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Funded: As principal investigator
Title: “Best Promotion Strategies for Louisiana Specialty Crops”. Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry. Funds requested $27,500, funds received $27,500. . PI Roger Hinson (Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness). Project headquarters LSU AgCenter, grant period 5/1/2008-1/31/2009.
Title: “Regional Multi-State Enterprise Budgets for Organic Vegetable Crops”. Southern Region Risk Management Education. Funds requested $5,625, funds received $5,625. PI Roger Hinson (Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness), and Carl Motsenbocker (Horticulture). Project headquarters at University of Georgia, Greg Fonsah PI, total $49,950 for period 9/1/2007 to 3/14/2009.
Title: “Enterprise Budgets for Container-grown Woody Ornamental Plants, Climatic Zones 8 and 9” Sourhern Region Risk Management Education. Funds requested $3,000, funds received $3,000. PI Roger Hinson and John Westra(Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness), Allen Owings (Horticulture). Funds requested $39,900, funds received $39,900 for period 9/1/2006 to 6/14/2008.
Title: “Regional Multi-state Enterprise Budgets for Fruit and Nut Crops” Southern Region Risk Management Education. Funds requested $3,000, funds received $3,000. PI Roger Hinson (Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness), James Boudreaux (Horticulture). Project headquarters at Auburn University, Deacue Fields PI, total $39,848 for period 9/1/2006 to 6/14/2008.
Title: " Environmental Horticulture Business Financial Analysis and Risk Management Training in Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee". National Crop Insurance Services subcontract from University of Florida. Funds requested $3,000, funds received $3,000. PI Roger Hinson (Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness), Allen Owings (Horticulture). John Haydu and Allen Hodges (University of Florida) PI, total $ xx for period 10/1/2004 to 9/30/2005.
"Value Added Packaging and Nutritional Quality Evaluation of Beauregard Sweetpotatoes for Improved EU Market Penetration". USDA Federal /State Market Improvement Program. Funds requested $29,050, funds received $29,050. PI David Picha (Horticulture) and Roger Hinson (Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness).
Title: “Regional Multi-state Enterprise Budgets and Post-harvest Handling Cost Analysis for Fruit and Vegetable Crops” Southern Region Risk Management Education. Funds requested $3,000, funds received $3,000. PI Roger Hinson (Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness), James Boudreaux (Horticulture). Project headquarters at University of Arkansas, Ronald Rainey PI total $38,168 for period 9/1/2005 to 8/31/2006.
Title: “Regional Multi-State Enterprise Budgets for Fruits and Vegetables”. Southern Region Risk Management Education. Funds requested $5,000, funds received $5,000. PI Roger Hinson (Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness), James Boudreaux (Horticulture). Project headquarters at University of Tennessee, Charles Hall PI total $47,982 for period 9/1/2004 to 8/31/2005.
Grants in support of Economic Impact Study:
La. Nursery and Landscape Association. Funds requested $5,000, funds received $5,000. PI Roger Hinson (Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness).
Metropolitan Area Horticultural Council Inc., Foundation. Funds requested $2,000, funds received $2,000. PI Roger Hinson (Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness), $2,000.
Louisiana Turf Association. Funds requested $1,000, funds received $1,000. PI Roger Hinson (Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness).
“Viability of the Louisiana Strawberry Industry”. Ponchatoula Strawberry Festival Foundation. Funds requested $13,500 PI Roger Hinson (Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness), Gerald Giesler and Scuddy Leblanc cooperating.
"Value Added Packaging and Nutritional Quality Evaluation of Beauregard Sweetpotatoes for Improved EU Market Penetration". USDA Federal /State Market Improvement Program. Funds requested $29,050, funds received $29,050. PI David Picha (Horticulture) and Roger Hinson (Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness).
Title: “Agricultural Reconstruction and Strategic Development Plan Project”, horticultural products marketing, with Carl Motsenbocker (Horticulture), submitted as part of AgCenter International Programs effort in Honduras. Pending.
Title: AEstimating the Value of the Ornamental Plants and Turfgrass Industries in Louisiana@, funded by La. Association of Nurserymen, La. Turf Association, and La. Pest Control Association, matched by LSUAC, at the level of $6,000 for the period October 1, 1995 to December 31, 1996.
Title: "A Technological and Economic Feasibility Study of Landing Perishables from Central and South America at Louisiana Ports", funded by Louisiana Educational Quality Support Fund at the level of $62,247 for the period 1 June 1990 through 30 December 1991.
Title: "Statistical Analysis of a Partnership Christmas Tree Promotion Program in the New Orleans Area" - Funded by the Louisiana-Mississippi Christmas Tree Association for the 1989-90 fiscal year, $3500.00.
As coinvestigator or participant
Western Flower Thrips Management in Bedding Plant Production through Integrated Alternative Control Strategies PI Yan Chen Co-PI Richard N. Story (LSU Agricultural Center), Roger A. Hinson (LSU Agricultural Center), Allen D. Owings (LSU Agricultural Center) August 2009 – July 2012, $189,932.
Blueberry Community of Practice. PI Natalie Hummel (LSU Agricultural Center), others at LSU and 4 cooperating states; $518,000.
MarketMaker La. Recovery Authority; PI John Westra (LSU Agricultural Center) July 2010 June 2013; $125,000.
Title: "Economic Development Potential of Aquaculture and Commercial Vegetables" - a subset of project objectives were vegetable crop oriented, 1987-88; total grant to Agricultural Economics department, $165,000.
Barton, S., B. Behe, C. Hall, J. Haydu, R. Hinson, R. McNiel, T. Phillips, R. Powell and F. Stegelin. Establishing and Operating a Garden Center: Requirements and Costs. Natural Resource, Agriculture, and Engineering Service, NRAES-161, Ithaca, NY, 2002 Revision.
Barton, S., J. Haydu, R. Hinson, R. McNeil, T. Phillips, R. Powell, and F. Stegelin. Establishing and Operating a Garden Center. Garden Centers of America, Washington, DC., 1993.
Articles in refereed journals and refereed bulletins.
Hinson, R., K. Paudel and M. Velástegui. 2011. Understanding Ornamental Plant Market Shares to Re-Wholesaler, Retailer and Landscaper Channels. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Feb 2011 (in press).
Hinson, R., R. Little, K. Hood, A. Owings, R. Harkess and J. Black. 2011. Estimating the Cost of Producing Selected Ornamental Crops in Plant Hardiness Zones 8 and 9. Journal of the ASFMRA, 2011, p 3-23.
Hinson, R. 2010. Profitability of Greenhouse Tomato Production in Louisiana. Louisiana Agriculture, LSU Agricultural Center, 53(1).
Reaves, D. W., R. A. Hinson and M. A. Marchant. 2010. Benefits and Costs of Faculty Participation in Extra and Co-curricular Activities. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture (NACTA), 54(1), March 2010.
Velástegui, M. A. and R. A. Hinson. 2009. Making the Choice between Rewholesalers and Other Nursery Market Channels. HortScience 44(2) pp 372–376.
Hinson, R. A. and M. N. Bruchhaus. 2008. Consumer Preferences for Locally Produced Strawberries. Journal of Food Distribution Research (39-3), pp 56-66.
Hinson, R., C. Motsenbocker, and J. Westra. 2007. “Management Challenges in a Maturing Industry: A Teaching Case Study of Melon Farming in Latin America”. HortTechnology 17(2) 262-268. Summary included in the journal’s Spotlight section.
Thornsbury, S., R. Hinson, L. Martinez, and D. Reaves. “Fresh Produce Intermediaries in Away-from-Home Food Markets.” Choices, 21(4) pp 253-257, 2006 in pdf.
Hinson, R. “The Role of 3rd Party Logistics (3PL) Providers in Produce” Journal of Food Distribution Research, 36(2) 12-19, 2005.
Behe, B., J. Hardy, S. Barton, J. Brooker, T. Fernandez, C. Hall, J. Hicks, R. Hinson, P. Knight, R. McNiel, T. Page, B. Rowe, C. Safley, and R. Schutzki. “Landscape Plant Material, Size, and Design Sophistication Increase Perceived Home Value”. Journal of Environmental Horticulture 23(3)123-126, 2005.
Hinson, R. “Responses to Industry Concentration by Small- and Medium-Sized Fruit and Vegetable Wholesalers” Journal of Food Distribution Research, 36(1) 243-248, 2005.
Hinson, R. and R. Navajas. “Changing Content of the Nursery Grower’s Sales Agreement”. HortTechnology, 14(1) 119-124, 2004.
Hinson, R. “Cost of HACCP Implementation: An Oyster Industry Example”. Journal of Food Distribution Research, 34(3)28 – 35, 2003.
Hardy, J., B. Behe, S. Barton, T. Page, R. Schutzki, K. Muzii, R. Fernandez, M. Haque, J. Brooker, C. Hall, R. Hinson, P. Knight, R. McNiel, D.B. Rowe, and C. Safley. Consumers preferences for plant size, type of plant material and design sophistication in residential landscaping. Journal of Environmental Horticulture. 18(4): 224 230, 2000.
Schotzko, R. T. and R. A. Hinson. ASupply Chain Management in Perishables: A Produce Application.@ Journal of Food Distribution Research, 31(2), 2000.
Hughes, D. W. and R. Hinson. "Estimating the Value of the Green Industry to Louisiana's Economy." Journal of Agribusiness, 18(2) 207-220, 2000.
Brooker, J., R. Hinson and S. Turner. “Trade Flows and Marketing Practices in the United States Nursery Industry: 1998.” Southern Cooperative Series Bulletin No. 397, University of Tennessee Agricultural Experiment Station, Knoxville, 2000. Available online at
Hinson, R., W. Harrison and L. Andrews. AImpact of Socio-Economic Characteristics on Attitudes Toward Food Irradiation@. Journal of Food Distribution Research, XXIX(3) 26-34, 1998.
Hinson, R., W. Harrison, D. Deephouse and B. Minsky. AThe Green Company: A Case of Labor Management and Employee Empowerment in a Small Business@. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 1(2) 287-299, 1998.
Hinson, R. AStructural Change Implications for Small Farms: Discussion@. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 28(1) 67-72, 1996.
Hinson, R., S. Turner and J. Brooker. "Transactions Methods Among US Wholesale Nurseries". Agribusiness: An International Journal, 11(2) 147-154, 1995.
Hinson, R., B. Lambert, and D. Picha. "An Industry Perspective of Alternative Ports of Entry for Latin American Fruit and Vegetable Imports". Journal of Food Distribution Research, XXV(2) 32-38, 1994.
Hinson, R. and S. Turner. Choice of Nursery-Appropriate Marketing Channels in the Landscape Plant Industry. Journal of Environmental Horticulture, 12(2) 76-79, 1994.
Hinson, R., B. Lambert and D. Picha. "Attitudes Toward Changes in Colombian Flower Export Trade Flow Patterns". Journal of the Southwestern Society of Economists, Vol. 20, No. 1, 1993, pp .
Bergeron, P., R. Parish, R. Bracy, R. Hinson, and J. Boudreaux. "Economics of Direct Seeding Cabbage to a Stand Using Precision Cultural Systems." Applied Engineering in Agriculture, Vol. 8, No. 5, 1992, pp 581-584.
Hinson, R. A., N. S. Lang and D. R. Lavergne. "Marketing Practices and Product Flows of the Louisiana Nursery Industry". Bulletin No. 833, La. Agricultural Experiment Station, LSU Agricultural Center, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, 1992, 48pp.
Hinson, R.A., B.A. Marx and A.C. Main. "A Case Study of a Partnership Promotion Program for Christmas Trees". Journal of Agribusiness, Vol. 10, No. 1, 1992, pp 3-14.
Hinson, R., J. Lee and J. Boudreaux. "A Risk Assessment of Selected Fresh Market Vegetables". Bulletin No. 829, Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, LSU Agricultural Center, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, 1991, 50 pp.
Hinson, R., M. Y. Huh and J. G. Lee. "Evaluation of Selected Fresh Vegetable Terminal Markets: A Stochastic Dominance Approach", Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 22, No. 2, 1990, pp 39-48.
Hinson, Roger A. "Impact of Nominal and Real Price Changes on the Sweet Potato Pack in Louisiana", Journal of Food Distribution Research, Vol. XXI, No. 3, 1990, pp 35-44.
Riechers, R. and R. Hinson. "Price Relationships Between Regionally Important Fresh Vegetable Markets". Journal of Food Distribution Research, Vol. XIX, No. 2, 1988, pp 45-53.
Brooker, J. R. and R. A. Hinson. "The Interrelationship Between Household Food Expenditure and Fixed Expenses". Tennessee Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin No. 601, Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, Knoxville, Tennessee, 1980, 33 pp.
Refereed Abstracts
Chen, Y., R. Story, R. Hinson, and A. Owings. 2010. Western flower thrips feeding damage on susceptible and resistant impatiens varieties. ASHS Annual Conference, Desert Springs, CA. p66.
Little, R. D., R. Hinson, K. Hood and A. Owings. 2009. Estimating the Cost of Producing Selected Ornamental Crops in Plant Hardiness Zones 8 and 9. Presented Paper Western Economic Association International Annual Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia June 29 – July 3, 2009.
Velastegui, M. and R. Hinson. 2008. Analysis of the Impact And Importance of Rewholesalers in Ornamental Plants Markets. Abstract: Proceedings of the Southern Agricultural Economics Association, Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 40(2).
Westra, J., R. Hinson, C. Motsenbocker and W. Harrison. 2008. Integrating Production and Marketing of Asian Vegetables: A Case Study of a Central American Firm’s Strategy to Export into the North American Market. Poster at 18th Annual World Symposium of the International Food and Agribusiness Management Association, Monterey, California, USA, June 14-17.
Hinson, R., C. Motsenbocker and J. Westra. 2008. “An ‘Integrated Firm’ Strategy in Asian Vegetables Imports”, Abstract: Journal of Food Distribution Research, 39(1) p 148.
Hinson, R., J. Westra and C. Motsenbocker. 2007. “A Cost Leader Strategy Approach in Melon Production and Marketing in Latin America”. Abstract: Journal of Food Distribution Research, 38(1) 211.
Hinson, R. and D. Picha. 2006. “A Niche Market for Sweet potatoes – Specialty Packs to the United Kingdom”. Abstract: Proceedings of the Southern Agricultural Economics Association, Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 38(2).
Hinson, R, R. Sinoha and D. Reaves. 2006. “Industry Concentration Impacts on Business Strategies used by Small Produce Wholesalers”. Abstract: Proceedings of the Southern Agricultural Economics Association, Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 38(2)463.
Reaves, D. and R. Hinson. 2006. “Assessing the Benefits and Costs of Extra- and Co-Curricular Activiteis for Undergraduate Students in Agricultural Economics: Implications for the FDRS Case Competition”. Abstract: Proceedings of the Food Distribution Research Society, Journal of Food Distribution Research, 37(1) 142.
Bruchhaus, M. and R. Hinson. 2005. “An Assessment of Consumer Preferences for Strawberry Products”. Abstract: Proceedings of the Southern Agricultural Economics Association, Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 37(2) 503.
Hinson, R. and D. Reaves. 2005. “A Relationship between Food Safety Issues and Structure in the Production Sector: A Strawberry Example”. Abstract: Proceedings of the Southern Agricultural Economics Association, Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 37(2) 516.
Picha, D.H. and R.A. Hinson. 2004. Postharvest care and market analyses of sweetpotatoes exported to the U.K. HortScience, vol. 39(3):667.
Hinson, R. and D. Reaves. 2004. “Biotechnology Impacts on Rice Production and Consumption”. Abstract: Proceedings of the Southern Agricultural Economics Association, Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, (36)(2) 528.
Hinson, R. and M. Bruchhaus. 2004. “The Louisiana Strawberry: An Endangered Species?” Abstract: Journal of Food Distribution Research, 35(1) 194.
Navajas, R., R. Hinson and R. Pinel. “Analyzing Linkages Between Nursery Farm Growth Rates, Structural Variables and Firm Characteristics”. Abstract: Proceedings of the Southern Agricultural Economics Association, Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 35, No. 2, p 441, 2003.
Pinel, R., R. Hinson and R. Navajas. “Establishing the Economic Impact of the Green (Ornamental Plants) Industry at the State Level”. Abstract: Proceedings of the Southern Agricultural Economics Association, Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 35, No. 2, p 437, 2003.
Motsenbocker, C. and R. Hinson. "Small-scale Production of Vegetable Crops in Honduras: A Case Study." International Horticultural Congress Meeting, Toronto, Canada (Abstr. On-site Program: 404), 2002.
Motsenbocker, C. and R. Hinson. "Forming a Consensus in Agricultural Development Issues and Constraints: Using the Nominal Group Technique". Acta Horticulturae, 2002.
Hinson, R. and Daniel Whitley. ATechnology Adoption in Oyster Processing: A HACCP Stimulus?@ Abstract: Journal of Food Distribution Research, Vol 32, No. 1, March 2001, p. 74 – 77.
Iturbide, A. and R. Hinson. "Consumers= Residential Landscape Preferences". Abstract: Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 32, No. 2, August, 2000, p 396.
Hampton, W. and R. Hinson. "Marketing and Trade Flows of the Louisiana Nursery Industry". Abstract: Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 32, No. 2, August, 2000, p 395.
Lambert, B. and R. Hinson. AChanges in Transportation Patterns of Refrigerated Cargoes@. Abstract: Journal of Food Distribution Research, Vol. XXXI, No. 1, March 2000, p 248.
Hinson, R. and M. Dowdall. Impact of Industry Concentration on Small and Medium Produce Distributors@. Abstract: Journal of Food Distribution Research, Vol. XXIX, No. 1, Feb. 1998, pp102-103.
Hinson, R. AAgricultural Competitiveness in Domestic and International markets: The Apple Industry Example@, Abstract: American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 87, No. 5, December 1996.
Lambert, B. and R. Hinson. "Factors That Affect Commodity Transportation Decisions". Abstract: Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 26, No. 1, July 1994, p 325.
Hinson, R., S. Turner and J. Brooker. ATransactions Methods Among Wholesale Ornamental Nurseries: Which are Important?@ Abstract: Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 25, No. 1, 1993, p292.
Picha, D. and R. Hinson. "Transportation Routes for Latin American Produce Imports into the United States". Abstract: Hort Science, Vol. 27, 1992.
Hinson, R., B. Lambert and D. Picha. "An Industry Perspective of Alternative Ports of Entry for Latin American Fruit and Vegetable Imports". Abstract: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 24, No. 1, July 1992.
Hinson, R. A. and J. G. Lee. "Fresh Vegetable Research: Does Our System Deliver the Right Package?" Abstract: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 23, No. 1, July 1991, p. 275.
Hinson, R., M. Huh and J. Lee. AEvaluation of Selected Fresh Vegetable Terminal Markets: A Stochastic Dominance Approach@. Abstract: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 22, No. 1, July 1990.
Christy, R. and R. Hinson. "Assessing Value-Added Agricultural Industries". Abstract: Journal of Food Distribution Research, Vol. XX, No 1, Feb 1989.
Hinson, R. and Luis Vanegas. "Impact of Leisure Time and Alternative Technologies on Returns to Small Vegetable Farms". Abstract: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 18, No. 1, July 1986, p. 192.
Hinson, R., R. B. Wharton, and Steve Kelly. "Socioeconomic Variables and Risk: Case of Small Commercial Farms in Louisiana". Abstract: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 17, No. 1, 1985, p 196.
Ghebremedhin, Tesfa, and R. Hinson. "Survival of Small Farms: Issues and Problems". Abstract: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 16 No. 1, 1984, p 200.
Hinson, R. and John Brooker. "Substitution of Consumer's Income Between Food and Other Goods and Services". Abstract: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 13, No. 1, July 1981. p 173.
Other Publications
Experiment Station Publications
Picha, D. H. and R. A. Hinson. “Export Opportunity: More Louisiana Sweet Potatoes to the UK”. Louisiana Agriculture, Vol. 48, No. 3, Summer 2005, pp 12-13.
Hinson, R. and S. Denvanich. “Technology, Mass Merchandisers Bring Dynamic Change to Nursery Industry”. Louisiana Agriculture, Vol. 47, No. 1, Winter 2004, pp 16, 17.
Hinson, R. and R. Pinel. The Economic Value of the Ornamental Plants and Allied Products and Service to Louisiana’s Agricultural Economy”. Louisiana Agriculture, Vol. 47, No. 1, Winter 2004, pp 13 – 15.
Hinson, R., R. Pinel and D. Hughes. “Louisiana’s Green Industry: Evaluation of its Economic Contribution”, R.I.S. 108, LAES, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, 2003.
Holcomb, G., A. Owings, R. Hinson, D. Bates, E. Bush, D. Pollet, S. Johnson, J. Kuehny, J. McCrimmon, P. Cox an d T. Raiford Horticulture in the City@. Louisiana Agriculture, LAES, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, Vol 44, Number 2, Spring 2001.
Hinson, R. (ed.). Vegetable Research Summary - 1999. Research Summary No. 106, LAES, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, 57 p.
Hinson, R. AWeather and Supply-Side Issues in Sweet Potato Pricing@. Louisiana Agriculture, LAES, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, Vol. 40, No. 4, 1997, pp 10-12.
Hinson, R. And D. Hughes. ANursery and Turf Crop Industry: Adding Value to Louisiana=s Economy.@ Louisiana Agriculture, LAES, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, Vol. 40, No. 2, 1997, pp 29-31.
Picha, D. H., A. D. Owings, and R. A. Hinson. AThe Commercial Nursery Crop Industry In Louisiana.@ Louisiana Agriculture, LAES, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, Vol. 39, No. 3, 1996, p 5.
Picha, D. H. and R. A. Hinson, AThe Commercial Vegetable Industry In Louisiana.@ Louisiana Agriculture, LAES, La. State University Agricultural Center, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, Vol. 39, No. 3, 1996, pp 6-8.
Picha, D. H. and R. A. Hinson. AThe Commercial Fruit and Nut Crop Industry In Louisiana.@ Louisiana Agriculture, LAES, La. State University Agricultural Center, La. State University, Baton Rouge, Vol. 39, No. 3, 1996, pp 9-10.
Hinson, R. and D. Picha. AExternal Impacts on Louisiana=s Horticultural Industries@. Louisiana Agriculture, LAES, La. State University Agricultural Center, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, Vol. 39, No. 3, 1996, pp 11-13.
Hinson, R. ADestination Markets for Louisiana Woody Ornamental Plants@. Louisiana Agriculture, LAES, La. State University Agricultural Center, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, Vol. 39, No. 2, 1996, pp 26-27.
Brooker, J., S. Turner and R. Hinson. Trade Flows and Marketing Practices within the United States Nursery Industry: 1993. RRP S-103 Southern Cooperative Series Bulletin, University of Tennessee Agricultural Experiment Station, 1995, 38 pp.
Bergeron, P., R. Parish, R. Bracy, R. Hinson and J. Boudreaux. "Economics of direct-seeding cabbage to a stand using precision cultural systems". Louisiana Agriculture, LAES, La. State University Agricultural Center, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, Vol. 34, No. 4, 1992, p 7-9.
Hinson, R. and M. Cannon. Vegetable Crop Potential in Louisiana. Bulletin from LAES and LCES, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, Baton Rouge, May 1988, 33pp.
Leong, S., L. Dellenbarger, R. Hinson, M.Lange and L.Vandeveer. Financial Lending Institutions' Perceptions of Aquaculture and Vegetables in Louisiana. Bulletin from LAES and LCES, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, 1988, 14 pp.
Hinson, R. "Market Windows for Louisiana Vegetable Crops". Louisiana Agriculture, LAES, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, Vol. 30, No. 4, 1987, pp 10-11.
Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Research and Information Series Reports
Hinson, R. Projected Costs for Selected Louisiana Vegetable Crops – 2011 Season. AEA No. 279, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, LAES, LSU AgCenter, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, 89 pp., 2011.
Hinson, R. and J. Boudreaux. Projected Costs for Selected Louisiana Vegetable Crops – 2010 Season. AEA No. 270, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, LAES, LSU AgCenter, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, 89 pp., 2010
Hinson, R. and J. Boudreaux. Projected Costs for Selected Louisiana Vegetable Crops – 2009 Season. AEA No. 263, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, LAES, LSU AgCenter, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, 89 pp., 2009.
Hinson, R., A. Owings, J. Black and R. Harkess. 2008. Enterprise Budgets For Ornamental Crops In Plant Hardiness Zones 8 And 9. Working Paper Series # 2008-14, Dept of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, LSU AgCenter, Baton Rouge.
Hinson, R. and J. Boudreaux. Projected Costs for Selected Louisiana Vegetable Crops – 2007 Season. AEA No. 246, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, LAES, LSU AgCenter, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, 89 pp., 2007.
Hinson, R., J. Pyzner, F. Trappey and C. Johnson. “Projected Costs Of Establishing And Operating A 10-Acre Mayhaw Orchard In Louisiana”. A.E.A. No. 248, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, LAES, LSU AgCenter, Baton Rouge, 32 pp, 2006.
Hinson, R., J. Boudreaux and A. Vaughn. “Projected Costs Of Establishing And Operating A Citrus Grove” A.E.A. No. 247, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, LAES, LSU AgCenter, Baton Rouge, 40 pp., 2006.
Hinson, R. and T. Koske. Projected Costs And Returns From Centipede Sod Production
In Louisiana”. A.E.A. No. 249, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, LAES, LSU AgCenter, Baton Rouge, 40 pp., 2006.
Hinson, R. and J. Boudreaux. Projected Costs for Selected Louisiana Vegetable Crops – 2006 Season. AEA No. 238, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, LAES, LSU AgCenter, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, 89 pp., 2006.
Hinson, R. and J. Boudreaux. Projected Costs for Selected Louisiana Vegetable Crops – 2005 Season. AEA No. 230, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, LAES, LSU AgCenter, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, 89 pp., 2005.
Hinson, R. and J. Boudreaux. Projected Costs for Selected Louisiana Vegetable Crops – 2004 Season. AEA No. 221, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, LAES, LSU AgCenter, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, 89 pp., 2004.
Hinson, R. and J. Boudreaux. Projected Costs for Selected Louisiana Vegetable Crops - 2003 Season. AEA No. 212, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, LAES, LSU AgCenter, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, 88 pp., 2003
Hinson, R. and J. Boudreaux. Projected Costs for Selected Louisiana Vegetable Crops - 2002 Season. AEA No. 193, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, LAES, LSU AgCenter, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, 88 pp., 2002.
Hinson, R. and J. Boudreaux. Projected Costs for Selected Louisiana Vegetable Crops - 2001 Season. AEA No. 193, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, LAES, LSU Agricultural Center, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, 88 pp. 2001.
Hinson, R. and J. Boudreaux. Projected Costs for Selected Louisiana Vegetable Crops - 2000 Season. AEA No. 185, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, LAES, LSU Agricultural Center, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, 2000, 88 pp.
Hinson, R. and J. Boudreaux. Projected Costs for Selected Louisiana Vegetable Crops - 1999 Season. AEA No. 176, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, LAES, LSU Agricultural Center, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, 1999, 88 pp.
Hinson, R. and J. Boudreaux. Projected Costs for Selected Louisiana Vegetable Crops - 1998 Season. AEA No. 166, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, LAES, LSU Agricultural Center, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, 1998, 88 pp.
Hughes, D. And R. Hinson. The Value of the Ornamental Plants and Turfgrass Industries to the Louisiana Economy. DAE No. 708, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, LAES, LSU Agricultural Center, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, 1997, 47 pp.
Hinson, R. and J. Boudreaux. Projected Costs for Selected Louisiana Vegetable Crops - 1997 Season. AEA No. 155, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, LAES, LSU Agricultural Center, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, 1997, 90pp.
Hinson, R. and J. Boudreaux. Projected Costs for Selected Louisiana Vegetable Crops - 1996 Season. AEA No. 142, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, LAES, LSU Agricultural Center, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, 1996, 85pp.
Hinson, R. and J. Boudreaux. Projected Costs for Selected Louisiana Vegetable Crops - 1995 Season. AEA No. 133, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, LAES, LSU Agricultural Center, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, 1995, 85pp.
Hinson, R., J. Boudreaux and T. Baldridge. Projected Costs for Selected Louisiana Vegetable Crops - 1994 Season. AEA No. 124, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, LAES, LSU Agricultural Center, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, 1994, 100pp.
Lavergne, D., R. Hinson and J. Boudreaux. Projected Costs for Selected Louisiana Vegetable Crops - 1993 Season. AEA No.115, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, LAES, LSU Agricultural Center, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, 1993, 99pp.
Hinson, R., D. Picha and B. Lambert. Technological and Economic Factors in Landing Latin American Perishables. DAE No. 692, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, LAES, LSU Agricultural Center, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, 1992, 67pp.
Lavergne, D., R. Hinson and J. Boudreaux. Projected Costs for Selected Louisiana Vegetable Crops - 1992 Season. AEA No. 103, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, LAES, LSU Agricultural Center, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, 1992, 84pp.
Christy, R., R. Hinson and A. Schupp. Structural Changes in Louisiana's Livestock, Crop and Food Industries. AEA No. 96, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, LAES, LSU Agricultural Center, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, 1991, 33pp.
Lavergne, D., R. Hinson and J. Boudreaux. Projected Costs for Selected Louisiana Vegetable Crops - 1991 Season. AEA No. 93, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, LAES, LSU Agricultural Center, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, 1991, 84pp.
Hinson, R. A., B. D. Marx and A. C. Main. Analysis of a Partnership Promotion Program for Choose-and-Cut Christmas Trees. DAE No. 687, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, LAES, LSU Agricultural Center, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, 1990, 28pp.
Lavergne, D., R. Hinson and J. Boudreaux. Projected Costs for Selected Louisiana Vegetable Crops - 1990 Season. AEA No. 84, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, LAES, LSU Agricultural Center, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, 1990, 80pp.
Hinson, R., D. Lavergne and J. Boudreaux. Projected Costs for Selected Louisiana Vegetable Crops - 1989 Season. AEA No. 76, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, LAES, LSU Agricultural Center, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, 1989, 80pp.
Hinson, R. and K. Broussard. Commercial Fruit and Vegetable Processing Operations in Louisiana, 1986-87 Season. AEA No. 68, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, LAES, LSU Agricultural Center, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, 1988, 17pp.
Hinson, R. and K. Lanclos. Market Windows for Louisiana Produced: Cucumbers, Bell Peppers, Yellow Squash, Tomatoes, and Watermelons. AEA No. 67, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, LAES, LSU Agricultural Center, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, 1988, 50pp.
Hinson, R. and K. Lanclos. Market Windows for Louisiana Produced: Broccoli, Cabbage, Cauliflower, and Strawberries. AEA No. 66, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, LAES, LSU Agricultural Center, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, 1988, 44pp.
Hinson, R. and K. Lanclos. Market Windows for Louisiana Produced: Snap Beans, Sweet Corn, Irish Potatoes, and Sweet Potatoes. AEA No. 65, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, LAES, LSU Agricultural Center, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, 1988, 43pp.
Hinson, R., K. Broussard, and D. Lavergne. Projected Costs for Selected Louisiana Vegetable Crops, 1988 Season. AEA No. 63, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, LAES, LSU Agricultural Center, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, 1988, 78pp.
Hinson, Roger. Estimating Cost of Producing Woody Ornamental Plants in Containers. DAE No. 673, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, LAES, LSU Agricultural Center, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, 1987, 29pp.
Hinson, R. and D. Lavergne. Projected Costs for Selected Louisiana Vegetable Crops, 1987 Season. DAE No. 668, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, LAES, LSU Agricultural Center, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, 1987, 69pp.
Hinson, Roger A. and D. Lavergne. Projected Costs for Selected Louisiana Vegetable Crops, 1986 Season. DAE No. 648, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, LAES, LSU Agricultural Center, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, 1986, 61pp.
Kelly, S. and R. Hinson. Commercial Fruit and Vegetable Processing Operations in Louisiana, 1983-84 Season. AEA No. 55, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, LAES, LSU Agricultural Center, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, 1985, 25pp.
Hinson, R. and D. Lavergne. Projected Costs for Selected Louisiana Vegetable Crops - 1985 Season. DAE No. 638, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, LAES, LSU Agricultural Center, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, 1985, 66pp.
Hinson, R. and D. Lavergne. Projected Costs for Selected Louisiana Vegetable Crops - 1984 Season. DAE No. 629, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, LAES, LSU Agricultural Center, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, 1984, 66pp.
Hinson, R. A. Characteristics of Small Commercial Farms in Three Louisiana Farming Areas. DAE No. 622, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, LAES, LSU Agricultural Center, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, 1983, 44pp.
Ellerman, J., R. Hinson, and J. Law. Projected Costs for Selected Louisiana Vegetable Crops 1983 Season. DAE No. 609, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, LAES, LSU Agricultural Center, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, 1983, 66pp.
Hinson, R. Enterprise Budgets for Small Louisiana Farmers. DAE No. 601, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, LAES, CASRD, Louisiana State University, 1982, 40pp.
Other Departmental Publications
Dellenbarger, L., W. Gauthier and R. Hinson. ASome Agricultural Marketing Thoughts for 1999@. Louisiana Rural Economist, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, College of Agriculture, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, Vol. 61, No. 1, 1999, pp 5-8.
Whitley, D., W. Harrison, R. Hinson and L. Andrews. AFood Safety and the Louisiana Oyster Industry@. Louisiana Rural Economist, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, College of Agriculture, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, Vol. 60, No. 2, 1998, p 2-5.
Dellenbarger, L., W. Gauthier and R. Hinson. AThe 1998 Agricultural Market Outlook@. Louisiana Rural Economist, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, College of Agriculture, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, Vol. 60, No. 1, 1998, pp 13-16.
Hughes, D. and R. Hinson. ALouisiana=s Green Industry: The Impact@. Louisiana Rural Economist, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, College of Agriculture, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, Vol. 59, No. 2, 1997, pp 2-5.
Dellenbarger, L., W. Gauthier, R. Hinson and A. Schupp. AThe 1997 Agricultural Market Outlook@. Louisiana Rural Economist, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, College of Agriculture, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, Vol. 59, No. 1, 1997, pp 9-13.
Dellenbarger, L., W. Gauthier, R. Hinson and A. Schupp. AAgricultural Marketing for 1996". Louisiana Rural Economist, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, College of Agriculture, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, Vol. 58, No. 1, 1996, pp 6-9.
Dellenbarger, L., W. Gauthier, R. Hinson, L. Kennedy and A. Schupp. AThe Marketing Outlook for 1995". Louisiana Rural Economist, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, College of Agriculture, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, Vol. 57, No. 1, 1995, p 6-8.
Sousa, R. A. and R. Hinson. AThe Relationship Between Cash and Futures Prices of Cotton@. Louisiana Rural Economist, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, College of Agriculture, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, Vol. 56, No. 3, August, 1994, p 10-15.
Dellenbarger, L., W. Gauthier, R. Hinson and A. Schupp. @Louisiana Market Outlook for 1994". Louisiana Rural Economist, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, College of Agriculture, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, Vol. 56, No. 1, 1994, p 9-12.
Dellenbarger, L., W. Gauthier, R. Hinson and A. Schupp. "Louisiana Market Outlook for 1993". Louisiana Rural Economist, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, College of Agriculture, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, Vol. 55, No. 1, 1993, p 6-9.
Dellenbarger, L., S. Haley, R. Hinson, A. Schupp, M. Shortess and H. Traylor. "The Support Structure In Louisiana for International Trade in Agricultural Products". Louisiana Rural Economist, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, College of Agriculture, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, Vol. 53, No. 3, 1992, p 7-10.
Dellenbarger, L., S. Haley, R. Hinson, A. Schupp, M. Shortess and H. Traylor. "Potential in Louisiana for Exporting Processed Food Products". Louisiana Rural Economist, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, College of Agriculture, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, Vol. 53, No. 3, 1992, p 11-14.
Dellenbarger, L., S. Haley, R. Hinson, A. Schupp, M. Shortess and H. Traylor. Exportation of Louisiana Processed Food Products to Japan. Grant report, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, LAES, LSU Agricultural Center, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, 1992, 38 pp.
Hinson, R., B. Lambert and D. Picha. "Imported Cut Flowers: An Emerging Trade Opportunity." Louisiana Rural Economist, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, College of Agriculture, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, Vol. 54, No. 2, 1992, p 7-11.
Christy, R., R. Hinson, L. Dellenbarger, W. Gauthier and A.. Schupp. "Agricultural Marketing for 1991", Louisiana Rural Economist, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, College of Agriculture, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, Vol. 53, No. 1, 1991, p 6-9.
Hinson, R., B. Marx and A. Main. "Selling Christmas Trees Through Partnership Promotional Programs", Louisiana Rural Economist, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, College of Agriculture, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, Vol. 52, No. 2, 1990, p 2-6.
Christy, R., L. Dellenbarger, W. Gauthier, R. Hinson, and A. Schupp. Commodity Markets for 1990. Louisiana Rural Economist, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, College of Agriculture, La. State Univ, Baton Rouge, Vol. 52, No. 1, 1990, p 2-5.
Hinson, R. Vegetable and Fruit Marketing in Louisiana - An Historic Perspective. Article in "Structural Changes in Louisiana's Food and Fiber Markets", Staff Paper Series SP 90-02, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, LAES, LSU Agricultural Center, La. State Univ., Feb 1990, p 78-86.
Christy, R., A. Schupp and R. Hinson. Methods and Approaches to Studying Structural Change in Food and Fiber Markets. Article in "Structural Changes in Louisiana's Food and Fiber Markets", Staff Paper Series SP 90-02, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, LAES, LSU Agricultural Center, La. State Univ., Feb 1990, p 1-8.
Hinson, R., M. Huh and J. Lee. "Risk Efficient Fresh Vegetable Terminal Markets for Louisiana. Louisiana Rural Economist, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, College of Agriculture, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, Vol. 51, No. 4, 1989, p 9-13.
Dellenbarger, L., W. Gauthier, R. Hinson and A. Schupp. "Agricultural Marketing for 1989", Louisiana Rural Economist, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, College of Agriculture, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, Vol. 51, No. 1, 1989, p 2-5.
Leong, S., L. Dellenbarger, R. Hinson, L. Vandeveer and M. Lange. Banking Attitudes and Perceptions Toward Aquaculture. Staff Paper Series SP-89-07, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, LAES, LSU Agricultural Center, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, July, 1989.
Leong, S., L. Dellenbarger, R. Hinson, L. Vandeveer and M. Lange. Banking Attitudes and Perceptions Toward Aquaculture and Vegetable Farming - A Case Study of Louisiana. SP-89-09, Dept. of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, LAES, LSU Agricultural Center, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, July, 1989.
Christy, R. and R. Hinson. Assessing the Contribution of Value-Added Agricultural Industries to the Louisiana Economy. Louisiana Rural Economist, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, College of Agriculture, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, Vol. 50, No. 4, 1988, p13-16.
Dellenbarger, L., W. Gauthier, R. Hinson, and A. Schupp. "Commodity Marketing Outlook for 1988", Louisiana Rural Economist, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, College of Agriculture, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, Vol. 50, No. 1, 1988, p 6-8.
Hinson, Roger. "Accessing the Fresh Wholesale Market", Louisiana Rural Economist, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, College of Agriculture, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, Vol. 49, No. 3, 1987, p13-15.
Christy, R., L. Dellenbarger, W. Gauthier, R. Hinson, and A. Schupp. ACommodity Marketing Outlook for 1987", Louisiana Rural Economist, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, College of Agriculture, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, Vol. 49, No. 1, 1987, p 7-9.
Christy, R., L., Dellenbarger, W. Gauthier, R. Hinson, and A. Schupp. "Louisiana Agricultural Marketing Outlook for 1986". Louisiana Rural Economist, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, College of Agriculture, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, Vol. 48, No. 1, 1986, p 6-8.
Hinson, R. "Factors in Louisiana Crops Trends 1950-1982". Louisiana Rural Economist, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, College of Agriculture, La. State Univ., Vol. 47, No. 2, 1985, p 8-12.
Christy, R., W. Gauthier, R. Hinson, and A. Schupp. "Louisiana Agricultural Marketing Outlook: 1985". Louisiana Rural Economist, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, College of Agriculture, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, Vol. 47, No. 1, 1985, p 2-5.
Hinson, Roger. "Internship report: Title XII Strengthening Grant." Office of International Programs, LSU Agricultural Center, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, Feb., 1984, 20 pp.
Christy, R., W. Gauthier, R. Hinson, and A. Schupp. "Fundamentals of Louisiana Agricultural Markets: Prospects for 1984". Louisiana Rural Economist, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, College of Agriculture, La. State Univ, Baton Rouge, Vol. 46, No. 1, 1984, p 7-8.
Hinson, R. "The Nursery Industry in Louisiana". Louisiana Rural Economist, Dept. of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, College of Agriculture, La. State Univ., Baton Rouge, Vol. 45, No. 4, 1983, p10-12.
Hinson, R. and A. Brown. "Characteristics of Small Farms in Selected Areas in Louisiana". Louisiana Rural Economist, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, College of Agriculture, La. State Univ., Vol. 44, No. 4, 1982, p 2-4.
Other Publications
Chen, Y., R. Story, R. Hinson, and A. Owings. 2011. Effects of plant age and cultivar on western flower thrips damage threshold for Impatiens wallerana. Southern Nursery Association Ann. Conference Proceedings.
Hinson, R. 2010. Green Industry Economics: What about the New Normal? Louisiana Turf Association Newsletter, 47(1).
Hinson, R. 2010. Why we might see a double-dip recession. Louisiana Turf Association Newsletter, 47(3).
Hinson, R. 2010. Green Industry Economics: Weak economy and the New Normal. Louisiana Turf Association Newsletter, 47(4).
Owings, A. and R. Hinson. 2011. "Nursery Crops" in 2011 Outlook For Louisiana’s Agriculture. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Staff Paper SP 2011-03, March 2011, 52 pp.
Hinson, R. 2011. "Commercial Vegetables Situation and Outlook" in 2011 Outlook For Louisiana’s Agriculture”. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Staff Paper SP 2011-03, March 2011, 52 pp.
Owings, A. and R. Hinson. 2010. "Nursery Crops" in 2010 Outlook For Louisiana’s Agriculture. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Staff Paper SP 2010-03, March 2010, 52 pp.
Boudreaux, J. and R. Hinson. 2010. "Commercial Vegetables Situation and Outlook" in 2010 Outlook For Louisiana’s Agriculture”. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Staff Paper SP 2007-03, March 2007, 52 pp.
Owings, A. and R. Hinson. 2009. "Nursery Crops" in 2009 Outlook For Louisiana’s Agriculture. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Staff Paper SP 2009-03, March 2009, 52 pp.
Boudreaux, J. and R. Hinson. 2009. "Commercial Vegetables Situation and Outlook" in 2009 Outlook For Louisiana’s Agriculture”. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Staff Paper SP 2009-03, March 2009, 52 pp.
Hinson, R. 2008. Handling Risk with Enterprise Budgets for Ornamental Plants. In Guide to Risk Management for Nursery Growers, Crane et al. ed, National Crop Insurance Services, St. Louis.
Hinson, R. 2008. New Conditions of Sale Add to Nursery Growers’ Risk Profile. In Guide to Risk Management for Nursery Growers, Crane et al. ed, National Crop Insurance Services, St. Louis.
Owings, A. and R. Hinson. 2008. "Nursery Crops" in 2008 Outlook For Louisiana’s Agriculture. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Staff Paper SP 2008-03, March 2008, 52 pp.
Boudreaux, J. and R. Hinson. 2008. "Commercial Vegetables Situation and Outlook" in 2008 Outlook For Louisiana’s Agriculture”. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Staff Paper SP 2008-03, March 2008, 52 pp.
Hinson, R., A. Owings, R. Harkess, J.Black and R. Little. 2008. Using MSBG to Generate Enterprise Budgets for Ornamental Crops. Proceedings of the Southern Nurserymens’ Association Research Conference, 53.
Hinson, Roger. 2007. Profitable or Not? A Guide to Evaluating Garden Centers. Lawn & Garden Retailer, Scranton Gillette Communications, 6(6) 12-16.
Owings, A. and R. Hinson. 2007. "Nursery Crops" in 2007 Outlook For Louisiana’s Agriculture. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Staff Paper SP 2007-03, March 2007, 52 pp.
Boudreaux, J. and R. Hinson. 2007. "Commercial Vegetables Situation and Outlook" in 2007 Outlook For Louisiana’s Agriculture”. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Staff Paper SP 2007-03, March 2007, 52 pp.
Hinson, Roger. Enterprise Budgets for Container-grown Woody Ornamental Plants, Climatic Zones 8 and 9. Proceedings of the Southern Nurserymens’ Association Research Conference, 51 2006, pp 276-278.
Boudreaux, J. and R. Hinson. 2006. “2006 Outlook for Louisiana’s Agriculture”. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Staff Paper SP 2006-03, March 2006, 45 pp.
Owings, A. and R. Hinson. 2006. “2006 Outlook for Louisiana’s Agriculture”. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Staff Paper SP 2006-03, March 2006, 45 pp. in 2005 Outlook for Louisiana's Agriculture, LSU Ag Center, Baton Rouge.
Owings, A. and R. Hinson. 2005. "Nursery Crops", in 2005 Outlook for Louisiana’s Agriculture, LSU Agricultural Center, Baton Rouge.
Hinson, R. and M. Bruchhaus. “Louisiana Strawberries: Consumer Preferences and Retailer Advertising”. Journal of Food Distribution Research, 36(1) 86-90, 2005.
Hinson, Roger. ARetailers Push New Requirements into the Sales Agreement with Nursery Growers@. Proceedings of the Southern Nurserymens= Association Research Conference, 49 2004, pp 518-520.
Boudreaux, J. and R. Hinson. 2004. "2004 Louisiana Commercial Vegetables Situation and Outlook", in Outlook for Louisiana's Agriculture, LSU Ag Center, Baton Rouge, 2004.
Owings, A. and R. Hinson. 2004. "Nursery Crops", in Outlook for Louisiana’s Agriculture, LSU Agricultural Center, Baton Rouge, 2004.
Boudreaux, J. and R. Hinson. 2003. "2003 Louisiana Commercial Vegetables Situation and Outlook", in 2003 Outlook for Louisiana's Agriculture, LSU Ag Center, Baton Rouge.
Owings, A. and R. Hinson. 2003. "Nursery Crops", in 2003 Outlook for Louisiana’s Agriculture, LSU Agricultural Center, Baton Rouge.
Hinson, R. and D. Tootle. ARural Development Implications of Agricultural Biotechnology@. Proceedings of symposium on Issues for Regional Agriculture in the 21st Century, Sunchon National University, Korea, Nov 2002.
Hinson, R. and C. Motsenbocker. 2002. Case Study Attachments to FINAL GRANT REPORT, Agriculture Reconstruction and Strategic Development Project, USAID Mission for Honduras, MetroVision Economic Development Partnership,
-The Asian/Mixed Vegetables Case Study
-The Melon Industry Case Study: Agrolibano
-The Tabasco Production Case Study: Cultivos Del Norte
-The Mango Case Study: Agropecuari Melgar
Motsenbocker, C. and R. Hinson. 2002. FINAL GRANT REPORT ATTACHMENTS to Agriculture Reconstruction and Strategic Development Project, USAID Mission for Honduras, MetroVision Economic Development Partnership,,.
-Short-Cycle Crops and Mangoes in Honduras: pp 21 – 24
-Short- and Long-cycle Horticultural Crops; pp 52-65
Boudreaux, J. and R. Hinson. 2002. A2002 Louisiana Commercial Vegetables Situation and Outlook@, in 2002 Outlook for Louisiana=s Agriculture, LSU Ag Center, Baton Rouge, pp 36-37.
Owings, A. and R. Hinson. 2002. ANursery Crops@, in 2002 Outlook for Louisiana=s Agriculture, LSU Agricultural Center, Baton Rouge, pp 38-39.
Owings, A. and R. Hinson. 2001. ANursery Crops@, in 2001 Outlook for Louisiana=s Agriculture, LSU Agricultural Center, Baton Rouge, pp 38-39.
Boudreaux, J. and R. Hinson. 2001. A2001 Louisiana Commercial Vegetables Situation and Outlook@, in 2001 Outlook for Louisiana=s Agriculture, LSU Agricultural Center, Baton Rouge, pp 36-37.
Hinson, Roger and Wade Hampton. ADifferences between Mail Survey Respondents and Non-Respondents in La=s Trade Flows and Marketing Practices Survey@. Proceedings of the Southern Nurserymens= Association Research Conference, Vo. 46, 2001, pp 546-549.
Cannon, M. and R. Hinson. “Sweet Potatoes”, in 2000 Outlook - Louisiana’s Agriculture, LSU Agricultural Center, Baton Rouge, Feb 2000, pp 33-35.
Boudreaux, J. and R. Hinson. “Commercial Vegetables”, in 2000 Outlook - Louisiana’s Agriculture, LSU Agricultural Center, Baton Rouge, Feb 2000, pp 36-37.
Owings, A. and R. Hinson. “Nursery Crops”, in 2000 Outlook - Louisiana’s Agriculture, LSU Agricultural Center, Baton Rouge, Feb 2000, pp 38-39.
Hardy, J., B. Behe, and R. Hinson, "Comparison of Realtor and Consumer Perceptions of Landscape Value.@ Proceedings of Southern Nursery Association Research Conference, Vol. 45, 2000.
Brooker, J., S. Turner, and R. Hinson."Factors Important to Price Determination and Expansion of Geographic Trading Area." Proceedings of Southern Nursery Association Research Conference, Vol. 45, 2000.
Brooker, J., S. Turner, and R. Hinson." Marketing and Distribution: Structural Changes in Selected States."Proceedings of Southern Nursery Association Research Conference, Vol. 45, 2000.
Hinson. R. "Kinds of Advertising Used by Woody Ornamental Plant Producers in Louisiana". Proceedings of Southern Nursery Association Research Conference, Vol. 43, 1998, p489-493.
Hinson, R. in Plaquemines Parish Challenges and Opportunities - An Economic Development Assessment. Citrus Sector, Coastal Economic Strategy Series, LA Sea Grant College Program, LA. State University, 1996.
Hinson. R. and D. Hughes. "Estimating the Value of Ornamental Plants and Turfgrass Industries in Louisiana". Proceedings of Southern Nurserymens' Association Research Conference, Vol. 41, 1996, p305-309.
Brooker, J., R. Hinson and S. Turner. "Adjustments in the Distribution of Nursery Sales by Plant Category and Root Packaging: 1988 to 1993". Proceedings of Southern Nurserymens' Association Research Conference, Vol. 40, 1995, p 356-360.
Hinson, R. and S. Cyrus. AUse of Employee Empowerment to Enhance Profitability in a Retail Nursery/Landscape Firm@. Proceedings of Southern Nurserymens' Association Research Conference, Vol. 39, 1994, p 228-231.
Boudreaux, D. and R. Hinson. AFeasibility of Zantedeschia aethiopica (Calla Lily) Production@. Proceedings of Southern Nurserymens' Association Research Conference, Vol. 38, 1993, p 222-224.
Hinson, R. and S. Turner. AMarketing Channels Used by Ornamental Nurseries@. Proceedings of Southern Nurserymens' Association Research Conference, Vol. 38, 1993, p 416-420.
Bergeron, P., R. Parish, R. Bracy, R. Hinson, and J. Boudreaux. "Economics of Direct Seeding Cabbage to a Stand Using Precision Cultural Systems." La. Vegetable Growers Newsletter, Vol. 6, Issue 2, 1991, p 9-10.
Lambert, B. and R. Hinson. Imported Fresh Produce Displacing the Processed Vegetable Industry? Vol. 18, No. 2 (proceedings), Journal of Southwestern Society of Economists, 1991, p 90-99.
Bracy, R., R. Edling, R. Hinson, and D. Lavergne. "Comparison of Irrigation Methods of Bell Peppers". Louisiana Vegetable Growers Newsletter, Vol. 5, Issue 2, 1990, p 9-12.
Hinson, R. "Cost of Production Projections - 1990". Louisiana Vegetable Growers Newsletter, Vol. 5, Issue 1, 1990, p 6-7.
Hinson, R., K. Broussard and A. Main. "Study Draws Conclusions to Grower Marketing Strategies". American Christmas Tree Journal, Vol. 33, No. 1, 1989.
Hinson, R. "Projected Returns to Selected Vegetable Crops, 1987". Louisiana Vegetable Growers Newsletter, Vol. 3, No. 2, p 3.
Hinson, R. "Will the Sky Fall?" Louisiana Vegetable News, Fall 1987, p 10.
Hinson, R. "Cost of Direct Marketing Alternative". Louisiana Vegetable Growers Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. 3, 1986, p 5-6.
Hinson, R. "Market Information Sources for Produce Sellers". Louisiana Vegetable Growers Newsletter, Vol. 3, No. 1, 1986, p 10-11.
Hinson, R. "Projected Returns to Selected Vegetable Crops 1986". Louisiana Vegetable Growers' Newsletter, Vol. 2, No 1, 1986, p 4-5.
Hinson R. Household Budget Allocation: The Interrelationships Between Fixed Expenses and the Purchase of Food. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 1980, 137pp.
Papers presented at professional meetings
Clark, B., R. Hinson and J. Westra. Louisiana Marketmaker: A Free Internet Marketing Tool for Louisiana Producers, Businesses, and Consumers. On ‘All About BlueBerries’ website.
Little, R. D., R. Hinson, K. Hood and A. Owings. 2009. Estimating the Cost of Producing Selected Ornamental Crops in Plant Hardiness Zones 8 and 9. Presented Paper Western Economic Association International Annual Conference Vancouver, British Columbia June 29 – July 3, 2009.
Hinson, R. 2008. Promotion Strategies for Specialty Crops. Presented to Food Distribution Research Society, Columbus, OH, October 2008.
Hinson, R., A. Owings, R. Harkess, J. Black and R. Little. 2008. Using MSBG to Generate Enterprise Budgets for Ornamental Crops. Paper presented at Southern Nurserymens= Association Research Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Westra, J., R. Hinson, C. Motsenbocker and W. Harrison. 2008. Integrating Production and Marketing of Asian Vegetables: A Case Study of a Central American Firm’s Strategy to Export into the North American Market. Poster at 18th Annual World Symposium of the International Food and Agribusiness Management Association, Monterey, California, USA, June 14-17.
Rainey, R, D. Fields, J. Black, E. Fonsah, C. Hall, and R. Hinson. 2007. Regional Enterprise Budgets for Fruit and Vegetable Crops. A poster presented at National Risk Management Education Conference, Phoenix, AZ 4/17/07.
Hinson, Roger. AEnterprise Budgets for Container-grown Woody Ornamental Plants, Climatic Zones 8 and 9.@ Paper presented at Southern Nurserymens= Association Research Conference, Atlanta, GA. 2006.
Hinson, R. and D. Picha. “A Niche Market for Sweet potatoes – Specialty Packs to the United Kingdom”. Paper presented at SAEA annual meeting, Orlando, FL, Feb 2006.
Hinson, R, R. Sinoha and D. Reaves. “Industry Concentration Impacts on Business Strategies used by Small Produce Wholesalers”. Paper presented at SAEA annual meeting, Orlando, FL, Feb 2006.
Reaves, D. and R. Hinson. “Assessing the Benefits and Costs of Extra- and Co-Curricular Activiteis for Undergraduate Students in Agricultural Economics: Implaications for the FDRS Case Competition”. Paper presented at FDRS annual conference, Washington, DC, Oct 2005.
Bruchhaus, M. and R. Hinson. “An Assessment of Consumer Preferences for Strawberry Products”. Paper presented at SAEA annual meeting, Little Rock, Feb 2005.
Hinson, R. “A Relationship between Food Safety Issues and Structure in the Production Sector: A Strawberry Example”. Paper presented at SAEA annual meeting, Little Rock, Feb 2005.
Picha, D. H. and R. A. Hinson. “Postharvest Care and Market Analyses of Sweetpotatoes Exported to the U.K.”. Paper presented to Horticulture Society meeting, Tulsa, OK, February 2004.
Hinson, R. “Overview of Biotechnology”. Symposium paper at annual meeting of the Southern Agricultural Economics Association, Tulsa, OK., February, 2004.
Hinson, R. “The Louisiana Strawberry: An Endangered Species?” Paper presented FDRS annual conference, Biloxi, MS., October 2003.
Brave New Communities: Biotechnology as a Rural Development Strategy? Deborah M. Tootle, Roger Hinson and John Westra, presented at RSS, July 2003 in Montreal
Hinson, R. “Competition, Size and Pricing in the Ornamental Horticulture Industry in the USA". Symposium discussant at annual meeting of the American Agricultural Economics Association, Montreal, July, 2003.
Hinson, R. “Agro-Industrial Program Experiences in Central America.” At “Development of Rural Agro-Industrial Micro-Enterprises” seminars conducted by Latin American Business Development Intiatives, International Initiatives Office, Continuing Eductation, Southeastern La. University, June 2003.
Navajas, R., R. Hinson and R. Pinel. “Analyzing Linkages Between Nursery Farm Growth Rates, Structural Variables and Firm Characteristics”. Presented at the 2003 meeting of the Southern Agricultural Economics Association, Mobile, AL, February, 2003.
Pinel, R., R. Hinson and R. Navajas. “Establishing the Economic Impact of the Green (Ornamental Plants) Industry at the State Level”. Presented at the 2003 meeting of the Southern Agricultural Economics Association, Mobile, AL, February, 2003.
Hinson, R. and D. Tootle. ARural Development Implications of Agricultural Biotechnology@. Presented at symposium on Issues for Regional Agriculture in the 21st Century, Sunchon National University, Korea, Nov 2002.
Hinson, Roger. Economic Considerations for Lawn and Landscape Professionals. Presented at AgCenter Lawn and Landscape School, Feb, 2001.
Hinson, Roger. AInfluence of 3rd Party Logistics Providers on the US Produce Industry@. Presented at Food Distribution Research Society symposium, Wye College, England, May 2001.
Hinson, Roger. ADifferences Between Mail Survey Respondents and Non-Respondents in La=s Trade Flows and Marketing Practices Survey@. Presented at the Southern Nurserymens= Association Research Conference, Atlanta, GA, August, 2001.
Hardy, J., B. Behe, and R. Hinson, "Comparison of Realtor and Consumer Perceptions of Landscape Value.@ Presented to Southern Nursery Association Research Conference, Atlanta, GA, August, 2000.
Brooker, J., S. Turner, and R. Hinson."Factors Important to Price Determination and Expansion of Geographic Trading Area." Presented to Southern Nursery Association Research Conference, Atlanta, GA, August, 2000.
Brooker, J., S. Turner, and R. Hinson."Marketing and Distribution : Structural Changes in Selected States."
Presented to Southern Nursery Association Research Conference, Atlanta, GA, August, 2000.
Hampton, W. and R. Hinson. Marketing and Trade Flows in the Louisiana Nursery Industry. Presented to Southern Agricultural Economics Assciation., Lexington, KY, Jan 2000.
Iturbide, A. and R. Hinson. Consumers= Residential Landscape Preferences. Presented to Southern Agricultural Economics Association, Lexington, KY, Jan 2000.
Lambert, B. and R. Hinson. AChanges in Transportation Patterns of Refrigerated Cargoes@. Presented to Food Distribution Research Society, San Antonio, TX, October 1999.
Andino, J., C. Motsenbocker and R. Hinson. AEconomic Analysis of Watermelon Production with Alternative Plastic Mulches@. Presented to Annual Meeting of Southern Horticultural Society, Feb 1999.
Whitley, Daniel B., R. W. Harrison, R. Hinson, and L. Andrews. "Food Safety and the Louisiana Oyster Industry". Poster presented at NE 165 Regional Project Conference on Economics of HACCP, Washington D.C., June 1998.
Hinson, R. and M. Dowdall. Impact of Industry Concentration on Small and Medium Produce Distributors@. Presented to Food Distribution Research Society, Tampa, FL, Oct 1997.
Hinson, R., K. Edwards, L. Andrews and R. Grodner. APotential Impact of a Proactive Food Irradiation Education Program@. Presented to Food Distribution Research Society, New Orleans, LA, Oct 1996.
Hinson, R. Co-organizer and moderator of symposium titled AAgricultural Competitiveness in Domestic and International Markets: The Apple Industry Example@, to American Agricultural Economics Association, San Antonio, TX, Aug 1996.
Hughes, D. and R. Hinson. AEstimating the Contribution of the Ornamental Horticulture and Turfgrass Industries to the Louisiana Economy@. Presented to Southern Regional Science Association, Baltimore, Md., April, 1996.
Hinson, R. ASweetpotato Production Costs@. Presented to National Sweetpotato Collaborators, Greensboro, NC, Feb 1996.
Andrews, L., R. Grodner, R. Hinson and A. Key. "How Consumer Education Affects Attitudes Toward Food Irradiation". Presented at 20th Annual Conference of the Seafood Science and Technology Society of the Americas, Humacao, Puerto Rico, Nov, 1995.
Hinson, R., L. Andrews, A. Key and R. Grodner. "Analysis of an Educational Program on Attitudes Toward Irradiated Seafood". Presented to Food Distribution Research Society, Myrtle Beach, SC, Oct 1995.
Brooker, J., R. Hinson and S. Turner. "Adjustments in the Distribution of Nursery Sales by Plant Category and Root Packaging: 1988 to 1993". Presented to Southern Nurserymens' Association Research Conference, Atlanta, GA, Aug 1995
Lambert, B. and R. Hinson. "Factors That Affect Commodity Transportation Decisions". Presented to Southern Agricultural Economics Association, Nashville, TN, Feb 1994.
Boudreaux, D. and R. Hinson. AFeasibility of Zantedeschia aethiopica (Calla Lily) Production@. Presented to Southern Nurserymens' Association Research Conference, Atlanta, GA, Aug 1993.
Hinson, R. and S. Turner. AMarketing Channels Used by Ornamental Nurseries@. Presented to Southern Nurserymens' Association Research Conference, Atlanta, GA, Aug 1993.
Hinson, R., S. Turner and J. Brooker. ATransactions Methods Among Wholesale Ornamental Nurseries: Which are Important?@ Presented to Southern Agricultural Economics Association, Tulsa, OK, Feb, 1993.
Hinson, R., S. Turner and J. Brooker. "Factors That Influence Transaction Methods of Landscape Plant Producers". Presented to Southern Nurserymens' Association Research Conference, Atlanta, GA, Aug 1992.
Brooker, J., S. Turner and R. Hinson. "Factors Limiting the Expansion of Environmental Plant Nurseries: A comparison Across 23 States". Presented to Southern Nurserymens' Association Research Conference, Atlanta, GA, Aug 1992.
Hinson, R. "Latin American Supply Sources for Horticultural Products". Presented to Technical Committee of Regional Research Project S-222, Marco Island, FL, Nov 1992.
Hinson, R., S. Turner and J. Brooker. "Factors That Influence Transaction Methods of Landscape Plant Producers". Presented to Southern Nurserymens' Association, Atlanta, GA Aug 1992.
Brooker, J., S. Turner and R. Hinson. "Factors Limiting the Expansion of Environmental Plant Nurseries: A Comparison Across 23 States". Presented to Southern Nurserymens' Association, Atlanta, GA, Aug 1992.
Picha, D. and R. Hinson. "Transportation Routes for Latin American Produce Imports into the United States". Presented to American Society for Horticultural Science,.... Aug, 1992.
Hinson, R., D. Picha and B. Lambert. "Attitudes Toward Changes in Colombian Flower Export Trade Flow Patterns". Presented to Southwestern Society of Economists, Mar 1992.
Picha, D. and R. Hinson. AStorage, Transportation and Marketing of Horticultural Crops for Export@. Presented to First International Peruvian Horticultural Congress, Lima, Peru, Apr 1992.
Picha, D. and R. Hinson. ADevelopment of Non-Traditional Export Industry in Central America@. Presented to Inter-American Institute for Agricultural Cooperation, San Jose, Costa Rica, Apr 1992.
Hinson, R. Moderator, selected papers session on "Livestock and Meat Marketing", at Southern Agricultural Economics Association, Feb 1992.
Hinson, R., D. Picha and B. Lambert. AWaterport Landing Decisions for Imported Produce Items@. Presented to Food Distribution Research Society, Kalamazoo, MI, Oct 1991.
Picha, D. and R. Hinson. AEconomic and Technological Feasibility of Landing Chilean Fruit at Various US Ports@. Presented to Inter-American Society for Horticultural Science, Vina del Mar, Chile, Oct 1991.
Picha, D. and R. Hinson. APotential for Louisiana Ports to Receive Future Uruguayan Winter Fruit@. Seminar at the National Institute of Agriculture, Las Piedros, Uruguay, Oct 1991.
Picha, D. and R. Hinson. AFeasibility of Exporting Argentinean Fruit to Various US Ports@. Presented to Argentinean Fruit Export Association, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Oct 1991.
Lambert, B. and R. Hinson. AImported Fresh Produce Displacing the Processed Vegetable Industry?@ Presented to Southwestern Society of Economists, Houston, TX, Mar 1991.
Hinson, R. A. Co-organizer and moderator of symposium "Fresh Vegetable Research: Does Our System Deliver the Right Package?" . Presented to Southern Agricultural Economics Association,.... Feb 1991.
Lambert, B., M. Reveco and R. Hinson. AExamining the Use of Philadelphia and New Orleans as Ports of Entry for Chilean Grape Imports@. Presented to Louisiana Academy of Sciences, Shreveport, LA, Jan 1991.
Hinson, R. Moderator, selected papers session on "Agribusiness, Market Strategy and Feasibility", Southern Agricultural Economics Association, ....Feb 1991.
Hinson, R., M. Huh and J. Lee. AEvaluation of Selected Fresh Vegetable Terminal Markets: A Stochastic Dominance Approach@. Presented to Southern Agricultural Economics Association, Little Rock, AR, Feb, 1990.
Christy, R. and R. Hinson. "Assessing Value-Added Agricultural Industries". Presented to Food Distribution Research Society, Albuquerque, NM, Oct, 1989.
Hinson, R. Moderator, selected papers session on "Marketing Strategies and Orders", Southern Agricultural Economics Association, Nashville, Tn. Feb, 1989.
Leong, S., L. Dellenbarger, R. Hinson, L. Vandeveer, and M. Lange. ABanking Attitudes and Perceptions Toward Aquaculture and Vegetable Farming: A Case Study of Louisiana@. Presented to Southwestern Society of Economists meeting, Mar 1988.
Hinson, R. and Luis Vanegas. "Impact of Leisure Time and Alternative Technologies on Returns to Small Vegetable Farms". Presented to Southern Agricultural Economics Association meetings in Orlando, FL, Feb, 1986.
Wharton, R. B. and R. Hinson. "The Impact of Human Capital and Production Variables on Source of Operating Capital". Presented to Southern Economics Association meetings in Dallas, TX, Nov, 1985.
Hinson, R., R. B. Wharton, and Steve Kelly. "Socioeconomic Variables and Risk: Case of Small Commercial Farms in Louisiana". Presented to Southern Agricultural Economics Association, Biloxi, MS, Feb, 1985.
Hinson, R. "Factors Affecting Implementation of Agricultural Production Alternatives". Presented to symposium on Economic Evaluation of Alternative Enterprises for Southeastern Agriculture, Southern Agricultural Economics Association, Biloxi, MS, Feb, 1985.
Hinson, R. ACharacteristics and Problems of Small Farms@. Symposium paper presented at Southern Agricultural Economics Association annual meeting in Nashville, Tennessee, Feb, 1984.
Discussant at Midwest Economics Association, at a contributed papers section on "Markets for Agricultural Products", Chicago, IL, Apr 1982.
Hinson, R. and John Brooker. "Substitution of Consumer's Income Between Food and Other Goods and Services". Presented to Southern Agricultural Economics Association.
Training and Clientele Group Lectures
Coordinated, with A. Owings, Risk Management Workshops for ornamental industry as part of Risk Management Agency grant, 2005, approved also for 2007-08
GSHE presentation on establishing and operating a retail nursery 2005, 3 hours
Hinson, R. “Marketing, Budgets, and Risk Management”. Presentation to symposium titled “Can Organic Work for Louisiana Farmers?” held at Southern University, October 2005.
Hinson, Roger. Nursery Economics. Presented at Nursery Production Clinic, Forest Hill Academy, January 2004
With David Picha (Horticulture), prepared a report identifying potential investment possibilities in horticultural trade and production, at the request of the Chancellor, June 1996.
Hinson, R. Presentation on linkages between the university research community and industry, to group of visitors for the Czech Republic, May, 1996.
Reviewer of 4 papers for proceedings of XIIIth International Symposium on Horticutural Economics, Cook College Campus, Rutgers University, August 1996.
Hinson, R. AEconomics Research in Sweetpotato@. Presented to industry leaders and researchers at Sweetpotato RAC meeting, July, 1996.
Hinson, R. "Economics of Producing and Marketing Woody Ornamentals", and "Economics of Producing and Marketing Greenhouse Crops". Presented at La. Ass'n of Nurserymen/Ms. Nursrymen Ass'n Short Course and Trade Show, Baton Rouge, La., Jan 1995.
"Market Windows for Louisiana Vegetable Crops". R. Hinson and D. Lavergne, presented to La. Vegetable Growers Assn, Dec 1990.
Hinson, R. "Market Windows and Economics". Presentation at Commercial Vegetable Seminar, sponsored by Agroflex, Crowley, La., Jan 1990.
"Vegetable Crop Budgets". D. Lavergne and R. Hinson, presented to La. Vegetable Growers Assn., Dec 1990.
"Price and Quantity Information Available Through Market News Service", a presentation at Tangipahoa Parish Extension Service Meetings, Dec 1988.
Survey of New Orleans area potato chippers (with respect to raw product purchasing practices and attitudes toward purchase from local growers) and letter report in response a farmer's request for information, 1988.
"Market Windows for Louisiana-Grown Vegetable Crops", a lecture/discussion at Louisiana Vegetable Growers Association meeting, Nov 1988.
"Production/Packing Opportunities for Selected Vegetable Crops", a study prepared for Morehouse Economic Development Corporation, presented Dec 20, 1988.
"Market Windows and Strategies for Vegetable Crops in Louisiana" presentation at Agents Training Meeting for LCES, Nov 1987.
"Machinery Needs of Louisiana Vegetable Growers", a presentation to Louisiana Society of Agricultural Engineers, Oct 1987.
"Economic Potential of Vegetable and Ornamental Crops", a presentation to Louisiana Realtors Land Institute, Apr 1987.
"Production Cost of Containerized Woody Ornamental Crops", presented at Agent Training Meeting on Nursery Crop Production, LCES, May 1987.
Assisted Extension Service specialists and the Agriculture Committee of the Greater Iberia Chamber of Commerce evaluate vegetable crop potential. A 37 page report was prepared by C. Miller, Mike Cannon, Roger Hinson and Robert Soileau, January and February 1987.
"Use of Personal Computers in Generating Vegetable Crops Budgets" a demonstration at Louisiana Vegetable Growers Association annual meeting, Dec 1986.
"Vegetable Production Opportunities in Northeast Louisiana", a presentation to Rayville, Louisiana, Kiwanis Club on Nov 1986.
"Summary of Sweet Potato Research in Agricultural Marketing", to Louisiana Sweet Potato Association, Jan 1985.
"Feasibility of a Fresh Vegetable Packing Shed in Morehouse Parish, Louisiana", a study prepared at the request of Louisiana Farm Bureau and Office of the Mayor, Bastrop, Louisiana, Aug 1985.
Professor, Dept. of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, Louisiana State University, 2001 to present.
Associate Professor, Dept. of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, Louisiana State University 1993- 2001.
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, Louisiana State University, 1984 to 1993, and Office of
International Programs, Louisiana State University, 1980 to 1983.
Extension Agent, Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service, University of Tennessee-Knoxville 1972 - 1975
Teaching Experience:
AGEC 4038 "Problems and Decision-Making in Agribusiness Firms" from the Fall Semester 1986 through 1989.
AGEC 3413 – Agricultural Business Management Decisions - 1991 to 2003.
AGEC 4433 – Agricultural Business Planning , Management and Policy - 1994, 2001, 2005 - 20010
Ph.D. 1980 Marketing, University of Tennessee-Knoxville
M. S. 1972 Agricultural Economics, University of Tennessee-Knoxville
B. S. 1969 Agricultural Business, University of Tennessee-Knoxville
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture