Where Do I Get It? Nutrition November 2019

Is being diagnosed with Diabetes so complicated?

There are all kinds of risk and tricky situations when being diagnosed with diabetes.There are five things to remember when you are diagnosed with diabetes.

1) Always plan for treatment: When diagnosed with diabetes, always make plans to see an endocrinologist to have your care managed in a healthy fashion.These doctors are familiar with this type of disease and can give you the very best of care. There may be times when you will have to see a specialist, but your doctor will make that call.Waiting to see a specialist after being diagnosed is not a good idea because it can prolong or affect your treatment and health. In order to see a specialist, your primary care physician is the person that can make the referral to a specialist. Your records will be shared with the specialist to start your treatment.

2) Learn how to manage your blood sugar: Learn how to take your blood sugar.Make sure that you get a glucose machine to keep track of your blood sugar on a daily basis. Always write down your numbers so that you can show your numbers to your doctor at your next visit. If your number is high before you have your doctor’s appointment, call the doctor’s office to let him/her know that your glucose level was high at your last monitoring.Not taking care or monitoring your sugar level can cause other health problems for example blur vision.

3) Finding the help you need when you need it: Most times we have complications that does not interfere with our daily lives. Other times, complications progress slowly and cause us lots of problems, causing us not to do the things that we normally do or have been doing.If you are not able to handle the stress of taking your blood sugar, check into home health centers, family members, friends or even neighbors that can help with checking your medication, performing your glucose test or even giving you injections, if needed. Talk to your insurance company to see if you may be eligible for disability insurance or help with your medical bills. If you want to learn more about disability, you can go to disability.gov.

4) Feel your own feelings: When we have major changes in our health we usually get stressed or depressed.Talk to your health care provider about how you are feeling so that they can help you before things get worse. Join support groups if you have to or ask to be referred to a mental health professional. Talk to family members or friends for support and encouragement. It is always important to talk to someone with knowledge about your diabetes or how you are feeling.

5) Exercising on a regular basis: When we exercise on a regular basis it relieves the stress and pressure that we feel from holding things in. There are professionals that are there to help you get your strength back and become motivated to get back to your normal routines in life. Remember before starting an exercise program or routine, check with your physician first because sometimes the exercise that you do may not be adequate for your health condition.

Nutrition Blog

Eating Foods that can help cure Diabetes!

Curing diabetes takes eating the right foods and exercise.Some of the foods that can help cure diabetes includes the following:

Melon that is bitter - this melon is also known as balsam pear which is made of various compounds that contain antidiabetic ingredients.

Celery – the juice from the celery relaxes the nervous system, while the minerals helps the body to use the calcium better.

Cucumbers – helps to break down excess proteins in the body.

Huckleberry – fights against retinopathy and cataracts.

Nuts & Seeds – has health monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.

Eating these foods can put your diabetes in remission and let you have the life that you want without the worry of taking pills or injecting insulin. Let’s take care of our bodies by eating right and exercising more to live longer.

Healthy Recipe

Veggie Dip Cups


¼ cup low-fat buttermilk

½ cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt

¼ cup light mayonnaise

1 Tbsp minced fresh parsley

½ tsp dried dill

½ tsp garlic powder

½ tsp onion powder

1/8 tsp salt

¼ tsp ground black pepper

4 cups assorted vegetable sticks for dipping


  1. In a medium bowl, combine the buttermilk, yogurt, mayonnaise, parsley, dill, garlic powder, onion powder, salt, and pepper.
  2. Pour ¼ of the dip into a plastic or glass cocktail cup.
  3. Arrange 1 cup of assorted vegetable sticks in the cup.
  4. Repeat the process for 3 more cups.

Nutrition Facts:

Calories:90 per servings; Carbohydrate:10 grams (Fiber 2 g, Sugars 6 g); Total Fat: 4 grams; Saturated Fat:05 grams; Cholesterol:5 milligrams; Sodium:260 milligrams; Potassium: 350 milligrams; Protein: 5 g; Phosphorus: 90 mg

Smart Changes Healthy Habits Winn Dixie Grocery Store Tour

Grocery Store Tour at Winn Dixie in LaPlace hosted by Cynthia lifton, LSU AgCenter, Nutrition Extension Agent on Monday, November 4, 2019 from 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.Mr. David Pitfield, Winn Dixie store manager, was very pleased to offer his store for the grocery store tour when I approached him with the idea of conducting a Grocery Store Tour at his store. This grocery store tour was part of a 4 part series lesson being taught at the Reserve Library entitled “Small Changes Healthy Habits.” The grocery store tour was the third lesson.The participants enjoyed the tour of knowing the healthy foods to purchase and why the vegetables and fruits are at the beginning of the store. The grocery store tour included reading the labels of the products and not only checking the calories, but also checking for the serving size, sodium content, carbohydrates, potassium, protein, daily nutrition value of a 2000 calorie lifestyle plan and unit price of product for best purchase price.

The participants of the grocery store tour included:Ivy Mathieu, Laureen Arceneaux and Larry Sorapuru. They are checking the serving size of the vegetables and the sodium content.

If you would like to participate in any of these nutrition workshops, please call Cynthia Clifton at 985-497-3261.

Smart Portions – A Healthy Weight Loss Management Program coming soon to River Parishes Community College

River Parishes Community College, in collaboration with the LSU AgCenter, is offering the SMART PORTIONS PROGRAM January 8 through February 26, 2020, Wednesday mornings, from 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.

This 8-week lifestyle weight control program teaches healthy eating using the ChooseMyPlate food groups and proper portion sizes. Regular physical activity and focus on a healthy weight are key to success. The 8-week program includes:

  • Weekly 1 – ½ hour classes
  • Resource binder
  • Personalized meal plan
  • Weekly weigh-ins
  • Journal of Personal Progress
  • Food demonstrations & tasting
  • Tools to keep you on track and motivated

  • Smart Portions Orientation is January 8, 2020. Sign up today! Call Cynthia Clifton at 985-497-3261 to enroll.

    Attendance at Orientation is mandatory to participate in the program.

    The LSU AgCenter is a statewide campus of the LSU System and provides equal opportunities in programs and employment.

    11/13/2019 3:34:30 PM
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