Lisa Fultz

Fultz, Lisa
Address 1

  • Ph.D. Soil Science, Soil Biogeochemistry and Microbial Ecology, Texas Tech University, 2012
  • M.Sc. Soil Science, Soil Chemistry, Oklahoma State University, 2009
  • B.Sc. Environmental Science, Natural Resources & Soil Science, Oklahoma State University, 2004

  • Patrick F. Taylor Foundation 4-yr grant (PI; $1,408,764)
    • Implementation/Demonstration of Best Management Practices on Model Farms in Louisiana
  • Symbiosis, Industry support (Co-PI; $5,000)
    • Impacts of Symbiosis AGx on sugarcane production and soil health
  • NRCS-CIG 3-yr grant (PI; $992,012)
    • Water quality and soil health under fallow season cover crops in mid-south row-crop production
  • Louisiana NRCS-CIG 3-yr grant - (Co-PI; $74,994)
    • Reduce soil runoff and improve soil quality and organic matter in lands devoted to sugarcane production with teh use of cover crops with and without grazing
  • USDA NIFA-AFRI 3-yr grant - (Co-PI; $387,296 total budget)
    • Feedstock production potential of energy cane-sweet sorghum rotation with winter cover crop system
  • USDA NIFA-AFRI 3-yr grant - (Co-PI; $400,000 total budget)
    • Understanding potential soil health and forage contributions of diverse species mixtures
  • LA-DEQ 2-yr grant - (PI; $135,500 total budget)
    • Watershed water quality monitoring in Lake St. Joseph - Phase II Project
  • NRCS-CIG 3-yr grant - (PI; $75,066 total budget)
    • Winter wheat filter strip for in-field ditches to reduce nurient and sediment runoff - A new best management practice
  • Louisiana Soybean and Grain Research Promotion Board - (PI; $45,500 total budget)
    • Integration of cover crops in Louisiana production
  • Louisiana Soybean and Grain Research Promotion Board - (PI)
    • Improving management of double crop soybeans
  • NRCS-CIG 3-yr grant (co-PI; $467,739 total budget)
    • Soil heath and pasture ecosystem improvement from a diverse mixture of cool-season species overseeded on a water-season perennial grass pasture
  • Helen DeVitt Jones Graduate Fellowship ($30,000 - 3 yr fellowship)

  • 2014 - present Assistant Professor Soil Microbiology of Cropping Systems Louisiana State University (65% Research / 35% Teaching)
  • 2012 - 2014 Postdoctoral Research Associate, Soil & Environmental Microbiology, Texas Tech University
  • 2009 - 2012 Research Assistant, Texas Tech University
  • 2007 - 2009 Research Specialist, Soil Chemistry, Oklahoma State University
  • 2005 - 2009 Teaching/Research Assistant, Soil and Animal Waste Management, Oklahoma State University

Professional Membership

  • Soil Science Society of America (2005 - present)
  • American Society of Agronomy (2014 - present)
  • American Geophysical Union (2011 - present)
  • Ecological Society of America (2011 - present)
  • Southern Cover Crop Council (2017 - present) LSU Representative; 2022 - Chair, 2022 - Past Chair

Teaching Responsibilities

  • Soil conservation (Sp)
  • Journal Review and Discussion (Sp)
  • Soil Bioremediation and Biodegradation (Sp)
  • Microbial ecology and nutrient cycling in soils (Fa)

Peer-reviewed Publications

  • Acree, A., Fultz, L.M., Lofton, J., Haggard, B. Soil properties response to wheat stubble and corn stubble residue management in Louisiana. Under revision with Agrosystems, Geosciences, & Environment.
  • Zander, A., Lofton, J., Fultz, L.M., Sharma, S. Influence of residue management on double-crop soybean growth and yield. Agronomy Journal (In Press)
  • Sanchez, I., Fultz, L.M., Lofton, J., Haggard, B. Corn yield and soil properties under cover crop management in humid environments. Agrosystems, Geosciences, & Environment (In Press)
  • Sanchez, I., Fultz, L.M., Lofton, J., Haggard, B. An evaluation of soil biological properties under cover crops and N fertilizer in a Mid-South corn production system. Soil Science Society of America Journal (In Press).
  • Bridges, K., Fultz, L.M.*, Alison, M., Han, K.J., Macoon, B., Pitman, W. 2019. Quantifying soil health in a topographically diverse warm-season perennial pasture over-seeded with a mix of cool-season annuals. Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment 282: 58-68
  • Bigott, A., Hoy, J.*, Fultz, L.M. 2019. Soil properties, microbial communities, and plant growth in paired fields with short and long-term sugarcane cropping histories. Applied Soil Ecology 142: 166-176.
  • Weindorf, D.C., Chakraborty, S., Moore-Kucera, J., Li, B., Fultz, L.M., Acosta-Martínez, V., Li, C. 2018. Advanced modeling of soil biological properties using visible near infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. International Journal of Bioresource Science. 5: 1-20
  • Li, C., L.M. Fultz, J. Moore-Kucera, V. Acosta-Martinez, M. Kakarla, and D.C. Weindorf. 2018. Soil microbial community restoration in Conservation Reserve Program semi-arid grasslands. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 118, 166-177.
  • Li, C., Fultz, L.M., Moore-Kucera, J., Shafian, S., Kakarla, M., Bugge, A., Horita, J., Acosta-Martinez, V. 2017. Soil carbon dynamics in semi-arid Conservation Reserve Program grasslands. Geoderma. 294:80-90
  • Fultz, L.M., Moore-Kucera, J., Dathe, J., Wester, D., Schwilk, D., Rideout-Hanzak, S. 2015. Forest wildfire and grassland prescribed fire effects on soil biogeochemical processes and microbial communities: two case studies in the semi-arid Southwest. Applied Soil Ecology. 99:118-128
  • Fultz, L.M., Moore-Kucera, J., Calderon, F.C., Acosta-Martinez, V. 2014. Using Fourier-transform mid-infrared spectroscopy to distinguish between soil aggregate fractions and agricultural management. Soil Science Society of American Journal 78:1940-1948. doi: 10.2136/sssaj2014.04.0161.
  • Fultz, L.M., Moore-Kucera, J., Zobeck, T.M., Acosta-Martinez, V., Wester, D.B., and Allen, V.G. 2013. Organic carbon dynamics and soil stability in five semiarid agroecosystems. Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment 181:231-240. doi: 10.1016/j.agee.2013.10.004.
  • Fultz, L.M., Moore-Kucera, J., Zobeck, T.M., Acosta-Martinez, V., and Allen, V.G. 2013. Aggregate carbon pools after 13-years of integrated crop-livestock management in semi-arid soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal 77:1659-1666. doi: 10.2136/sssaj2012.0423.
  • Penn, C.J., Will, R., Fultz, L., and Hamilton, D. 2013. Forage and tree seedling growth in soil with an encased swine sludge layer. Journal of Environmental Management 128:586-593. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2013.05.045.
  • Davinic, M., Fultz, L.M., Acosta-Martinez, V., Calderon, F., Cox, S., Dowd, S., Allen, V., Zak, J., and Moore-Kucera, J. 2012. Pyrosequencing and mid-infrared spectroscopy techniques reveal distinct aggregate stratification of soil bacterial communities and organic matter composition. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 46:63-72. doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2011.11.012.
  • Girma, K., Holtz, S.L., Arnall, D.B., Tubaña, B.S., Fultz, L.M., Hanks, T.L., Lawles, K.D., Mack, C.J., Minor, B.J., Owen, K.W., Panneerseelan, L., Reed, S.D., Santillano, J., Walsh, O., White, M.J., and Raun, W.R., 2007. Grain yields and response index of winter wheat as affected by weather, fertilizer and previous year yield level. Agronomy Journal 99:1607-1614. doi: 10.2134/agronj2007.0030
  • Fultz, L. M., J.A. Hattey, and M. Kizer. 2006. Application of swine effluent through subsurface drip irrigation and changes in nutrient concentrations. In. R. Kochenower (ed.) Oklahoma Panhandle Research Extension Center, Research Highlights 2006.

Published Abstracts

  • Fultz, L.M. 2006. Nutrient Concentration and Distribution from Subsurface Drip Irrigation Using Swine Effluent (Presentation). ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting (November 12-16), Indianapolis, IN.
  • Fultz, L.M., Penn, C., and Fuhlendorf, S. 2008. Using fire as a management practice in grassland and cropping systems: Effects on soil nutrient availability, carbon and nitrogen contents, and physical properties (Poster). ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting (October 5-9), Houston, TX.
  • Penn, C.J., Warren, J.G., and Fultz, L.M. 2008. Isothermal titration calorimetry for estimating phosphorus adsorption and desorption potential from soils (Poster). ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting (October 5-9), Houston, TX.
  • Blankenship, K., Fultz, L.M., and Hattey, J. 2010. Mobilization of essential plant nutrients after various applications of swine effluent through a subsurface drip irrigation (Presentation). ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting (October 31–November 3), Long Beach, CA.
  • Fultz, L.M., Sorenson, G., Cornejo, F., Moore-Kucera, J., Rideout-Hanzak, S., and Wester, J. 2010. Short-term effects of prescribed burn frequency on rangeland soils (Presentation). ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting (October 31–November 3), Long Beach, CA.
  • Fultz, L.M., Davinic, M., Allen, V., and Moore-Kucera, J. 2011. Dynamics of soil aggregation and carbon in long-term integrated crop-livestock agroecosystems in the Southern High Plains (Poster). ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting (October 16-19), San Antonio, TX.
  • Fultz, L.M., Davinic, M., Allen, V., and Moore-Kucera, J. 2011. Long-term integrated crop-livestock agroecosystems and the effect on soil carbon (Presentation). ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting (October 16-19) San Antonio, TX.
  • Fultz, L.M., Davinic, M., Cornejo, F., Allen, V., and Moore-Kucera, J. 2011. CO2 and N20 fluxes in integrated crop-livestock systems (Poster). ASA-CSSA-SSSA Internation Meeting (October 16-19), San Antonio, TX.
  • Li, C., Davinic, M., Fultz, L.M., Lee, J., Wallace, R.W., Martin, J., Cowan, J., Raley Jr., R., Miles, C., Inglis, D.A., and Moore-Kucera, J., 2011. Biodegradable mulches: short-term degradability and impacts on soil health (Poster). ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting (October 16-19), San Antonio, TX.
  • Davinic, M., Fultz, L.M., Acosta-Martinez, V., Zak, J., Allen, V., and Moore-Kucera, J. 2011. Soil fungal community and functional diversity assessments of agroecosystems in the Southern High Plains (Poster). ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting (October 16-19), San Antonia, TX.
  • Davinic, M., Fultz, L.M., Acosta-Martinez, V., Calderon, F., Allen, V., Dowd, S.E., and Moore-Kucera, J. 2011. Aggregate stratification assessment of soil bacterial communities and organic matter composition: coupling pyrosequencing and mid-infrared spectroscopy techniques (Presentation). ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting (October 16-19), San Antonio, TX.
  • Davinic, M., Fultz, L.M., Acosta-Martinez, V., Allen, V., Down, S.E., and Moore-Kucera, J. 2011. Soil microbial dynamics in alternative cropping systems to monoculture cotton in the Southern High Plains (Poster). ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting (October 16-19), San Antonio, TX.
  • Fultz, L.M., Allen, V., and Moore-Kucera, J. 2011. The story of soil organic carbon in the Southern High Plains (Poster). AGU Meeting (December 5-9), San Francisco, CA.
  • Fultz, L.M., Allen, V., and Moore-Kucera. J. 2012. Increases in protected soil organic carbon found in perennial grassland vegetation as part of integrated crop-livestock systems (Poster). ESA Meeting (August 5-10), Portland, OR.
  • Zilverberg, C.J., Fultz, L.M., Galyean, M., Moore-Kucera, J., and Allen, V.G. 2012. Carbon release from steers and fossil fuels in integrated crop-livestock systems (Invited Presentation). ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting (October 21-24), Cincinnati, OH.
  • Calderon, F., Fultz, L.M., Allen, V., Moore-Kucera, J. 2012. Soil carbon and soil organic matter quality in soil size fractions from crop and livestock systems in Texas (Invited Presentation). ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting (October 21-24), Cincinnati, OH.
  • Fultz, L.M., Moore-Kucera, J., Allen, V. 2012. Significant management impacts on intra-aggregate soil fractions (Invited Presentation). ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting (October 21-24), Cincinnati, OH.
  • Fultz, L.M., Kakarla, M., Moore-Kucera, J., Acosta-Martinez, V., Zak, J.C., Calderon, F., Horita, J. 2013. Soil C dynamics in a 26 year CRP chronosequence on an Amarillo fine sandy loam (Presentation). ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting (November 3-6), Tampa, FL.
  • Kakarla, M., Fultz, L.M., Moore-Kucera, J., Acosta-Martinez, V., Zak, J.C. 2013. Fatty acid profiling of soil microbial communities across a soil chronosequence (0-26 years) in Texas High Plains region (Poster). ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting (November 3-6), Tampa, FL.
  • Moore-Kucera, J. Fultz, L.M., Davinc, M., Acosta-Martinez, V. 2013. Linking soil microbial ecology to ecosystem functioning in integrated crop-livestock systems (Presentation). ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting (November 3-6), Tampa, FL.
  • Calderon, F., Moore-Kucera, J., Fultz, L.M., Acosta-Martinez, V. 2013. Soil C quality dynamics after Conservation Reserve Program land is converted to cropland (Poster). ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting (November 3-6), Tampa, FL.
  • Acosta-Martinez, V., Moore-Kucera, J., Fultz, L., Kakarla, M., Li, C. 2014. Influence of Conservation Reserve Program age and conversion to cropland on soil quality, microbial diversity, and metabolic capacity: Implications for our decisions about soil conservation. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting (November 3-5), Long Beach, CA.
  • Li, C., Moore-Kucera, J., Fultz, L., Kakarla, M., Acosta-Martinez, V., Zak, J.C. 2014. CRP to cropland conversion: Short-term impacts on soil quality in the Southern High Plains. ESA Meeting (August 12), Sacramento, CA.
  • Kakarla, M., Moore-Kucera, J., Fultz, L., Li, C., Acosta-Martinez, V., Zak, J.C. 2014. Microbial community response to increased years of grassland restoration under the Conservation Reserve Program in semiarid sandy soils. ESA Meeting (August 12). Sacramento, Ca.
  • Moore-Kucera, J., Acosta-Martinez, V., Li, C., Fultz, L., Mamatha, K., Calderon, F., Horita, J., Zak, J., Weindorf, D. Influence of conversion of CRP land to cropland on soil quality, metabolic capacity, and microbial diversity. SWCS International Annual Conference (July 27-30). Lombard, IL.
  • Fultz, L.M. 2015. Soil management for soil quality: Linking microbial communities and ecosystem functions. SPFCIC Annual Meeting (March 30 – April 1), Apalachicola, FL.
  • Sanchez, I.I., Lofton, J., Haggard, B.J., Fultz, L.M., Acree, A., Cole, C.L., Blouin, D. 2015. Integration of cover crops in Mid-south corn production systems (Presentation). ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting (November 15-18), Minneapolis, MN.
  • Sanchez, I.I., Haggard, B.J., Lofton, J., Fultz, L.M., Acree, A., Cole, C.L., Blouin, D. 2015. Mid-south cover crops influences soil microbial communities (Poster). ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting (November 15-18), Minneapolis, MN.
  • Lofton, J., Haggard, B.J., Stephenson IV, D.O., Fultz, L.M., Acree, A., Cole, C.L. 2015. Chemical termination of winter fallow cover crops in Mid-south production systems (Poster). ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting (November 15-18), Minneapolis, MN.
  • Li, C., Moore-Kucera, J., Fultz, L.M., Kakarla, M., Acosta-Martinez, V., Zak, J.C., Weindorf, D.C., Horita, J. 2015. What happens to soil ecological properties when conservation reserve program land is disturbed? (Presentation). ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting (November 15-18), Minneapolis, MN.
  • Li, C., Moore-Kucera, J., Fultz, L.M., Kakarla, M., Acosta-Martinez, V., Zak, J.C., Horita, J., Weindorf, D.C. 2015. The impacts of inherent soil properties, environmental conditions, and restoration time on ecological benefits during CRP restoration (Poster).
  • Kakarla, M., Moore-Kucera, J., Li, C., Fultz, L.M., Acosta-Martinez, V., Zak, J.C., Kottapalli, K.R., Wright, R.J., 2015. Soil bacterial and fungal community responses across a Conservation Reserve Program chronosequence in Texas High Plains region (Presentation). ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting (November 15-18), Minneapolis, MN.
  • Bridges, K., Fultz, L.M., Lofton, J., Haggard, B., Alison, W. 2015. Soil health in warm-season perennial pastures overseeded with cool-season annuals (Poster). ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting (November 15-18), Minneapolis, MN.
  • Acree, A., Fultz, L.M., Lofton, J., Haggard, B.J., Sanchez, I., Cole, C.L. 2015. Soil properties and fallow season vegetation response to prescribed fire in crop residue (Poster). ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting (November 15-18), Minneapolis, MN.
  • Abbott, K., Quirk, T., Fultz, L.M. 2016. Blue carbon accumulation and microbial diversity in created salt marshes of the Chenier Plain, Louisiana. SWS-SCC Meeting (November 2-5), Pensacola, FL.
  • Li., C., Moore-Kucera, J., Fultz, L.M., Acosta-Martinez, V., Weindorf, D.C., Zak, J.C. 2016. Microbial responses to disturbances following the conversion of CRP land to cropland under water limiting conditions (Presentation). ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting (November 6-9), Phoenix, AZ.
  • Fultz, L.M., Hendrix, J., Haggard, B.J. 2016. Spin ditch filter strips impact on nutrient and sediment load (Poster). ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting (November 6-9), Phoenix, AZ.
  • Calderon, F.J., Fultz, L.M., Acosta-Martinez, V., Moore-Kucera, J., Li., C. 2016. Soil particulate organic matter dynamics after Conservation Reserve Program land is converted to cropland (Poster). ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting (November 6-9), Phoenix, AZ.
  • Bridges, K., Fultz, L.M., Alison, M., Acree, A., Pitman, W., Macoon, B. 2016. Changes in soil health of a perennial pasture over-seeded with winter annuals (Presentation). ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting (November 6-9), Phoenix, AZ.
  • Acree, A., Sanchez, I.I., Bridges, K., Fultz, L.M., Lofton, J., Haggard, B. 2016. Soil properties and fallow season vegetation response to prescribed fire in crop residue (Poster). ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting (November 6-9), Phoenix, AZ.
  • Fultz, L.M., J. Hendriz. 2017. Lake St. Joseph: Improvements in water quality and best management practices (Presentation). Arkansas Water Resource Conference (July 26-26, 2017), Fayetteville, AR.

  • Soil microbial ecology, biogeochemistry, and water quality of agricultural systems
  • Impact of organic and synthetic management practices on soil microbial ecology and the use of bio-stimulants and bio-inoculants
  • Microbial community and structure and activity in agroecosystems
    • Impacts on soil microbial community following prescribed fire in cropping systems
    • Relationship between cover crops and microbial communities
    • Microbial community structure and functions in grassland and grazed agroecosystems
    • Impacts of climate change on soil microbial communities and biogeochemical cycles
    • Distinct microbial communities in long-term sugarcane production vs. newly converted caneland

Andres Carrillo - PhD candidate, Research focuses on soil health under soil conservation practices related to energy cane production, cover crops N credits in cotton production, and sensor based technology to estimate cover crop biomass production.

Hector Mendoza - PhD candidate, Research focuses on relationship between long-term best management practices in crop rotations and economic impacts.

Caitlin DeNux - PhD candidate, Research focuses on the efficacy of organic and synthetic herbicides in soybean production and the impacts of these treatments on soil biological communities.

Donna Gentry - PhD, Research focused on cover crop seeding and response to soil texture in mid-south region.

Peters Egbedi - PhD, Research focused on soil properties impacted by double crop wheat/soybean and wheat/corn systems including economic analysis

Kritsunee Iamjud - PhD, Research focus will be the relationship between cover crops and soil health in corn, cotton, and soybean production.

Katy Bridges - PhD, My research focuses on soil health with an emphasis on soil microbiology. My current project is centered in pasture ecosystems and how production management practices affect soil health.

Carolina Muela - MSc, Research focused on the impacts of winter seeded annuals and grazing frequency in pasture systems on yield and soil health properties

Autumn Acree - MSc, Research focused on the impacts of prescribed fire in row crop production

Adam Bigott - MSc, Research focused on examining microbial community structure of long-term caneland vs. newly planted caneland

Ina Sanchez - MSc, Research focused on integration of cover crops in Louisiana production and potential N credits in corn production

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