(04/09/20) BATON ROUGE, La. — Each year, the LSU AgCenter searches for high-quality photos to illustrate the Get It Growing calendar, a collection of gardening tips and instructions illustrated with images of the lush landscapes of Louisiana.
In February, the AgCenter issued a call for entries for photographs for the 2021 Get It Growing calendar, giving photographers an opportunity to have their photos selected for the next edition.
Organizers of the calendar have extended the deadline for photograph submissions to May 15. The original deadline for entries was April 17.
AgCenter faculty will select about 40 photos for the calendar, said Elma Sue McCallum, the project coordinator. Entries must be high-resolution digital images. The photos either must be submitted by mail on CD or through a new online submission process.
All images must be the original work of the photographer submitting the image. Each person is asked to limit their entries to 25 or fewer of their best photos.
Submission guidelines can be found at www.LSUAgCenter.com/GetItGrowingCalendar.
“The LSU AgCenter is a great resource for lawn and garden information and educational programs, and the Get It Growing calendar is a popular source for gardening tips and beautiful photos of flowers, plants and gardens,” McCallum said.
Professional and amateur nature photographers from Louisiana may submit their work and earn recognition if their photos are selected for the 2021 calendar.
A dozen of the photos will be featured as full-page, full-color images for each month’s page in the calendar, and one will be used on the cover, she said. Others will be used throughout the calendar.
Photographers chosen for the featured monthly pages will receive five copies of the published calendar, and their names will be included with their photos, McCallum said. Other contributors also will be listed with their photos, and they will receive two copies of the published calendar.
More information and links to order the 2020 Get It Growing calendar are available at www.LSUAgCenter.com/OnlineStore. The current edition of the calendar includes a feature on growing an edible landscape, a guide to Louisiana Super Plants and an illustrated how-to on creating raised beds.
Celosia flowers shot by Norman Balliviero, of Belle Chase, Louisiana, were featured on the cover of the 2020 Get It Growing calendar. With gorgeous flower heads that resemble spikes, celosia (Celosia spicata) are annual-blooming flowers that are a great addition to the landscape. Photo by Norman Balliviero
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture