(News article for December 17, 2022)
Fourteen individuals recently completed the LSU AgCenter’s Louisiana Master Gardener (LMG) course in Tangipahoa Parish and have advanced from LMG Trainees to LMG Apprentices. Graduates were presented certificates at the Tangipahoa Parish Master Gardeners Association meeting on December 8. Graduates are Shunna Bickham, Nic Bordelon, Janice Coston, Liz Durham, Thomas Eisenman, Trudy Foster-Landry, Lee Inglés, Carolyn Howard, Melissa Jones, John Lode, Valerie McGee, Marc Pellettiere, DeRoxolyn Spencer, and Jodi Stuker.
In addition, seven LMG Apprentices who completed the class in 2021 and have contributed 40 or more hours of volunteer service to the LSU AgCenter were promoted to Certified Louisiana Master Gardeners. These volunteers include Michael Clancy, Rebecca Eisenman, Sandra Grimm, Charlotte Humphries, Alicia Kornick, Michèle Leagans, and Cheryl Wade.
Louisiana Master Gardeners help the Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service provide research-based horticultural education to the public. Participation in the program begins with 40 or more hours of training. Topics covered during training include botany, plant propagation, soil science and fertilizers, vegetables, fruits and nuts, ornamental plants, lawns, plant diseases, plant insects, weeds, and pesticides. After successful completion of the coursework and an end-of-course exam, participants become LMG Apprentices and have one year to complete at least 40 hours of volunteer service. Following fulfillment of the volunteer service requirement, LMG Apprentices become Certified Louisiana Master Gardeners.
People who are interested in learning more about gardening and lawn care and desire to serve the public by helping provide education in these areas are invited to apply to be part of a future Louisiana Master Gardener course for Tangipahoa Parish residents. Click here for more information and the application for future classes. Please contact Horticulture Agent Dr. Mary Helen Ferguson if you have questions.
The LSU AgCenter and LSU provide equal opportunities in programs and employment.
Fourteen individuals recently completed the Louisiana Master Gardener course in Tangipahoa Parish. In photo (L to R): Thomas Eisenman, Shunna Bickham, Carolyn Howard, Jodi Stuker, Lee Inglés, Janice Coston, Valerie McGee, Horticulture Agent Mary Helen Ferguson, Trudy Foster-Landry, DeRoxolyn Spencer, and John Lode. Not pictured: Nic Bordelon, Liz Durham, Melissa Jones, and Marc Pellettiere. (Photo by M. Ordoyne)
Seven people who completed the Louisiana Master Gardener class in 2021 contributed 40 or more hours of volunteer service to the LSU AgCenter and were promoted to Certified Louisiana Master Gardeners. In photo (L to R): Alicia Kornick, Sandra Grimm, Michael
Clancy, Horticulture Agent Mary Helen Ferguson, Michèle Leagans, Rebecca
Eisenman, and Cheryl Wade. Not pictured: Charlotte Humphries. (Photo by M.