4-H Record Books

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4-H project work is a portal to youth development. Through their projects, youth are invited to develop and practice technical skill sets. They are encouraged to share their newfound skills with others through various leadership and service-learning opportunities.

Project work encompasses service or leadership opportunities related to the project topic - whether the project work is completed in 4-H, or not. For example, if photography is a youth’s primary 4-H project and they volunteer to photograph a Beta Club event, this counts as project work.

Record-keeping is a fundamental life skill that 4-H members can use to set goals, track their progress and develop valuable life skills that will serve them well into adulthood.

The 4-H Member Record Book has been updated and posted to the LSU AgCenter website at the following link: 4-H Portfolio (lsuagcenter.com). All entries for the State Record Book Contest must use this revised publication.

There is also a resource document that is attached. Look here for details in early spring. Completed state record book entries will be due to the Ouachita office by June 16, 2023.

If you have any questions, you can contact the Ouachita 4-H office at (318) 323-2251.

11/23/2022 4:17:22 PM
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