of Rice Crop Lodging on Rice Milling Yield and Market Price. Louisiana Agriculture 56(3):10-11.
Wenefrida, I., H.S. Utomo, and S.D. Linscombe. 2013. More Protein in Rice: Improving the Nutritional Profile. Louisiana Agriculture 56(4):22-23.
Linscombe, S.D. 2014. Two New Louisiana Rice Varieties for 2014. Louisiana Agriculture 57(1):2.
Linscombe, S.D. 2014. Rice Research Checkoff Program Continues. Louisiana Agriculture 57(3):2.
Linscombe, S.D. 2016. Keeping Rice Production in Louisiana Sustainable. Louisiana Agriculture 59(1):28-29.
Louisiana Farm and Ranch (2005-present):
Linscombe, S.D. 2005. Second crop management becomes more important for rice producers. La Farm and Ranch, March.
Linscombe, S.D. 2005. Clearfield rice technology valuable but must be sustained. La Farm and Ranch, April.
Linscombe, S.D. 2005. Success of rice research efforts depends on cooperation. La Farm and Ranch, May.
Linscombe, S.D. 2005. When will be see Transgenic rice. La Farm and Ranch, June.
Linscombe, S.D. 2005. Challenges of rice variety development Part I. La Farm and Ranch, July.
Linscombe, S.D. 2005. Challenges of rice variety development Part II. La Farm and Ranch, August.
Linscombe, S.D. 2005. Challenges of rice variety development Part III. La Farm and Ranch, September.
Linscombe, S.D. 2005. A trip to Indonesia. La Farm and Ranch, October.
Linscombe, S.D. 2005. Hurricane Rita adds additional hardships to a struggling rice industry. La Farm and Ranch, November.
Linscombe, S.D. 2005. Louisiana Rice Research Board supports industry improvements. La Farm and Ranch, December.
Linscombe, S.D. 2006. White Lake Wetlands Conservation Area An Assest for Louisiana. La Farm and Ranch, January.
Linscombe, S.D. 2006. New rice varieties will give growers additional options in 2006. La Farm and Ranch, February.
Linscombe, S.D. 2006. Rice planting time will soon be upon us. La Farm and Ranch, March.
Linscombe, S.D. 2006. Louisiana rice producers need to optimize yields to maximize returns. La Farm and Ranch, April.
Linscombe, S.D. 2006. RiceCAP: Partnership in Research for the Future of the Rice Industry. La Farm and Ranch, May.
Linscombe, S.D. 2006. Rice Research Station Field Day will showcase latest in rice production technology. La Farm and Ranch, June.
Linscombe, S.D. 2006. Rice harvest soon upon us. La Farm and Ranch, July.
Linscombe, S.D. 2006. Rice quality determines payment. La Farm and Ranch, August.
Linscombe, S.D. 2006. New technology: Essential for the rice industry. La Farm and Ranch, September.
Linscombe, S.D. 2006. The History of U.S. Rice Production Part 1 The Carolina Connection. La Farm and Ranch, November.
Linscombe, S.D. 2006. The History of U.S. Rice Production Part 2 Rice Moves into Southwest Louisiana. La Farm and Ranch, December.
Linscombe, S.D. 2007. Rice referendums determine future of Louisiana rice industry. La Farm and Ranch, January.
Linscombe, S.D. 2007. Notes from Puerto Rico. La Farm and Ranch, February.
Linscombe, S.D. 2007. Another planting season is upon us. La Farm and Ranch, March.
Linscombe, S.D. 2007. Prospective crop plantings reflect changing times. La Farm and Ranch, April.
Linscombe, S.D. 2007. What is the LSU AgCenter? La Farm and Ranch, May.
Linscombe, S.D. 2007. Rice field days, rice web log. La Farm and Ranch, June.
Linscombe, S.D. 2007. Highlights of the 2007 Rice Research Station Field Day. La Farm and Ranch, July.
Linscombe, S.D. 2007. Potential new insect pest in U.S. rice production. La Farm and Ranch, August.
Linscombe, S.D. 2007. Climate, economics crucial for rice industry. La Farm and Ranch, September.
Linscombe, S.D. 2007. A trip to Africa. La Farm and Ranch, October.
Linscombe, S.D. 2007. 2007 rice crop review. La Farm and Ranch, November.
Linscombe, S.D. 2007. Rice Research: A multi-state effort. La Farm and Ranch, December.
Linscombe, S.D. 2008. LSU AgCenter releases new rice varieties for 2008. La. Farm and Ranch, January.
Linscombe, S.D. 2008. Rice planting soon upon us. La. Farm and Ranch, February.
Linscombe, S.D. 2008. Rice planting dates and new insecticides. La. Farm and Ranch, March.
Linscombe, S.D. 2008. Off-station trials important to rice industry. La. Farm and Ranch, April.
Linscombe, S.D. 2008. Americans need more appreciation for agriculture. La. Farm and Ranch, May.
Linscombe, S.D. 2008. Midseason is a critical time in rice production. La. Farm and Ranch, June.
Linscombe, S.D. 2008. Highlights of the 2008 Rice Research Station Field Day. La. Farm and Ranch, July.
Linscombe, S.D. 2008. Improving technology for coastal wetlands restoration. La. Farm and Ranch, August.
Linscombe, S.D. 2008. Gustav will have a major impact on the 2008 Louisiana rice crop. La. Farm and Ranch, September.
Linscombe, S.D. 2008. Reflections on the 2008 Louisiana rice crop. La. Farm and Ranch, October.
Linscombe, S.D. 2008. China - An emerging superpower. La. Farm and Ranch, November.
Linscombe, S.D. 2008. Foundation seed rice production essential for the rice industry. La. Farm and Ranch, December.
Linscombe, S.D. 2009. Jazzman – A new specialty rice variety. La. Farm and Ranch, January.
Linscombe, S.D. 2009. Rice variety selection – An important first step / Dermaxor X-100. La. Farm and Ranch, February.
Linscombe, S.D. 2009. Minimizing inputs typically does not pay in Louisiana rice production. La. Farm and Ranch, March.
Linscombe, S.D. 2009. Medium-grain rice acreage up in Louisiana in 2009. La. Farm and Ranch, April.
Linscombe, S.D. 2009. Hybrid rice research at the Rice Research Station. La. Farm and Ranch, May.
Linscombe, S.D. 2009. Variety development – A key function of the Rice Research Station. La. Farm and Ranch, June.
Linscombe, S.D. 2009. Highlights from the 2009 Rice Research Station Centennial Field Day. La. Farm and Ranch, July.
Linscombe, S.D. 2009. Rice is not just rice. La. Farm and Ranch, August.
Linscombe, S.D. 2009. Breeding for new Clearfield rice varieties. La. Farm and Ranch, September.
Linscombe, S.D. 2009. Rice industry holds three key winter meetings. La. Farm and Ranch, October.
Linscombe, S.D. 2009. LSU AgCenter releases two new Clearfield rice varieties. La. Farm and Ranch, November.
Linscombe, S.D. 2009. Rice and crawfish production provides essential wildlife habitat. La Farm and Ranch, December.
Linscombe, S.D. 2010. Knowledge of rice growth stages important. La. Farm and Ranch, January.
Linscombe, S.D. 2010. Rice variety selection, seeding dates and seeding rate. La. Farm and Ranch, February.
Linscombe, S.D. 2010. Rice variety development – Looking to the future. La. Farm and Ranch, March.
Linscombe, S.D. 2010. Jazzman Rice Available in 2010. La. Farm and Ranch, April.
Linscombe, S.D. 2010. Sustainable Agriculture - Part 1. La. Farm and Ranch, May.
Linscombe, S.D. 2010. Sustainable Agriculture - Part 2. La. Farm and Ranch, June.
Linscombe, S.D. 2010. Highlights from the 2010 Rice Research Station Field Day. La. Farm and Ranch, July.
Linscombe, S.D. 2010. Rice Research Priorities Are Continual Moving Targets. La. Farm and Ranch, August.
Linscombe, S.D. 2010. Ratoon Crop Rice Production. La. Farm and Ranch, September.
Linscombe, S.D. 2010. 2010 Louisiana Rice Crop - A Mixed Bag / South Carolina Sojourn. La. Farm and Ranch, October.
Linscombe, S.D. 2010. Rice Breeding Research Roundup-2010. La. Farm and Ranch, November.
Linscombe, S.D. 2010. LSU AgCenter Releases Three New Rice Varieties for 2011. La. Farm and Ranch, December.
Linscombe, S.D. 2011. Study Shows Rice Growers More Efficient/Sustainable. La. Farm and Ranch, January.
Linscombe, S.D. 2011. What’s in a Rice Variety Name? La. Farm and Ranch, February.
Linscombe, S.D. 2011. Rice Variety Development Objectives. La. Farm and Ranch, March.
Linscombe, S.D. 2011. Timeliness Is Critical in Rice Production. La. Farm and Ranch, April.
Linscombe, S.D. 2011. Evolution of Information Dissemination (Part 1). La. Farm and Ranch, May.
Linscombe, S.D. 2011. Evolution of Information Dissemination (Part 2). La. Farm and Ranch, June.
Linscombe, S.D. 2011. Highlights of the 2011 Rice Field Day Tour. La. Farm and Ranch, July.
Linscombe, S.D. 2011. Clearfield technology changes U.S. rice industry. La. Farm and Ranch, August.
Linscombe, S.D and D.E. Groth. 2011. Rice sheath blight control issues. La. Farm and Ranch, September.
Linscombe, S.D. 2011. Off-season at the Rice Research Station. La. Farm and Ranch, October.
Linscombe, S.D. 2011. Rice quality and impacts on marketability. La. Farm and Ranch, November.
Linscombe, S.D. 2011. Rice referendums determine future of Louisiana rice industry. La. Farm and Ranch, December.
Linscombe, S.D. 2012. Water issues in rice production. La. Farm and Ranch, January.
Linscombe, S.D. 2012. LSU AgCenter releases two new rice varieties for 2012. La. Farm and Ranch, February.
Linscombe, S.D. 2012. Potential for future yield increases in rice. La. Farm and Ranch, March.
Linscombe, S.D. 2012. Off-station rice research in Louisiana. La. Farm and Ranch, April.
Linscombe, S.D. 2012. Understanding of growth stage is critical in rice production. La. Farm and Ranch, May.
Linscombe, S.D. and D.E. Groth. 2012. Rice blast disease prevalent in 2012. La. Farm and Ranch, June.
Linscombe, S.D. 2012. Second crop important to southwest Louisiana rice production. La. Farm and Ranch, July.
Linscombe, S.D. 2012. A trip to Spain. La. Farm and Ranch, August.
Linscombe, S.D. 2012. Louisiana Rice Research and Promotion Boards support industry. La. Farm and Ranch, September.
Linscombe, S.D. 2012. A trip to Nicaragua. La. Farm and Ranch, October.
Linscombe, S.D. 2012. Rice blast disease in 2012 Louisiana rice production. La. Farm and Ranch, November.
Linscombe, S.D. 2012. Historical perspective of southwest Louisiana rice production. La. Farm and Ranch, December.
Linscombe, S.D. 2013. How are rice crosses made? La. Farm and Ranch, January.
Linscombe, S.D. 2013. Rice varieties for 2013. La. Farm and Ranch, February.
Linscombe, S.D. 2013. Southern U.S. long-grain rice quality. La. Farm and Ranch, March.
Linscombe, S.D. 2013. Breeding program cooperation critical for Louisiana rice industry. La. Farm and Ranch, April.
Linscombe, S.D. 2013. Puerto Rico critical to rice research efforts. La. Farm and Ranch, May.
Linscombe, S.D. 2013. Rice researchers must respond to emerging issues. La. Farm and Ranch, June.
Linscombe, S.D. 2013. Highlights of the Rice Research Station Field Day - Part I. La. Farm and Ranch, July.
Linscombe, S.D. 2013. Highlights of the Rice Research Station Field Day - Part II. La. Farm and Ranch, August.
Linscombe, S.D. 2013. Foundation seed production essential to the Louisiana rice industry. La. Farm and Ranch, September.
Linscombe, S.D. 2013. The value of international cooperation. La. Farm and Ranch, October.
Linscombe, S.D. 2013. Voluntary rice check-off program will be essential. La. Farm and Ranch, November.
Linscombe, S.D. 2013. Rice breeding objectives. La. Farm and Ranch, December.
Linscombe, S.D. 2014. Two new Louisiana rice varieties for 2014. La. Farm and Ranch, January.
Linscombe, S.D. 2014. Optimizing rice yields and quality. La. Farm and Ranch, February.
Linscombe, S.D. 2014. Rice Technical Working Group in Louisiana. La. Farm and Ranch, March.
Linscombe, S.D. 2014. Yield gains in Louisiana rice. La. Farm and Ranch, April.
Linscombe, S.D. 2014. Ratoon crop rice production in Southwest Louisiana. La. Farm and Ranch, May.
Linscombe, S.D. 2014. Rice Research Station critical for rice industry and the region. La. Farm and Ranch, June.
Linscombe, S.D. 2014. Highlights of the Rice Research Station Field Day – Part I. La. Farm and Ranch, July.
Linscombe, S.D. 2014. Highlights of the Rice Research Station 2014 Field Day – Part II. La. Farm and Ranch, August.
Linscombe, S.D. 2014. Rice researchers conduct studies across Louisiana. La. Farm and Ranch, September.
Linscombe, S.D. 2014. A Trip to Heilongjiang Province China. La. Farm and Ranch, October.
Linscombe, S.D. 2014. Louisiana Rice Research Board Administers Checkoff Funds to Maintain Industry. La. Farm and Ranch, November.
Linscombe, S.D. 2014. Rice Varieties for Louisiana for 2015. La. Farm and Ranch, December.
Linscombe, S.D. 2015. 2014 Louisiana Rice Crop in Review. La. Farm and Ranch, January.
Linscombe, S.D. 2015. Blackbirds a Significant Problem in Louisiana Rice Production. La. Farm and Ranch, February.
Linscombe, S.D. 2015. Medium-Grain Rice Acreage Up in Louisiana. La. Farm and Ranch, March.
Linscombe, S.D. 2015. Changes in Louisiana Rice Production – Part 1. La. Farm and Ranch, April.
Linscombe, S.D. 2015. Changes in Louisiana Rice Production – Part 2. La. Farm and Ranch, May.
Linscombe, S.D. 2015. 2015 Rice Season a Challenge Thus Far. La. Farm and Ranch, June.
Linscombe, S.D. 2015. Highlights of the Rice Research Station Field Day - Part I. La. Farm and Ranch, July.
Linscombe, S.D. 2015. Highlights of the Rice Research Station Field Day - Part II. La. Farm and Ranch, August.
Linscombe, S.D. 2015. Clearfield Rice Was Game Changer. La. Farm and Ranch, September.
Linscombe, S.D. 2015. Upcoming Rice Industry Meetings. La. Farm and Ranch, October.
Linscombe, S.D. 2015. LSU AgCenter Releases Two New Rice Varieties in 2015. La. Farm and Ranch, November.
Linscombe, S.D. 2015. Update on Hybrid Rice Research. La. Farm and Ranch, December.
Linscombe, S.D. 2016. Rice Varieties for Louisiana for 2016. La. Farm and Ranch, January.
Linscombe, S.D. 2016. Second Crop Management Becomes More Important for Rice Producers. La. Farm and Ranch, February.
Linscombe, S.D. 2016. Rice Variety Development – Early Stages. La. Farm and Ranch, March.
Linscombe, S.D. 2016. Rice Variety Development – Mid Stages. La. Farm and Ranch, April.
Linscombe, S.D. 2016. Rice Variety Development – Late Stages. La. Farm and Ranch, May.
Linscombe, S.D. 2016. Rice Variety Development – H. Rouse Caffey Rice Research Station Field Day Will Showcase Latest in Rice Production Technology. La. Farm and Ranch, June.
Linscombe, S.D. 2016. Quality is an Important Aspect in Rice. La. Farm and Ranch, July.
Linscombe, S.D. 2016. Field Day Highlights – Part I. La. Farm and Ranch, August.
Linscombe, S.D. 2016. Field Day Highlights – Part II. La. Farm and Ranch, September.
Linscombe, S.D. 2016. A Trip to China. La. Farm and Ranch, October.
Linscombe, S.D. 2016. 2016: A Very Difficult Year for Louisiana Rice Production. La. Farm and Ranch, November.
Linscombe, S.D. 2016. Louisiana Rice Research Board Administers Rice Research Funds. La. Farm and Ranch, December.
Linscombe, S.D. 2017. Another Rice Planting Season Will Soon Be Upon Us. La. Farm and Ranch, January.
Linscombe, S.D. 2017. Rice Variety Selection – An Important First Step. La Farm and Ranch, February.
Linscombe, S.D. 2017. Rice is a Complex Crop to Produce. La Farm and Ranch, March.
Linscombe, S.D. 2017. The Potential for the Use of Drones in Rice Production and Research. La. Farm and Ranch, April.
Proceedings Rice Technical Working Group (2000-present):
Bett, K.L., E.T. Champagne, A.M. Mcclung, K.A. Moldenhauer, S.D. Linscombe, and K.S. McKenzie. 2000. The classification of rice cultivars: based on cluster analysis of flavor and texture attributes, with amylose and protein contents Proc. 28th Rice Technical Working Group. February 27 – March 1, 2000. Biloxi, MS. 28:90.
Bollich, P.K., S.D. Linscombe, R.P. Regan, G.R. Romero, and D.M. Walker. 2000. Evaluation of Liberty-Link rice lines in statewide variety by nitrogen trials. Proc. 28th Rice Technical Working Group. February 27 – March 1, 2000. Biloxi, MS. 28:128.
Chu, Q.R., S.D. Linscombe, and H.X. Cao. 2000. Rice anther culture breeding strategy to develop elite southern U.S. long-grain lines. Proc. 28th Rice Technical Working Group. February 27 – March 1, 2000. Biloxi, MS. 28:47.
Jiang, J., S.D. Linscombe, J. Wang, and J.H. Oard. 2000. Field evaluation of transgenic rice (Oryza sativa L.) produced by agrobacterium and particle bombardment methods. Proc. 28th Rice Technical Working Group. February 27 – March 1, 2000. Biloxi, MS. 28:52.
Johnson, K.D., S.D. Linscombe, J. Gibbons, G. McCauley, J. Street, and S.R. Roberts. 2000. Results of the 1999 Louisiana, Arkansas, Texas, and Mississippi Liberty-Link trials Proc. 28th Rice Technical Working Group. February 27 – March 1, 2000. Biloxi, MS. 28:136-137.
Shahjahan, A.K.M., D.E. Groth, C.A. Clark, S.D. Linscombe, and M.C. Rush. 2000. Epidemic logical studies on panicle blight of rice: critical stage of infection and the effect of infected seeds on disease development and yield of rice. Proc. 28th Rice Technical Working Group. February 27 – March 1, 2000. Biloxi, MS. 28:77.
Shao, Q.M., S.D. Linscombe, E.C. Achberger, and M.C. Rush. 2000. Inheritance of the BAR and Hygromycin genes in transformed Taipei 309 and Nipponbare. Proc. 28th Rice Technical Working Group. February 27 – March 1, 2000. Biloxi, MS. 28:46.
Shao, Q.M., S.D. Linscombe, X.Y. Sha, and M.C. Rush. 2000. Transfer of the Bar gene from transgenic Taipei 309 and Nipponbare into U.S. commercial rice varieties through repeated backcrosses. Proc. 28th Rice Technical Working Group. February 27 – March 1, 2000. Biloxi, MS. 28:53.
Dunand, R.T. and S.D. Linscombe. 2002. Weed resistance management with maleic hydrazide in glufosinate-tolerant rice. Proc. 29th Rice Technical Working Group. February 24-27, 2002. Little Rock, AR. 29:153.
Groth, D.E. and S.D. Linscombe. 2002. LMT1: A new source of resistance to sheath blight and bacterial panicle blight. Proc. 29th Rice Technical Working Group. February 24-27, 2002. Little Rock, AR. 29:87.
Guice, J.B., P.H. Bruno, A.M. Floyed, J.S. Harden, S.D. Linscombe, E.P. Webster, and B.J. Williams. 2002. Weed control and crop tolerance in a water-seeded Clearfield rice production system. Proc. 29th Rice Technical Working Group. February 24-27, 2002. Little Rock, AR. 29:169.
Jiang, J., S. Oard, S.D. Linscombe, G. Pellear, A. Khan, D. Shih, D.E. Groth, and J.H. Oard. 2002. Development and preliminary field evaluation of transgenic U.S. rice tolerant to sheath blight disease. Proc. 29th Rice Technical Working Group. February 24-27, 2002. Little Rock, AR. 29:45.
Rush, M.C., S.D. Linscombe, X.Y. Sha, and Q.M. Shao. 2002. Current status of our research on developing sheath blight resistance in rice. Proc. 29th Rice Technical Working Group. February 24-27, 2002. Little Rock, AR. 29:89.
Sha, X.Y. and S.D. Linscombe. 2002. Comparison of two seeding rate scales in rice yield trials. Proc. 29th Rice Technical Working Group. February 24-27, 2002. Little Rock, AR. 29:52.
Sha, X.Y. and S.D. Linscombe. 2002. Performance of several Clearfield advanced breeding lines at six locations across Louisiana. Proc. 29th Rice Technical Working Group. February 24-27, 2002. Little Rock, AR. 29:52.
Shao, Q.M., D.E. Groth, S.D. Linscombe, and M.C. Rush. 2002. Potential for rice sheath blight control using Liberty herbicide. Proc. 29th Rice Technical Working Group. February 24-27, 2002. Little Rock, AR. 29:92.
Shao, Q.M., S.D. Linscombe, and M.C. Rush. 2002. Allelic analysis of transgenic rice plants from ‘Taipei 309’ and ‘Nipponbare.’ Proc. 29th Rice Technical Working Group. February 24-27, 2002. Little Rock, AR. 29:61.
Zhang, N., S.D. Linscombe, and J.H. Oard. 2002. Frequency and genetic analysis of natural outcrossing in the field between Liberty-resistant rice and the weed, red rice. Proc. 29th Rice Technical Working Group. February 24-27, 2002. Little Rock, AR. 29:160.
Chu, Q.R., Fontenot, T., Bearb, K., Theunissen, B., Bollich, P.A., Jin, X., Conner, C., Howard, A., and Linscombe, S.D. 2004. Incorporation of doubled haploid technology with conventional breeding in Louisiana. Proc. 30th Rice Technical Working Group. February 29-March 3, 2004. New Orleans, LA. 30:55.
Chu, Q.R., Fontenot, T., Conner, C., Howard, A., Theunissen, B., Bearb, K., and Linscombe, S.D. 2004. Performance of agronomic traits of 10 doubled haploid lines in nine locations in Louisiana. Proc. 30th Rice Technical Working Group. February 29-March 3, 2004. New Orleans, LA. 30:82.
Chu, Q.R., Groth, D.E., Rush, M.C., Linscombe, S.D., and Shao, Q.M. 2004. Anther culture to develop rice germplasm with disease resistance. Proc. 30th Rice Technical Working Group. February 29-March 3, 2004. New Orleans, LA. 30:80.
Chu, Q.R., Kibanda, N.J.M., and Linscombe, S.D. 2004. Comparison of yield components of 18 long-grain doubled haploid lines with five commercial varieties. Proc. 30th Rice Technical Working Group. February 29-March 3, 2004. New Orleans, LA. 30:78.
Jiang, J., Gibbons, J.W., Moldenhauer, K.A.K., Chu, Q.R., and Linscombe, S.D. 2004. Anther culturability of selected U.S. rice cultivars, experimental lines, and exotic rice germplasm. Proc. 30th Rice Technical Working Group. February 29-March 3, 2004. New Orleans, LA. 30:73.
Kibanda, N.J.M., Chu, Q.R., and Linscombe, S.D. 2004. Correlation study on yield components of doubled haploid lines in the advanced yield trial. Proc. 30th Rice Technical Working Group. February 29-March 3, 2004. New Orleans, LA. 30:77-78.
McClain, W.R. and Linscombe, S.D. 2004. Development of rice variety specifically for use in crawfish-only systems. Proc. 30th Rice Technical Working Group. February 29-March 3, 2004. New Orleans, LA. 30:53.
Sha, X.Y. and Linscombe, S.D. 2004. Selection of rice genotypes for aroma and grain appearance in the early and mid generations. Proc. 30th Rice Technical Working Group. February 29-March 3, 2004. New Orleans, LA. 30:56.
Sha, X.Y. and Linscombe, S.D. 2004. Performance of promising experimental Clearfield rice lines under Louisiana conditions. Proc. 30th Rice Technical Working Group. February 29-March 3, 2004. New Orleans, LA. 30:83.
Shao, Q.M., Rush, M.C., Wu, M.S., Zhang, S.L., Groth, D.E., and Linscombe, S.D. 2004. Linkage breaking between Liberty resistance (bar) and hygromycin resistance (hpt) genes by selection of transgenic Taipei 309 plants. Proc. 30th Rice Technical Working Group. February 29-March 3, 2004. New Orleans, LA. 30:65.
Shao, Q.M., Rush, M.C., Xiao, Y., Zhang, S.L., Groth, D.E., and Linscombe, S.D. 2004. Rice sheath blight control using Liberty herbicide as a fungicide on transgenic Cypress rice. Proc. 30th Rice Technical Working Group. February 29-March 3, 2004. New Orleans, LA. 30:106.
Utomo, H.S., Linscombe, S.D., Groth, D.E., and Chu, Q.R. 2004. Gene pyramiding and marker evaluation of blast resistant lines. Proc. 30th Rice Technical Working Group. February 29-March 3, 2004. New Orleans, LA. 30:105.
Utomo, H.S., Linscombe, S.D., and White, L.M. 2004. Off-type evaluation using DNA fingerprinting techniques. Proc. 30th Rice Technical Working Group. February 29-March 3, 2004. New Orleans, LA. 30:72.
Zhang, W., Linscombe, S.D., Webster, E.P., and Oard, J.H. 2004. Risk assessment and genetic analysis of natural outcrossing in Louisiana commercial fields between Clearfield rice and the weed, red rice. Proc. 30th Rice Technical Working Group. February 29-March 3, 2004. New Orleans, LA. 30:195.
Blanche, S.B., Linscombe, S.D., and Sha, X.Y. 2006. Medium-grain rice breeding in Louisiana. Proc. 31st Rice Technical Working Group. The Woodlands, TX. 31:41.
Sha, X.Y. and Linscombe, S.D. 2006. Development of medium-grain rice varieties with high yield potential and superior quality for the southern United States Proc. 31st Rice Technical Working Group. The Woodlands, TX. 31:61.
Sha, X.Y., Linscombe, S.D., Conner, C.A., and Theunissen, S.J. 2006. Preliminary studies on effects of planting dates on seedling stand of water-seeded rice. Proc. 31st Rice Technical Working Group. The Woodlands, TX. 31:163.
Sha, X.Y., Linscombe, S.D., and Theunissen, S.J. 2006. Breeding aromatic long-grain rice varieties for the southern United States. Proc. 31st Rice Technical Working Group. The Woodlands, TX. 31:61.
Sha, X.Y., Theunissen, S.J., and Linscombe, S.D. 2006. Effects of planting date on grain dimensions and grain weight of selected rice varieties. Proc. 31st Rice Technical Working Group. The Woodlands, TX. 31:146.
Utomo, H.S., Linscombe, S.D., and Sha, X.Y. 2006. Benefits and practical challenges in applying DNA markers into an actual rice breeding program. Proc. 31st Rice Technical Working Group. The Woodlands, TX. 31:50-51.
Utomo, H.S., I. Wenefrida, J. Nash, and S.D. Linscombe. 2006. Method for streamlining marker-assisted breeding: from field sampling to marker analysis. Proc. 31st Rice Technical Working Group. The Woodlands, TX. 31:62.
Wenefrida, I., S.D. Linscombe, and H.S. Utomo. 2006. Crude Protein Content and Phenotypic Characteristics of High Protein Lines. Proc. 31st Rice Technical Working Group. The Woodlands, TX. 31:45.
Zhang, W., S.D. Linscombe, E.P. Webster, S. Tan, and J.H. Oard. 2006. Risk assessment of the transfer of imazethapyr herbicide tolerance from Clearfield rice to red rice. Proc. 31st Rice Technical Working Group. The Woodlands, TX. 31:186.
Blanche, S.B., S.D. Linscombe, and X. Sha. 2008. Yield and Agronomic Performance of Variety and Hybrid Rice Blends in Louisiana. Proc. 32nd Rice Technical Working Group. February 18-21. San Diego, CA. 32:44.
Groth, D.E. and S.D. Linscombe. 2008. Effects of rice cultivar resistance level and fungicide applications on rice sheath blight, yield, and quality and its implications on varietal screening. Proc. 32nd Rice Technical Working Group. February 18-21. San Diego, CA. 32:87.
Nelson, J.C., X. Sun, A. McClung, R. Fjellstrom, K. Moldenhauer, E. Boza, F. Jodari, J. Oard, S. Linscombe, and Z. Guo. 2008. QTL Mapping for Milling-Quality Traits in a U.S. Japonica x Indica Rice Cross. Proc. 32nd Rice Technical Working Group. February 18-21. San Diego, CA. 32:63.
Roughton, A.I., F. Jodari, K. Moldenhauer, S.D. Linscombe, and H.A. McClung. 2008. Refining Induced Fissuring Procedures Used in Characterization of ‘RiceCAP’ Milling Populations. Proc. 32nd Rice Technical Working Group. February 18-21. San Diego, CA. 32:63.
Sha, X. and S.D. Linscombe. 2008. Parental Selection and Cross Combination in Breeding for Jasmine-Type Aromatic Rice Cultivars. Proc. 32nd Rice Technical Working Group. February 18-21. San Diego, CA. 32:57.
Sha, X., S.J. Theunissen, B. Henry, and S.D. Linscombe. 2008. Effects of Planting Date and Seeding Rate on Grain Yield and Yield Components of Southern Long- and Medium-Grain Rice. Proc. 32nd Rice Technical Working Group. February 18-21. San Diego, CA. 32:131.
Utomo, H.S., Linscombe, S.D., and Groth, D.E. 2008. Field performance of marker-assisted derived elite blast lines. Proc. 32nd Rice Technical Working Group. February 18-21. San Diego, CA. 32:51-52.
Li, W., J. Oard, S. Ordonez, S. Sha, and S. Linscombe. 2010. Development of U.S. Hybrid Rice Germplasm. Proc. 33rd Rice Technical Working Group. February 22-25, 2010. Biloxi, MS. 33:66.
Li, W., Sha, X., Linscombe, S.D., Groth, D.E., Oard, J.H., Theunissen, S.J., and Henry, B.J. 2010. Current Status and Perspective in Hybrid Rice Development at LSU AgCenter Rice Research Station. Proc. 33rd Rice Technical Working Group. February 22-25, 2010. Biloxi, MS. 33:54.
Sha, X.Y., Linscombe, S.D., and Chu, Q.R. 2010. Expanding Genetic Diversity in Southern Long-Grain Rice by Incorporating the Anther Culture-Derived Germplasm. Proc. 33rd Rice Technical Working Group. February 22-25, 2010. Biloxi, MS. 33:56.
Utomo, H.S., I. Wenefrida, D.E. Groth, and S.D. Linscombe. 2010. Molecular Characteristics of High Rice Grain Protein Content and Potential Marker Development. Proc. 33rd Rice Technical Working Group. February 22-25, 2010. Biloxi, MS. 33:49-50.
Wenefrida, I., H.S. Utomo, and S.D. Linscombe. 2010. Nutritional Value of Rice and Current Research Effort to Enhance Grain Protein Content among Louisiana Lines. Proc. 33rd Rice Technical Working Group. February 22-25, 2010. Biloxi, MS. 33:48-49.
Golden, B.R., Walker, T.W., and Linscombe, S.D. 2012. Seeding date effects on grain yield stability. Proc. 34th Rice Technical Working Group. February 27 – March 1, 2012. Hot Springs, AR. 34:123-124.
Groth, D.E., Sha, X., and Linscombe, S.D. 2012. Progress in screening for sheath blight, blast, and bacterial panicle blight. Proc. 34th Rice Technical Working Group. February 27 – March 1, 2012. Hot Springs, AR. 34:78.
Salassi, M.E., Deliberto, M.A., Linscombe, S.D., Wilson, Jr., C.E., Walker, T.H., and McCauley, G.N. 2012. Impacts of lodged rice on milling yield, market price, and net returns. Proc. 34th Rice Technical Working Group. February 27 – March 1, 2012. Hot Springs, AR. 34:150.
Sha, X.Y., Li, W.K., Linscombe, S.D., Oard, J.H., Groth, D.E., Theunissen, S.J., and Henry, B.J. 2012. Development of hybrid rice in Louisiana – A progress report. Proc. 34th Rice Technical Working Group. February 27 – March 1, 2012. Hot Springs, AR. 34:50.
Sha, X.Y., Li, W.K., Linscombe, S.D., Oard, J.H., Theunissen, S.J., and Henry, B.J. 2012. Restoring abilities of U.S. long-grain rice genotypes to selected Chinese cytoplasmic male sterile lines. Proc. 34th Rice Technical Working Group. February 27 – March 1, 2012. Hot Springs, AR. 34:64-65.
Sha, X.Y., Li, W.K., Linscombe, S.D., Theunissen, S.J., and Henry, B.J. 2012. Effects of seeding rates and seed treatments on flowering date and flowering duration of hybrid rice parental lines. Proc. 34th Rice Technical Working Group. February 27 – March 1, 2012. Hot Springs, AR. 34:64.
Sha, X.Y., Linscombe, S.D., Theunissen, S.J., and Henry, B.J. 2012. Is early-generation selection for aroma and grain appearance effective? Proc. 34th Rice Technical Working Group. February 27 – March 1, 2012. Hot Springs, AR. 34:63.
Subudhi, P.K., Sha, X., and Linscombe, S. 2012. Breeding for salt tolerance in rice. Proc. 34th Rice Technical Working Group. February 27 – March 1, 2012. Hot Springs, AR. 34:62.
Utomo, H.S., Linscombe, S.D., and Wenefrida, I. 2012. Comparative mutational site of high lysine rice lines and other crops. Proc. 34th Rice Technical Working Group. February 27 – March 1, 2012. Hot Springs, AR. 34:47.
Wenefrida, I., Utomo, H.S., and Linscombe, S.D. 2012. Field performance and grain characteristics of high protein rice lines. Proc. 34th Rice Technical Working Group. February 27 – March 1, 2012. Hot Springs, AR. 34:48.
DeLeon, T., S. Linscombe, G. Gregorio, and P. Subudhi. 2014. Genetic diversity and evaluation of US southern rice genotypes for salinity tolerance. Proc. 35th Rice Technical Working Group. February 18-21, 2014. New Orleans, LA. 35:60.
Li, W., J.H. Oard, S.D. Linscombe, D.L. Harrell, X. Sha, D.E. Groth, and J.E. Richard. 2014. Progress in Hybrid Rice Development and Production at the LSU AgCenter Rice Research Station. Proc. 35th Rice Technical Working Group. February 18-21, 2014. New Orleans, LA. 35:49.
Linscombe, S.D. 2014. History of Rice in Louisiana. Proc. 35th Rice Technical Working Group. February 18-21, 2014. New Orleans, LA. 35:42.
McClung, A.M., K. Yeater, F. Jodari, S. Linscombe, T. Walker, B. Ottis, L.T. Wilson, and K. Moldenhauer. 2014. U.S. Cultivar Grain Quality as Assessed Using Objective and Subjective Methods. Proc. 35th Rice Technical Working Group. February 18-21, 2014. New Orleans, LA. 35:165.
Moldenhauer, K.A.K., K.S. McKenzie, X. Sha, S.D. Linscombe, N.B. Lyman, and L.L. Nalley. 2014. U.S. Rice Breeding – 30 Years of Genetic Gains. Proc. 35th Rice Technical Working Group. February 18-21, 2014. New Orleans, LA. 35:47.
Salassi, M.E., M.A. Deliberto, S.D. Linscombe, C.E. Wilson, Jr., T.W. Walker, G.N. McCauley, and D.C. Blouin. 2014. Influence of Planting Date on Crop Lodging Impacts on Rough Rice Milling Yield. Proc. 35th Rice Technical Working Group. February 18-21, 2014. New Orleans, LA. 35:159-160.
Salassi, M.E., M.A. Deliberto, S.D. Linscombe, C.E. Wilson, Jr., T.W. Walker, G.N. McCauley, and D.C. Blouin. 2014. Varietal Differences in Impact of Crop Lodging on Rough Rice Milling Yield and Market Price. Proc. 35th Rice Technical Working Group. February 18-21, 2014. New Orleans, LA. 35:152-153.
Sanabria, Y., D. Groth, S.D. Linscombe, D. Galam, C. de Guzman, M. Esguerra, R. Camacho, and J. Oard. 2014. Development and Preliminary Evaluation of Molecular Markers for Sheath Blight Resistance in Rice. Proc. 35th Rice Technical Working Group. February 18-21, 2014. New Orleans, LA. 35:59.
Utomo, H.S., I. Wenefrida, and S.D. Linscombe. 2014. Field Performance of Marker-Assisted and Introgression Rice Lines. Proc. 35th Rice Technical Working Group. February 18-21, 2014. New Orleans, LA. 35:60-61.
Wenefrida, I., H.S. Utomo, and S.D. Linscombe. 2014. Genetic Enhancement of Nutritional Quality in Rice and Other Grain Cereals. Proc. 35th Rice Technical Working Group. February 18-21, 2014. New Orleans, LA. 35:51-52.
De Leon, T.B., Linscombe, S., Subudhi, P.K. 2016. Digenic epistatic QTL-mapping for traits related to salinity tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa). The 36th Rice Technical Working Group Meeting, Moody Garden, Galveston, Texas, March 1-4, 2016 (poster).
De Leon, T.B., Linscombe, S., Subudhi, P.K. 2016. QTL mapping for salinity tolerance using ultra-high density SNP markers. The 36th Rice Technical Working Group Meeting, Moody Garden, Galveston, Texas, March 1-4, 2016 (oral).
Rice Research Station Newsletter (2004-present):
Linscombe, S.D. 2004. Potential Varietal Releases. Rice Research Station Newsletter 1(1):1-2.
Linscombe, S.D. 2004. Golden Rice Research. Rice Research Station Newsletter 1(2):1.
Linscombe, S.D. 2004. Choosing Rice Varieties for 2005. Rice Research Station Newsletter 1(2):4.
Linscombe, S.D. 2005. Seeding Dates for Louisiana Rice Production. Rice Research Station Newsletter 2(1):5.
Linscombe, S.D. and J.H. Oard. 2005. Efforts Must be Made to Minimize the Effects of Outcrossing in Clearfield Rice. Rice Research Station Newsletter 2(2):5.
Linscombe, S.D. 2005. Uniform Regional Rice Nursery. Rice Research Station Newsletter 2(3):1-2.
Linscombe, S.D. 2005. Off-Station Research in Northeast Louisiana. Rice Research Station Newsletter 2(3):5.
Linscombe, S.D. 2005. Potential Rice Varieties of the Future. Rice Research Station Newsletter 2(4):4-5.
Linscombe, S.D. 2006. Rice Variety Update. Rice Research Station Newsletter 3(1):2.
Linscombe, S.D. 2006. Harvest Moisture and Rice Milling Quality. Rice Research Station Newsletter 3(3):1-2.
Linscombe, S.D. 2006. Rice Referendums Set for January 30, 2007. Rice Research Station Newsletter 3(4):3.
Linscombe, S.D. 2007. Rice Variety Update. Rice Research Station Newsletter 4(1):1.
Linscombe, S.D. 2007. Rice Breeding Objectives. Rice Research Station Newsletter 4(3):3.
Linscombe, S.D. 2007. Cheniere Available in 2008. Rice Research Station Newsletter 4(4):3.
Linscombe, S.D. and X. Sha. 2008. Rice Station Produces Foundation Seed. Rice Research Station Newsletter 5(1):6-7.
Linscombe, S.D. 2008. Off-Station Rice Research Work. Rice Research Station Newsletter 5(2):5-6.
Linscombe, S.D. 2008. Breeding for New Clearfield Varieties. Rice Research Station Newsletter 5(3):8-9.
Linscombe, S.D. 2008. Louisiana Rice Research Board Supports Industry Improvements. Rice Research Station Newsletter 5(4):1.
Linscombe, S.D. 2009. Cooperation Among Rice Breeding Programs. Rice Research Station Newsletter 6(1):7.
Linscombe, S.D. 2009. Rice Variety Development 101 Part I. Rice Research Station Newsletter 6(2):5.
Linscombe, S.D. 2009. Rice Variety Development 101 Part II. Rice Research Station Newsletter 6(3):4.
Linscombe, S.D. 2009. Rice Variety Development 101 Part III. Rice Research Station Newsletter 6(4):4-5.
Linscombe, S.D. 2010. Two New Clearfield Varieties for 2010. Rice Research Station Newsletter 7(1):1.
Linscombe, S.D. 2010. Blackbird Bating Program of Great Benefit to the Rice Industry and Others. Rice Research Station Newsletter 7(1):5.
Linscombe, S.D. and X. Sha. 2010. Potential New Rice Varieties for 2011. Rice Research Station Newsletter 7(3):3.
Linscombe, S.D. 2010. Sustainable Rice Production in Louisiana. Rice Research Station Newsletter 7(4):4.
Linscombe, S.D. 2011. Caffey A New Medium-Grain Rice Variety. Rice Research Station Newsletter 8(1):3.
Linscombe, S.D. 2011. Seeding Dates Critical in Rice Production. Rice Research Station Newsletter 8(1):5.
Linscombe, S.D. 2011. Sustainability in Louisiana Rice Production Program. Rice Research Station Newsletter 8(3):2.
Linscombe, S.D. 2011. Date of Planting Affects Rice Productivity. Rice Research Station Newsletter 8(4):6.
Linscombe, S.D. 2012. Mermentau New Conventional Long-Grain Rice. Rice Research Station Newsletter 9(1):2.
Linscombe, S.D. 2012. The History of U.S Rice Production – Part I. Rice Research Station Newsletter 9(1):4.
Linscombe, S.D. 2012. The History of U.S Rice Production – Part 2. Rice Research Station Newsletter 9(2):3.
Linscombe, S.D. 2012. Multi-State Rice Quality Study. Rice Research Station Newsletter 9(3):2.
Linscombe, S.D. 2012. Louisiana Rice Research Checkoff Program. Rice Research Station Newsletter 9(4):1.
Linscombe, S.D. 2012. Arsenic in Rice. Rice Research Station Newsletter 9(4):4.
Linscombe, S.D. 2013. Potential New Rice Varieties. Rice Research Station Newsletter 10(1):4.
Linscombe, S.D. 2013. Off-Station Rice Research in Louisiana. Rice Research Station Newsletter 10(2):2.
Linscombe, S.D. 2013. Update on Kellogg’s Rice Sustainability Program. Rice Research Station Newsletter 10(3):2.
Linscombe, S.D. 2013. Louisiana Foundation Seed Rice. Rice Research Station Newsletter 10(4):6.
Linscombe, S.D. 2014. New Rice Varieties for 2014. Rice Research Station Newsletter 11(1):5.
Linscombe, S.D. 2014. Rice Technical Working Group in Louisiana. Rice Research Station Newsletter 11(2):3.
Linscombe, S.D. 2014. Rice Research Check-off Program Back on Line. Rice Research Station Newsletter 11(3):1.
Linscombe, S.D. 2014. Rice Inbred Varieties for Louisiana for 2015. Rice Research Station Newsletter 11(4):4.
Linscombe, S.D. 2015. Puerto Rico Critical to Rice Breeding Efforts. Rice Research Station Newsletter 12(2):3.
Linscombe, S.D. 2015. Rice Breeding Objectives. Rice Research Station Newsletter 12(3):2.
Linscombe, S.D. 2015. 36th Rice Technical Working Group Meeting. Rice Research Station Newsletter 12(4):5.
Linscombe, S.D. 2016. LSU AgCenter Releases Two New Rice Varieties. Rice Research Station Newsletter 13(1):1-2.
Linscombe, S.D. 2016. Rice Variety Development – Early Stages. Rice Research Station Newsletter 13(2):3.
Linscombe, S.D. and D.L. Harrell. 2016. Is Arsenic in Rice and Issue? Rice Research Station Newsletter 13(2):4.
Harrell, D.L. and S.D. Linscombe. 2016. Northeast Louisiana Rice Research 2016. Rice Research Station Newsletter 13(3):4.
Linscombe, S.D. 2016. Rice Sustainability Research Needs. Rice Research Station Newsletter 13(3):4-5.
Linscombe, S.D. 2016. Puerto Rico Winter Nursery Update. Rice Research Station Newsletter 13(4):3.
Linscombe, S.D. 2017. Rice Variety Development – Mid Stages. Rice Research Station Newsletter 14(1):2.
Linscombe, S.D. 2017. Potential New Clearfield Jazzman Variety. Rice Research Station Newsletter 14(1):3.
Harrell, D.L. and S.D. Linscombe. 2017. Bird Repellents for Seeded and Headed Rice. Rice Research Station Newsletter 14(1):4.
Other (2000-present):
Bond, J.A., J.L. Griffin, D.A. Peters, J.M. Ellis, S.D. Linscombe, and J.L. Godley. 2000. Corn and rice response to simulated drift rates of lightning. Proc. Southern Weed Science Society 53:22.
Ellis, J.M., J.L. Griffin, S.D. Linscombe, and E. P. Webster. 2000. Rice response to Roundup Ultra and Liberty simulated drift. Proc. Louis. Plant. Protect. Assn. 10:11.
Lanclos, D.Y., E.P. Webster, S.D. Linscombe, J.A. Masson, and K.J. Pellerin. 2000. Evaluation of glufosinate-resistant rice treated with glufosinate at intervals throughout the season. Proc. Louis. Plant. Protect. Assn. 10:12.
Levy, R.J., Jr., E.P. Webster, S.D. Linscombe, and W. Zhang. 2000. Evaluation of cultural practices and imazethapyr application timings in Clearfield rice. Proc. South. Weed Sci. Soc. 53:18.
Dunand, R.T., E.P. Webster, S.D. Linscombe, and J.A. Masson. 2001. Impact of gibberellic acid on crop tolerance of imidazolinone tolerant rice. Proc. South. Weed Sci. Soc. 54:44.
Levy, R.J., Jr., E.P. Webster, and S.D. Linscombe. 2001. Integrating imidazolinone-tolerant rice in Louisiana production practices. Proc. South. Weed Sci. Soc. 54:166.
Dunand, R.T., E.P. Webster, and S.D. Linscombe. 2002. Gibberellic acid and crop injury in Clearfield rice. Proc. South. Weed Sci. Soc. 55:117.
Levy, R.J., Jr., E.P. Webster, and S.D. Linscombe. 2002. Impact of cultural practices on imazethapyr in LA rice production. Proc. South. Weed Sci. Soc. 55:18.
Zhang, W., E.P. Webster, C.T. Leon, K.J. Pellerin, and S.D. Linscombe. 2002. Response of rice varieties to bispyribac-sodium applications. Proc South. Weed Sci. Soc. 55:116.
Dunand, R.T., E.P. Webster, and S.D. Linscombe. 2003. Red rice growth suppression in Clearfield and Liberty Link rice. Proc. South. Weed Sci. Soc. 56:46.
Linscombe, S.D. 2004. The development and introgression of Clearfield technology into commercial rice production. Proc. of the Conf. Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Rice-Based Production Systems. Edited by A. Ferrero and F. Vidotto. Torino, Italy. Sept. 13-15. pp. 349-352.
Sha, X.Y. and Linscombe, S.D. 2004. Development of special purpose aromatic rice varieties in the United States. 4th International Crop Science Congress. Sept. 26-Oct. 1, 2004. Brisbane, Australia.
Sha, X.Y. and Linscombe, S.D. 2004. Development of specialty purpose aromatic rice varieties for Louisiana. In: Proceedings of Annual Louisiana Agronomist Association Meeting. March 15-16. Baton Rouge, LA. p. 31.
Fjellstrom, R. G., Linscombe, S., Oard, J., Moldenhauer, K.A.K., Boza, E., Jodari, F., Nelson, J.C., Yeater, K. and McClung, A. 2007. RiceCAP: Identification Of QTL Associated With Rice Milling Yield In A Long Grain Cross. Plant and Animal Genome Conf. Poster, Abstract for Plant and Animal Genome XV Conference, Jan 13-17, 2007, San Diego, CA.
McClung, A., Tai, T., Linscombe, S.D., Moldenhauer, K.A.K., Kanter, D., Beighley, D., Ordonez, Jr., S.A., Kadaru, S.B., and Oard, J.H. 2007. Validation of mixed model-regression procedure for association genetics in rice. ASA-CSSA-SSSA 2007 International Annual Meetings. Nov. 4-8. New Orleans, LA. Abstract 259-5.
Sha, X., Linscombe, S.D., and Chen, M.H. 2007. Breeding Jasmine-type aromatic rice for southern United States. ASA-CSSA-SSSA 2007 International Annual Meetings. Nov. 4-8. New Orleans, LA. Abstract 259-1.
Utomo, H., Linscombe, S.D., and Sha, X. 2007. Incorporation of DNA markers to develop improved southern rice breeding lines. ASA-CSSA-SSSA 2007 International Annual Meetings. Nov. 4-8. New Orleans, LA. Abstract 81-4.
Wenefrida, I., Utomo, H., and Linscombe, S.D. 2007. Amino acid profiles and molecular characteristics of high protein rice lines. ASA-CSSA-SSSA 2007 International Annual Meetings. Nov. 4-8. New Orleans, LA. Abstract 79-1.
Blanche, S.B. and S.D. Linscombe. 2008. Stability of rice grain and whole kernel milling yield is affected by cultivar and date of planting. 2009 Southern Branch ASA-CSSA-SSSA Ann. Mtg. 1-3 Feb., Atlanta, GA.
Saichuk, J.K., S.B. Blanche, E. Eskew, D. Harrell, D.E. Groth, C.A. Hollier, N. Hummel, S.D. Linscombe, M.C. Rush, X. Sha, M.J. Stout, E.P. Webster, and L.M. White. 2008. Rice varieties and management tips 2009. La. Coop. Ext. Pub. 2270. LSU AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA.
Saichuk, J.K., S.D. Linscombe, etc. 2009. 2010 Rice Varieties and Management Tips. Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service. Pub. 2270. LSU AgCenter, Baton Rouge.
Sha, X., S.D. Linscombe, S. Blanche, and D.E. Groth. "Field Performance of selected hybrid rice at five Louisiana locations." 2009 International ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meetings, November 1-5, Pittsburgh, PA. Published on CD.
Sha, X.Y., S.D. Linscombe, S.B. Blanche, and D.E. Groth. 2009. Yield advantage of hybrid rice over conventional and Clearfield long-grain rice in the southern United States. p. 687-693. In Xie F. and Hardy B. (eds.) 2009. Accelerating hybrid rice development. Los Banos (Philippines): International Rice Research Institute. 698 p.
Salassi, M., Deliberto, M., Linscombe, S., Wilson, C., Walker, T., and McCauley, G. 2012. Economic impacts of lodged rice. Delta Region Farm Management and Agricultural Policy Working Group SERA-35 Annual Meeting, Farmerville, LA, May 24, 2012.
Utomo, H. S., Wenefrida, I., Materne, M.D., and Linscombe, S. 2012. Developing innovative coastal restoration tools through seed-based planting and coated or tableted seed. Proc. State of the Coast Conference, New Orleans, LA. June 25-27, 2012.
Utomo, H. S., Wenefrida, I., Materne, M.D., and Linscombe, S. 2012. Innovative coastal restoration tool using airplane and airboat for rapid stabilization of newly created marshes. Proc. State of the Coast Conference, New Orleans, LA. June 25-27, 2012.
Wenefrida, I., Utomo, H.S., and Linscombe, S.D. 2012. Review of mutational breeding and genetic engineering approaches to the development of high protein content in the grain. Proc. 24th American Chemistry Society National Meeting & Exposition. Philadelphia, PA. August 19-23, 2012.
De Leon, T., S. Linscombe, G. Gregorio, P. Subudhi. 2013. Genetic diversity and evaluation of fifty rice genotypes in response to salt stress. Poster (#216) presented at the ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings, Tampa, FL, Nov 4, 2013.
Saichuk, J., S. Brown, V. Deshotel, S. Gauthier, D. Groth, D. Harrell, C. Hollier, S. Linscombe, J. Oard, M. Stout, E. Webster, L. White III. 2013. 2014 Rice Varieties & Management Tips. Louisiana State University Agricultural Center Pub. 2270 11/13 Rev.
Saichuk, J., S. Brown, B. Courville, D. Groth, D. Harrell, C. Hollier, S. Linscombe, J. Oard, M. Stout, E. Webster, L. White III, and R. Zaunbrecher. 2014. 2015 Rice Varieties & Management Tips. Louisiana State University Agricultural Center Pub. 2270 11/14 Rev.
Saichuk, J.K., B. Schultz, C.A. Hollier, D.E. Groth, D.L. Harrell, E.P. Webster, L.M. White III, M.C. Rush, M. Salassi, M.J. Stout, S.D. Linscombe, T.E. Reagan, S. Brown, J.H. Oard. 2014. "Rice Production Handbook." LSU Agricultural Center Pub. 2321 5/14 Rev.
Harrell, D., S. Brown, A. Famoso, K. Fontenot, D. Groth, M. Kongchum, S. Linscombe, J. Oard, M. Stout, E. Webster, L. White III, and R. Zaunbrecher. 2015. "2016 Rice Varieties and Management Tips". Louisiana State University Agricultural Center Pub. 2270 1/16 Rev.
Webster, E.P., S.D. Linscombe, E.A. Bergeron, B.M. McKnight, and J.C. Fish. 2015. Provisia rice: A future option in rice. Proc. South. Weed Sci. Soc. 68:198.
Addison C., Mangu V., Bedre R., Sanchez L., Ly LTT, Sengupta S., Linscombe S. Baisakh N. 2016. Integrative approaches to dissecting yield QTLs for drought tolerance in rice. Abstract of the paper presented in the ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings, Nov 6-9, Phoenix, AZ.
Harrell, D., S. Brown, A. Famoso, K. Fontenot, D. Groth, J. Hebert, M. Kongchum, S. Linscombe, J. Oard, M. Stout, E. Webster, and R. Zaunbrecher. 2016. "2017 Rice Varieties and Management Tips". Louisiana State University Agricultural Center Pub. 2270 1/17 Rev.
Puram RV, Ontoy J, Linscombe S, Subudhi PK. 2017. Genetic dissection of seedling stage salinity tolerance in rice using introgression lines of a salt tolerant landrace Nona Bokra. 2017 Meeting of the Southern Section of the American Society of Plant Biologists, April 8-10, 2017, Orlando, FL, USA (Oral presentation # 13).
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture