Cattle, forage field day set for Oct. 19 in Alexandria

(10/04/17) ALEXANDRIA, La. — The LSU AgCenter Dean Lee Research Station and Extension Center Fifth Annual Beef Cattle and Forage Field Day will be held Oct. 19 at the State Emergency Evacuation Center next to LSUA.

Registration will be start at 2:30 p.m. with the field tour at 3 p.m. Topics will include results of a study on controlled-release nitrogen, cattle nutrition, Johnsongrass control, corner-bracing fences and managing cattle diseases.

Graduation will also be held for students of the Louisiana Master Cattleman Program.

The Evacuation Center is located at 8100 U.S. Highway 71 South, Alexandria.

For more information, contact Glen Gentry at (225) 683-5848 or

10/4/2017 8:53:27 PM
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