(10/26/18) ALEXANDRIA, La. — The most recent graduates of the Louisiana Master Cattleman Program were recognized at the LSU AgCenter Dean Lee Research Station cattle field day on Oct. 18.
AgCenter regional livestock agent Vince Deshotel said 175 individuals have completed the program in the LSU AgCenter central region since 2014.
The graduates of the 10-week program learn practices to help them raise cattle profitably and sustainably.
Individuals must attend 30 hours of classroom sessions taught by AgCenter personnel. Topics include cattle health, nutrition, handling practices, pasture management, marketing and reproduction.
Participants range from novice cattle owners to experienced large-scale producers. Many of the graduates were repeat students, and two are veterinarians.
Graduates from St. Landry Parish were Don Kelehan, Dana Kelehan, Tom Mhire, Burke Aucoin, Matthew Henrich, Terrell Castille, Paul Lafleur, Craig Credeur, Joseph Guillory, JoLynn Fontenot, Will Fontenot, Tony Fontenot, John Fontenot, Ricky Thibodeaux, Cecil Corbello, Daniel Lyons, Sandra Davis, Shonna Eaglin, Walter Davis, Carl Hill, Troy Gallo, Kenneth Taylor, Tim Fontenot, Tanner Fontenot, Thomas Arnaud, Nora Baumann, Vincent Cannatella, Duston Guilbeaux, Troy Guilbeaux, Quentin Guilbeaux, Austin Pitcher, Rasshondric Rami, Ramon Rami and John White.
Graduates from Acadia Parish were Glen Thibodeaux, Jeremy Higginbotham and Terry Latiolais.
Graduates from Evangeline Parish were Lonnie Fontenot, Ed Beauregard, Larry Fontenot and Sammy Fontenot.
Others included Andra McNeal, of Rapides Parish; Matt Frey and Taylor Frey, both of Pointe Coupee Parish; and James Broussard of Avoyelles Parish.
Anyone interested in participating in the next Master Cattleman course in the central region should contact Deshotel at VDeshotel@agcenter.lsu.edu.
The latest graduates of the Louisiana Master Cattleman Program who completed the 10-week course were recognized on Oct. 18 during the beef cattle and forage field day at the LSU AgCenter Dean Lee Research Station. Pictured are, bottom row, from left, Don Kelehan and Dana Kelehan, Tom Mhire, Burke Aucoin, Matthew Henrich, Terrell Castille, all of St. Landry Parish; LeAndra McNeal, of Rapides Parish, and Paul Lafleur, St. Landry Parish. Middle row, from left, Glen Thibodeaux, of Acadia Parish; Craig Credeur, of St. Landry Parish; Lonnie Fontenot, of Evangeline Parish; Jeremy Higginbotham, of Acadia Parish; Ed Beauregard, of Evangeline Parish; and Joseph Guillory, JoLynn Fontenot, Will Fontenot and Tony Fontenot, St. Landry Parish. Back row, from left, LSU AgCenter regional livestock agent Vince Deshotel; Rogers Leonard, LSU AgCenter associate vice president; John Fontenot, Ricky Thibodeaux, Cecil Corbello, Daniel Lyons, Sandra Davis, Shonna Eaglin, Walter Davis, Carl Hill, Troy Gallo, Kenneth Taylor, Tim Fontenot and Tanner Fontenot, of St. Landry Parish; and James Broussard, of Evangeline Parish. Not pictured were Thomas Arnaud, Nora Baumann, Vincent Cannatella, Duston Guilbeaux, Troy Guilbeaux, Quentin Guilbeaux, Terry Latiolais, Austin Pitcher, Rasshondric Rami, Ramon Rami and John White, of St. Landry Parish; Larry Fontenot and Sammy Fontenot, of Evangeline Parish; and Matt Frey and Taylor Frey, of Pointe Coupee Parish.