(02/23/18) ALEXANDRIA, La. — The 2018 Cenla Forestry Forum will be held March 13 at the State Evacuation Shelter adjacent to the LSUA campus.
Registration starts at 8:30 a.m. with the program beginning at 9 a.m. A lunch will be included, and the event will end at 3 p.m.
Presentations will include new markets for forest landowners, Southeastern timber market projections, tax law changes, an update on state fire protection services, new educational programs for the timber industry and issues affecting Louisiana forestry.
Registration before March 9 is $25 per person, and $40 at the event. Checks should be made to the LSU AgCenter and mailed to Robbie Hutchins, 300 Grady Britt Dr., Alexandria, LA 71302.
For more information, contact Hutchins at 318-767-3968.
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture