(02/07/20) Baton Rouge, La. — Nursery growers and landscapers can learn more about boxwood dieback disease at a training on April 28 at the Young Hollow Nursery in Forest Hill. The meeting is co-sponsored by the LSU AgCenter and the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry.
Registration will begin at 8:30 a.m. followed by the program from 9 until noon. Young Hollow Nursery is located at 60 Tom Gunter Road in Forest Hill.
Boxwood dieback disease was identified in Louisiana and first reported in the United States in 2015 by LSU AgCenter plant doctor Raj Singh.
“We are seeing more reports of boxwoods dying across the state and country,” Singh said, adding that boxwood dieback disease isolates have been confirmed from other states.
Boxwood dieback is a fungal disease that causes random dieback of twigs. Leaves initially turn light green and become light tan colored as the disease progresses.
Symptoms produced by dieback greatly resemble Phytophthora root rot, another well-known disease affecting boxwood and other herbaceous and woody plants, but management for the diseases differs, Singh said.
“It is important for nursery growers and landscapers to be able to identify the disease correctly in order to manage it effectively,” he said.
Presentations at the training will include:
A question and answer session will follow the presentations. Lunch will be provided by BWI Companies, and Young Hollow Nursery is providing the venue for the training.
The training is free to the public, but interested persons are asked to confirm attendance by contacting AgCenter extension agent Keith Hawkins at khawkins@agcenter.lsu.edu.
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture