St. John Parish 4-H Clover Chronicle March 2017

Summer Camp 2017

Summer Camp will be held July 3-7th at Camp Grant Walker for club members in grades 4th – 6th seven full filled tracts. Scholarships available. Come join us. Call the 4-H office 985-497-3261 for more information.

Ark-La-Tex Agricultural Council Scholarship

Applicants must be graduating high school senior with an overall scholastic average of 3.0. The scholarship is renewable for 4 years providing the recipient maintains a 3.0 or better grade point average in college. If any senior is interested in this scholarship, call the office for an application. Completed application must be completed and received by April 3, 2017.

Ag Wonders

April 13, 2017 in Amite, Louisiana at the Florida Parish Arena. Pre-K thru 3rd grade is invited to participate in over 20 hands-on-exhibits, live animals, dig for earthworms, and pick vegetables in the garden and science experiments. Learn about Agriculture in the parishes. To bring your class to Ag Wonders, contact to reserve a spot and receive registration packet.

Dairy and Beef Poster Contest

It’s that time again to start promoting the Beef and Dairy Contest. Information concerning the 4-H Beef and Dairy Contest rules call the office 985-497-3261.

2017 Louisiana Forestry Teachers Tour

This 5 day workshop will be held June 12-16th in Southeast Louisiana. This will be a hands-on, on-the-go workshop that is fun exciting and informative. Each participants will earn 30 CLUs the tour is limited to 35 participants. All lodging, meals, materials and transportation during the tour are provided free. For more information email See attached flyer for more information.

4-H Day at the Capital

Mark your calendars for 4-H Day at the Capitol on Wednesday, May 31, 2017. More details will follow in the coming months with registration details, agenda, etc.

4-H University

....Mark your calendar for 4-H University on June 20-24 at LSU. 4-H’ers can participate in different contest areas. More information will be sent out at a later date.

3/7/2017 3:02:40 PM
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