Mark Schafer

Schafer, Mark J.
Title Associate Professor
Department Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
Address 1 215 Martin Woodin Hall
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Phone 225-578-5357

Honors, Grants, and Contracts

Co-Principal Investigator, Ethnic Groups and Enclaves Affected by OCS. U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation, and Enforcement. 2010-2013. $412,735.
(Co-Principal Investigators: Troy Blanchard, Helen Regis, Diane Austin.)

Co-Principal Investigator, A Prospectus for Historical Social and Economic Analysis. U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service. 2010-2011. $90,373.
(Co-Principal Investigators: James M. Fannin, Troy Blanchard, Tim Slack)

Co-Principal Investigator. Collaborative Research: Research on Information and Communication Technologies in the Educational and Research Communities of Kenya, Ghana, and Kerala. $571,869. 2010-2013.
(Co-Principal Investigators: Wesley Shrum, Beverly P. Miller, Paul N. Mbatia)

Principal Investigator. Improving Capacity for Institutional Analysis of the Oil and Gas Industry for the Gulf of Mexico Region. U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service. 2009-2011. $404,553.
(Co-Principal Investigators: James M. Fannin, Troy Blanchard, Tim Slack)

Co-Principal Investigator. A Prospectus for Historical Social and Economic Analysis of the Oil and Gas Industry for the Gulf of Mexico Region. U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service. 2010-2011. $83,272.
(Principal Investigator: James M. Fannin. Co-Principal Investigators: Troy Blanchard and Tim Slack)

Principal Investigator. Louisiana FEMA Park Survey. Contract with the Louisiana Family Recovering Corps, Louisiana Department of Labor, and Louisiana Recovery Authority, State of Louisiana. 2007. $56,000.
(Co-principal Investigator: Joachim Singelmann)

Co-Principal Investigator. Assessing Impact of OCS Activities on Public Infrastructure, Services, and Population in Coastal Communities Following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. 2007-2010. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service. $422,000.
(Principal Investigator: Walter Keithly, Co-Principal Investigator: J Matthew Fannin)

Principal Investigator. Demographic and health shifts in hurricane affected parishes in Louisiana. Grant awarded through the Louisiana Recovery Authority, State of Louisiana. 2006 – 2008. $28,000.

Best Graduate Student Paper. 1999. Sociology of Education Sub-Section of the American Sociological Association

Principal Investigator. Origins and Expansion of Education in Rural Malawi and Kenya. Collaborative Graduate-Undergraduate Research Fellowship. College of Arts and Sciences, Indiana University. 1998-1999. $2000.

Principal Investigator. Helping Ourselves: Community and Family Contributions to Education in Rural Malawi and Kenya. Comparative International Studies Fellowship Program. Department of Sociology, Indiana University. 1997-1998. $10,000 plus tuition.

Principal Investigator. Community and Family Contributions to Basic Education in Rural Malawi and Kenya. Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Fellowship Program. 1996-1997. $28,000.

Principal Investigator. Local State Capacity for and Commitment to Education: A Comparative Study of Rural Communities in Malawi and Kenya. Social Science Research Council International Pre-Dissertation Fellowship Program. 1994-1995. $36,000.

Foreign Language Area Studies Fellowship. Indiana University. $8,000 plus fees for two semesters. 1992-1993 and 1993-1994,

Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals

Singelmann, Joachim and Mark J. Schafer. 2010. “Dislocation and Depression: Social Consequences of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.” Society & Natural Resources 23:919-934.

Hori, Makiko and Mark J. Schafer. 2010. “Social Costs of Displacement in Louisiana after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita”. Population and Environment 31:64-86

Hori, Makiko, Mark J. Schafer, and David Bowman. 2009. “Displacement Dynamics in Southern Louisiana after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.” Population Research and Policy Review 28:45-65

Paudel, Krishna P. and Mark J. Schafer. 2009. “The Environmental Kuznets Curve Under a New Framework: The Role of Social Capital in Water Pollution.” Environmental and Resource Economics 42:265-278.

Schafer, Mark J. 2006. “Rural School Enrollment in Malawi and Kenya.” The Sociological Quarterly 47:665-691.

Schafer, Mark J. and Makiko Hori. 2006. “Spatial Dynamics of High School Dropout in Rural Louisiana.” Southern Rural Sociology 21:55-79.

Garnier, Maurice and Mark J. Schafer. 2006. “Educational Model and Expansion of Enrollments in Sub-Saharan Africa.” Sociology of Education 79:153-156.

Schafer, Mark J. 2004. “A Regional Analysis of Family School Enrollments in Rural Malawi and Kenya.” Comparative Sociology 3:37-66.

Schafer, Mark J. 2004. “Family Contributions to Self Help Schooling in Malawi and Kenya.” Rural Sociology 70:70-93.

Bradshaw, York W. and Mark J. Schafer. 2000. “Urbanization and Development: The Emergence of International Non-Government Organizations amid Declining States.” Sociological Perspectives 43:97-116..

Schafer, Mark J. 1999. “International Non-Governmental Organizations and Third World Education in 1990" Sociology of Education 72:69-88.

Other Publications

Schafer, Mark J. and Makiko Hori. 2008. “Population Displacement Dynamics in South Louisiana.” Louisiana Agriculture Winter 2008:11-12.

Hori, Makiko and Mark J. Schafer. 2008. “Healthcare Aftermath”. Louisiana Agriculture Winter 2008: 13..

Singelmann, Joachim and Mark J. Schafer. 2008. “Social Consequences of Dislocation on Emotional Well-Being.” Louisiana Agriculture Winter 2008: 14.

Schafer, Mark J. 2008. Book Review: Mutualist Microfinance: Informal Savings Funds from the Global Periphery to the Core? Edited by Abram de Swaan and Marcel van der Linden. Amsterdam: Aksant Academic Publishers, 2006. Published in American Journal of Sociology 113:1200-1202.

Schafer, Mark J. 2007. “School Accountability in Louisiana.” LSU Agricultural Center Bulletin Number 887. LSU Agricultural Center.

Schafer, Mark J. 2006. “Human Capital Trends in Louisiana.” Louisiana Agriculture, September 2006.

Schafer, Loveness H. and Mark J. Schafer. 2005. Book Review: The Failure of United Nations Development Programs in Africa, by Adrien Ratsimbaharison. Published in Africa Today 52:88-90.

Schafer, Mark J. 2004. Book Review: A Troubled Dream: The Promise and Failure of School Desegregation in Louisiana. By Carl L. Bankston and Stephen J. Caldas. Published in Social Forces 82:1242-1244.

Manuscripts Under Review

Barras, Ashley and Mark J. Schafer. “Resilience to Depression in Louisiana FEMA Parks.” Revise and Resubmit, Social Science Research.

Schafer, Mark J and Matt Wilkinson. “Should Dropouts Go Back and Obtain a High School Credential.” Revise and Resubmit, Sociological Spectrum.

Schafer, Mark J., Makiko Hori, and Troy Blanchard. “School and Regional factors affecting High Stakes testing in Louisiana: An hierarchical and Spatial Analysis.”

Schafer, Mark J. “An Interdistrict Comparison of Intradistrict Inequality in School Improvement in Louisiana.”


Invited Presentations at professional meetings

Mark J. Schafer. Population Displacement following the 2005 Hurricanes. Annual Meeting of the LSU Agricultural Center, Socio-economic Stability ACE group. December 2007.

Mark J. Schafer and Matt Wilkinson. Should Dropouts Return to get a High School Credential? Department of Sociology Brown Bag Speaker Series. November 30, 2007.

Mark J. Schafer. NGOs and Microfinance: Urban and Rural Contexts. Global Cities Conference. University of Memphis, March 21, 2002.

York Bradshaw and Mark J. Schafer. Invited paper: Urbanization and Development: The Role of International Debt and Non-government Organizations Amid Declining States. Social Capital: Bridging Disciplines, Policies and Communities International Conference. East Lansing, April 1998.

Presentations at Professional Meetings

Hori, Makiko, Troy Blanchard, and Mark J. Schafer. 2010. Race, Rurality, and Performance on Eighth Grade High Stakes Tests in Louisiana. Annual Meeting of the Rural Sociological Society. Atlanta, Georgia. August 12-15.

Mark J. Schafer. 2010. Fuzzy Set Profiling and Community Analysis Techniques. CNREP 2010: Challenges of Natural Resource Economics and Policy: The Third National Forum on Socioeconomic Research in Coastal Systems. New Orleans, May 26-28 2010.

Mark J. Schafer and J. Matthew Fannin. 2010. Interdistrict Comparisons of Intradistrict School Performance Inequality in Louisiana 2001-2009. Annual Meeting of the Southern Regional Science Association. Washington, DC March 25-27, 2010.

Makiko Hori and Mark J. Schafer. The Social Costs of Displacement in Louisiana following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Annual Meeting of the Southern Sociological Society. New Orleans, LA. April 1-4, 2009

Mark J. Schafer. Collaborating with Undergraduate Service-Learning Student-Tutors in Evaluation Research: Possibilities and Challenges. Gulf-South Summit on Service- Learning and Civic Engagement through Higher Education. Baton Rouge, LA March 25- 27, 2009.

Mark J. Schafer and Matt Wilkinson. Should Dropouts Go Back to Obtain a High School Credential? Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association. Boston, MA August 1-5, 2008.

Ashley Barras and Mark Schafer. Resilience to Depression in Louisiana FEMA Parks. Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association. Boston, MA August 1-5, 2008.

Joachim Singelmann and Mark J. Schafer. Dislocation and Depression: Social Consequences of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Annual meeting of the International Symposium for the Study of Resource Management. Park City, Utah, June 17-21, 2007.

Mark J. Schafer. Disaster, Displacement, and Achievement: How the 2005 Hurricanes affected Schools and Students in Louisiana. Annual Meeting of the Rural Sociological Society. Santa Clara, California August 2-4, 2007.

Mark J. Schafer. “Spatial Differences in School Improvement in Louisiana: 2002-2005.” Rural Sociological Society Annual Meeting. Louisville, Kentucky. August 10-13, 2006.

Mark J. Schafer. “Post-Hurricane Population Modeling in Louisiana.” Southern Regional Science Association Annual Meeting. St. Augustine, Florida. March 30 – April 1, 2006.

Mark J. Schafer. “Options for High School Dropouts in Louisiana.” Paper to be presented at the Rural Sociological Society Annual Meeting. Tampa, Florida,, August 10-14, 2005

Mark J. Schafer. “Spatial Dynamics of High School Dropout in Rural Louisiana.” Rural Sociological Society Annual Meeting. Sacramento, California. August 15 – 18, 2004.

Mark J. Schafer. “Mixed Family Response to State Fragility and Organizational Pluralism: Self Help in Malawi and Kenya.” American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA August 16 - 19, 2003.

Mark J. Schafer. “Why get a GED? Subsequent Education, Earnings, and Job Satisfaction among High School Dropouts.” Annual Meeting of the Rural Sociological Society, Montreal, Canada, July 27-30, 2003.

Mark J. Schafer. “Boolean, Qualitative Comparison and HLM Regression Analyses of Community-level contributions to education in rural Malawi and Kenya” Rural Sociological Society Annual Meetings, Albequerque, NM August 14-18, 2001.

Mark J. Schafer. “The Limits and Possibilities of Microcredit: Poverty Alleviation and Local Development in Rural Malawi.” Southern Sociological Society Annual Meetings, Atlanta Georgia, April 7, 2001.

Mark J. Schafer. “Families, Communities, and Schooling: A Comparative Study of Rural Malawi and Kenya.” American Sociological Association annual meeting, Washington, D.C. August 2000.

Mark J. Schafer. “Non-governmental Organizations and Third World Education in 1990: A Cross National Study.” American Sociological Association meetings, San Francisco, August 1998.

York Bradshaw and Mark J. Schafer. “Urbanization and Development: The Emergence of Non-government Organizations Amid Declining States.” American Sociological Association meetings, Toronto, 1997.

2006 – Present Associate Professor, LSU Agricultural Center and Louisiana State University
Major Department: Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
Minor Department: Sociology

2002 - 2006 Assistant Professor, LSU Agricultural Center and Louisiana State University
Major Department: Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
Minor Department: Sociology

2000 – 2002 Assistant Professor, Louisiana State University and LSU Agricultural Center
Major Department: Sociology
Minor Program: Rural Sociology

1989-1991 Secondary School Teacher, Mwanza Secondary School, United States Peace Corps, Mwanza, Malawi


Courses Taught

Graduate Comparative International Development, Proseminar in Sociology

Undergraduate Sociology of Development, Introduction to Statistical Analysis, Social Change, Rural Sociology, Contemporary Africa, Introduction to Sociology
Sociology of Education (Taught as both Service-Learning and Communication-Intensive Course)

Guest Speaker Proseminar in Sociology, Contemporary Africa, Demography

Dissertations and Thesis

Ph.D. Committee Chair: Ashley Barras (co-chair Ed. Shihada), Don Asay (co-chair Susan Dumais)

Ph.D. Committee Member: Patricia Campion, Carl Riden, Lisa Romanienko, Rick Duque, Marcus Ynalvez, Theresa Davidson, Grace Beilkowicz, Matt Wilkinson, Makiko Hori, Chiung-Yin (Joy) Hu, B. Paige Miller, Meredith Anderson, Aaryn Ward, Arun Adkikari, John Barecca, and Drew Varnado.

M.A. Thesis Chair: Brett Lehman
Shemona Simpson.
Gregory Hebert
Jan Vincent

M.A. Committee Member: Veronica Aravena, Matt Wilkinson, Makiko Hori, B. Paige Miller

Teaching Awards, Grants, and Fellowships

2007-2008 Louisiana State University Service-Learning Faculty Scholar Program Award Winner. Developed service-learning course in Sociology of Education.

Invited Class Lectures

2007 Louisiana State University Department of Sociology, Rural Social Organization. “Rural Education in America”

2004 Louisiana State University, Department of Sociology. Proseminar in Sociology. “Grants for Graduate Students.”

Louisiana State University, Department of Sociology. Demography. “Sustainable Development.”

2002 Louisiana State University, Agricultural Center Cooperative Extension Workshop: “Economic Globalization and its Consequences for Louisiana Workforce.”

2002 Louisiana State University, Veterinary School. “Conducting Survey Research Abroad: Practical and Cultural Considerations.” Graduate Level Seminar.

2001 University of Nairobi, Kenya. Department of Sociology. “Survey Methods in Sociological Research.” Graduate Seminar Series on Research Methods

1997 University of Nairobi, Kenya. Department of Sociology. “Family, Community, and School: Three Bricks of the educational Attainment “Fire”. Graduate Seminar Series on Community

1996 Center for Social Research, University of Malawi, Zomba. “Household-Level Income Diversification and its Implications for Schooling in Malawi.” Seminar on Social Research

1995 University of Malawi. Department of Sociology. “What Are Malawian Communities Willing and Able to Contribute to Basic Education.” Undergraduate Course in Community.


Professional Service Roles

2009 – 2010 Program Chair, Rural Sociological Society Annual Meeting
2007 – 2008 Member, Endowment Committee, Rural Sociological Society
2005 – 2010 Associate Editor, Rural Sociology
2001 – 2010 Member, Program Committee, Rural Sociological Society
2001 - 2008 Chair, Education and Work Interest Group, Rural Sociological Society:
1998 - Present Member: Sociology of Education and Political Economy of the World Systems subsections, American Sociological Association
1999 - Present Member, Southern Sociological Society
1996 - 2000 Member, African Studies Association

University Service Roles

2002 – 2010 Affiliate, Population Data Center
2001 – 2003 College of Arts and Sciences Faculty Senate, LSU
2002 - 2004 Vision Louisiana Community and Economic Development Service Learning College, LSU
1999 - 2002 African and African American Studies Program, Steering Committee, 1999 - 2002, LSU
1997 - 1998 Member, Emerging Technologies Committee, African Studies Program, Indiana University
1996 Member, Executive Committee, African Studies Program, Indiana University.
1996 Member, Search Committee, Director of African Studies Program, Indiana University

Louisiana State University Department of Sociology Service Roles

2007 - 2009 Graduate Committee
2007 - 2009 Undergraduate Committee
2006 - 2007 Graduate Admissions and Assistantships Committee
2002 - 2003 Undergraduate Committee
2001 - 2002 Recruitment Committee, Undergraduate Committee
2000 - 2001 Recruitment Committee, Undergraduate Committee
1999 - 2000 Awards Committee

Department of Agricultural Economics Service Roles

2004 – Present Member, Socio-Economic Stability ACE Group
2004 - Present Member, Louisiana Center for Rural Initiatives
2002-2004 Recruitment Committee, Director of Community & Economic Development in Oak Grove
2003-Present Organizing Committee, Community and Rural Development Center

Reviewer (Peer-Reviewed Journals)

American Sociological Review, Social Forces, Sociological Perspectives, Rural Sociology, Africa Today, The Sociological Quarterly, Science Technology & Human Values, Review of Regional Science

Other Professional Activities

Panel Organizer.

No Child Left Behind and Rural Schools. Annual Meeting of the Rural Sociological Society. Sacramento, Ca. August 15-18, 2004.


Policy Writing Workshop. Annual Meeting of the Rural Sociological Society. Sacramento, Ca. August 15-18, 2004.

Workshop on No Child Left Behind. Subsection on Sociology of Education. Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association. San Francisco.

Workshop on Spatial Analysis in Social Sciences. Pre-conference workshop at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association. Atlanta, Georgia.


Principal Investigator. Education research utilizing Restricted-Use Data from National Center for Educational Statistics.

Principal Investigator. Education research utilizing the Adolescent Health Restricted-Use survey from the University of North Carolina Population Data Center/ICPSR

1999 Ph.D., Department of Sociology, Indiana University
1995 M.A., Department of Sociology, Indiana University
1989 B.S., Electrical Engineering Department, GMI Engineering and Management Institute

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