LSU AgCenter announces producer meetings in northeast La.

(01/31/18) ST. JOSEPH, La. — Agricultural producers will have two opportunities to get updates on cover crops and soil health at two northeast Louisiana workshops slated for February.

The meetings are sponsored by the LSU AgCenter, the Louisiana Master Farmer Program, U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service and Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry.

The first workshop on production in the Macon Ridge area will be held Feb. 7 at the AgCenter Macon Ridge Research Station. Registration begins at 1 p.m. at the Tom H. Scott Research, Extension and Education Center south of Winnsboro.

Mississippi alluvial production systems will be addressed at the second workshop on Feb. 13 beginning at 1 p.m. at the Northeast Research Station at 4589 Route 605 in St. Joseph.

Advance registration is not required, and the public is invited to attend either meeting.

AgCenter experts will cover topics on cover crop selection, seeding rates and mixes, planting methods, termination and summer cover crop management.

Insect and nematode issues, disease management, herbicide compatibility and fertilizer rates will also be discussed.

Participants will receive credit for Phase 2 of the Louisiana Master Farmer Program. Certified Master Farmers and certified crop advisers who attend also will earn continuing education credit.

For more information, contact James Hendrix at 318-235-7198 or

2/1/2018 2:17:22 PM
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