(11/27/18) BATON ROUGE, La. —The LSU AgCenter will kick off a free yearlong training program for beginning Louisiana farmers in January in New Orleans.
Beginning farmers may apply for the program, called Grow Louisiana, through Dec. 14 at www.surveymonkey.com/r/ApplyGrowLA2019. A beginning farmer is defined as someone who is currently farming with less than 10 years of experience or who wants to start farming.
Grow Louisiana provides whole-farm planning, horticulture and business training, online resources, support and mentoring. Its overall goal is increasing the success of agricultural communities by building a statewide network of farmers and providing business tools and educational resources to new farmers.
In 2019, the program will be held in New Orleans every Tuesday evening for three hours, starting Jan. 15. Classes will continue for eight weeks in the spring followed by eight weeks in the fall.
Participants are expected to attend 15 of the 17 night classroom sessions plus field days and other program activities.
Participation is free, and travel to the annual Southern Sustainable Agriculture Working Group Convention is included.
This program is funded by a U.S. Department of Agriculture Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program training grant. It is led by the AgCenter in collaboration with the Acadiana Food Alliance, Market Umbrella and SPROUT NOLA.
Organizers of the program can be reached at growlouisianaBFRDP@gmail.com or 225-578-1036.
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture