Summary of Fungicide Options for Botrytis Fruit Rot (Gray Mold) and Anthracnose Fruit Rot of Strawberry

Botrytis fruit rot (gray mold) and anthracnose fruit rot are two diseases with which strawberry growers must frequently contend. Some fungicides that were effective against these diseases in the past can no longer be relied on, because a large percentage of the pathogen populations have been found to be resistant to them. Fungicide listed in the document below are ones to which resistance has not yet been commonly found in the respective pathogen populations. Tables summarize efficacy ratings, use rates, allowed numbers of applications, and other basic information about these products.

For more information about strawberry disease management and fungicide selection see the Southeast Regional Strawberry Integrated Pest Management Guide for Plasticulture Production on the Southern Region Small Fruit Consortium IPM guides website.

Contact Mary Helen Ferguson, Ph.D.

10/21/2022 7:55:25 PM
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