Louisiana Master Gardener Volunteer Course Planned for Washington Parish

(News release for May 24, 2023)

Are you interested in learning more about gardening and lawn care? Do you want to serve the public by helping the LSU AgCenter provide education in these areas? A Louisiana Master Gardener training course is scheduled for Washington Parish on Wednesdays (9:00 AM - noon), from August 2 through November 15, 2023, with the exceptions of August 16 and October 18. Class members will read specified materials, watch videoed lectures, and attend in-person meetings. Most classes will be held at the LSU AgCenter office in Franklinton (1104-B Bene St.).

Applications are available for download from this page and are due Friday, June 16, 2023. A fee of $185 and a background check will be required for those who are accepted and choose to enroll in the program.

Individuals in the Louisiana Master Gardener program help the LSU AgCenter provide education about gardening and lawn care. To become a Certified Louisiana Master Gardener, individuals must complete the training course, pass an examination, and volunteer forty or more hours of service with the LSU AgCenter within the year following completion of the course.

Contact Horticulture Agent Dr. Mary Helen Ferguson with questions.For accommodations for persons with disabilities, please inform Mary Helen of your needs when you submit your application. The LSU AgCenter and LSU provide equal opportunities in programs and employment.

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5/26/2023 8:54:46 PM
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