(05/05/16) ALEXANDRIA, La. – The first ever LSU AgCenter 4-H and FFA State Rabbit Show was held at the LSU AgCenter State Evacuation Shelter in Alexandria on April 30.
The show featured 117 exhibitors who entered 463 rabbits of 26 breeds. The show was judged by three American Rabbit Breeders Association-sanctioned judges, who judged the rabbits on ARBA weights and standards.
Chaeleigh Burnett, of Calcasieu Parish, won Best in Show with her Mini Lop doe. First reserve went to Jacob Fontenot, of Acadia Parish, with his Californian doe, and Destiny Bearden, of Union Parish, earned second reserve with her Florida White buck. Fontenot also won Best of Opposite with his New Zealand doe.
The Premier Exhibitor contest included 31 4-H’ers who participated based on knowledge and skills, which included showmanship, breed identification, feed ingredient identification, judging a class of rabbits and taking a test.
The showmanship competition included 45 4-H’ers who were scored on their ability to handle their rabbits.
Each contest comprised three divisions: Junior – 9 to 11 years old, Intermediate – 12 to 14 years old, and Senior, over 15 years old.
“The show was a success and a new opportunity for 4-H'ers in Louisiana,” said Rodney Johnson, AgCenter agent in Rapides Parish. “We express our appreciation to the Cenla Rabbit Breeders Association for all their help and assistance in conducting the show."
“We normally don’t jump into an event of this kind without a year of preparation and organization, but we felt that with the support we had we could conduct this event in year one,” said Dwayne Nunez, leader of the AgCenter state livestock shows. “It was a huge success.”
Premier Exhibitor and Showmanship awards went to:
Junior Premier Exhibitor: First, Chaeleigh Burnett, Calcasieu Parish; second, Isabelle Matthews, Rapides Parish; third, Joseph Hayes, Avoyelles Parish; fourth, Elizabeth Borne, Catahoula Parish; fifth, Erin James, East Baton Rouge Parish.
Intermediate Premier Exhibitor: First, Elizabeth Matthews, Rapides Parish; second, Brandon Comeaux, Calcasieu Parish; third, Bailor Brown, Winn Parish; fourth, Sofia Madres, Rapides Parish; fifth, Luke Lirette, Tangipahoa Parish.
Senior Premier Exhibitor: First, Chase Domingue, St. Tammany Parish; second, Destiny Bearden, Union Parish; third, Reed Wilson, Concordia Parish; fourth, Alica Brister, Rapides Parish; fifth, Megan Tassin, Rapides Parish.
Junior Showmanship: First, Elizabeth Borne, Catahoula Parish; second, Julia Borne, Catahoula Parish; third, Sarah Israel, East Baton Rouge Parish; fourth, Joseph Hayes, Avoyelles Parish; fifth, Garrett Lirette, Tangipahoa Parish.
Intermediate Showmanship: First, Elizabeth Matthews, Rapides Parish; second, Bailor Brown, Winn Parish; third, Sofia Madres, Rapides Parish; fourth, Konnor Roberts, Rapides Parish; fifth, Brandon Comeaux, Calcasieu Parish.
Senior Showmanship: First, Destiny Bearden, Union Parish; second, Chase Domingue, St. Tammany Parish; third, Megan Tassin, Rapides Parish; fourth, Alica Brister, Rapides Parish; fifth, Courtney LeBlanc, Jefferson Davis Parish.
Chaeleigh Burnett, of Calcasieu Parish, earned the Best in Show award with her Mini Lop doe in the first ever LSU AgCenter 4-H and FFA State Rabbit Show on April 30 in Alexandria, Louisiana. Photo by Lynsey Badon
Senior Premier Exhibitor winners at the first ever LSU AgCenter 4-H and FFA State Rabbit Show are, from left, first place, Chase Domingue, St. Tammany Parish; second, Destiny Bearden, Union Parish; third, Reed Wilson, Concordia Parish; fourth, Alica Brister, Rapides Parish; fifth, Megan Tassin, Rapides Parish. Photo by Dwayne Nunez