With the spread of COVID-19 maintaining good mental well-being during isolation is very important. As parks and gyms have closed finding ways to be more physically active can be harder than normal. Here are a few ways to manage stress, stay active and practice social distancing during COVID-19.
Walking is one of the most available tools for navigating our physical, emotional, and communal health in the face of our current situation. With the closing of parks, fitness centers and other recreational facilities walking and safe places to walk are needed more than ever. Using our sidewalks is one of the few ways we can continue to be active and manage stress. Walking is an easy enjoyable way for us to become more physically active and for communities to improve healthy living. Walking has many benefits such as environmental, economic and societal benefits. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there are many health benefits of walking: weight control, cardiovascular health, cancer prevention, stronger bones and muscles, improves mental health and mood, reduces risk of type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome.
Remember to practice safety measures before starting your walk:
Here are some creative ways to take your walk to the next level: