Title | Professor |
Department | Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness |
RCaffey@agcenter.lsu.edu | |
Address 1 | 179 Ag. Administration Bldg. Baton Rouge, LA 70803 |
Phone | 225-578-2393 |
Caffey, R.H., Kazmierczak, R.F. Jr., Keithly, W., Petrolia, D., Interis, M. and I. Mendelssohn
(2011) “Integrating Revealed and Stated Preference Approaches for Ecosystem Service Valuation.” NOAA/Gulf of Mexico Sea Grant programs/EPA Gulf of Mexico Program, $843,513
Caffey, R.H. (2011) Renewal of the Center for Natural Resource Economics and Policy: 2010-2015, Approved by the LSU Board or Supervisors and LA Board of Regents, April 2011 (grant-supported with in-kind, institutional support)
Hymel, T and R.H. Caffey, R. H., (2011) Louisiana Direct Seafood Marketing Initiative, Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission, $549,000
Caffey, R. H., “Support funding for CNREP 2010: The Second National Conference on Socioeconomic Research in Coastal Systems”, $35,000 in support funding obtained from 17 public and private organizations, Conference budget with registration fees: $78,000, May 2010.
Caffey, R.H. and H. Wang (2010) Economic Assessment of Rapid Land-Building Technologies
for Coastal Restoration, NOAA-Northern Gulf Institute, Summer Internship Program, $5000, May-August, 2010.
Caffey, R. H., “Support funding for Excellence in Craft Awards Program, Louisiana Outdoor Writers Association, Coastal Wetland Planning Protection and Restoration Act, $6,300 is award funding from 9 public and private organizations, August 2010,
Caffey, R.H., Keithly, W., and R. Kazmierczak (2009), A Cooperative Research Survey
of the Recreational For-Hire Fishing Sector in Louisiana, Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, $148,000
Caffey, R.H. (2008) Economic Investigations of Louisiana’s Coastal Resources, Hatch Project Proposal, Louisiana State University Agricultural Experiment Station, (grant-supported with in-kind, institutional support)
Caffey, R.H., Keithly, W., and R. Kazmierczak, “Socioeconomic Assessments for Northern Gulf of Mexico Fisheries, National Sea Grant College Program, July 2008- June 2011, $648,512
Caffey, R.H. and D. Petrolia, “Economic Assessment of Rapid Land-Building Technologies for Coastal Restoration”, Coastal Restoration Enhancement through Science & Technology (CREST) program, April 2007, $93,924.
Liffmann, M. and R. H. Caffey, “Fisheries Extension Enhancement through Socioeconomic Initiatives for Coastal Louisiana” National Sea Grant College Program, July 2004- July 2009, $434,685
Caffey, R. H., “Support funding for CNREP 2007: The Second National Conference on Socioeconomic Research in Coastal Systems”, Coastal Wetland Planning Protection and Restoration Act, May 2007, $5000
Caffey, R. H., “Support funding for CNREP 2007: The Second National Conference on Socioeconomic Research in Coastal Systems”, The Shaw Group, May 2007, $5000
Caffey, R. H., “Support funding for CNREP 2007: The Second National Conference on Socioeconomic Research in Coastal Systems”, Farm Foundation., May 2007, $3000
Caffey, R. H., “Support funding for CNREP 2007: The Second National Conference on Socioeconomic Research in Coastal Systems”, Tetra Tech Inc., May 2007, $1500
Caffey, R. H., “Support funding for CNREP 2007: The Second National Conference on Socioeconomic Research in Coastal Systems”, HNTB Associates Inc., May 2007, $1500
Caffey, R. H., “Support funding for CNREP 2007: The Second National Conference on Socioeconomic Research in Coastal Systems”, C.H. Fernstermaker, Inc., May 2007, $1500
Caffey, R. H., “Support funding for Excellence in Craft Awards Program, Louisiana Outdoor Writers Association, Coastal Wetland Planning Protection and Restoration Act, August 2007, $1400
Caffey, R. H., “Support funding for Excellence in Craft Awards Program, Louisiana Outdoor Writers Association, Louisiana Association of Professional Biologist and Louisiana Forestry Association, August 2007, $700
Caffey, R. H., “Support funding for Excellence in Craft Awards Program, Louisiana Outdoor Writers Association, Shreveport-Bossier Convention and Visitors Bureau, August 2007, $700
Caffey, R. H., “Support funding for Excellence in Craft Awards Program, Louisiana Outdoor Writers Association, Morgan City Convention and Visitors Bureau, August 2007, $1400
Caffey, R. H., “Support funding for Excellence in Craft Awards Program, Louisiana Outdoor Writers Association, National Marine Manufacturers Association, August 2007, $700
Caffey, R. H., “Support funding for Excellence in Craft Awards Program, Louisiana Outdoor Writers Association, Louisiana Sportsman Magazine, August 2007, $700
Caffey, R. H., “Support funding for Excellence in Craft Awards Program, Louisiana Outdoor Writers Association, Louisiana Sportsman Magazine, August 2007, $700
Caffey, R. H., “Support funding for Excellence in Craft Awards Program, Louisiana Outdoor Writers Association, Louisiana Charter-boat Association, August 2007, $700
Caffey, R. H., “Support funding for Excellence in Craft Awards Program, Louisiana Outdoor Writers Association, Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Foundation, August 2007, $1400
Caffey, R. H., “Support funding for Excellence in Craft Awards Program, Louisiana Outdoor Writers Association, Coastal Wetland Planning Protection and Restoration Act, August 2006, $3000
Caffey, R. H., “Support request for the Center for Natural Resource Economics and Policy”, International Programs, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, graduate assistantships and conference funding, August 2006, $67,500
Caffey, R.H., “Challenges of Socioeconomic Research in Coastal Systems: A Focus on Louisiana”, Coastal Wetland Planning, Preservation, and Restoration Act (CWPPRA); September 2003, $18,000
Kazmierczak, R., Keithly, W. Hoagland, P and R.H. Caffey, “Designing Incentives for Private Maintenance and Restoration of Coastal Wetlands”, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, June 2003, $384,381
Caffey, R.H. “Cost-Benefit Analyses of Wetland Preservation and Restoration in Coastal Louisiana”, Louisiana Sea Grant College program, January, 2003, $28,000
Paudel, K. and R. H. Caffey “Economic Assessment of Elmer’s Island Visitation Pattern Using a Travel Cost Method”, Louisiana Sea Grant College program, January 2003, $16,000
Caffey, R.H., “Benefits and Costs of Resource Policies Affecting Public and Private Lands”, U.S. Department of Agriculture - Hatch (Multi-State) Project Funds, 10/01/0, Amount: N/A
Caffey, R.H., “Economic Investigations of Louisiana’s Coastal and Wetland Resources”, U.S. Department of Agriculture - Hatch Funds, Project Funds, 10/01/0, Amount: N/A
Caffey, R.H., “Interpretive Topic Series on Louisiana Coastal Wetland Restoration”, Coastal Wetland Planning, Preservation, and Restoration Act (CWPPRA) via Louisiana Governor’s Office of Coastal Activities, October 1999, $20,000
Caffey, R.H., “Marsh Maneuvers Coastal Education Program”, Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary Program, (funding for years 1999-2002), $41,000
Coreil, P. and R.H. Caffey, ”Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary Program Public Education and Outreach”, Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary Program, 1996-2000, $146,152
Borne-Blanchard P., Bush, E. and R. H. Caffey, ” Coastal Roots: High School Seedling Nurseries for Wetland Restoration”, Louisiana Department of Natural Resources/NOAA Coastal Impact Assistance Program, October 2000, $26,000
Caffey, R.H. and T. Herrington, “An Ectoparasite of Gulf Menhaden (Brevoortia patonus): Interactive Marine Education”, Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP), Louisiana Sea Grant and LSU Department of Oceanography & Coastal Sciences, July 2000, $2,500
Kazmierczak, R. and R.H. Caffey, “Sustainability Criteria for Aquaculture”, USDA Special Aquaculture Grants, September 1995, $56,810
Tiersch, T. and R.H. Caffey, “Improved Production of Hybrid Striped Bass”, USDA Special Aquaculture Grants, September 1997, $28,500
Culley, D. and R.H. Caffey, “A Descriptive Profile of the Louisiana Soft-Shelled Crab Industry”, Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, July 1991, $18,420
Kazmierczak, R. and R.H. Caffey (cooperator), “Technological Risks and the Economics of Recirculating Aquaculture Systems” USDA Special Aquaculture Grants, September, $20,000
APEX Award of Excellence in Communications, Reflections on Chandeleur Web-film documentary website, with Paula Ouder and Melissa Castleberry, Louisiana Sea Grant Communications Office, July 2010
SAEA 2009 First Place Poster with Guidry, K.M, Caffey, R.H, and M. Fannin (2009) How Big is the Number and Why Should We Care? An Evaluation of Methods Used to Measure Economic Impacts to the Food and Fiber System from the 2008 Hurricane Season, Southern Agricultural Economics Association, 2009 Annual Meeting, January 31-February 3, 2009, Atlanta, Georgia.
CSREES Partnership Award, for After the Storms. Innovative Programming in the wake of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, Group award with LSU Agricultural Center, 2008.
Munson Distinguished Lecture Series on Coastal Vulnerability, Yale University, New Haven, CT., October 18, 2006.
Invited Lecture, Gulf of Mexico Sustainability Summit 2006, Gulf of Mexico Alliance Program and Harte Marine Research Institute, Corpus Christi, TX, March 29, 2006.
Keynote Address – National Forum on the Human Dimensions Aspects of Coastal Restoration, National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Amherst, MA, February 23, 2005.
APEX Award of Excellence in Communications, Louisiana Hurricane Recovery Resources Web Site. Group award with Louisiana Sea Grant Communications Office, July 2006.
Coastal Stewardship Award, Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana, Baton Rouge, LA, May 2006.
Louisiana Conservation Educator of the Year, Louisiana Wildlife Federation and National Wildlife Federation, Alexandria, LA, March 2006.
Best-Poster Award, “Working Lands Programs: Potential Tools for Conserving Agricultural Wetlands” Coauthored with J. Westra and J. Huner, Southern Agricultural Economics Association, Little Rock, Arkansas, February 2005
Coastal America Partnership Award, group award with the Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act, Louisiana Conservation and Restoration Task Force, New Orleans, LA, August 2004.
Conservation Achievement Award, Environmental Communication Division, group award with the Louisiana Sea Grant Marine Extension Project, Louisiana Wildlife Federation, Baton Rouge, LA, February 2004.
Excellence Award for Environmental Education, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 6 Administrator's Environmental, Marsh Maneuvers Coastal Education Program, October 1999.
Best Student Abstract Award, Co-authored Bradford Miller, Eyestalk Ablation for the Production of Soft-shell Crawfish: Economic Considerations. Aquaculture America U.S. Chapter World Aquaculture Society, 2000, Tampa, FL.
Best Student Paper, World Aquaculture Society for paper entitled “Markets for Fish Sperm: the Point of Conception”, co-authored by Terrence R. Tiersch, World Aquaculture ’98, Las Vegas, NV, 1998.
Best Student Abstract, World Aquaculture Society for poster entitled “Indicators of Aquaculture Sustainability: A Delphi Survey”, co-authored with R. K. Kazmierczak, R. P. Romaire, and J. W. Avault, World Aquaculture ’98, Las Vegas, NV, 1998.
Student Paper Award, Honorable Mention, World Aquaculture Society for paper entitled “A Model for Quantifying Sustainability in Aquaculture”, co-authored by Richard F. Kazmierczak, Robert P. Romaire, and James W. Avault, World Aquaculture ’97, Seattle, WA, 1997.
Student Poster Award, Honorable Mention, Southern Agriculture Economics Association for the poster titled "Management Ability and the Economics of Recirculating Aquaculture Systems," co-authored by Richard F. Kazmierczak, New Orleans, LA, 1995.
Student Paper Award, Honorable Mention, American Agriculture Economics Association for paper titled "An Economic Analysis of Alternative Soft-Shell Crawfish Production Facilities”, Knoxville, TN, 1988.
President, LSU Agriculture Economics Graduate Student Association 1992
President, LSU Agriculture Economics and Agribusiness Student Association 1987
Outstanding Senior, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness 1988
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles, Bulletins, Proceedings, and Monographs:
Merino, J. Aust, C. and R.H. Caffey. 2011. “Cost Efficacy of Wetland Restoration Projects in Coastal Louisiana”, Wetlands. 31:367-375.
Paudel, K. and R.H. Caffey. 2011 “An Evaluation of Factors Affecting the Choice of Coastal Recreational Activities” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 43, 2 (May 2011):167–179.
Westra, J., R. H. Caffey and J. Huner. “Economic Valuation of Benefits Provided by Crawfish Pond Habitat.” Proceedings of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans LA, January 2009.
Westra, J., J. Huner and RH. Caffey. “Ecological and Economic Benefits and Costs of Louisiana’s Working Wetlands.” Proceedings of the 4th Annual Partners in Flight International Conference, McAllen TX, February 2008.
Caffey, R.H., Kazmierczak, R.F., Diop H., and W. Keithly, (2007). “Estimating the Economic Damage of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita on Commercial and Recreational Fishing Industries”, Selected paper for Applied Economics for Global Issues, American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, July 29-August 4th, 2007, Portland, OR 52 p.
Westra, J. V., Caffey, R. H., and J.V. Huner (2006). “Changes in the Crayfish and Rice Industries in Louisiana: Potential Economic and Environmental Effects of Agricultural Wetland Loss, Freshwater Crawfish IX: International Journal of Astacology, 15: 93-97
Paudel, K., Caffey, R.H., Devkota, N., and L. Hall (2004). “Opening a Public Recreation Area to Revitalize Coastal Communities and Preserve Natural Resources in Louisiana: The Case of Elmer's Island,” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 37(2) pp. 475-484.
Caffey, R. H. and M. Schexnayder (2003). “Coastal Louisiana and South Florida: A Comparative Wetland Inventory”, in: An Interpretive Topic Series on Louisiana Coastal Wetland Restoration, Coastal Wetland Planning, Preservation, and Restoration Act (eds.), National Sea Grant Library No. LSU-G-03, 24 p.
Caffey, R. H., K. Savoie, and M. Shirley (2003). "Stewardship Incentives for Louisiana’s Coastal Landowners” in: An Interpretive Topic Series on Louisiana Coastal Wetland Restoration, Coastal Wetland Planning, Preservation, and Restoration Act (eds.), National Sea Grant Library No. LSU-G-03, 11 p.
Caffey, R. H. and B. Leblanc (2002). “Closing the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet: Economic and Environmental Implications” in: An Interpretive Topic.Series on Louisiana Coastal Wetland Restoration, Coastal Wetland Planning, Preservation, and Restoration Act (eds.), National Sea Grant Library No. LSU-G-02-004, 8 p.
Caffey, R. H. and M. Schexnayder (2002). “Fisheries Implications of Freshwater Diversions”, in: An Interpretive Topic Series on Louisiana Coastal Wetland Restoration, Coastal Wetland Planning, Preservation, and Restoration Act (eds.), National Sea Grant Library No. LSU-G-02-003, 12 p.
Caffey, R.H., P. Coreil, and D. Demcheck (2002). “Mississippi River Water Quality: Implications For Coastal Restoration”, in: An Interpretive Topic Series on Coastal Wetland Restoration in Louisiana, Coastal Wetland Planning, Protection, and Restoration Act, (eds.), National Sea Grant Library No. LSU-G-02-002, 8 p.
Caffey, R. H. and M. Schexnayder (2002). “Floods, Fisheries, and River Diversions in Coastal Louisiana”, Coastal Water Resources, a specialty conference proceedings of the American Water Resources Association, New Orleans, La, USA, p. 300-305.
Caffey, R. H., Kazmierczak, R.F., and J.W. Avault (2001). "Developing Consensus Indicators of Sustainability for Southeastern United States Aquaculture, Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin No. 879, 39 p.
Caffey, R. H. and T. R. Tiersch (2000). “Cost Analysis for Integrating Cryopreservation into an Existing Fish Hatchery”, Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, Vol. 31, No. 1, March 2000, pp. 51-58.
Caffey, R. H. and Richard F. Kazmierczak, Jr. (1998). "Developing and Using Consensus Indicators of Sustainability in Aquaculture Production”, Proceedings of the Ninth Biennial Conference of the International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade, A. Eide and T. Vassdal (eds). The Norwegian College of Fishery Science, University of Tromso, Norway, November 1998, p. 27-34.
Kazmierczak, R. F. and R. H. Caffey (1996). “The Bioeconomics of Recirculating Aquaculture Systems", Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin No. 854, 46 p.
Caffey, R.H., Romaire, R. P. and J.W. Avault (1996). “The Sustainability of Crawfish Aquaculture”, Freshwater Crawfish XI: International Journal of Astacology, 11th Symposium, August 11-16, Thunder Bay, Canada, pp. 587-599.
Caffey, R.H. and R.F. Kazmierczak, Jr. 1995. "Towards Economic Sustainability in Closed System Fish Culture", Public Policy, Financing, and Technology for Economically and Environmentally Sustainable Aquaculture, Pacific Congress on Marine Science and Technology, Honolulu, Hawaii, p. 216-225
Kazmierczak, R. F., and R. H. Caffey (1995). "Management Ability and the Economics of Recirculating Aquaculture Systems", Journal of Marine Resource Economics, Vol. 10 pp. 187-209.
Caffey, R. H. and R. F. Kazmierczak (1995). "Factors Influencing Technology in a Louisiana Aquaculture System." Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 26:264-274.
Caffey, R. H., C. G. Lutz, J.W. Avault, and K. K. Higgins (1993). "Preliminary Observations on Soft-Shell Prawns, Macrobrachium rosenbergii, in Commercial Shedding Facilities." Journal of Applied Aquaculture, Vol.2, No.2, pp. 93-102.
Caffey, R.H. (1988). "An Economic Analysis of Alternative Soft-Shell Crawfish Production Facilities", Journal of Student Papers, American Agriculture Economics Association, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 27-32.
Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters
Caffey, R.H., Kazmierczak, R.F., Diop H., and W. Keithly (2007). “Economic Resiliency and Recovery of Northern Gulf of Mexico Fisheries after the Hurricanes of 2005”, in Mitigating Impacts of Natural Hazards on Fishery Ecosystems, T. Hines and K. Kate McLaughlin, editors, American Fisheries Society, 21 p. (reviewed and accepted for publication).
Caffey, R. H. and T. R. Tiersch (2000) “Economics and Marketing”, in Cryopreservation of Gametes and Embryos of Aquatic Species, T. R. Tiersch and P. M. Makiz, editors, World Aquaculture Society, Baton Rouge, LA, pp. 388-409.
Selected Papers and Published Abstracts
Savolainen, M.A. and R.H. Caffey (2011). “The Recreational For-Hire Sector in the U.S. Gulf
of Mexico: Structural and Economic Observations from the Third Decadal Survey.”
Proceedings of the 64th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute Conference, Puerto
Morelos, Mexico. Accepted for publication.
Savolainen, M., R. H. Caffey and M. Freeman (2010) 2009 Economic Survey of the Recreational For-Hire Fishing Sector in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico, Challenges of Natural Resource Economics and Policy, the 3rd National Forum on Socioeconomic Research in Coastal Systems, New Orleans, LA, May 28, 2010.
Wang, H and R. Caffey (2010) Incorporating Time and Risk Considerations In the Selection of Coastal Restoration Projects, CNREP 2010: Challenges of Natural Resource Economics and Policy, May 26-28, 2010, New Orleans, LA
Kazmierczak, Jr., R.F., C. Dedah, W.R. Keithly, Jr. and R.H. Caffey. 2010. “Private Wetland Investment and the Use of Economic Incentives to Achieve Public Objectives.” Final Report to CREST: Gulf Restoration and Enhancement through Science and Technology. 130 pp.
Kazmierczak, Jr., R.F., W.R. Keithly, Jr., R.H. Caffey and P. Hoagland. 2010. “Designing Incentives for Private Maintenance and Restoration of Coastal Wetlands.” Final report on Contract Number RD-83177601-3 to the United States Environmental Protection Agency. 128 pp.
Caffey, R.H. and R. Kazmierczak (2009) A Novel Approach for Estimating Hurricane Damages to Coastal Fishing Infrastructure”, Poster Abstract, Coastal Zone 2009, Boston, MA, July 19-23, 2009.
Caffey, R.H. , Bourriaque, R. and J. Westra (2009) Spatial Economics of Wetland Mitigation Banking, Poster Abstract, Coastal Zone 2009, Boston, MA, July 19-23, 2009.
Caffey, R.H. , Aust, C. and J. Westra (2009) Examining the Efficiency of Coastal Restoration, Poster Abstract, Coastal Zone 2009, Boston, MA, July 19-23, 2009.
Caffey, R.H. , Aust, C. and J. Westra (2009) Examining the Efficiency of Coastal Restoration, Poster Abstract, Coastal Zone 2009, Boston, MA, July 19-23, 2009
Westra, J., R.H. Caffey and J. Huner. “Economic Valuation of Benefits Provided by Crawfish Pond Habitat.” Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans LA, January 2009.
Westra, J., J. Huner and R.H. Caffey. “Ecological and Economic Benefits and Costs of Louisiana’s Working Wetlands.” Partners in Flight Annual Conference, Lafayette LA, July 2008.
Petrolia, D. R., Tae-goun, K., Moore, R.G. and R.H. Caffey (2009) “A Cost Analysis of Rapid Land-Building Technologies for Coastal Restoration in Louisiana”, Southern Agricultural Economics Association 2009 Annual Meeting, January 31-February 3, 2009, Atlanta, Georgia. 15 p. http://purl.umn.edu/46844
Caffey, R.H., Kazmierczak, R.F., Diop H., and W. Keithly, (2007). “Estimating the Economic Damage of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita on Commercial and Recreational Fishing Industries”, Selected paper for Applied Economics for Global Issues, American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, July 29-August 4th, 2007, Portland, OR 52 p.
Caffey, R.H., Aust, C. and H. Diop (2007). “What Benefits Are We Really After: Examining Cost-Efficacy and Project Selection within CWPPRA”, Selected paper, abstracted in Challenges of Natural Resource Economics & Policy: 2nd National Forum on Socioeconomic Research in Coastal Systems, New Orleans, LA May 20-23, 2007, p. 20.
Caffey, R.H., Kazmierczak, R.F., Diop H., and W. Keithly (2007). “Fisheries in Transition: Reconciling Economic Recovery and Ecosystem Restoration”, abstract published in Challenges of Natural Resource Economics & Policy: 2nd National Forum on Socioeconomic Research in Coastal Systems, New Orleans, LA May 20-23, 2007, p. 20.
Devkota, N., Fannin, M.J., Paudel, K.; Hall, L. and R.H. Caffey (2007). “Calculating Regional Impacts of Recreation Using Bootstrap Technique”, Selected paper, abstracted in Applied Economics for Global Issues, American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, July 29-August 4th, 2007, Portland, OR, p. 94.
Westra, J.W., Caffey, R.H. and J. Huner (2007). “Louisiana Agricultural Wetlands: Potential Benefits and Costs as Waterbird Habitat” Southern Agricultural Economics Association, Mobile, Al February 2007.
Devkota, N., Paudel, K., Hall, L and R. H. Caffey (2006). “Use of Bootstrap Method To Obtain Reliable Parameter Estimations On A Travel Cost Demand Model”, Selected paper, abstracted in, Southern Association of Agricultural Economics, Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, Feb 2006, 20 p.
Devkota, N., Paudel, K., Fannin, M. and R. H. Caffey. (2006). “Calibrating Online Survey Sample for Economic Impact Analysis”, Selected paper, abstracted in, Southern Association of Agricultural Economics, Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, Feb 2006, 18 p.
Petrolia, D.P. and R.H. Caffey (2007). “Economic Assessment of Rapid Land-Building Technologies for Coastal Restoration”, abstracted in Challenges of Natural Resource Economics & Policy: 2nd National Forum on Socioeconomic Research in Coastal Systems, New Orleans, LA May 20-23, 2007, p. 36
Devkota, N., Paudel, K., Caffey, R. H., and L. Hall. (2006). “Almost Ideal Demand (AID) and Kuhn-Tucker Model in Estimation Recreation Demand”, Selected paper, Southern Association of Agricultural Economics, Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, Feb 2006, 20 p.
Caffey, R.H., (2006).”Economic Resiliency and Recovery of Coastal Marine Fisheries”, abstracted in 3rd National Conference on Coastal and Estuarine Habitat Restoration, New Orleans, December, 2006.
Caffey, R.H., (2006).”Economics in Selection and Assessment of Restoration Projects”, abstracted in 3rd National Conference on Coastal and Estuarine Habitat Restoration, New Orleans, December, 2006.
Caffey, R.H., Diop, H., Keithly, W., and R.F. Kazmierczak (2006). “The Economics and Politics of Fisheries Disaster Recovery: Louisiana's Response to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita”, abstracted in IIFET 2006, International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade, Portsmouth, England, July 2006.
Caffey, R. H. and G. Thomas (2006). “Fisheries Impacts of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita”, in Balancing Stakeholder Interactions: Responding to Social, Economic and Environmental Change in the Fishery, with Glenn Thomas, American Fisheries Society, Lake Placid, New York, September 2006.
Caffey, R.H. (2006). “The State of Gulf of Mexico Fisheries in the Wake of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita”, abstracted in, State of the Gulf of Mexico Summit: 2006 Proceedings, March 28-30, Corpus Christi, TX, p. 28.
Aust, C. and R. H. Caffey (2005). “Cost-Efficacy of Wetland Preservation and Restoration in Coastal Louisiana”, Coastal Zone ’05, New Orleans, LA, 2p.
Caffey, R.H., Paudel, K. and L. Hall (2005). “Linking the Demand for Recreational Fishing and Coastal Habitat Conservation: The Case of Elmer’s Island”, Louisiana Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, 26th Annual Meeting, January 2005, p. 11.
Guade, R., Caffey, R.H., and R. Bourriaque (2005). “Survey of Marine Bait Industry as Indexed to the Development of the Recreational Fishing Industry in Louisiana”, Louisiana Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, 26th Annual Meeting, January 2005, p. 22.
Westra, J., Huner. J., and R.H. Caffey (2004). “Economic and Environmental Implications of Potential Policies to Address Agricultural Wetlands Loss”, Soil and Water Conservation Society Annual Meeting, St. Paul MN, June 2004.
Schexnayder, M. and R.H. Caffey (2004). “The Valve Dilemma: Restoring Fisheries Habitat in Coastal Louisiana”, 4th World Fisheries Congress, Vancouver, BC, Canada, May 1-7, 2004, 4WFC_pdf.
Caffey, R. H., Paudel, K., and L. Hall (2004). “Linking the Demand for Recreational Fishing and Coastal Habitat Conservation: The Case of Elmer’s Island”, 4th World Fisheries Congress, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2004, 4WFC_pdf.
Leblanc, B. and R. H. Caffey (2004). “Mississippi River Water Quality: Agriculture and Wetlands”, Water Quality Summit, Cooperative State Research Extension and Education Service, Tampa, FL, January 5-6, 2004.
Huner, J., Caffey, R.H., and J. Westra (2004). “Changes in the Crawfish and Rice Industries in Louisiana: Potential Economic and Environmental Effects of Agricultural Wetland Loss”, in Proceedings of the International Association of Astacology, IAA 15, London, England, 2 April 2004.
Huner, J., Caffey, R H., and J. Westra (2004). “The Economic and Environmental Significance of Louisiana’s Agricultural Wetlands as Waterbird Habitat”, submitted with J.V. Huner and J.V. Westra, Society of Wetland Scientists, 24th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA June 2003. p 129.
Caffey, R.H. (2003). “A Case for Subvention of Private Landowners in the Louisiana Coastal Zone,” Selected Paper, Southern Association of Agricultural Economics, Annual Meeting, p.20.
Caffey, R. H., Kazmierczak, R. F. and M. Schexnayder (2001). “Brown marsh and Coastal Land Loss: The Role of Resource Economics”, in Coastal Marsh Dieback in the Northern Gulf of Mexico: Extent, Causes, Consequences, and Remedies, Stewart, R.E, C.C. Proffitt, and T.M Charron, eds. USGS Biological Resources Division, Information and Technology Report, USGS/BRD/ITR-2001-0003, p.19-20.
Kazmierczak, R.F. and R.H. Caffey (2001). “Developing Consensus Indicators of Sustainability”, Coastal Zone 2001 Book of Abstracts, Cleveland, OH, July 2001.
Kazmierczak, R.F. and R.H. Caffey (2001). “Constructing and Applying a Multicriteria Index of Delphi-Assessed Sustainability”, Coastal Zone 2001 Book of Abstracts, Cleveland, OH, July 2001.
Caffey, R. H., and P. D. Coreil (2000). “Mississippi River Water Quality: Implications for Freshwater Diversions”, In R.F. Kazmierczak, Jr. (ed.) Book of Abstracts for ESOS-V: Louisiana’s 5th Annual Environmental State of the State Conference. Baton Rouge, Louisiana. November 16-17.
Caffey, R. H., and B. LeBlanc (2000). “Closing the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet: Economic and Environmental Implications”, In R.F. Kazmierczak, Jr. (ed.) in ESOS-V: Louisiana’s 5th Environmental State of the State Conference. Baton Rouge, Louisiana. November 16-17.
Caffey, R. H., Kazmierczak, R. F., Romaire, R. P. and J. W. Avault, (1999). "A Regional Expression of Aquaculture Sustainability", Aquaculture America'99, Book of Abstracts, p. 91.
Miller, B. J., Caffey, R. H., Huner, J. V., Wiggins, C. and R. P. Romaire (1999). "Eyestalk Ablation for the Production of Soft-Shell Crawfish: Economic Considerations." Aquaculture America'99, Book of Abstracts, p. 91.
Caffey, R. H. and R. F. Kazmierczak (1998). “Developing and Using Consensus Indicators of Sustainability in Aquaculture Production”, selected paper for the annual meeting of the International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade, Tromso, Norway, pp. 27-34.
Caffey, R. H., Kazmierczak, R.F., Romaire, R. P., and J.W. Avault (1998). “Indicators of Aquaculture Sustainability: A Delphi Survey", World Aquaculture'98, Book of Abstracts, p. 91.
Caffey, R. H. and T. R. Tiersch (1998). “Markets for Fish Sperm: The Point of Conception", World Aquaculture ‘98: Book of Abstracts, P. 92.
Caffey, R. H., Kazmierczak, R.F., Romaire, R. P., and J.W. Avault, Jr. (1997). “A Model for Quantifying Sustainability in Aquaculture", World Aquaculture'97: Book of Abstracts, p. 64.
Caffey, R. H. and T. R. Tiersch (1997). “Cost Analysis of Integrating Cryopreservation into an Existing Fish Hatchery", World Aquaculture ‘97: Book of Abstracts, P. 65.
Caffey, R. H., Kazmierczak, R.F., Romaire, R. P., and J.W. Avault, Jr. (1996). “An Evolving Definition and Index for Sustainable Aquaculture", World Aquaculture'96: Book of Abstracts, p. 58.
Caffey, R. H., Romaire, R. P. and J.W. Avault (1995). “Sustainability of Crawfish Aquaculture" Proceedings of Sustainable Aquaculture- '95, Pacific Congress on Marine Science and Technology, June 11-14,1995, Honolulu, Hawaii, p. 77.
Caffey, R. H., and R. F. Kazmierczak (1995). "A Bioenergetic Model of Tilapia Growth Response to Changes in Food Quantity and Quality", World Aquaculture '95: Book of Abstracts, p. 77.
Caffey, R. H., and R. F. Kazmierczak (1995). "Modeling the Effects of Ammonia Nitrogen Production on a Recirculating Tilapia Production System." World Aquaculture '95: Book of Abstracts. World Aquaculture Society, p. 77.
Kazmierczak, R. F. and R. H. Caffey (1995). “Simulating the Optimal Economic Operation of a Recirculating Tilapia Production System", World Aquaculture ‘95: Book of Abstracts, p. 150.
Kazmierczak, Jr., R. F. and R. H. Caffey (1995). "Biochemical Oxygen Demand, Aeration, and the Stability of a Recirculating Tilapia Production System." World Aquaculture '95: Book of Abstracts, p. 150.
Caffey, R. H. and R. F. Kazmierczak (1994). "Firm Characteristics and the Use of Recirculating Systems", World Aquaculture ’94, Book of Abstracts, p.103.
Caffey, R.H., D. D. Culley, and K. J. Roberts (1993). "A Profile of the Louisiana Soft Crab Industry, Callinectes sapidus." National Sea Grant Program Abstracts, Vol. 8, No.1.
Non Peer Reviewed Articles and Proceedings
Caffey, R. (2010) Economic Considerations for Assessing Fisheries and Coastal Habitat
Damages from the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, CNREP Working Paper 112A, LA Sea Grant/LSU AgCenter., 8 pp.
Caffey, R.H. and R.F. Kazmierczak, Jr., (editors) (2010). “Challenges of Natural Resource Economics & Policy: the Third National Forum on Socioeconomic Research in Coastal Systems”, Program, May 26-28, 2010, New Orleans, LA, 72p
Caffey, R.H. (2008) Preliminary Estimates of Economic Damages to Louisiana Fisheries
and Aquaculture Sectors as a Result of Hurricanes Gustav and Ike in September 2008. LSU AgCenter and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program Unpublished Report. September 24, 2008.
Guidry, K.M, and R.H. Caffey (2008). Estimated Impact to Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries from Hurricanes Gustav and Ike. LSU AgCenter Unpublished Report. December 8, 2008.
Caffey, R.H. and R.F. Kazmierczak, Jr., (editors) (2007). “Challenges of Natural Resource Economics & Policy: the Second National Forum on Socioeconomic Research in Coastal Systems”, Program., May 20-23, 2007, New Orleans, LA, 48p
Aust, C., Caffey, R.H. and H. Diop (2007). “Assessing Costs and Benefits of Coastal Restoration Projects”, Louisiana Agriculture Magazine, Spring 2007, Vol 50 (2), p. 30-31
Caffey, R.H., Diop, H., Keithly, W., and R.F. Kazmierczak (2006). “The Economics and Politics of Fisheries Disaster Recovery: Louisiana's Response to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita”, IIFET 2006, Proceedings of the 13th International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade, Rebuilding Fisheries in an Uncertain Environment, ISBN: 0-9763432-3-1, Portsmouth, England, July 2006, 11p.
Caffey, R. H. and M. Schexnayder (2002). “Reconciling Fisheries Management and Wetland Restoration in Coastal Louisiana”, Proceedings of the 18th International Coastal Society Conference, Galveston, TX, USA, p. 218-227.
Leblanc, B.D., P.D. Coreil, and R. H. Caffey (2002). “A Synoptic Review of Mississippi River Water Quality and Wetland Restoration in Coastal Louisiana”, Proceedings of Coastal Water Resources, a specialty conference of the American Water Resources Association, May 13-15, 2002, New Orleans, La., p. 331.
Schexnayder, M. and R. H. Caffey (2002). “Diversions, Anti-diversions, and Coastal Fisheries in Louisiana”, Proceedings of the Basics of the Basin Research Symposium and the Gulf Estuarine Research Society, May 16-17, 2002, University of New Orleans, p. 66-67.
Gaude, R., B. D. Leblanc, M. Schexnayder, and R. H. Caffey (2002). “Economic and Environmental Implications of the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet”, Proceedings of the Basics of the Basin Research Symposium and the Gulf Estuarine Research Society, May 16-17, 2002, University of New Orleans, p. 24-25.
Leblanc, B. D., P.D. Coreil, and R.H. Caffey (2002). “Mississippi River Water Quality: Implications for Freshwater Diversions”, Proceedings of the Basics of the Basin Research Symposium and the Gulf Estuarine Research Society, May 16-17, 2002, University of New Orleans, p. 41.
Kazmierczak, R.F. and R. H. Caffey (2001). “Conceptual and Practical Approaches to Measuring Sustainability in Coastal Zones”, Proceedings of the 12th Biennial Coastal Zone Conference, Cleveland, OH, July 15-19, 2001, p.1-5.
Kazmierczak, R.F. and R. H. Caffey (2001) “Constructing and Applying a Multicriteria Index of Delphi-Assessed Sustainability”, Proceedings of the 12th Biennial Coastal Zone Conference, Cleveland, OH, July 15-19, 2001, p. 6-10.
Kazmierczak, R.F. and R. H. Caffey (2001) Developing Consensus Indicators of Sustainability: A Case Study of Aquaculture, Proceedings of the 12th Biennial Coastal Zone Conference, Cleveland, OH, July 15-19, 2001, p. 10-15.
Caffey, R. H. and R. F. Kazmierczak (1999). “Sustainability in Aquaculture”, Louisiana Agriculture, Vol. 42, No. 4, p. 38.
Caffey, R. H. and R. F. Kazmierczak (1998). “The Relative Importance of Factors That Define Aquaculture Sustainability”, Louisiana Rural Economist, Vol. 60, No. 3, p. 4-6
Caffey, R.H., Romaire, R. P. and J. W. Avault (1996). “Crawfish Farming as Sustainable Aquaculture”, World Aquaculture, Vol. 27(2), p. 18-23.
Kazmierczak, R. F. and R. H. Caffey (1995). "Profits and Management Ability in a Recirculating Tilapia Production System", Louisiana Rural Economist Vol. 57, p.1-6.
Caffey, R. H. and R. F. Kazmierczak (1993). “Technology Adoption in Louisiana’s Soft-Shelled Crab Industry", Louisiana Rural Economist, Vol.55, No.3 p. 6-1 0.
Technical Reports
Caffey. R.H. and M. Savolainen (2011) A Cooperative Research Survey of the Recreational
For-Hire Fishing Sector in Louisiana Preliminary Findings and Final Contract Report to Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries. 51 pp.
Caffey, R.H. (2009) Preliminary Estimates of Economic Damages to Louisiana Fisheries and Aquaculture Sectors as a Result of Hurricanes Gustav and Ike in September 2008. LSU AgCenter and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program Unpublished Report. September 24, 2008.
Guidry, K.M, and R.H. Caffey. Estimated Impact to Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries from Hurricanes Gustav and Ike. LSU AgCenter Unpublished Report. December 8, 2008.
Caffey, R.H., Kazmierczak, R.F., Diop H., and W. Keithly, (2007). “Economic Damages of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita on Commercial and Recreational Fishing Infrastructure”, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 102 p.
Caffey, R.H. (2006). “Economic Assessment of the Mississippi Coastal Improvements Plan”, United States Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District, 21 p.
Caffey, R.H., Diop, and Liffmann (2006). “Community Development Block Grant Funding for the Louisiana Fisheries Community Recovery Coalition”, submitted to the Louisiana Recovery Authority, February 2006, 13 p.
Caffey, R.H., Reed, D., Bahr L., and J. Lopez (2005). “Near Term Needs for Applying Knowledge and Learning for the Future in the Wake of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita”, submitted to the Louisiana Governor’s Coastal Advisory Commission, December 2005, 10 p.
Reed, D., Orth, K., Smyth, J., and R. H. Caffey (2005) “Concepts for Future Decision Making and Benefits Analysis for Louisiana Coastal Restoration,” Louisiana Coastal Area Planning Management Team and Science and Technology Working Group, November 2005, 49 pp.
Caffey, R. H. and K. Paudel (2003). “Elmer’s Island Coastal Preference Study”, Submitted to the Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, December 23, 2003, 106 pp.
Caffey, R. H., D. D. Culley, and K. J. Roberts (1993). "A Profile of the Louisiana Soft-Shell Crab Industry", Louisiana Sea Grant College Program Bulletin, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, US Department of Commerce, published under NOAA Grant No. NA89AA-D-SG226, 46 p.
Other Publications
Caffey, R.H. and R. Kazmierczak (2005). “Bylaws of the Center for Natural Resource Economics & Policy, Approved May 3, 2005, 5p.
Caffey, R.H. (2004). “The Center for Natural Resource Economics & Policy”, Tri-fold brochure, January 2003; 4p.
Caffey, R.H. (2002). “Marsh Maneuvers Coastal Curriculum Handbook”, Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary Program, May 2002, 50 p.
Caffey, R.H. (2000). “Directory of Wetland Delineators Covering Louisiana”, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service, January 2000, 16 p.
Caffey, R. H., Schultz, D. and J.B. Breaux (2000). “Portrait of an Estuary: The Wetland Functions and Values of Barataria-Terrebonne”, Louisiana Agricultural Center and the Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary Program, LCES 2802, 20 p.
Extension News Articles and Press Releases
Caffey, R.H. (2010) “Economic Impacts to Fisheries and Coastal Habitat: Frequently Asked Questions, BP Horizon Oil Spill Website, May 12, 2010.
Kron, R. and Caffey, R.H. (2010) Louisiana Sea Grant Receives APEX Award
Louisiana Sea Grant News, June 29, 2010,
Caffey, R.H. and R. Kron (2010) Sea Grant Launches Cooperative Research Survey
of Charter Boat Sector in U.S. Gulf of Mexico, Louisiana Sea Grant News, March 15, 2010.
Caffey, R.H. and R. Kron (2010) Gulf Geologist and Alaskan Economist to Headline CNREP
2010 Conference, Louisiana Sea Grant News, February 12, 2010.
Caffey, R.H. (2009). “Contest Recognizes Excellence in Outdoor Communications”, Louisiana Outdoor Writers Association, October 17, 2009.
Caffey, R.H. (2006). “Call for Abstracts: Challenges of Socioeconomic Research in Coastal Systems, the 3rd National Conference on Socioeconomic Research in Coastal Systems”, Press release for the Center for Natural Resource Economics & Policy, October 1, 2009.
Caffey, R.H. (2007). “Annual Competition Highlights Contribution of Outdoor Communicators”, Press release for Louisiana Outdoor Writers Association, August 20, 2007.
Caffey, R.H. (2007). “Chandeleur Images Sought by La Sea Grant”, Louisiana Agriculture Magazine, Spring 2007, Vol. 50 (2), p 40.
Caffey, R.H. (2007). “Center Gaining Recognition for Coastal Economics Research”, Louisiana Agriculture Magazine, Spring 2007, Vol. 50 (2), p 30-31
Bogren, R., Caffey, R.H. and R. Kron (2007). “LSU AgCenter Announces Spring Coastal Conference”, LSU Agricultural Center Press Release, March 30, 2007.
Caffey, R.H. (2006). “Call for Abstracts: Challenges of Socioeconomic Research in Coastal Systems, the 2nd National Conference on Socioeconomic Research in Coastal Systems”, Press release for the Center for Natural Resource Economics & Policy, January 25, 2006.
Caffey, R.H. (2006). “CNREP Develops Innovative Hurricane Impact Model for Fisheries Damage Assessment”, Press release for the Center for Natural Resource Economics & Policy, December 15, 2006.
Caffey, R.H. (2006). “CNREP Established External Advisory Committee”, Press release for the Center for Natural Resource Economics & Policy, December 5, 2006.
Caffey, R.H. (2006). “Caffey Featured in Yale University Lecture Series”, Press release for the Center for Natural Resource Economics & Policy, October 15, 2006.
Caffey, R.H. (2006). “State Outdoor Writers Association Announces Winners”, Press release for Louisiana Outdoor Writers Association, August 19, 2006.
Caffey, R.H. and R. Kron (2006). “Meeting Set To Plan Fisheries Restoration Funding Use”, Louisiana Fisheries News, Press Release, July 2006
Bogren, R. and R.H. Caffey (2005). “Louisiana Seafood Industry Down, But Not Out”, LSU AgCenter Press Release, 9/20/2005.
Caffey, R.H. (2005). “Why is Louisiana losing its coastal wetlands and how much have been lost? Louisiana Sea Grant Hurricane Resources Recovery Website, FAQ, October 2005.
Caffey, R.H. (2005). “Was some of the damage from Hurricanes Katrina and Rita exacerbated by the loss of Louisiana’s coastal wetlands?” Louisiana Sea Grant Hurricane Resources Recovery Website, FAQ, October 2005.
Caffey, R.H. (2005). “How did Louisiana’s barrier islands fare during Hurricane Katrina?” Louisiana Sea Grant Hurricane Resources Recovery Website, FAQ, October 2005.
Caffey, R.H. (2005). “What were the effects of Hurricane Katrina on Louisiana’s coastal marshes?” Louisiana Sea Grant Hurricane Resources Recovery Website, FAQ, October 2005.
Caffey, R.H. (2005). “How are CWPPRA, Coast 2050, WRDA, LCA and CIAP different?” Louisiana Sea Grant Hurricane Resources Recovery Website, FAQ, October 2005.
Caffey, R.H. (2005). “Are there other areas of coastal Louisiana that are highly vulnerable to hurricanes?” Louisiana Sea Grant Hurricane Resources Recovery Website, FAQ, October 2005.
Thomas, G. and R.H. Caffey (2005). “How have Louisiana’s recreational fishermen been affected by Hurricane Katrina?” Louisiana Sea Grant Hurricane Resources Recovery Website, FAQ, October 2005.
R.H. Caffey (2005). “What is the overall status of Louisiana’s oil and gas industry after Hurricane Katrina?” Louisiana Sea Grant Hurricane Resources Recovery Website, FAQ, October 2005.
Caffey, R.H. (2005). “What harbors/marinas/boat ramps are currently open in coastal Louisiana and how do I contact them?” Louisiana Sea Grant Hurricane Resources Recovery Website, FAQ, October 2005.
Caffey, R.H. (2005). “Did the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet (MRGO) contribute to the flooding of St. Bernard Parish during Hurricane Katrina, and will this event expedite closure of the channel?” Louisiana Sea Grant Hurricane Resources Recovery Website, FAQ, October 2005.
Kron, R. and R.H. Caffey (2005). “The Presidents’ Forum Meeting Coastal Challenges” Louisiana Sea Grant Press, minutes, and presentations from Inaugural Forum, February 21, 2005.
Caffey, R.H. (2005). “The Presidents’ Forum on Meeting Coastal Challenges: Towards a Near-Term Agenda for Coastal Louisiana”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Summer 2005, p 1-2.
Caffey, R.H. (2005). “LA 1 Improvements Project Update”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Summer 2005, p 2.
Caffey, R.H. (2005). “Hollywood Captures LA-1 Vulnerability”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Summer 2005, p 2.
Caffey, R.H. (2005). “NOAA Publication Release: Science-Based Restoration Monitoring of Coastal Habitats, Volume Two: Tools for Monitoring Coastal Habitats”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Summer 2005, p 3.
Caffey, R.H. (2005). “Senate Committee Holds Hearing on Coastal Zone Management Act Legislation”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Summer 2005, p 4.
Caffey, R.H. (2005). “LCA Meetings on Caminada Headland and Shell Island Restoration Feasibility Study”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Summer 2005, p 4.
Caffey, R.H. (2005). “NRCS Announces $4 Million Available for Wetland Reserve Enhancement Program”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Summer 2005, p 5.
Caffey, R.H. (2005). “Louisiana Natural Resources Symposium” , Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Summer 2005, p 5.
Caffey, R.H. (2005). “Governor's Science Working Group and Advisory Panel releases report on Louisiana's Coastal Wetland Forests”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Summer 2005, p 6.
Masson, T. and R.H. Caffey. (2005). “96 percent of public support for state purchase of Elmer's Island Louisiana Sportsman”, Louisiana Sportsman Magazine, December 30, 2004.
Kron, R. and R.H. Caffey (2004). “LSU Seeks Participants for Coastal Fishing Bait Survey”, Louisiana Sea Grant Press Release”, August 13, 2004.
Bogren, R., Kron, R. and R.H. Caffey. (2004). “Conference Explores Social, Economic Aspects of Coastal Restoration”, Louisiana Sea Grant Press Release”, August 13, 2004.
Kron, R. and R.H. Caffey, (2004). “Public Says State Should Buy Elmer's Island”, Louisiana Sea Grant Press release December 2, 2004.
Caffey, R.H. (2004). “Linking Recreation to Restoration: The Case of Elmer’s Island”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Spring 2004, p 1-4.
Caffey, R.H. (2004). “Concern Over Public Acquisition of Private Land is Not New”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Spring 2004, p 5.
Caffey, R.H. (2004). “CNREP Conference to Focus on Socioeconomic Issues of Coastal Resources”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Spring 2004, p 6.
Caffey, R.H. (2004). “NOAA Develops Manuals for Coastal Restoration Projects, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Spring 2004, p 7.
Caffey, R.H. (2003). “The Rise and Fall of Louisiana’s Agricultural Wetlands?”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Fall 2003, p 1-4.
Caffey, R.H. (2003). “Birds Recorded at Agricultural Wetland Study Areas in Southern Louisiana”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Fall 2003, p 4.
Caffey, R.H. (2003). “USDA Releases $55.7 Million To Restore And Protect Wetlands”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Fall 2003, p 5.
Caffey, R.H. (2003). “The Links Between Agricultural and Conservation Policy Examined in Report”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Fall 2003, p 5.
Caffey, R.H. (2003). “Study Broadens Knowledge of Easements”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Fall 2003, p 5.
Caffey, R.H. (2003). “Symposium to focus on Socioeconomic Research in Coastal Systems”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Fall 2003, p 6.
Caffey, R.H. (2003). “Nominations Sought for National, State Wetland Stewardship Awards”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Fall 2003, p 6.
Caffey, R.H. (2003). “Constitutional Amendments 1, 2, & 3”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Summer 2003, p 1.
Caffey, R.H. (2003). “An Interpretive Topic Series on Coastal Restoration in Louisiana”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Summer 2003, p 2.
Caffey, R.H. (2003). “Duckonomics 101: The Economic Impact of Water Fowl Hunting In Louisiana”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Summer 2003, p 4.
Caffey, R.H. (2003). “New ‘ Louisiana Fisheries’ Website Offer Content and Utility”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Summer 2003, p 5.
Caffey, R.H. (2003). “Louisiana Department of Natural Resources Announces SONRISE GIS Interactive Mapper for Louisiana”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Summer 2003, p 5.
Caffey, R.H. (2003). “Newcomer and Native Offer Books with a “Bayou” Perspective”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Summer 2003, p 6.
Caffey, R.H. (2003). “Tremendous Response to Elmer’s Island Coastal Recreation Survey”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Summer 2003, p 7.
Caffey, R.H. (2003). “New Wetland Bills Introduced to LA Legislature”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Spring 2003, p 1.
Caffey, R.H. (2003). “Completion of the Hydrologic Investigation of the Louisiana Chenier Plain”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Spring 2003, p 4.
Caffey, R.H. (2003). “Louisiana Coastal Restoration Report Now Available”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Spring 2003, p 4
Caffey, R.H. (2003). “EPA Administrator Whitman learns about Coastal Roots”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Spring 2003, p 5.
Caffey, R.H. (2003). “LWF Joins White Lake Lawsuit”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Spring 2003, p 5.
Caffey, R.H. (2003). “On-line Mitigation Banking?”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Spring 2003, p 6.
Caffey, R.H. (2002). “Crossing The Leeville Bridge”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Winter 2002, p 1-4.
Caffey, R.H. (2002). “Louisiana Gets a One-Two Punch with Isidore and Lili: Economic Losses Expected to Exceed those of Hurricane Andrew”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Winter 2002, p 4.
Caffey, R.H. (2002). “Study Finds Dramatic Increase in Use of Mitigation Banks and In-Lieu-Fees”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Winter 2002, p 5.
Caffey, R.H. (2002). “Economic Importance of Recreational Resources Emphasized in USFWS Survey”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Winter 2002, p 5.
Caffey, R.H. (2002). “Nomination Forms Available for 2003 National Wetlands Awards”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Winter 2002, p 5.
Caffey, R.H. (2002). “Governor Appoints Members to New Coastal Commission”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Winter 2002, p 6.
Caffey, R.H. (2002). “Construction on West Bay Sediment Diversion To Begin in Spring 2003”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Winter 2002, p 6.
Caffey, R.H. (2002). “Climate Change and Coastal Louisiana”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Winter 2002, p 1.
Caffey, R.H. (2002). “Wetland Policy and the Pothole-Loophole”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Fall 2002, p 1-4
Caffey, R.H. (2002). “The Corps in My Backyard”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Fall 2002, p 3.
Caffey, R.H. (2002). “New Coastal Zone Map Available”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Fall 2002, p 4.
Caffey, R.H. (2002). “Coastal Nutria Trappers To Benefit From New Bounty Program”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Fall 2002, p 5.
Caffey, R.H. (2002). “On Conservation and the Farm Bill”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Summer 2002, p 1-4.
Caffey, R.H. (2002). “Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002: Comparison of Major Conservation Programs to the 1996 Farm Bill”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Summer 2002, p 4.
Caffey, R.H. (2002). “Wetlands Reserve Program to Continue Benefiting Louisiana Farmers”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Summer 2002, p 6.
Caffey, R.H. (2002). “New Conservation Security Program Could Reward Resource Stewardship”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Summer 2002, p 6.
Benedict, L. and R.H. Caffey (2002). “Louisiana Farmers Learn To ‘Master’ Conservation in New Program”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Summer, p 7.
Caffey, R.H. (2002). “New in 2002: A Separate Title for Forestry”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Summer 2002, p 8.
Caffey, R.H. (2002). “Third Parties to Play Increasing Role in Conservation Technical Assistance”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Summer 2002, p 8.
Caffey, R.H. (2002). “Websites Facilitate Understanding of Farm Bill Conservation”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Summer 2002, p 9.
Caffey, R.H. (2002). “LSU AgCenter Sponsors Farm Bill Conference”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Summer 2002, p 9.
Caffey, R.H. (2002). “2002 Starts Out as an Active Year on the Coastal Front”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Spring 2002, p 1-3.
Caffey, R.H. (2002). “Chief Engineer Cites Davis Pond as Example of Corps Greening”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Spring 2002, p 3.
Caffey, R.H. (2002). “New Publication Series To Address “Sticky” Coastal Issues”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Spring 2002, p 4.
Caffey, R.H. (2002). “Farm Bill Nears Completion: Conservation Spending to Escalate”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Spring 2002, p 5.
Caffey, R.H. (2002). “AgCenter Forms New Partnerships with USGS and NRCS”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Spring 2002, p 6.
Caffey, R.H. (2002). “USGS 2002 Training Workshop Schedule”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Spring 2002, p 6.
Caffey, R.H. (2002). “Agricultural Realtors Conference to Convene”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Spring 2002, p 7.
Caffey, R.H. (2002). “2001 Ag Summary Now Available Online”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Spring 2002, p 7.
Caffey, R.H. (2002). “Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana to Host Stewardship Banquet”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Spring 2002, p 8.
Caffey, R.H. (2001). “Governor Foster Declares “Jihad” on Coastal Land Loss”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Fall 2001, p 1-2.
Caffey, R.H. (2001). “Combest-Stenholm Bill Passes House Ag. Committee: Wetland Reserve Program Concerns Loom”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Fall 2001, p 2.
Caffey, R.H. (2001). “LSU AgCenter to Host Farm Policy Meeting”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Fall 2001, p 3.
Caffey, R.H. (2001). “Louisiana Coastal Wetlands Workshops: Barataria Basin and Chenier Plain”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Fall 2001, p 4.
Caffey, R.H. (2001). “Success of New Coastal Roots Program Aids Marsh Maneuvers” on Coastal Land Loss”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Fall 2001, p 5.
Caffey, R.H. (2001). “LSU AgCenter Hosts Louisiana Water Summit”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Spring 2001, p 1-2.
Caffey, R.H. (2001). “Wildlife Cost-Share Opportunity for Landowners”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Spring 2001, p 2.
Caffey, R.H. (2001). “Wetlands Workshop at St. Bernard”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Spring 2001, p 2.
Caffey, R.H. (2001). “New Maps Depict La Wetlands”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Spring 2001, p 3.
Caffey, R.H. (2001). “CARA Update: $28 Million Available in CIAP Funding”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Spring 2001, p 4.
Caffey, R.H. (2001). “Community-Based Restoration Funds Available”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Spring 2001, p 4.
Caffey, R.H. (2001). “USGS 2001 Wetland Training Workshop Schedule”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Spring 2001, p 4.
Caffey, R.H. (2001). “Wetland Reserve Program Approaches Acreage Cap”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Spring 2001, p 5.
Caffey, R.H. (2001). “Floodplain Easements Now Available”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Spring 2001, p 6.
Caffey, R.H. (2000). “The Brown Marsh Phenomenon: Accelerated Dieback of Louisiana’s Coastal Salt Marshes”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Fall 2000, p 1-4.
Caffey, R.H. (2000). “Marsh Maneuvers: A Review of 2000”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Fall 2000, p 4.
Caffey, R.H. (2000). “Environmental State of the State (ESOS)-V Conference.”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Fall 2000, p 5.
Caffey, R.H. (2000). “Panel Addresses Problems with Common Salvinia”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Fall 2000, p 5.
Caffey, R.H. (2000). “Critical Habitat Proposed for the Piping Plover”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Summer 2000, p 1-2.
Caffey, R.H. (2000). “A Portrait of Barataria-Terrebonne”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Summer 2000, p 2.
Caffey, R.H. (2000). “Wetland Planting Guides Now Available”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Summer 2000, p 2.
Caffey, R.H. (2000). “New Atlas of Louisiana Breeding Birds”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Summer 2000, p 3.
Caffey, R.H. (2000). “2000-2001 Waterfowl Season Proposed by LDWF”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Summer 2000, p 3.
Caffey, R.H. (2000). “Coastal Wetlands Workshop On the Lower River at West Pointe a la Hache”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Summer 2000, p 5.
Caffey, R.H. (2000). “Senate Energy Committee Reports Out CARA Bill”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Summer 2000, p 6.
Caffey, R.H. (2000). “Research and Policy Highlighted at Coastal Wetland Plant Materials Symposium”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Spring 2000, p 1.
Caffey, R.H. (2000). “NOAA Forms Coastal Restoration Network”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Spring 2000, p 2.
Caffey, R.H. (2000). “Atchafalaya Basin Program Update”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Spring 2000, p 3.
Caffey, R.H. (2000). “Coastal Wetlands Workshop to be held at Westwego”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Spring 2000, p 4.
Caffey, R.H. (2000). “GPS Accuracy Improves Overnight”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Spring 2000, p 4.
Caffey, R.H. (2000). “Explore Coastal Louisiana CD-ROM Available”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Spring 2000, p 4.
Caffey, R.H. (2000). “Seventeen CWPPRA Projects Approved for 2000”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Spring 2000, p4.
Caffey, R.H. (2000). “Wetland Biogeochemistry Institute Workshops”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Spring 2000, p 5.
Caffey, R.H. (2000). “USGS Wetland Training Workshops”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant, Spring 2000, p 6.
Caffey, R.H. (2000). “Wetland Delineator Directory Updated for 2000”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Spring 2000, p 6.
Caffey, R.H. (2000). “Corps Issuing New Nationwide Permits”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Spring 2000, p 7.
Caffey, R.H. (2000). “Extension and Research Merge in LSU AgCenter”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Spring 2000, p 7.
Coleman, E. and R.H. Caffey (1999) Wetlands in the Marketplace, Coast and Sea, Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Vol 7, No. 2, Fall 1999.
Caffey, R.H. (1999). “New Wetland Educational Materials”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Winter 1999,
p 1.
Caffey, R.H. (1999). “EPA Award and Web Site for Marsh Maneuvers Program”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Winter 1999, p 2.
Caffey, R.H. (1999). “LSU Agricultural Center Hosts Coastal Re-vegetation Research Program”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Winter 1999, p 2.
Caffey, R.H. (1999). “Wetland Mitigaton Banking Basics”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Winter 1999,
p 3.
Caffey, R.H. (1999). “Coastal Wetland Planning Preservation and Restoration Act (CWPPRA) Extended”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Winter 1999, p 4.
Caffey, R.H. (1999). “Tulloch Rule Reversal”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Winter 1999, p 4.
Caffey, R.H. (1999). “Wetland Delineator Directory to be Updated in 2000”, Louisiana Wetland News, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Winter 1999, p 5.
2010 Gulf of Mexico Recreation for Hire Economic Survey
Caffey, R.H. and M. Savolainen
URL: (no longer active)
This website was established in March 2010 and hosted by the LSU Public Policy Research Laboratory. The site hosted a web-based version of a NOAA-funded economic survey of charter boat captains in Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and West Florida. The survey was completed by 638 respondents.
Reflections on Chandeleur
Ouder, P and Caffey, R.H. and M. Dufor; Co-designer and co-webmaster
URL: www.laseagrant.org/lighthouse/
This website was completed in 2009 and is hosted by the Louisiana Sea Grant College Program. The site provides an archive of photos and narrated web-films pertaining to ecology, geology, and social history of the Chandeleur Islands.
Conference Websites: Challenges of Natural Resource Economics & Policy: National Forum for Socioeconomic Research in Coastal Systems (2004,2007,2010)
Caffey, R.H., Designer and co-webmaster
URL: www.cnrep.lsu.edu/pdfs/CNREP%202007%20Final%20Program%20Agenda.pdf
This website, established hosted by the LSU Department of Agriculture Economics & Agribusiness, served as the conference website for CNREP 2004, CNREP 2007, and CNREP 2010: National Forums on Socioeconomic Research in Coastal Systems. The site included a call for abstracts, on-line registration, housing and logistic information, program agenda, and other information.
Center for Natural Resource Economics & Policy (2006-2007)
Caffey, R.H., Designer and co-webmaster
URL: www.cnrep.lsu.edu
This website, established in October 2006, provides an Internet presence for the LSU Center for Natural Resource Economics & Policy (CNREP). The site includes an electronic brochure; a listing of all CNREP cooperators, affiliates, and graduate students; by-laws; advisory committee members; a news archive; and additional information.
Economic Assessments of Louisiana Fisheries and the 2005 Hurricane Season (2005-2007)
Caffey, R.H., Designer and webmaster
URL: http://agecon.lsu.edu/~rcaffey/CaffeyWeb/newpage.html
http://www.cnrep.lsu.edu/KatRita-Fish-Econ-audio.ppt (audio version)
This website, established in January 2006, is an archive of presentation and text files related to the coastal fisheries impacts of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Files on this site were disseminated frequently throughout 2006 in support of coastal fishery recovery efforts at the state and federal level.
Hurricane Recovery Resources (2005-2007)
Caffey, R.H., Concept and co-designer
URL: www.laseagrant.org/hurricane/index.htm
This website, established in October 2005, is hosted by the Louisiana Sea Grant College Program. The site provides visitors with access to data concerning storm preparedness and recovery, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), and archived information about Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. This site received an APEX Excellence in Communications in 2006.
Presidents’ Forum on Meeting Coastal Challenges (2005-2007)
Caffey, R.H., Contributor and co-author
URL: www.laseagrant.org/forum/index.html
This website was established in January 2005 and is hosted by the Louisiana Sea Grant College Program. The site provides an archive of the oral presentations, text files, and transcripts associated with the Presidents’ Forum on Meeting Coastal Challenges. Four such forums have been held in the past three years.
Content Management System: Wetlands (2005-2010)
Caffey, R.H., Channel Moderator and contributor
URL: www.lsuagcenter.com/en/environment/conservation/wetlands/List.htm#top
This content management system (CMS) website was established in May 2005 and is hosted by the Louisiana State University Agricultural Center. The site is an archive of all extension-based information generated by AgCenter faculty. Information is categorized by commodity and specialty area. As a channel moderator, I review and approve all content related to wetlands and coastal resources.
Louisiana Coastal Bait Initiative (2005)
Caffey, R.H., Designer and webmaster
URL: (no longer active)
This website was established in May 2005 and hosted by the LSU Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness. The site included a 35-question web survey which focused on the technical, economic, and policy aspects of the coastal bait industry. The survey was completed online by 510 respondents. Results were used to provide guidance on marine extension programming and research.
Wetland and Coastal Resources Program Assessment (2001, 2005)
Caffey, R.H., Designer and webmaster
URL: (no longer active)
These temporary websites, established in April 2001 and March 2005, were hosted by the LSU Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness. The sites were used to conduct constituent assessment surveys for the purpose of evaluating and directing the extension program in wetland and coastal resources.
Louisiana Wetland News (2000-2005)
Caffey, R.H., Designer and webmaster
URL: www.agecon-extension.lsu.edu/CaffeyWeb/Wetland_News/LWN.htm
This website, established in June 2000, provides an archive of all issues of the Louisiana Wetland News published between 1992 and 2005. The archive is maintained on servers of the LSU Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness and the Louisiana Sea Grant College Program. The site contains 39 issues of the newsletter and more than 275 extension-based news articles related to Louisiana wetlands and coastal resources.
Elmer’s Island Coastal Preference Survey (2003)
Caffey, R.H., Designer and webmaster
URL: (no longer active)
This website was established in May 2003 and hosted by the LSU Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness. The site included a 40-question web survey based on travel-cost and contingent valuation methodologies. The survey was completed online by 2,948 respondents. Results were used, among other things, to document support for the public acquisition of a parcel of coastal land known as Elmer’s Island.
Interpretive Topic Series on Coastal Wetland Restoration (2003)
Caffey, R.H., Designer and author
URL: www.lacoast.gov/reports/its/index.htm
This website, established in May 2003, is hosted jointly by the Coastal Wetland Planning, Protection, and Restoration Act (CWPRA) and the Louisiana Sea Grant College Program. The sites contain an archive of five illustrated monographs related coastal wetland restoration in Louisiana.
Sea-Grant-Fish: Louisiana Fisheries Website (2003)
Caffey, R.H., Co-designer and contributor
URL: www.SeaGrantFish.lsu.edu
This website, established in May 2003, compiles more than 35 years of marine extension publications and programs developed specifically for Louisiana by faculty of the Marine Extension Project. The information is partitioned into five fisheries-related topics areas, including biology, management, habitat, legal and socioeconomic issues. This site received a Conservation Achievement Award in 2004 from the Louisiana Wildlife Federation.
Conservation Provisions of the 2002 Farm Bill Website (2001)
Caffey, R.H., Contributor
URL: No longer active
This website, established in May 2001 by the LSU AgCenter, provided an archive of presentation and text files related to the 2002 Farm Bill.
Wetland Policy (2001)
Caffey, R.H., Designer and webmaster
URL: No longer active
This website, established in August 2001 and hosted by the LSU Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, was a support site for the graduate course: AGEC 7710: Wetland Policy. The site included a course syllabus, lectures, and other relevant information.
Atchafalaya Basin Program Volunteer Coordination (2000)
Caffey, R.H., Designer and webmaster
URL: No longer active
This website, established in August 2000 and hosted by the Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service, was a support site for volunteers associated with the Atchafalaya Basin Program of the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources.
NOAA Coastal Restoration Network: “Rest-Net’ (1999-2007)
Caffey, R.H., Designer and listserv coordinator
Address: Restnet-L@listserv.lsu.edu
This listserv, established in August 1999 and hosted by Louisiana State University, is an electronic network of more than 150 state and federal employees who work in the area of coastal restoration and conservation. Members of the network are from the National Sea Grant College Program and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
Marsh Maneuvers Coastal Education Program (1999-2005)
Caffey, R.H., Designer and webmaster
URL: No longer active
This website, established in August 1999, and hosted by the Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service, was an informational site for the Marsh Maneuvers Coastal Education Program. The site included information on program history, curricula, and logistics.
Advanced Marsh Maneuvers (1999-2005)
Caffey, R.H., Designer and webmaster
URL: No longer active
This website, established in August 1999, and hosted by the Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service, was an informational site for the Warren Mermilliod Advanced Coastal Aquatic Camp (Advanced Marsh Maneuvers). The site included descriptive information on program history, curricula, and logistics.
Aquaculture Sustainability Survey (1997)
Caffey, R.H., Designer and webmaster
URL: (no longer active)
This website was established in May 1997 and hosted by the Ben Hur Aquaculture Research Station. The site included a 45-question web-based Delphi survey of aquaculture stakeholders in the southeastern United States.
Student Chapter: World Aquaculture Society (1997-1999)
Caffey, R.H., Designer and webmaster
URL: (no longer active)
This website was established in August 1997 and hosted by the Ben Hur Aquaculture Research Station. The site served as a contact directory and information exchange for the student-members of the World Aquaculture Society.
Wang, H and R. Caffey (2010) Incorporating Time and Risk Considerations In the Selection of Coastal Restoration Projects, CNREP 2010: Challenges of Natural Resource Economics and Policy, May 26-28, 2010, New Orleans, LA
Caffey, R.H. , Aust, C. and J. Westra (2009) Examining the Efficiency of Coastal Restoration, Poster presentation at Coastal Zone 2009, Boston, MA, July 19-23, 2009.
Caffey, R.H. , Bourriaque, R. and J. Westra (2009) Spatial Economics of Wetland Mitigation Banking, Poster presentation at Coastal Zone 2009, Boston, MA, July 19-23, 2009.
Caffey, R.H. and R. Kazmierczak (2009) A Novel Approach for Estimating Hurricane Damages to Coastal Fishing Infrastructure. Poster presentation at Coastal Zone 2009, Boston, MA, July 19-23, 2009.
Westra, J., J. Huner and R. Caffey. “Ecological and Economic Benefits and Costs of Louisiana’s Working Wetlands.” Partners in Flight, 4th International Conference, McAllen TX, February 2008.
Westra, J.V., J.V. Huner, and R.H. Caffey. “Ecological and Economic Benefits and Costs of Louisiana’s Working Wetlands.” Rice Research Station Field Days, Crowley LA, July 2008.
Guidry, K.M, Caffey, R.H, and M. Fannin (2009) How Big is the Number and Why Should We Care? An Evaluation of Methods Used to Measure Economic Impacts to the Food and Fiber System from the 2008 Hurricane Season”, Southern Agricultural Economics Association, 2009 Annual Meeting, January 31-February 3, 2009, Atlanta, Georgia.
Caffey, R.H., Aust, C. and H. Diop (2008) Examining the Efficacy of Coastal Restoration in Louisiana, Poster Presentation, American, 21st International Conference of The Coastal Society, June 29-July 3, 2008, Redondo Beach, California.
Devkota, N., Paudel, K., Fannin, M., Hall, L., and R.H. Caffey (2007). "Can Web-Based Surveys Be Employed on Empirical Studies?" American Agricultural Economics Association, Portland, OR, July 29-August 3, 2007.
Caffey, R.H., Aust, C. and H. Diop, (2007). “Cost-Efficacy of Coastal Restoration in Louisiana”, American Agricultural Economics Association, Portland, OR, July 29-August 3, 2007.
Kazmierczak, R.F., Niu, J., Caffey, R.H., Diop H., and W. Keithly (2007). “A Method for Rapid Economic Assessment of Post Hurricane Fisheries Infrastructure Damages”, 2nd National Forum on Socioeconomic Research in Coastal Systems, New Orleans, LA, May 20-23, 2007.
Westra, J., J. Huner, and R.H. Caffey (2007). “Louisiana’s Agricultural Wetlands as Water-bird Habitat: Potential Benefits and Costs.” North American Duck Symposium and Workshop, 4th Annual Conference, Bismarck ND, August 2006.
Westra, J., J. Huner, and R. H. Caffey (2007). “Working Lands Programs: Potential Economic and Potential Benefits of Agricultural Wetlands.” Louisiana Association of Professional Biologists, Annual Conference, Lafayette LA, August 2005.
Westra, J., Caffey, R. H., and J. Huner (2005). “Economic and Environmental Benefits to Water-birds of Louisiana Agricultural Wetlands Habitat.” Coastal Zone 05, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, New Orleans LA, July 2005.
Westra, J.V., J.V. Huner, and R.H. Caffey (2005). “Working Lands Programs: Potential Economic and Environmental Benefits of Agricultural Wetlands.” Rice Research Station Field Days, Crowley LA, July 2005.
Gaude, A. and R.H. Caffey (2005). “Survey of the Marine Bait Industry in Louisiana: A Status Report”, Coastal Zone 05, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, New Orleans LA, July 2005
Westra, J.V., Caffey, R. H. and J.V. Huner (2005). “Working Lands Programs: Potential Tools for Conserving Agricultural Wetlands." Southern Agricultural Economics Association, Annual Conference, Little Rock AR, February 2005.
Caffey, R. H., Paudel, K. and L. Hall (2005). “Linking the Demand for Recreational Fishing and Coastal Habitat Conservation: The Case of Elmer’s Island,” Louisiana-Mississippi Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Baton Rouge, LA, February, 2005.
Caffey, R. H., Paudel, K. and L. Hall (2004). “Linking the Demand for Recreational Fishing and Coastal Habitat Conservation: The Case of Elmer’s Island,” Coauthored with K. Paudel and L. Hall, Challenges of Socioeconomic Research in Coastal Systems, Baton Rouge, LA May 27-28, 2004.
Schexnayder, M. and R.H. Caffey (2004). “The Valve Dilemma: Restoring Fisheries Habitat in Coastal Louisiana”, Coauthored with M. Schexnayder, Challenges of Socioeconomic Research in Coastal Systems, Baton Rouge, LA May 27-28, 2004.
Westra, J.V., Caffey, R. H., and J.V. Huner (2004). “Economic and Environmental Implications of Potential Policies to Address Agricultural Wetlands Loss." Soil and Water Conservation Society, Annual Conference, Saint Paul MN, July 2004.
Schexnayder, M. and R.H. Caffey (2004). “The Valve Dilemma: Restoring Fisheries Habitat in Coastal Louisiana”, Coauthored with M. Schexnayder, 4th World Fisheries Congress, Vancouver, BC, Canada, May 1-7, 2004.
Westra, J.V., Caffey, R. H., and J.V. Huner (2004). “Economic and Environmental Implications of Potential Policies to Address Agricultural Wetlands Loss." Challenges of Socioeconomic Research in Coastal Systems: Valuation, Analysis, and Policy Development, Conference of the Center for Natural Resource Economics and Policy, Baton Rouge LA, May 2004.
Caffey, R. H., Paudel, K. and L. Hall (2004). “Linking the Demand for Recreational Fishing and Coastal Habitat Conservation: The Case of Elmer’s Island,” 4th World Fisheries Congress, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2004.
Leblanc, B. and R.H. Caffey (2004). “Mississippi River Water Quality: Agriculture and Wetlands” submitted with B. Leblanc. Water Quality Summit, Cooperative State Research Extension and Education Service, Tampa, FL, January 5-6, 2004.
Westra, J.V., Caffey, R. H., and J.V. Huner (2004). “The Economic and Environmental Significance of Louisiana’s Agricultural Wetlands as Waterbird Habitat: Status and Challenges." International Association of Astacology, Annual Symposium, London England, April 2004.
Caffey, R. H., Huner, J.V., and J.V. Westra (2003). “The Economic and Environmental Significance of Louisiana’s Agricultural Wetlands as Waterbird Habitat: Status and Challenges." Society of Wetlands Scientists, Annual Meeting, New Orleans LA, June 2003.
Kazmierczak, Jr., R.F. and R.H. Caffey (2001). "Incorporating Multiple Stakeholder Goals into the Development and Use of a Sustainability Index: Consensus Indicators of Sustainability." American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois.
Kazmierczak, Jr., R.F. and R.H. Caffey (2001). “Developing Consensus Indicators of Sustainability: A Case Study of Aquaculture” Coastal Zone 2001, Cleveland, OH, July 2001.
Kazmierczak, Jr., R.F. and R.H. Caffey (2001). “Constructing and Applying a Multicriteria Index of Delphi-Assessed Sustainability”, Coastal Zone 2001, Cleveland, OH, July 2001.
Caffey, R.H. and P. Coreil (2000). “Mississippi River Water Quality: Implications for Freshwater Diversions”, ESOS-V: Louisiana’s 5th Annual Environmental State of the State Conference. Baton Rouge, Louisiana. November 16-17, 2000.
Caffey, R.H. and B. Leblanc (2000). “Closing the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet: Economic and Environmental Implications”, co-authored with B. Leblanc, selected poster for ESOS-V: Louisiana’s 5th Annual Environmental State of the State Conference. Baton Rouge, Louisiana. November 16-17, 2000
Kazmierczak, R.F. and R.H. Caffey (1995). "Biochemical Oxygen Demand, Aeration, and the Stability of a Recirculating Tilapia Production System: A Mathematical Simulation Model." World Aquaculture Society Annual Meetings, San Diego, California.
Caffey, R.H. and R.F. Kazmierczak, Jr. (1995). "Management Ability and the Economics of Recirculating Aquaculture Systems." Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meetings, New Orleans, Louisiana, July 27, 1995.
Oral Presentations:
Savolainen, M.A. and R.H. Caffey, The Recreational For-Hire Sector in the U.S. Gulf of
Mexico: Structural and Economic Observations from the Third Decadal Survey. Abstract
accepted for oral presentation at the 64th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute Conference,Puerto Morelos, Mexico (Nov. 2011).
Savolainen, M.A., R.H. Caffey, and R.F. Kazmierczak, Status Update: 2010 Economic Survey
of the Recreational For-Hire Fishing Sector in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico. Oral presentation
at the Quarterly Louisiana Sea Grant Marine Extension Meeting, Grand Isle, LA (2011).
Savolainen, M.A. 2
Savolainen, M., Caffey, R.H. and R. Kazmierczak (2011) The Potential Effects of Recall Bias
on the 2010 Economic Survey of the Recreational For-Hire Fishing Sector in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico, North American Association of Fisheries Economists, Honolulu, HI, May 12, 2011.
Savolainen, M., Caffey, R.H. and R. Kazmierczak (2011) 2010 Economic Survey of the Recreational For-Hire Fishing Sector in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico, North American Association of Fisheries Economists, Honolulu, HI, May 12, 2011.
Caffey, R.H. (2011) Damage Assessments for Fisheries: Early Indications and Uncertainties: Economics of the Deepwater Horizon Spill, Organized Symposium 6: Southern Agricultural Economics Association, February 2011.
Caffey, R.H. (2011) Coastal Fisheries Implications, National Sea Grant Oil Spill Consortium, University of Georgia, January 26, 2010.
Caffey, R.H. (2010) Plenary Address, CNREP 2010: Challenges of Natural Resource Economics and Policy, the 3rd National Forum on Socioeconomic Research in Coastal Systems, New Orleans, LA, May 28, 2010.
Caffey, R.H. (2010) Fisheries and Coastal Habitat: Estimating losses from the Gulf Horizon Oil Spill, State of the Coast Conference, June 10, 2010
Caffey, R.H. (2010) The Wetlands and Fisheries of Coastal Louisiana: A Status Report for 2010, Lagniappe Studies program, Baton Rouge, LA, April 14, 2010.
Caffey, R.H. (2010) Wetlands, Fisheries and Oil: A Status Report for Coastal Louisiana, Project Management Institute, Invited Presentation, Baton Rouge, LA, October 21, 2010
Caffey. R.H. (2010) Louisiana's Coastline: Economic & Environmental Challenges, LSU Faculty and Staff Retirees' Club, October 11, 2010
Caffey, R.H. (2010) The Role of Experts in Maritime Litigation: A case study on the Gulf oil spill, focus on resource economics, 17th Admiralty Symposium, Louisiana State Bar Association, September 24, 2010.
Caffey, R.H. (2010) Estimating the Economic Damage of Hurricanes on Commercial and Recreational Fishing Infrastructure in Louisiana, Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission, 60th Annual Spring Meeting, Gulf Shores, AL, March 9-10, 2010.
Caffey, R.H. (2010) 2009 Recreation for Hire Survey of the U.S. Gulf of Mexico: Project Update, Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission, 60th Annual Spring Meeting, Gulf Shores, AL, March 9-10, 2010.
Caffey, R.H. (2010) Status of Economic Research on Coastal Restoration: State of the Coast Conference, Presenter and session moderator, June 10, 2010
Savolainen, M., R. H. Caffey and M. Freeman (2010) 2009 Economic Survey of the Recreational For-Hire Fishing Sector in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico, Challenges of Natural Resource Economics and Policy, the 3rd National Forum on Socioeconomic Research in Coastal Systems, New Orleans, LA, May 28, 2010.
Caffey, R.H (2009) Economics Assessment of Rapid Land Building Technologies for Coastal Restoration, Coastal Restoration and Enhancement through Science and Technology, PI meeting, September 16, 2009.
Caffey, R.H. (2009) Gulf of Mexico Charter Boat Survey, Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission Fisheries Economists Workshop, March 19, 2009, New Orleans, LA.
Caffey, R.H. and D. Petrolia (2009) “Economic Considerations of Diversions and Rapid Land-Building Projects”, Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary Program, 47Th Management Conference, March 11, 2009.
Caffey, R.H. and D. Petrolia (2009) “Examining the Economics of Wetland Restoration”, Southern Agricultural Economics Association, 2009 Annual Meeting, January 31-February 3, 2009, Atlanta, Georgia. 15 p. http://purl.umn.edu/46844
Petrolia, D. R., Tae-goun, K., Moore, R.G. and R.H. Caffey (2009) “A Cost Analysis of Rapid Land-Building Technologies for Coastal Restoration in Louisiana”, Southern Agricultural Economics Association, 2009 Annual Meeting, January 31-February 3, 2009, Atlanta, Georgia. 15 p. http://purl.umn.edu/46844
Caffey, R.H. (2008) Status of Coastal Wetland Restoration in Louisiana, Agricultural Leadership Development Program, January 6, 2009
Petrolia, D. R., Tae-goun, K., Moore, R.G. and R.H. Caffey (2009) “Economic Assessment of Rapid Land-Building Technologies for Coastal Restoration”, USACE – PIANC, Gulf Coast Hurricane Preparedness, Response, Recovery and Rebuilding Conference 2008, Mobile, Alabama, November 11-14, 2008
Caffey, R.H. (2008) Cost-Efficacy of Coastal Restoration Methods in Louisiana – A Focus on Vegetation Techniques, Current Status on Coastal Wetland Plant Research and Restoration Efforts, November 14, 2008, Rice Research Station, Crowley, LA
Caffey, R.H. and R. Bourriaque (2008) A Spatial Economic Analysis of Wetland Mitigation Banking in Louisiana, Marine Extension Quarterly Meeting, October 24, 2008, Crowley, LA.
Caffey, R.H. (2008) Infrastructure Damage Estimation from Hurricanes Gustav and Ike Using Biophysical and Economic Data, Marine Extension Quarterly Meeting, October 24, 2008, Crowley, LA.
Caffey, R.H. and G. Thomas (2008) Louisiana Fisheries Infrastructure Recovery Programming, 59th Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission Meeting, March 11-13, Galveston, Texas
Caffey, R.H. (2008) Update from the Gulf of Mexico Region, Fisheries Extension Enhancement Review, National Sea Grant Headquarters, Silver Springs, MD, April 3, 2008.
Caffey, R.H. (2008) Excellence in Craft Awards, Louisiana Outdoor Writers Association Annual Meeting, October 15, 2008, Morgan City, LA.
Caffey, R.H. (2008) Preliminary Estimates of Economic Damages to Fisheries from Hurricanes Gustav and Ike: Revenue and Infrastructure Losses, Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary Program, Management Conference, September 2008.
Caffey, R.H., Kazmierczak, R.F., Diop H., and W. Keithly, (2007). “Louisiana Fisheries and the Hurricanes of 2007: Estimating Economic Damages to Infrastructure”, American Fisheries Society, San Francisco, CA, September 2-7, 2007
Caffey, R.H. (2007) “Excellence in Craft 2007”, Louisiana Outdoor Writers Association Annual Conference, St. Francisville, LA, August 18, 2007.
Caffey, R.H. and C. Aust (2007) “Marshaling the Social Sciences”, Session moderator and Speaker, Plenary session, The 2nd National Forum on Socioeconomic Research in Coastal Systems, New Orleans, LA, May 20-23, 2007.
Caffey, R.H., Kazmierczak, R.F., Diop H., and W. Keithly, (2007). “Estimating the Economic Damage of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita on Commercial and Recreational Fishing Industries”, American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Portland, OR., July 29-August 4th, 2007
Caffey, R.H., Aust, C. and H. Diop (2007). “What Benefits Are We Really After: Examining Cost-Efficacy and Project Selection within CWPPRA”, Challenges of Natural Resource Economics & Policy: 2nd National Forum on Socioeconomic Research in Coastal Systems, New Orleans, LA May 20-23, 2007
Caffey, R.H., Kazmierczak, R.F., Diop H., and W. Keithly (2007). “Fisheries in Transition: Reconciling Economic Recovery and Ecosystem Restoration”, Challenges of Natural Resource Economics & Policy: 2nd National Forum on Socioeconomic Research in Coastal Systems, New Orleans, LA May 20-23, 2007
Caffey, R.H. (2007). “Economic Assessment of Fisheries Infrastructure Damage from Hurricanes Katrina and Rita”, First Fisheries Summit: Louisiana Fisheries in Transition, Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, February 27, 2007.
Caffey, R.H., (2006).”Economic Resiliency and Recovery of Coastal Marine Fisheries”, 3rd National Conference on Coastal and Estuarine Habitat Restoration, New Orleans, December, 2006.
Caffey, R.H., (2006).”Economics in Selection and Assessment of Restoration Projects”, 3rd National Conference on Coastal and Estuarine Habitat Restoration, New Orleans, December, 2006.
Caffey, R.H. (2006). “Economic Assessment of Fisheries Infrastructure Damage from Hurricanes Katrina and Rita”, Status report presented to the Louisiana Recovery Authority, Nov 2, 2006.
Caffey, R.H. (2006). “The State of Gulf of Mexico Fisheries: Reconciling Disaster Recovery and Ecosystem Restoration”, Munson Distinguished Lecture Series on Coastal Vulnerability,
Yale University, New Haven, CT., October 18, 2006.
Caffey, R.H (2006). “Functions, Values, and Delineation of Wetlands, Guest Lecture, Natural Resource and Environmental Policy, School of Renewable Natural Resources, October 2006
Caffey, R.H. (2006). “Wetland Policy Crash Course”, Guest Lecture, Louisiana State University, School of Renewable Natural Resources, October 6, 2006.
Caffey, R. H. and G. Thomas (2006). “Fisheries Impacts of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita”, in Balancing Stakeholder Interactions: Responding to Social, Economic and Environmental Change in the Fishery, with Glenn Thomas, American Fisheries Society, Lake Placid, New York, September 2006.
Caffey, R.H. (2006). “Wetland Restoration Programming at Louisiana Sea Grant”, Louisiana Sea Grant Program Assessment Team Review, September 12, 2006, Baton Rouge, LA.
Caffey, R.H. (2006). “Economic Assessment of Fisheries Infrastructure Damage from Hurricanes Katrina and Rita”, Status report presented to the Louisiana Fisheries Community Recovery Coalition, August 30, 2006.
Caffey, R.H. (2006). “Excellence in Craft 2006”, Louisiana Outdoor Writers Association Annual Conference, St. Francisville, LA, August 19, 2006.
Caffey, R.H., Kazmierczak, R.F., Diop H., and W. Keithly (2006). “The Economics and Politics of Fisheries Disaster Recovery: Louisiana's Response to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, IIFET 2006, International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade, Portsmouth, England, July 2006.
Caffey, R.H (2006). “The Economics of Louisiana's Coastal Restoration Effort”, Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary Program Management Conference, May 31, 2006.
Caffey, R.H (2006). "Large vs. Small Diversions: which give more benefits?", Coastal Restoration and Enhancement through Science and Technology (CREST), Riverine Process Re-establishment and Re-introduction Meeting, School of the Coastal and Environment, LSU, April 17, 2006.
Caffey, R.H (2006). "Post-Katrina Fisheries Management Alternatives", National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Post-Katrina Listening Session Series, Houma, La, April 12, 2006.
Caffey, R.H (2006). “The State of the Fishery” Gulf of Mexico Sustainability Summit 2006, Gulf of Mexico Alliance Program and Harte Marine Research Institute, Corpus Christi, TX, March 29, 2006.
Caffey, R.H (2006) “Social Science Research Initiatives for Louisiana Universities”, Moderator and Presenter, Louisiana Board of Regents Post-Katrina Summit, New Orleans, LA, February 3-4, 2006.
Caffey, R.H (2006). “Fisheries Impacts of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita”, Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, February 20, 2006.
Caffey, R.H (2006). “Fisheries Impacts of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita”, with Glenn Thomas, Louisiana-Mississippi Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Natchez, MS, February, 2005.
Caffey, R.H (2005). ”Fisheries Impacts of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita”, 35th Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary Program Management Conference, Nichols State University, Thibodaux, LA. December 8, 2005.
Caffey, R.H (2005). “Functions, Values, and Delineation of Wetlands, Guest Lecture, Natural Resource and Environmental Policy, School of Renewable Natural Resources, November, 2005.
Caffey, R.H (2005). “Hurricane Recovery Resources,” Louisiana Sea Grant Marine Extension Project quarterly meeting, Baton Rouge, LA, October 20, 2005.
Caffey, R.H (2005). “Hurricanes Katrina and Rita and Louisiana Coastal Wetlands,” Guest Lecture, Natural Resource and Environmental Policy, School of Renewable Natural Resources, November 1, 2005.
Caffey, R.H (2005). “Hurricanes Katrina and Rita and Louisiana Coastal Wetlands,” Guest Lecture, Louisiana State University Kiwanis Club, November 8, 2005.
Caffey, R.H (2005). “Post-Hurricane Public Participation and Planning for Coastal Louisiana”, Moderator and Facilitator, Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, Baton Rouge, LA, October 2005.
Caffey, R.H (2005). “Near-Term Planning for Coastal Louisiana,” Center for the Study of Public Health Impact of Hurricanes, Advisory Panel Meeting, Baton Rouge, LA, June 2005.
Caffey, R.H (2005). “Cost-Efficacy of Wetland Preservation and Restoration in Coastal Louisiana” co-authored with Christiane Aust, Coastal Zone ’05, New Orleans, LA, July 2005.
Caffey, R.H (2005). “Economics and Coastal Restoration” National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science Retreat, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Amherst, MA, February 23, 2005.
Caffey, R.H (2005). “The Evolution of Marine Extension and Socioeconomic Research,” Presidents Forum on Meeting Coastal Challenges, Lod and Carole Cook Alumni Center, Baton Rouge, January 25, 2005.
Caffey, R.H (2005) “Coastal Access in Louisiana: The Case of Elmer’s Island,” LSU Agricultural Center Leadership Development Program, January 12, 2005, Baton Rouge, La.
Caffey, R.H (2004). “Functions, Values, and Delineation of Wetlands, Guest Lecture, Natural Resource and Environmental Policy, School of Renewable Natural Resources, November 22, 2004.
Caffey, R.H (2004). “Coastal Recreation for Coastal Restoration: The Case of Elmer’s Island”, 2004 Annual Conference of the American Water Resources Association, Orlando, FL, Nov. 1-4, 2004.
Caffey, R.H (2004). “Economic Impact Assessment: Linking Human Benefits to Barrier Island Restoration in Louisiana” October 14, 2004, Invited presentation, University of New Orleans.
Caffey, R.H (2004). “Human Dimensions and Coastal Restoration” Invited Speaker, 2nd National Conference on Coastal and Estuarine Habitat Restoration, September 12-15, 2004, Seattle, Washington.
Caffey, R.H (2004). “An Economic Perspective” Invited Speaker, Workshop for Monitoring the Human Dimensions Aspects of Coastal Restoration, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, April 3-6, 2004
Caffey, R.H (2004). “An Introduction to CNREP”, Moderator and Speaker, Challenges of Socioeconomic Research in Coastal Systems: Valuation Policy and Analysis, May 27th and 28th, 2004, Louisiana State University
Caffey, R.H (2004). “Elmer’s Island Coastal Preference Survey: A Preliminary Report”, Co-authored with Krishna Paudel, Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary Program, Nichols State University, Thibodaux, LA, February 19, 2004.
Caffey, R.H (2004). “The Center for Natural Resource Economics and Policy”, Chief of Staff and Deputy Chief of Staff, Office of Congressman Billy Tauzin, Baton Rouge, LA February 5, 2004.
Caffey, R.H (2004). “Elmer’s Island Coastal Preference Survey: A Preliminary Report”, Louisiana Water Environment Association, Baton Rouge, LA, February 10, 2004.
Caffey, R.H (2004). “Wetland Resources at Risk in Central Louisiana”, Presentation to National Wildlife Federation Executive Committee, Rockefeller Refuge, Grand Chenier, LA, January 31, 2004.
Caffey, R.H (2004). “Wetland Issues in South Central Louisiana”, South Central Region Advisory Committee, LSU AgCenter, January 14, 2004, St. Gabriel, LA.
Caffey, R.H (2004). “Elmer’s Island Coastal Preference Survey: A Preliminary Report” Red Stick Fly Fishing Association, January 13, 2004, Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, Baton Rouge, LA.
Caffey, R.H (2003). “Elmer’s Island Coastal Preference Survey: A Preliminary Report” Louisiana Sea Grant Executive Advisory Committee, December 11, 2003, Lod Cook Alumni Center, Baton Rouge, LA.
Caffey, R.H (2003). “Ground Zero or Zero Ground: Building Consensus on the Economic Threat,” Panel Moderator: America’s WETLAND Eco-Eco Summit: The Governor¹s Economic Summit on Coastal Erosion, Cox Academic Center, Louisiana State University, October 2003.
Caffey, R.H (2003). “Functions, Values, and Delineation of Wetlands”, Guest Lecture, Natural Resource and Environmental Policy, School of Renewable Natural Resources, November 22, 2003.
Caffey, R.H (2003). “Session Moderator: “Wetland Policy: Section 404 and SWANCC”, Society of Wetland Scientists, 24th Annual Conference, New Orleans, La 2003.
Caffey, R.H (2003). “Stewardship Incentives for Louisiana’s Coastal Wetland Landowners”, Louisiana Coastal Area Comprehensive Study Executive Stakeholder Meeting, August 8, 2003.
Caffey, R.H (2003). “A Case for Subvention of Private Landowners in the Louisiana Coastal Zone” Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, February 3, 2003 Mobile, Alabama
Caffey, R.H (2002). “Conservation Provisions of the 2002 Farm Bill”, Legislative Staff Conference, Burden Research Plantation, Baton Rouge, La January 13, 2002.
Caffey, R.H (2002). "Fisheries and Fishermen: The Opportunity for a Third Delta - A Technical Review", Coauthored with M. Schexnayder, Nichols State University, September 17, 2002.
Caffey, R.H (2002). "Affects of Freshwater on Coastal Fisheries", Coauthored with M. Schexnayder, Acadiana Bays Restoration Meeting, Burden Research Center, April 22, 2002, Baton Rouge, La.
Caffey, R.H. (2002). 15h Annual Marsh Maneuvers Coastal Education Program, Coordinator/Manager, Grand Terre, La, July 11th- August 5th, 2002.
Caffey, R.H (2002). “Conservation Provisions of the 2002 Farm Bill”, Agricultural Policy Summit, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, LSU AgCenter, Louisiana State University, Alexandria, La, June 7, 2002, Baton Rouge, La.
Caffey, R.H (2002). “Reconciling Fisheries Management and Wetland Restoration in Coastal Louisiana”, Coauthored with M. Schexnayder, The Coastal Society 2002 Conference, Converging Currents: Science, Policy, and Culture at the Coast, Galveston, TX, May 19 - 22, 2002.
Caffey, R.H (2002). “Floods, Fisheries, and River Diversions in Coastal Louisiana”, Coastal Water Resources, a specialty conference of the American Water Resources Association, May 13-15, 2002, New Orleans, La.
Caffey, R.H (2002). “Diversions, Anti-diversions, and Coastal Fisheries in Louisiana” Basics of the Basin Research Symposium and the Gulf Estuarine Research Society, May 16-17, 2002, University of New Orleans.
Caffey, R.H (2002). “Economic and Environmental Implications of the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet”, Co-authored with R. Gaude, B. D. Leblanc, and M. Schexnayder. Basics of the Basin Research Symposium and the Gulf Estuarine Research Society, May 16-17, 2002, University of New Orleans.
Caffey, R.H (2002). “Mississippi River Water Quality: Implications for Freshwater Diversions”. Basics of the Basin Research Symposium and the Gulf Estuarine Research Society, May 16-17, 2002, University of New Orleans.
Caffey, R.H (2002). “An Overview of Louisiana Sea Grant Extension Issues”, National Sea Grant Assembly of Program Coordinators, Baton Rouge, La March 18, 2002.
Caffey, R.H (2002). “Coastal Restoration and Coastal Fisheries in Louisiana”, The Rotary Club of Alexandria, La, March 19, 2002.
Caffey, R.H (2001). “Natural Capital”, Guest lecture in Environmental Advocacy, Fisheries 7029, Ben Aquaculture Research Experiment Station, Baton Rouge, LA November 2001.
Caffey, R.H (2002) “River Diversions: Will They Affect Fisheries?” International Work Boat Show, New Orleans, La, November 29, 2001
Caffey, R.H (2001). “Diversity and Value of Louisiana’s Coastal Agriculture”, Local Coastal Programs ‘01: Protecting, Restoring, and Enhancing Coastal Resources Symposium, Lafayette, LA October 24, 2001.
Caffey, R.H (2001). “Conservation and Environmental Provisions of the Farm Bill”, 2002 Farm Bill and Louisiana Agricultural Policy, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, LSU AgCenter, Louisiana State University Student Union, October 4, 2001, Baton Rouge, La.
Caffey, R.H (2001). “Economics Implications of Coastal Land Loss in Louisiana”, Coastal Summit 2001, Pennington Biomedical Research Facility, August 15th, 2001, Baton Rouge, La.
Caffey, R.H (2001). “Closing the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet: Environmental and Economic Implications”, National Association of State Wetland Managers, Baton Rouge, La June 19, 2001.
Caffey, R.H. (2001). 14th Annual Marsh Maneuvers Coastal Education Program, Coordinator/Manager, Grand Terre, La, July 11th- August 5th, 2001.
Caffey, R.H (2001). “Status and Trends of Key Indicators for the Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary System”, A Pressure-State-Response Approach, Session Chair: Eutrophication, Pathogens, and Toxins, June 13-14, 2001, Baton Rouge, La.
Caffey, R.H (2001). “Economic Implications of Coastal Marsh Die-back”, Socioeconomic Session (Chair): Coastal Marsh Dieback Symposium, Sponsored by the National Wetland Research Center, United States Geological Survey, January 11-12, 2001, Baton Rouge, La.
Caffey, R.H (2001). Pending Hypoxia Policy and a Draft Resolution of the Mississippi River Basin Alliance: Jefferson Parish Marine Advisory Committee, New Orleans, La, February 15th, 2000.
Caffey, R.H (2001). “Environmental and Economic Implications of the Caernarvon Freshwater Diversion Structure on Commercial Fisheries”, Sea Grant Education and Advisory Meeting, LSU, Baton Rouge, La, February 22, 2000.
Caffey, R.H (2001). “Wetlands in the Marketplace” National Association of Retired Federal Employees (NARFE), Baton Rouge, LA, February 17th, 2000.
Caffey, R.H (2001). “The Sea Grant Marine Extension Project: Sea Grant Marine Advisory Booth, Louisiana Sportsman Show, New Orleans, La, March, 17th, 2000.
Caffey, R.H. (2000). “Economics and Marketing of Aquatic Species”, guest lecture, Fisheries 4022, LSU Department of Forestry, Wildlife, and Fisheries, May 5th, 2000.
Caffey, R.H (2000). “Coastal-Based Research Extension in the Louisiana Sea Grant College Program: NOAA Coastal Restoration Conference, Baltimore, MD March 21st, 2000.
Caffey, R.H. (2000). “Building Banks in Wetlands”, Sea Grant Advisory Meeting, Cocodrie, LA, August 2000.
Caffey, R.H. (2000). “Building Banks in Wetlands”, Sierra Club, Louisiana Chapter, Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, LA, February 2000.
Caffey, R.H. (2000). “Commercial Production of Native Vegetation for Wetland Restoration and Mitigation”, Continuing Forestry Education Symposium, Hammond, La, May 9th, 2000.
Caffey, R.H. (2000). Wetland Research and Extension in the AgCenter: Louisiana Legislative Fete, State Capitol, Baton Rouge La, May 23rd, 2000.
Caffey, R.H. (2000). “Update on the Conservation and Re-investment Act of 2000”, Sea Grant Marine Extension Project Advisory Meeting, June 22nd, 2000.
Caffey, R.H. (2000). “Expanding Initiatives: GIS and Electronic Dissemination”, Sea Grant Marine Extension Project Advisory Meeting, June 22nd, 2000.
Caffey, R.H. (2000). “Integrating Research, Extension, and Teaching: The Ag Econ Perspective”, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Faculty Retreat, Pennington Biomedical Research Center, June 26th, 2000.
Caffey, R.H. (2000). 13th Annual Marsh Maneuvers Coastal Education Program, Coordinator/Manager, Grand Terre, La, July 11th- August 5th, 2000.
Caffey, R.H. (2000). “Coastal Wetlands Planning Preservation and Restoration Act, Citizens Participation Group: Facilitator, New Orleans District Corps of Engineers, August 3rd, 2000.
Caffey, R.H. (2000). “Economic Impact of Salvinia on Waterfowl Hunting”, Salvinia Task Force Press Conference, Rockefeller Refuge, September 6th, 2000.
Caffey, R.H. (2000). “7th Annual Warren Mermilliod Advanced Coastal Education Program: Coordinator/Manager, La, July 11th- August 5th, 2000.
Caffey, R.H. (2000). “Wetlands, Coastal Restoration, and Fisheries: Educational Display at 3rd Annual Ocean Commotion Program sponsored by Louisiana Sea Grant, October 12, 2000.
Caffey, R.H. (2000). “Update on “Brown Marsh” Crisis and MRGO Closure: Sea Grant Marine Extension Project Advisory Meeting, June 22nd, 2000.
Caffey, R.H (2000). “Louisiana Wetlands: Functions and Values”, Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium, Adult Marsh Maneuvers Coastal Education Program, April 14th, 2000.
Caffey, R.H. (1999). 12th Annual Marsh Maneuvers Coastal Education Program, Coordinator/Manager, Grand Terre, La, July 11th- August 5th, 1999.
Caffey, R.H (1999). “Wetlands Resources and the Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service”, Leadership Lafourche, Galliano, LA, March 1999.
Caffey, R.H. (1999). “Coastal Wetland Plant Materials Symposium: Facilitator/Organizer, National Wetland Research Center, Lafayette, La, April 27th, 2000 Louisiana.
Caffey, R.H (1999). “Louisiana Wetlands: Issue of Public and Private Use”, Local Coastal Programs ’99, Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, Lafayette, LA, April 1999.
Caffey, R.H (1998). “Developing and Using Consensus Indicators of Sustainability in Aquaculture Production”, International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade Biannual Meeting, Tromso, Norway, July 1998.
Caffey, R.H (1998). “Markets for Fish Sperm: The Point of Conception", World Aquaculture ’98, Las Vegas, NV. February 1998.
Caffey, R.H (1998). “An Economic Case Study of the Production of Hybrid Striped Bass with Cryopreserved Sperm”, Joint meeting of the Louisiana and Mississippi Chapters of the American Fisheries Society, Pass Christian, MS, January 1998.
Caffey, R.H (1997). "A Model for Quantifying Sustainability in Aquaculture, World Aquaculture '97, Seattle, WA, February 1997.
Caffey, R.H (1997)."Cost Analysis of Integrating Cryopreservation into an Existing Fish Hatchery”, World Aquaculture ‘97, Seattle, WA, February 1997.
Caffey, R.H (1995). “Sustainability of Crawfish Aquaculture”, Sustainable Aquaculture'95, Pacific Congress on Marine Science and Technology. Honolulu, HI, June 1995.
Caffey, R.H (1995). "A Bioenergetic Model of Tilapia Growth in Response to Changes in Food Quantity and Quality”, World Aquaculture'95, San Diego, CA, February, 1995.
Caffey, R.H (1995). "Modeling the Effects of Ammonia Nitrogen Production on a Recirculating Tilapia Production System". World Aquaculture '95, San Diego, CA, February, 1995.
Caffey, R.H (1994). "Factors Influencing Technology Adoption in a Louisiana Aquaculture System” Southern Agricultural Economics Association, Nashville, TN, January 1994.
Caffey, R.H (1994). "Firm Characteristics and the Use of Closed Systems. World Aqualture'94, New Orleans, LA, December 1994.
Caffey, R.H (1993). "A Profile of the Louisiana Soft-Shelled Crab Industry”, Louisiana Aquaculture Conference, Baton Rouge, LA., February 1993.
Caffey, R.H (1993). "A Profile of the Louisiana Soft-Shell Crab Industry”. Agriculture Economics Session, Southwestern Society of Administrative Disciplines, New Orleans, LA, March 1993.
Caffey, R.H (1992). "Alternative Uses for Soft-Shell Crawfish Shedding Facilities". Louisiana Aquaculture Conference, Baton Rouge, LA, January 1992.
Caffey, R.H (1991). “Soft-Shell Crawfish Industry Outlook”, Aquaculture Expo V, New Orleans, LA. December 1991.
Caffey, R.H (1990). "Marketing Soft-Shell Crawfish”, Fish Farming Expo IV, New Orleans, LA. December, 1990.
Caffey, R.H (1989). "The Economics of Soft-Shell Crawfish Production”, Fish-Farming Expo III, New Orleans, LA. December 1989.
Caffey, R.H (1989). "Marketing Round-Table: Soft-Shell Crawfish”, Louisiana Aquaculture Conference, Baton Rouge, LA, January 1989.
Caffey, R.H (1988). "An Economic Analysis of Alternative Soft-Shell Crawfish Production Facilities” American Agriculture Economics Association, Knoxville, TN, August 1988.
Professor (75% Extension, 25% Research), Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, July 2008-present.
Director, Marine Extension Program, Louisiana Sea Grant College Program and Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, July 2011-present.
Director, Center for Natural Resource Economics and Policy, Department of Agricultural Economics & Agribusiness, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, Baton Rouge, La, January 2004-present.
Associate Professor (75% Extension, 25% Research), Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, July 2002-July 2008.
Assistant Specialist (100% extension), Wetlands and Coastal Resources, Economics and Natural Resources Division, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, Baton Rouge, October 1998-June 2002
Graduate Research & Teaching Assistant; School of Forestry, Wildlife, and Fisheries; Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, La., 1995-1998
Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, La., 1992-1994
Assistant Director, Environmental Programs Division, Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 1991
Research Associate, Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 1991-1992
Technical Services Coordinator, Aquaculture Technologies Ltd., Lafayette, Louisiana, and Lebeau, Louisiana, 1988-1991
AGEC 8000: Graduate Research Advising (Instructor)
Spring, Summer, Fall, 2002-2011, Louisiana State University
AGEC 7703: Advanced Topics in Agricultural Economics (Instructor)
Independent Study, summer 2004, spring 2006, 3 credit hours,
Louisiana State University
AGEC 7700: Graduate Internship
Ryan J Bourriaque (M.S Resource Economics)
Summer 2006, Coastal Management Division,
Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
AGEC 7710: Wetland Policy (Instructor)
Taught via distance education (compressed video) to 6 satellite locations.
Fall 2001, 3 credit hours, Louisiana State University
FOR 7710: Renewable Natural Resources Policy (Lecturer)
Fall 2001-20011, Louisiana State University.
FISH 4022: Principles of Aquaculture (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
Spring semesters: 1995 - 2001, Louisiana State University.
FISH 7029: International Perspectives on Sustainability (Co-instructor)
Spring 1997, 2 credit hours, Louisiana State University
FISH 7029: Fisheries/Aquaculture Economics (Co-instructor)
Fall 1996, 2 credit hours, Louisiana State University
Doctor of Philosophy, Wildlife and Fisheries Science
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, December 1998
Dissertation: A Multicriteria Index of Delphi-Assessed Sustainability
Master of Science, Agricultural Economics (Natural Resource Economics Concentration)
Minor: Fisheries
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, December 1994
Thesis: A Bioeconomic Analysis of Fish Production in Closed Systems
Bachelor of Science, Agricultural Business
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, May 1988
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture