Title | Arana Valencia, Nicole |
Address 1 | , |
Arana Valencia, N., D. L. Thompson, Jr., P. B. Mitcham. 2013. Changes in plasma melanocyte-stimulating hormone, ACTH, prolactin, GH, LH, FSH, and thyrotropin-stimulating hormone in response to injection sulpiride, thyrotropin-releasing hormone, or vehicle in insulin-sensitive and -insensitive mare. Dom Anim Endocrinol. 44:204-212.
I specialize in equine endocrinology, specifically dealing with PPID, equine metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance. My current research focuses on ways to detect early stages of PPID and alternate long-term treatments of horses affected with PPID.
- B.S. in Animal Science, Louisiana State University, 2012
- M.S. in Animal Science, Louisiana State University, 2013
- Ph.D. in Animal Science, Louisiana State University, (2016)
Hometown: San Juan, Puerto Rico
Major Professor: Dr. Donald L. Thompson, Jr.
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture