Louisiana Commodities and Conservation Newsletter- February Issue-2

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CRP Transition Incentives Program

Commonly referred to as the CRP-TIP. Under the 2018 Farm Bill, 50 million per year is authorized for year 2019 through 2023. The program provides an opportunity for Historically Underserved farmer (HUF) to access land. CRP land becomes TIP eligible two years before contract expiration. The program provides

  • Two years of extra CRP rental payments to owners when they sell or agree to lease the land (at least for five years) to HUF for land that is returning to production – HUF in this case cannot be a family member
  • Option for the HUF to enroll part of the land to CRP through general signup
  • Option to enroll in CSP or EQIP
  • The farmer (HUF) has to commit to implementing
    • Sustainable grazing practices, or
    • Resource conserving cropping systems, or
    • Transition to organic production

CRP general signup ends soon!

With new changes introduced in the 2018 Farm Bill, farmers can bid to enroll either whole farms or partial fields under the general sign-up. About 7 million acres can be enrolled. Signup will be open until Feb 28, 2020. An interactive map showing the average rental rate by the parish for 2020 is available at the link (https://bit.ly/2P2tEFd).

Water Quality Initiatives

The two successful water quality initiatives are the Mississippi River Basin Healthy Watershed Imitative, MRBI for short, and the National Water Quality Initiative. Since its launch in 2009, MRBI projects resulted in conservation on nearly 1.5 million acres. Nutrient loss practices resulted in about 18 million pounds of fertilizer runoff prevention. The NRCS in 2021 will make available $17.5 million to producers in Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, and ten other states.

Budget 2021 – Agriculture

The president’s budget proposal includes -

  • nearly $7 million to help farmers and ranchers resolve financial disputes related to USDA farm loans, conservation programs, and other issues
  • $2 million in research grants for farm business management

The budget proposal also includes saving estimates by reducing subsidies, eliminating and streamlining Farm Bill programs. Over the next decade, the expected savings from agriculture-related programs are estimated at $58 billion. Some of them include -

  • $25 billion by reducing crop insurance subsidies
  • $6.4 billion by eliminating redundant Farm Bill programs
  • $9.1 billion by streamlining conservation program

    2/20/2020 4:40:45 PM
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