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If you are 9 years or older & like shooting guns or bows, then our Shooting Sports Club is for you! Ouachita 4-H offers Archery, Rifle, Shotgun, & Pistol (pistol is reserved for 4-H’ers age 14 & up & space is limited for pistol). The cost to become a shooting sports member is $15 per youth; the maximum amount per family is $25 (in addition to 4-H annual dues which are $7). You must enroll in 4-H & pay membership dues to join Shooting Sports. For more information about enrolling, email or come to our New Shooters Meeting on Thursday, October 5, 2023 at 6:00 pm in the 4-H Auditorium, 704 Cypress Street, West Monroe, LA. Enrollment for new shooters opens October 1 but can be done at the New Shooters Meeting. To sign up when enrolling in the 4-H Online enrollment system, select Shooting Sports Club after you have selected the correct school club as primary. From there you may choose your discipline(s). The deadline to enroll in Ouachita 4-H Shooting Sports will be November 1, 2023.
The Shooting Sports Registration Form can be found on this page.
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture