Gross Domestic Product (GDP) measures the overall economic activity for the state. Louisiana parishes generated over $258 billion in GDP in 2021. When adjusted for inflation, Louisiana parishes have collectively recovered to almost 93 percent of their pre-pandemic (2019) GDP level by the end of 2021. However, recovery has varied by region of the state.
In the interactive report below, you can select different regions of the state by selecting one or more regional classifications from the drop-down menus. By default, all parishes are selected (all parishes in gold on the map) and the charts and recovery levels represent statewide totals.
When you select a Metro/Micro Category, the parishes in gold will change to only those that fit within that regional classification. For example, if you choose Metropolitan Statistical Area in the Metro/Micro category, only parishes considered metropolitan parishes will be in gold and the charts and values shown will be the collective totals and recovery levels for all parishes combined in gold.
Similarly, you can select a region in the Region drop-down menu. If the Metro/Micro Category displays All, you can select from all available regions. If you have selected a specific Metro/Micro category, then only those regions in that category are shown. For example, by choosing Lafayette you will see all parishes that comprise the Lafayette Metropolitan Statistical Area and are shown on the parish map in gold. Again, the charts and figures in the report will represent the multi-parish regionwide totals and overall collective recovery for the region. If you want to drill down further to a specific parish, you can select a specific parish in the Parish dropdown and the report will create charts and recovery levels for the specific parish only.
Please note you can create custom regions by combining any combination of parishes or larger regional categories. You can simply choose Select All from the drop-down menu and then remove the unwanted regions leaving you with only the regions you want to have combined totals. When you have the exact combination of parishes you want, the final grouping will show in gold on the map and the charts and recovery levels represent your custom region's collective total and recovery level. For example, you could combine Lafayette and Lake Charles Metropolitan Statistical Area regions or Jackson and Winn Parishes to create custom regions for your specific needs.
You can also obtain the full interactive report.
Sources for the data include the US Bureau of Economic Analysis Gross Domestic Product by County data series. Historical data for GDP and population was also obtained from BEA. Regional classifications were created by the US Office of Management and Budget and can be found here.
For more information, you can contact Matt Fannin at