4-H Summer Camp

Rochelle Wilking, Husser, Brittany

4-H Summer Camping is an opportunity for an experience 4-H'ers grades 4th - 6th will remember for a lifetime. Due to damage sustained by hurricanes and flooding, the camp is still undergoing renovations and repairs which limits the number of campers we will be able to bring. After much thought, the following guidelines were developed for selecting campers to attend. Availability will be on a first come first serve basis.

  1. Complete the interest form by answering all questions. Access the form here.
  2. Families will be contacted if their form was submitted within the first time slots.
  3. Families must secure their slot by submitting their $75 deposit and registration forms by March 29th at 6:00 p.m. or the next interested camper will be contacted.

Camp Grant Walker Background Info: The camp is conducted at the Grant Walker 4-H Educational Center located in Pollock, Louisiana. This facility has been used as the state 4-H summer camp for 100 years. In fact, it is the oldest 4-H camp in the South! More than 215,000 Louisiana youths along with over 9,000 volunteers have taken part in this experience. Camp is scheduled the week of Monday, July 11 - Thursday, July 14, 2022. Campers will be able to enjoy swimming, canoeing, archery, and line dancing. The cost for the overnight camp will be about $250.00 per camper.

Please see the 2022 Summer Camp Packet


Scholarship opportunities will be available. A verification process for the Chancellor Scholarship (pays $120 towards the camper's fee) will be conducted as noted below:

  1. Parents or guardians complete the Chancellor Scholarship Form and submit to their 4-H Agent.
  2. The 4-H Agent will determine eligibility based on the information provided on the application and income eligibility guidelines.


If you are a high school 4-H'er grades 9th-12th willing to serve as a 4-H camp counselor by assisting in tracks, helping facilitate materials, serving food, and supporting campers overall experience, please complete the interest form below by March 29th at 6:00 p.m.

Access the counselor interest form here.

For additional information, please contact Rochelle Wilking rwilking@agcenter.lsu.edu.

3/28/2022 7:29:34 PM
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