Naveen Adusumilli

Naveen Adusumilli.
Title Associate Professor
Department Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
Address 1 101 Martin D. Woodin Hall
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Phone 225-578-2727
Fax 225-578-2716

Awards and Recognition

  • 2022 Chair's Leadership Award. Soil and Water Conservation Society.
  • 2017 Emerging Scholar Award. 2017. Presented by the Southern Agricultural Economics Association.
  • Pathways to the Doctorate Fellowship. 2007. Texas A&M University. $40,000/year for two‑years.
  • Outstanding International Student Academic Achievement Award. 2006. Phi Beta Delta
  • Jane Ann & B.A Stewart Dryland Agricultural Scholarship. 2006.

Research and Extension Grants Awarded

*indicates project funded each reported year

17. Assessing the Needs and Adaptation Practices of Small-Holding and Minority Farmers Facing Extreme Weather Events in Louisiana. Climate Adaptation Science Centers -U.S. Geological Survey. Co-PI. 2022-2024. $250,000 ($35,000).

16. Scientific Exchange Program - Climate Smart Agriculture and Food Systems Research Risk Tolerance and CSA Adoption. USDA-FAS. $49,000. PI.

15. Outreach and Education on Water, Soil, and Climate Policy Reforms for Profitable On-Farm Conservation Portfolio. $16,000. PI. FY2020, FY2021, and FY2022.

14. Enhancing Beginner Farmer Development through Training Exercises and Outreach Programs in Row crops and Rice in Louisiana. NRCS-CIG; $45,000. PI. 2019.

13. Educational Programs to Improve Nutrient Management and Water Quality Protection Practices Implementation in Animal Operations across Louisiana. $250,000. PI. 2019.

12. Implementation of Best Management Practices on Model Farms. $1,400,000 ($25,000). Co-PI. 2019.

11.* Knowledge-Transfer on Water Policy Reforms, Irrigation Practices, and Technology to Promote Profitable Irrigation Water Management. Soybean and Grain Research and Promotion Board. $16,000. PI. 2018 and 2019.

10. Climate-Smart Agriculture: A Documentation of Evidence and an Analysis of Factors Influencing Adoption. CGIAR. $49,000. PI. 2018.

9. Soil health and water quality improvement in Bayou-Pierre watershed, NRCS-RCPP. $500,000 (Co-PI on the grant; PI for the LSU AgCenter portion: $89,000). 2018-2022.

8. Water quality and soil health under fallow season cover crops in Mid-South row-crop production. NRCS-CIG. $992,012 ($35,000). Co-PI. 2016.

7. Sustainable row crop irrigation management in Louisiana comprehensive training program. Southern Sustainable Agriculture Research and Extension Professional Development Program (S-SARE PDP), $69,537 ($20,000). 2015-2017. Co-PI.

6. Climate-Smart Agriculture: A Documentation of Evidence and an Analysis of Factors Influencing Adoption. CGIAR. $49,000. 2017. PI

5. Water quality and Soil Health improvements in Shift tail canal watershed. Regional Conservation Partnership Program. $503,982 (Co-PI on the grant; PI for the LSU AgCenter portion: $94,050). 2016-2019.

4. The impact of Water Policy Changes on the Economic Outlook of Louisiana’s Soybeans and Grain Crop Production. Louisiana Soybean and Grain Research and Promotion Board. $5,522. 2016. PI.

3.* The impact of Water Policy Changes on the Economic Outlook of LA’s Cotton Production. Cotton, Inc., $6,000. 2016 and 2017. PI.

2.* Evaluation of plant response to soil moisture regimes in soybean and grains. Louisiana Soybean and Grain Research and Promotion Board, $116,800 ($5,000). 2015 and 2016. Co-PI.

1.* The viability of soil moisture sensors for making irrigation decisions in cotton. Cotton Incorporated State Support Committee, $8,000 ($1,500). 2015 and 2016. Co-PI.

Refereed Journal Articles

16. Gentry, D., L. Fultz, and N. Adusumilli. 2020. Evaluation of cover crops seeding rate and soil type on soybean production with potential economics impacts. Journal of the NACAA 13(1).

15. Liu,Y., J. Zhu, X. Shao, N. Adusumilli and W. Fang. 2020. Diffusion patterns in disaster-induced internet public opinion: based on a Sina Weibo online discussion about the ‘Liangshan fire’ in China, Environmental Hazards, DOI: 10.1080/17477891.2020.1758608

14. Wang, H., N. Adusumilli, D. Gentry, and L. Fultz. 2020. Economic and stochastic efficiency analysis of alternative cover crop systems in Louisiana. Experimental Agriculture, 1-11. doi:10.1017/S0014479720000216

13. Adusumilli, N., H. Wang, S. Dodla, and M. Deliberto. 2020. Estimating Risk Premiums for Adopting No-Till and Cover Crops Management Practices in Soybean Production System using Stochastic Efficiency Approach. Agricultural Systems 178.

12. Adusumilli, N., R. Dikitanan, and H. Wang. 2019. Effect of Cost-Sharing Federal Programs on Adoption of Water Conservation Practices: Results from Propensity Score Matching Approach. Water Economics and Policy. doi:

11. Adusumilli, N. 2019. Regional Conservation Partnership Program: A Tool for Natural Resource Management across Watersheds. Journal of Extension 57(2): 4.

10. Adusumilli, N. and H. Wang. 2019. Conservation Decisions among Owners and Tenant Farmers in the Southern United States. Agriculture 9(3): 53.

9. Manale, A. A. Sharpley, C. DeLong, D. Speidel, C. Gantzer, J. Peterson, R. Martin, C. Lindahl, and N. Adusumilli. 2018. Principles and policies for soil and water conservation. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 73(4): 96-99.

8. Adusumilli, N., and H. Wang. 2017. Analysis of Soil Management and Water Conservation Practices adoption among Crop and Pasture Farmers in Humid-South of the United States. International Soil and Water Conservation Research 6(2): 79-86.

7. Adusumilli, N.C., S. Davis, and D. Fromme. 2016. “Economic evaluation of using surge valves in furrow irrigation of row crops in Louisiana: A net present value approach.” Agricultural Water Management 174(2016): 61-65.

6. Adusumilli, N.C., R. D. Lacewell, C. R. Taylor, and M. E. Rister. 2016. “Economic Assessment of Producing Corn and Cellulosic Ethanol Mandate on Agricultural Producers and Consumers in the United States.” Economics Research International, Article ID: 6842837.

5. Musumba, M., J. W. Mjelde, and N. C. Adusumilli. 2015. “Remittance receipts and allocation: a study of three African countries.” Applied Economics 47(59): 6375-6389.

4. Adusumilli, N. 2015. "Valuation of Ecosystem Services from Wetlands Mitigation in the United States." Land 4 (1): 182-196.

3. Adusumilli, N., T. Lee, M.E. Rister, and R.D. Lacewell. 2014. “The Economics of Mitigation of Water Pollution Externalities from Biomass Production for Energy.”Resources 3(4): 721-733.

2. Adusumilli, N.C. and A. Leidner. 2014. “The U.S. Biofuels Policy: Review of Economic and Environmental Implications.” American Journal of Environmental Protection 2(4): 64‑70.

1. Leidner, A., and N.C. Adusumilli. 2013. Estimating Effects of Improved Drinking Water and Sanitation on Cholera. Journal of Water and Health 11(4): 671-683.

Peer Reviewed Extension Articles and Magazine Articles

56. Adusumilli, N, H. Wang, and L. Connor. Louisiana Conservation and Commodity newsletter. Staff Report No. 2020-59. October 2020. Issue-10

55. Copes, J., R. Parvej, J. Hendrix, L.Fultz, S. Dodla, and N. Adusumilli. Winter cover crops: benefits and planning strategies for cover crop success. Louisiana Crops Newsletter 10(8). Sept 2020.

54. Adusumilli, N, H. Wang, and L. Connor. Louisiana Conservation and Commodity newsletter. Staff Report No. 2020-55. September 2020. Issue-9

53. Adusumilli, N, H. Wang, and L. Connor. Louisiana Conservation and Commodity newsletter. Staff Report No. 2020-50. August 2020. Issue-8

52. Adusumilli, N, H. Wang, and L. Connor. Louisiana Conservation and Commodity newsletter. Staff Report No. 2020-43. July 2020. Issue-7

51.Adusumilli, N, H. Wang, and L. Connor. Louisiana Conservation and Commodity newsletter. Staff Report No. 2020-38. June 2020. Issue-6.

50. Adusumilli, N, H. Wang, and L. Connor. Louisiana Conservation and Commodity newsletter. Staff Report No. 2020-33. May 2020. Issue-5.

49. Adusumilli, N and L. Connor. Louisiana Conservation and Commodity newsletter. Staff Report No. 2020-27. April 2020. Issue-4.

48. Adusumilli, N.and H. Wang. Louisiana Conservation Updates newsletter. Staff Report No. 2020-20. March 2020. Issue-3.

47. Adusumilli, N. Louisiana Conservation and Commodity newsletter. Staff Report No. 2020-15. February 2020. Issue-2.

46. Adusumilli, N and L. Connor. Louisiana Conservation and Commodity newsletter. Staff Report No. 2020-07. January 2020. Issue-1.

45. Adusumilli, N and L. Connor. Louisiana Conservation and Commodity newsletter. Staff Report No. 2019-69. December 2019. Issue-8.

44. Adusumilli, N and L. Connor. Louisiana Conservation and Commodity newsletter. Staff Report No. 2019-66. November 2019. Issue-7.

43. Adusumilli, N. NRCS provides Cost-Share for “Sweeping of Sugarcane Residue.” Staff Report No. 2019-62.

42. Adusumilli, N and L. Connor. Louisiana Conservation and Commodity newsletter. Staff Report No. 2019-61. October 2019. Issue-6.

41. Two MARB States now offer Crop Insurance Premium Reduction for Planting Cover Crops. MARB Newsletter. September 2019

40. Adusumilli, N and L. Connor. Louisiana Conservation and Commodity newsletter. Staff Report No. 2019-52. September 2019. Issue-5.

39. Adusumilli, N. 2019. Market Facilitation Program 2.0. Staff Report No. 2019-49.

38. Copes, J, J. Hendrix, L. Fultz, S. Dodla, and N. Adusumilli. 2019. Winter cover crops: planning for success. Louisiana Crops Newsletter 9(7).

37. Adusumilli, N and H. Wang. 2019. Cropland Values and Conservation on Working Lands in Louisiana. Louisiana Agriculture. Summer 2019.

36. Adusumilli, N and L. Connor. Louisiana Conservation and Commodity newsletter. Staff Report No. 2019-36. August 2019. Issue-4.

35. Adusumilli, N and L. Connor. Louisiana Conservation and Commodity newsletter. Staff Report No. 2019-36. July 2019. Issue-3.

34. Adusumilli, N and L. Connor. Louisiana Conservation and Commodity newsletter. Staff Report No. 2019-27. June 2019. Issue-2.

33. Adusumilli, N. and L. Connor. Louisiana Conservation and Commodity newsletter. Staff Report No. 2019-23. May 2019. Issue-1.

32. Adusumilli, N. Policy Interactions Affecting Conservation Adoption. Mississippi Aquifer River Basin Newsletter. May 2019.

31. Adusumilli, N. Farm size, tenure, and age distribution of farmers in Louisiana. Staff Report No. 2019-22.

30. Adusumilli, N. Mixed trends in conservation practices implementation in Louisiana. Staff Report No. 2019-19.

29. Adusumilli, N. 2019. Conservation payments in the 2018 Farm Bill for practices in the NRCS working lands programs. Staff Report No. 2019-17.

28. Dhakal, R., K.P. Paudel, M. Fannin, and N. Adusumilli. 2019. Economic Impact of Groundwater Salinity in Louisiana. Louisiana Agriculture (Winter 2019) 62(1): 24-26

27. Paudel, K.P., H. Niu, C. Theegala, Q. Ma, D. Bhandari, and N. Adusumilli. 2019. Use of Broiler Litter in Electricity Production and Resulting Economic Impacts. Louisiana Agriculture (Winter 2019) 62(1): 26-28

26. Adusumilli, N. 2019. Conservation spending on working lands and cropland values in Louisiana. Staff Report No. 2019-12.

25. Copes, J., J. Hendrix, L. Fultz, S. Dodla, and Adusumilli, N. 2018. Winter Cover Crops: Planning for Cover Crop Success. Louisiana Crops Newsletter 8(8): 1-2.

24. Adusumilli, N. 2018. Interest in Cover Crops among farmers continues to grow in Louisiana. Staff Report No. 2018-53.

23. Adusumilli, N. 2018. WOTUS Rule, New Definition, Injunctions!! The Saga Continues. Staff Report No. 2018-45.

22. Adusumilli, N. 2018. Cover Crop Decision Tool. Staff Report No. 2018-38.

21. Adusumilli, N. 2018. Farm Bill Impact on CSP and EQIP spending in Louisiana. Staff Report No. 2018-31.

20. Adusumilli, N. 2018. Cover Crop and Tillage Scenarios. LSU AgCenter Report. MISC-254.

19. Adusumilli, N. 2018. Connecting Conservation with Crop Insurance. Staff Report No. 2018-26.

18. Adusumilli, N. 2018. Sustainable Development and Globalization: Natural Resources and Ecosystems. Louisiana Agriculture (Spring 2018) 61(2): 25-27.

17. Adusumilli, N. 2018. Q & A of Conservation Policy and Crop Insurance Surrounding Cover Crops. Staff Report No. 2018-13.

16. Adusumilli, N., et al. 2018. An Assessment of Water Quality Protection Practices by Louisiana Farmers. Louisiana Agriculture (Fall 2017) 60(4):

15. Adusumilli, N. 2017. Louisiana farmers and landowners can jump-start conservation through local partnerships. Agricultural Economics Information Report No. 324. Louisiana State University.

14. Adusumilli, N., and S. Dodla. 2017. Soil management health practices: An economic perspective. Louisiana Crops Newsletter 7(5): 9-10.

13. Adusumilli, N., S. Davis, and D. Fromme. 2016. Evaluation of net profits from surge irrigation in row crops in Louisiana. LSU AgCenter Publication-3566. Louisiana State University.

12. Adusumilli, N., and B. Handy. 2016. Efficiency improvements to irrigation systems and potential savings in irrigation costs for Louisiana row crop production. LSU AgCenter Publication-3562. Louisiana State University.

11. Adusumilli, N., and E. Girouard. 2016. New changes for the NRCS-Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP). LSU AgCenter Publication-3561. Louisiana State University.

10. Adusumilli, N. and S. Dodla. 2016. An Economic Perspective on Soil Health Management Practices. Unnumbered Report. LSU AgCenter.

9. Adusumilli, N. 2016. Can irrigation history waiver pave the path for more conservation in the state? Unnumbered Report. LSU AgCenter.

8. Adusumilli, N. 2016. Irrigation-related changes in the final rule for the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP). Unnumbered Report. LSU AgCenter.

7. Adusumilli, N. 2016. Groundwater withdrawal permits in Mississippi. Unnumbered Report. LSU AgCenter.

6. Adusumilli, N. 2016. New definitions of the Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule. Unnumbered Report. LSU AgCenter.

5. Adusumilli, N. 2015. Waters of the United States rule. LSU AgCenter Publication-3456.Louisiana State University.

4. Adusumilli, N. 2015. A quick outlook of the new Clean Water Act rule. Louisiana Crops Newsletter 5(6): 3.

3. Enforcement of Clean Water Rule still unclear for farmers. Louisiana Agriculture (Summer 2015) 58(3): 2.

2. Adusumilli, N., and S. Davis. 2015. Addressing agricultural water challenges in Louisiana through research and extension: LSU AgCenters’ STAMP program. Louisiana Agricultural Consultants Association Newsletter (Spring 2015) 20: 4.

1. Davis, S. L., and N. Adusumilli. 2015. Efficient irrigation saves water and money: The STAMP Program. Louisiana Agriculture (Winter 2015) 58(1): 8-9.

Decision Tools

2. Adusumilli, N. 2018. “Cover Crop Decision Tool.” LSU AgCenter.

1. Adusumilli, N. 2017. “Irrigation Cost Savings Calculator.” LSU AgCenter.

Extension Presentations – Speaker

71. Risk Management in Soybean and Grain Crops through Conservation Alternatives. 2019. Soybean and Grain Research and Promotion Board. Baton Rouge, LA. Nov 21, 2019.

70. Conservation Incentive Evaluation under Risk Framework. Delta States Farm Management Group-SERA-35. Vicksburg, MS. Sept 27, 2019.

69. Cover Crop Economics. Taylor Foundation meeting. St. Joseph/Newellton, LA. September 24, 2019.

68. Cover Crop Economics. Taylor Foundation meeting. Napoleonville, LA. September 17, 2019.

67. Nutrient Management Alternatives-Economics. Sugarcane Field Day. Jeanerette, LA. July 23, 2019.

66. Research and Extension in Nutrient Management Strategies. Hypoxia Working Group. Baton Rouge, LA. April 30, 2019.

65. Economics of Variable Frequency Drive in water conservation projects. North Caddo Irrigation District Meeting. Shreveport, LA, April 2, 2019.

64. Conservation implementation on a watershed scale to mitigate water quality concerns. Coushatta, LA. March 19, 2019.

63. Conservation economics and cover crops. Caddo producer meeting, Bossier City, LA. March 1, 2019.

62. Cover crop economics and Costs Presented by Josh Copes. Tool developed by Adusumilli, N. Oak Grove, LA Feb 13, 2019.

61. Evaluating Winter Cover Crops Species and Seeding Rates for Louisiana Soils, an analysis conducted by Adusumilli, N., presented by Donna Morgan. Conservation systems, Cotton and Rice Conference, Baton Rouge, LA. Jan 31, 2019.

60. Cover Crops Economics Tool Baton Rouge, LA. LACD Annual Meeting. Jan 10, 2019.

59. It’s Alive- The Role of Water Quality in Protecting Ecosystems. Water Fest, Sparta Foundation Event. Homer LA. Oct 4, 2018.

58. Water quality projects in Louisiana addressing nutrient discharges from agriculture. SERA-46. Sept 18, 2018.

57. Cover Crop Cost Calculator. Jeanerette, LA. July 26, 2018.

56. Policy changes related to cover crop use and the LSU AgCenter Decision Tool. Winnsboro, LA. June 19, 2018.

55. Irrigation efficiency and conservation options in small-scale production. Back To Your Roots Conference. Natchitoches, LA. May 18, 2018.

54. Cover Crops and Conservation Incentives for Pastures Farmers. Beef and Forage Field Day. LSU AgCenter. Homer, LA. April 26, 2018.

53. Cover crops, Irrigation, and Economics. Natchitoches Producer Certification meeting. Natchitoches. March 6, 2018.

52. Addressing resource concerns in Louisiana’s agriculture through education, outreach, and research. University of Philippines, Los Banos. Feb 12, 2018.

51. Soil Health, Cover Crops, and Conservation Policy. LSU AgCenter Soil Health and Cover Crop Conference. West Monroe. Jan 23, 2018.

50. Irrigation and Conservation Planning. Caddo Soil and Water Conservation District meeting. Shreveport, LA. Dec 5, 2017.

49. What's up with the WOTUS. Louisiana Master Cattlemen Program, Phase I training. Lafayette, LA. Nov 13, 2017.

48. Water Quality-Our Water is Alive. Water Fest 2017, Day 2. Sparta Foundation Event. Ruston LA. Oct 13, 2017.

47. Water Conservation- Use It Wisely. Water Fest 2017. Sparta Foundation Event. Ruston LA. Oct 12, 2017.

46. Irrigation Rate and its Impact on Production Costs for upcoming Crop Year. North Caddo Irrigation District Bi-annual Meeting. Caddo Parish, LA. Oct 5, 2017.

45. New ruling of the Waters of the United States and Protection of Voluntary Conservation Dollars. A need for Call to Action. Interagency Field Tour. Mer Rouge, LA. July 18, 2017.

44. Impact of National Water Policy and Conservation Budget Changes to Agriculture. Dean Lee Field Day. Alexandria. July 13, 2017.

43. Irrigation Planning Efforts in Louisiana Agriculture. National Conference of State Legislatures meeting. New Orleans, LA, June 10, 2017.

42. Impact of the WOTUS act on state crop producers and livestock farmers. Livestock field day at Kincaid farm, Fort Necessity, LA. May 16, 2017.

41. Update on WOTUS, Marketing Summary, Irrigation Economics Caddo Producer Pesticide Certification meeting. Shreveport, LA. March 3, 2017.

40. Irrigation and water management: The $$$ and sense of conservation. Sustainable Agriculture Education Series. Campti, LA. Feb 11, 2017.

39. Efficiency of irrigation practices in row crop production. Conservation Conference (Irrigation Section-Day 2). Baton Rouge, LA. Feb 1, 2017.

38. Efficiency of irrigation practices in row crop production. Conservation Conference (Irrigation Section-Day 1). Baton Rouge, LA. Jan 31, 2017.

37. Estimating the Economics of Irrigation Practices and Potential Savings in Production Costs. Winnsboro, LA. SARE grant activity. Jan 25, 2017.

36. Economics of Agricultural Practices that Promote Conservation on Working Lands. Bossier City, LA. Master Farmer Training Phase II event. Jan 24, 2017.

35. Economics of Irrigation Efficiency Practices. Bossier City, LA. SARE grant activity. Jan 17, 2017.

34. Impact of National and State Policy Changes on Louisiana Cotton Production and Overall Profitability. Winnsboro, LA. Nov 29, 2016.

33. Impact of National and State Policy Changes on Louisiana Soybean and Corn Crop Production Economics. Baton Rouge, LA. Nov 17, 2016.

32. Enhancing crop profitability and protecting water quantity, water quality, and soil health through adopting best-suited management practices. Belcher, LA. RCPP grant activity. Nov 15, 2016.

31. Sustainable Development Goals and Data Needs for Maize Intensification Plans–Webinar. Part‑II. October 26, 2016.

30. Sustainable Development goals and data needs for Maize intensification plans–Webinar. Part‑I. October 25, 2016.

29. Irrigation efficiency in row crop production. Irrigation and Conservation Workshop. Red River Parish Soil and Water Conservation District. Coushatta, LA. August 3, 2016.

28. Economic value of irrigation efficiency improvements in row crop production. Morehouse Black Farmers Field Day. Bastrop, LA. July 22, 2016.

27. Changes in EQIP-NRCS and impact on conservation across Louisiana. Row crop field day. Dean Lee Research Station. Alexandria, LA. July 14, 2016.

26. Changes in state and federal policy affecting agriculture. Louisiana Master Farmer Phase I training. Lafayette, LA. June 28, 2016.

25. Value of irrigation data in making profitable decisions. Red River Research Station Field Day, Bossier City, LA. June 15, 2016.

24. Economics research at Red River Research Station. Centenary College, Shreveport, LA. April 14, 2016.

23. Economic benefits and costs of cover crops in crop production. Cover crop field day. Dean Lee Research Station. Alexandria, LA. April 6, 2016.

22. Evaluating the benefits and costs of cover crops in the cotton production system in Northwest Louisiana. SARE workshop. Marksville, LA. February 16, 2016.

21. Identifying priorities and challenges in Louisiana’s irrigated agriculture. SARE workshop. Marksville, LA. February 16, 2016.

20. Water policy in agriculture. Caddo Parish Crop Production meeting. Shreveport, LA. February 4, 2016.

19. Priorities and challenges in Louisiana's agriculture: A policy and economics perspective. Irrigation Workshop, Scott Research/Extension & Education Center, Winnsboro, LA. January 21, 2016.

18. Opportunities and challenges of irrigated crop production in Louisiana. Irrigation Workshop, Red River Research Station, Bossier City, LA. December 9, 2015.

17. Financial tools in crop production. Irrigation Workshop, Red River Research Station, Bossier City, LA. December 8, 2015.

16. Assessing the long-term profitability of irrigated crop production in Louisiana. Producer meeting, Tallulah, LA. December 3, 2015.

15. Assessing the economics of irrigated crop production in Louisiana. Producer meeting, Oak Grove, LA. December 3, 2015.

14. Benefits of irrigated crop production in Louisiana. Producer meeting, Ferriday, LA. Dec 2, 2015.

13. WOTUS – Update. Restricted Use Pesticide certification meeting. Dean Lee Research Station. Alexandria, LA. November 4, 2015.

12. Resource concerns and emerging priorities in agriculture in Caddo Parish, Louisiana. Locally led NRCS meeting, Caddo Parish Extension Office, Shreveport, LA. October 20, 2015.

11. WOTUS. Third Annual Beef Cattle and Forage Field Day. Dean Lee Research Station. Alexandria, LA. October 8, 2015.

10. Importance and challenges of irrigated crop production in Louisiana. LSU AgCenter Ag Leadership Class. Bossier City, LA. October 6, 2015.

9. Economics of irrigation efficiency improvement in row crop agriculture. Morehouse Parish Black Farmers Field Day. Bastrop, LA. July 24, 2015.

8. The New Clean Water Rule. Interagency Field Tour and Training Event, LSU AgCenter. Northeast Louisiana. July 23, 2015.

7. Waters of the US (WOTUS) – Update. Forestry, Nursery, and Wood Processing Recertification Meeting, Alexandria, LA. July 16, 2015.

6. Waters of the US – WOTUS. Water Resources Committee Meetings, Alexandria, LA. July 6, 2015.

5.Irrigation management in Louisiana row crops. Ministry of Agriculture, The Republic of Georgia visit to the LSU AgCenter, Bossier City, LA. May 26, 2015.

4. Irrigation tools to improve irrigation water use efficiency in Louisiana’s row crops. Ag Leadership Class, Ferriday, LA. May 20, 2015.

3. Water use and irrigated crop production in Louisiana. Water Resources Committee Meetings, Bossier City, LA. February 18, 2015.

2. Pathways to a sustainable irrigated crop production in Louisiana. Louisiana Agricultural Consultants Meeting, Marksville, LA. February 10, 2015.

1. Value of irrigation in Louisiana row crops. Irrigation Workshop/Joint Training with Natural Resources Conservation Service, Winnsboro, LA. September 25, 2014.

Mass Media

Radio interviews & Podcasts

6. “Agronomy and Economics of growing Cover Crops.” Louisiana Delta Crops Podcast. August 10, 2019.

5. “Clean Water Act and WOTUS.” Baton Rouge Advocate. Phone call with Steve Hardy. The Advocate. Baton Rouge. April 13, 2017.

4. “WOTUS Update.” Louisiana Farm Bureau Network. September 7, 2015.

3. “Challenges to Louisiana’s agriculture in light of the new Waters of the United States rule.” Louisiana Farm Bureau Network. September 2, 2015.

2. “LSU AgCenter water economist helps farmers, and foresters interpret new Clean Water Rule.” Interviewed for Red River Radio, a subsidiary of National Public Radio. August 11, 2015.

1. “Smart irrigation technology adoption in Louisiana’s agriculture.” Interviewed for Red River Radio, a subsidiary of National Public Radio. August 8, 2014.

Invited Extension Activities

3. Invited to participate in drafting “Nutrient Credit Trading in Louisiana.” Louisiana Dept. of Environmental Quality. Meetings I, II, and III. June 2018.

2. Invited to participate in the Louisiana Regional Conservation Partnership Program (LA-RCPP) field tour – “Conservation Practices to Enhance Water Quality.” Field tour organized by Louisiana NRCS and The Nature Conservancy. May 13-14, 2015.

1. Invited to participate in the “Shifttail Watershed Natural Resource Concerns Assessment Tour.” Organized by Louisiana Dept. of Ag and Forestry and NRCS, Louisiana. Caddo Parish, Louisiana. April 22, 2015.

Service Activities - Participation in public policy and community issues

32. Louisiana Agricultural Consultants Association meeting. Alexandria, LA. Oct 26, 2018.

31. Waterfest - Sparta Aquifer 2018. Homer, LA. Oct 4, 2018.

30. Science and Policy Committee-SWCS- Principles of Soil and Water Conservation. Oct 2, 2018.

29. Nutrient Tracking Tool- LDEQ-Nutrient Credit Trading Program. Baton Rouge, LA. Sept 20, 2018.

28. SERA-46. Update on the five-year objectives. Baton Rouge, LA. Sept 18. 2018.

27. Nutrient Credit Trading Program- Draft Resolution meeting. Baton Rouge, LA. Aug 27, 2018.

26. Hypoxia Task Force Meeting. Baton Rouge, LA. Aug 16, 2018.

25. Soil and Water Commission meeting. Baton Rouge, LA. July 22, 2018.

24. Louisiana Dept. Of Environmental Quality- Nutrient Credit Trading Program. Baton Rouge, LA. July 10, 2018.

23. Agriculture Conservation Practices Meeting- LDEQ. Baton Rouge, LA. July 5, 2018.

22. Nutrient Credit Trading Program – Phase I. Baton Rouge, LA. June 13, 2018.

21. Sparta groundwater protection stakeholder meeting. Jonesboro, LA. June 14, 2018

20. Louisiana Association of Conservation Districts Annual Meeting. Alexandria, LA. Jan 11-12, 2018.

19. Sparta groundwater protection stakeholder meeting. Minden, LA. June 20, 2017

18. Sparta groundwater protection stakeholder meeting. Homer, LA. Jan 19, 2017.

17. Louisiana Association of Conservation Districts Annual Meeting. Alexandria, LA. Jan 12, 2017.

16. Roundtable discussion with Franklin Parish farmers on groundwater. Winnsboro, LA. Nov 22, 2016.

15. USGS Mississippi Alluvial Plain (MAP) water-availability study meeting. Stoneville, MS. Oct 21, 2016.

14. Louisiana Sparta Groundwater Commission & Sparta Stakeholders meeting. El Dorado, AR. Oct 19, 2016.

13. Waterfest - Sparta Aquifer 2016. Minden, LA. Oct 7, 2016.

12. Waterfest - Sparta Aquifer 2016. Minden, LA. Oct 6, 2016.

11. Waterfest - Sparta Aquifer 2016. Ruston, LA. Sept 29, 2016.

10. Southeast regional climate hub workshop. Dec 17, 2015. Alexandria, LA.

9. Red River Basin focus area study- stakeholder meeting. United States Geological Service. LSUS, Shreveport, LA. August 19, 2015.

8. Gulf of Hypoxia workshop. Louisiana Hypoxia Working Group. University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA. August 13, 2015.

7. Louisiana Regional Conservation Partnership Program (LA-RCPP) field tour – “Conservation Practices to Enhance Water Quality.” Field tour organized by Louisiana NRCS and The Nature Conservancy. May 13-14, 2015.

6. Shift‑tail watershed natural resource concerns assessment tour, organized by Louisiana Dept. of Ag and Forestry, Caddo Soil and Water Conservation District, and NRCS, Louisiana. Caddo Parish, Louisiana. April 22, 2015.

5. The impact of agriculture on water quality, organized by NRCS, Louisiana. Hill Farm Research Station, LSU AgCenter, Homer, LA. August 27, 2014.

4. Caddo Soil and Water Conservation Board - developing annual agricultural water rate structures for irrigation water use. Monthly meeting, Shreveport, LA.

3. Caddo Irrigation Water District – advising on water conservation and recording water data on farms. Bi-annual meeting, Shreveport, LA.

2. Union County Water Conservation Board Meeting, Quarterly meeting, Eldorado, AR.

1. Science and Policy Committee, Soil and Water Conservation Society, Teleconference, Monthly.

Participation in Professional Meetings

Invited Speaker

3. Irrigation Planning Efforts in Louisiana Agriculture. National Conference of State Legislators. New Orleans, LA. June 9-10, 2017.

2. Sustainable Development Goals and Data Needs for Maize Intensification Plans: Mapping SDG data needs to Maize intensification plans. Webinar. International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT). Oct 25-26, 2016.

1. Why irrigation efficiency matters in a state that had record floods. Emerging Scholars Award Presentation at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association annual meeting. Jacksonville, FL. February 3-6, 2018.

Panel participation at professional conferences

2. Adusumilli, N, S. Davis, and A. Linhoss. Connecting data between modern agriculture, water research, and policy. 2016 Data Flow Conference. Baton Rouge, LA. May 9-10, 2016.

1. Adusumilli, N., S. Kirby, and B. Baiamonte. Conservation motives to address Soil and Water Conservation. S-SARE workshop. Irrigation Management. Dec 9, 2015.

Moderator at professional conferences

5. Session: Ag Water Quality BMPs, Universities Council on Water Resources. June 11-13, 2019.

4. Session: Economics and Policy of Ground Water Resources. Center for Natural Resource Economics and Policy. May 19-21, 2019.

3. Session: Conservation incentives for High Tunnel Production. Back To your Roots Conference. Ruston, LA, March 9, 2019.

2. Session: Agricultural irrigation practices. Universities Council on Water Resources annual conference.Pensacola, FL, June 21-23, 2016.

1. Session: Water resource economics 2: Water conservation. Southern Agricultural Economics Association annual meeting. San Antonio, TX, February 6-9, 2016.

Oral presentations at professional conferences

31. Adusumilli, N., H. Wang, and D. Morgan. Risk-Return Framework in Conservation Evaluation: An Application to Cover Crop Use in Different Soil Types. 74th SWCS International Annual Conference. July 28-31, 2019. Pittsburgh, PA.

30. Adusumilli, N., S. Dodla, H. Wang, and M. Deliberto. Stochastic Analysis of Cover Crops and Conservation Tillage Practices in Louisiana Soybean Production under Risk. Universities Council on Water Resources. Snowbird, UT, June 11-13, 2019.

29. Adusumilli, N. and J. Westra. SERA-46: Overview and Future Directions of a Multi-State Research and Extension Project Addressing Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico. CNREP, New Orleans, LA, May 19-22, 2019.

28. Wang, H., S. Tanger, N. Adusumilli, and M. Kaller. Factors Affecting Farmers’ Risk Perceptions towards Feral Hogs as Disease Vectors. CNREP, New Orleans, LA, May 19-22, 2019.

27. Wang, H., N. Adusumilli, M. Deliberto, and R. Dikitanan. 2019. The Effect of Crops’ Price and Yield Change on the Conservation Reserve Program Enrollment. Selected paper presented at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association meetings, Birmingham, AL, Feb 3-5, 2019.

26. Adusumilli, N., S. Tanger, H. Wang, and M. Kaller. 2019. Assessing Risk Perceptions of Farmers toward Problem Wildlife Impacts on Natural Resources. Selected paper presented at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association meetings, Birmingham, AL, Feb 3-5, 2019.

25. Adusumilli, N., and H. Wang. Adoption model analyzing conservation policy for mitigation of soil and nutrient loss in the Red River and Mississippi River Basin. Selected paper presentation at the 73rd Soil and Water Conservation Society International Annual Conference. Albuquerque, NM. July 29-Aug 1, 2018.

24. Adusumilli, N. R. Dikitanan, and H. Wang. Irrigation technology adoption choices and implications for conservation policy. Selected paper presentation at the Universities Council on Water Resources annual conference. Pittsburgh, PA. June 25-28. 2018.

23. Adusumilli, N. Characteristics of Voluntary Programs Addressing Non-Point Source Pollution. LWRRI Annual Conference. Baton Rouge, LA. March 27-28, 2018.

22. Adusumilli, N.C. Farmers' Adoption of Conservation Strategies for Nutrient Management and Water Quality Protection in Louisiana. Selected paper presentation at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association annual meeting. Jacksonville, FL. February 3-6, 2018.

21. Adusumilli, N.C. Irrigation Rate Structure to Address Agricultural Water Scarcity: An Example from North Louisiana. Universities Council on Water Resources annual conference. Fort Collins, CO. June 13-15, 2017.

31. Adusumilli, N., H. Wang, and D. Morgan. Risk-Return Framework in Conservation Evaluation: An Application to Cover Crop Use in Different Soil Types. 74th SWCS International Annual Conference. July 28-31, 2019. Pittsburgh, PA.

30. Adusumilli, N., S. Dodla, H. Wang, and M. Deliberto. Stochastic Analysis of Cover Crops and Conservation Tillage Practices in Louisiana Soybean Production under Risk. Universities Council on Water Resources. Snowbird, UT, June 11-13, 2019.

29. Adusumilli, N. and J. Westra. SERA-46: Overview and Future Directions of a Multi-State Research and Extension Project Addressing Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico. CNREP, New Orleans, LA, May 19-22, 2019.

28. Wang, H., S. Tanger, N. Adusumilli, and M. Kaller. Factors Affecting Farmers’ Risk Perceptions towards Feral Hogs as Disease Vectors. CNREP, New Orleans, LA, May 19-22, 2019.

27. Wang, H., N. Adusumilli, M. Deliberto, and R. Dikitanan. 2019. The Effect of Crops’ Price and Yield Change on the Conservation Reserve Program Enrollment. Selected paper presented at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association meetings, Birmingham, AL, Feb 3-5, 2019.

26. Adusumilli, N., S. Tanger, H. Wang, and M. Kaller. 2019. Assessing Risk Perceptions of Farmers toward Problem Wildlife Impacts on Natural Resources. Selected paper presented at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association meetings, Birmingham, AL, Feb 3-5, 2019.

25. Adusumilli, N., and H. Wang. Adoption model analyzing conservation policy for mitigation of soil and nutrient loss in the Red River and Mississippi River Basin. Selected paper presentation at the 73rd Soil and Water Conservation Society International Annual Conference. Albuquerque, NM. July 29-Aug 1, 2018.

24. Adusumilli, N. R. Dikitanan, and H. Wang. Irrigation technology adoption choices and implications for conservation policy. Selected paper presentation at the Universities Council on Water Resources annual conference. Pittsburgh, PA. June 25-28. 2018.

23. Adusumilli, N. Characteristics of Voluntary Programs Addressing Non-Point Source Pollution. LWRRI Annual Conference. Baton Rouge, LA. March 27-28, 2018.

22. Adusumilli, N.C. Farmers' Adoption of Conservation Strategies for Nutrient Management and Water Quality Protection in Louisiana. Selected paper presentation at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association annual meeting. Jacksonville, FL. February 3-6, 2018.

21. Adusumilli, N.C. Irrigation Rate Structure to Address Agricultural Water Scarcity: An Example from North Louisiana. Universities Council on Water Resources annual conference. Fort Collins, CO. June 13-15, 2017.

Poster presentations at professional conferences

13. Fultz, L.M., B. Tubana, M. Selim, J. Hendrix, K. Gravois, D. Miller, N. Adusumilli, D. Fromme, A. Orgeron, P. Price, III, J. Copes, D. Morgan. 2018. Water quality and soil health under fallow season cover crops in Mid-South row-crop production (Poster). Selected paper presentation at the 73rd Soil and Water Conservation Society International Annual Conference. Albuquerque, NM. July 29-Aug 1, 2018.

12. Fromme, D., N. Adusumilli, K. Shannon. 2016. Agronomic responses of corn hybrids to plant densities in central Louisiana. American Society of Agronomy, annual meeting, poster. Nov 7-10, 2016.

11. Fromme, D.D., J. Lofton, and N. Adusumilli. 2015. Agronomic Responses of Corn Hybrids to plant Density in central Louisiana. Selected Poster at the American Society of Agronomy. Minneapolis, MN. November 15-18, 2015.

10. Adusumilli, N.C. and S. Davis. 2015. Evaluation of Management Strategies to Promote Water Resource Conservation in Louisiana. Selected Poster presented at the Mississippi Water Resources Conference, Jackson, MS. April 6‑8, 2015.

9. Adusumilli, N.C. 2015. Nonuse Values of Surface Freshwater Quality Protection in the United States. Selected Poster presented at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association, Atlanta, GA. February 2‑3, 2015.

8. Adusumilli, N.C. 2015. Estimation of Ecosystem Service Value of Wetland Mitigation in the United States. Selected Poster Presented at the Ecological Society of America, Sacramento, CA. August 11-13, 2014.

7. Adusumilli, N.C., M. Edward Rister, and R.D. Lacewell. 2012. Groundwater Management by Integrating Water Quality Damages from Energy Crop Production. Selected Poster Prepared for Presentation at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association annual meeting. Birmingham, AL. February 4‑7, 2012.

6. Rister, M.E., W.A. McLaughlin, A.E. Conrad, N.C. Adusumilli, R.D. Lacewell, T. Lee, R. Srinivasan, L.L. Falconer, J. Blumenthal, W.L. Rooney, A.W. Sturdivant, and D.A. McCorkle.2011.Implications of Supplying a Bioenergy Conversion Facility with Cellulosic Biomass Feedstocks – Demands on Scarce Irrigation Water Supplies and Potential Off-Site Discharge Issues.Selected Poster Prepared for Presentation at 2011 Land and Sea Grant annual conference.Washington, DC. January 31-February 1, 2011.

5. Adusumilli, N.C., R.D. Lacewell, C.R. Taylor, and M.E. Rister. 2010. Spillover Effects of the National BioEnergy Policy. Selected Poster Prepared for Presentation at the Texas Plant Protection Association Conference, College Station, TX. December 6-7, 2010.

4. Lee, T., N.C. Adusumilli, R. Srinivasan, M.E. Rister, and R.D. Lacewell. 2010. Estimating Impacts of Biofuel Crop Production on Water Quality. Selected Poster Prepared for Presentation at the Texas Plant Protection Association Conference, College Station, TX. December 6-7, 2010.

3. Adusumilli, N.C., R.D. Lacewell, C.R. Taylor, and M.E. Rister.2010.Overview of the BioEnergy Policy Outcomes on the Food, Fiber, and Natural Resource System. Selected Poster Prepared for Presentation at the Student Research Week, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX. March 22-26, 2010.

2. Adusumilli, N.C., R.D. Lacewell, C.R. Taylor, and M.E. Rister. 2010. Economic Impacts of the BioEnergy Policy. Selected Poster Prepared for Presentation at the Intellectbase International Consortium, Houston, TX. March 25-26, 2010.

1. Adusumilli, N.C., R.D. Lacewell, and C.R. Taylor. 2008. Food and Fuel, Can they Coexist? Selected Poster Prepared for Presentation at the Fueling the Future Conference, College Station, TX. March 27-28, 2008.

Participation in and leadership of professional organizations/committees


  • Universities Council on Water Resources (UCOWR)
  • Center for Natural Resource Economics & Policy (CNREP)
  • Soil and Water Conservation Society
  • Southern Agricultural Economics Association

Serving on a committee and/or delegate

  • Southern Agricultural Economics Association- M.S. Thesis Award Committee. 2018-2021 (Chair: 2020)
  • Universities Council on Water Resources (UCOWR), Louisiana State University AgCenter Delegate. 2017-present.
  • Universities Council on Water Resources (UCOWR), PhD Awards Committee 2020-2022
  • SERA-46, Framework for Nutrient Reduction Strategy Collaboration: The Role for Land Grant Universities. Secretary: 2019; Co-chair: 2020; Chair: 2021-22
  • Center for Natural Resource Economics & Policy (CNREP), Planning Committee member.
  • Soil and Water Conservation Society - Science & Policy Committee.
  • S1063, Quantification of Best Management Practices Effectiveness for Water Quality Protection at the Watershed Scale Committee.
  • Louisiana Master Farmer Technical committee. 2016-present
  • Louisiana Agriculture Editorial Board member. 2017-present

Select Reviewer Responsibilities


  • National Institute for Water Resources – USGS
  • National Institute of Food and Agriculture – Foundational Grants (FFAR)
  • USDA-Sustainable Agriculture Research and Extension (SARE) program
  • National Institute of Food and Agriculture Hatch Projects


Journal of Soil and Water Conservation; Water Economics and Policy, Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Wetland Ecology and Management, Water, Agriculture, among others.

Theses/dissertations directed (numbers only)

  • One PhD. - Underway
  • Two Master’s Thesis.
  • Three undergraduate students (non-thesis).

Training Received

  • Certificate in Introduction to American Law. 2017.
  • Certificate in Environmental Law. 2017.
  • COMET-Farm, voluntary carbon reporting tool for farmers/ranchers. Training. Greensboro, NC. July 25, 2015.
  • Science communication training. San Francisco, CA, October 14-16, 2013.
  • Crop Production Management Model and Environmental Policy Integrated Climate (EPIC) Workshop (2006) – Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Temple, Texas, USA

Professional Appointments

Associate Professor, Water Policy/Production Economics, LSU AgCenter, July 2020 - present

Assistant Professor, Water Policy/Production Economics, LSU AgCenter, May 2014-June 2020

Economist/Science Fellow, Natural Resources Defense Council, 2012-2014

Research Assistant, Texas A&M University, 2009-2012

Pathways Fellow, Texas A&M University, 2007-2009

Graduate Assistant, West Texas A&M University, 2005-2007


Ph.D.; Agricultural Economics, Texas A&M University, 2012

M.S.; Agricultural Business and Economics, West Texas A&M University, 2007

B.S.; Systems Agriculture, N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, India, 2004


Soil and Water Policy

Production Economics

Extension Responsibilities

To establish an outreach program through workshops, training, and publications, among others, to inform farmers and policy makers on cost-efficient solutions on conservation of natural resources, nutrient management strategies, and analysis of agricultural policy.

Research Interests

One: I have an ongoing line of research on the topic of the economic evaluation of best management practices to improve crop production, soil health, water quality, and irrigation efficiency.

Two: I have a broad interest in the use of risk analysis, evaluate conservation adoption behavior, and analyze policy surrounding conservation of soil health and water resources in agriculture.

Extension page: Soil and Water Conservation Policy Notes

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