3-9 National 4-H Week
5 Livestock Meeting
11 Jr. Leader Meeting 6:00pm 12Shooting Sports Meeting
13-17 Rapides Parish Fair
15 World's Finest Chocolate order deadline
28 Pumpkin Decorating Contest
29 Camp Catch Phrase Due
28-Nov 14 LA State Fair
8 Jr. Leader Meeting 6:00pm
8 Market & Commercial Animal Possession Deadline
22 Christmas Ornament Decorating Workshop
30 Livestock Meeting 6:00pm
3 Market & Commercial Hog Possession Date
13 Jr. Leader Meeting 6:00 pm
Candy Fundraiser
Grant Parish 4-H is selling boxes of World’s Finest Chocolate as a fundraiser for the 2021-2022 school year. If you are interested in selling World’s Finest Chocolate, it will help fund this year’s many projects. Please let us know how many boxes you would be willing to sell. Contact the 4-H office at 627-3675 or email lcraig@agcenter.lsu.edu no later than Oct 15. There will be cash awards for the top three sellers.
If you enjoy taking pictures, you need to enter this contest!! Each month you will be given a topic to photograph. Print out a 4x6 inch copy of your picture, write your name, grade, and club on the back, and turn it in to your 4-H Leader or 4-H Agent by the club meeting at your school each month. Entries may also be submitted by email to lcraig@agcenter.lsu.edu. Turn in only 1 picture per month.
Themes will be posted in the Clover Chat each month. The theme for October is “Fall Landscapes”.
Celebrate 100 years of Camp Grant Walker!!
Themed Contest: Send us your most creative idea for a theme in 5 words or less. Illustrations of your theme must accompany the phrase. The contest is open to all Louisiana 4-H youth. The winning theme will be selected based on its ability to be “catchy” and captures the spirit of camping at Camp Grant Walker for 100 years. The theme will be used in all publicity for camp, including the 2022 camp t-shirt. The winner will be awarded a monetary award! Deadline is Oct. 29, 2021!! Mail entries to Grant Walker 4-H Educational Center, 3000 Hwy 8, Pollock, LA 71467.Please include full name and age of person submitting the slogan, and Parish/4-H Club, complete mailing address, and telephone number.
Ornament Workshop
Monday, November 22 from 9:30am-12:00pm
Christmas will be here soon!! Come join us at B22 in Dry Prong, for our Annual Christmas Ornament Decorating workshop, on Monday, November 22 from 9:30am-12:00pm. The cost will be $5 per member. Members will make 2 ornaments, 1 to keep and 1 will be used to decorate the Grant Parish Courthouse Christmas tree. Pre-register by scanning the QR code, call the 4-H office @ 627-3675, or email lcraig@agcenter.lsu.edu.
Next meeting November 30 @ 6:00 pm, 4-H Office in Colfax
4-H Spring Livestock Show!
If you have livestock and are interested in showing in the 4-H livestock shows, please contact the 4-H office at 318-627-3675. The 2022 Central District Livestock Show will be February 2-5. The 2021 validation fee is $6.00 per validation for exhibitors showing market and commercial sheep, goats, dairy, or beef. Kits for tags will be taken at the meeting. Return kits to the 4-H Office by November 1st. NO grace period. Exhibitors showing market or commercial hogs may pick up their validation kits after November 8th.Possession/Validation date is December 4, 2021.Return kits to the 4-H Office by December 6th, no later. If you have any questions, contact Rodney Johnson, Livestock Agent, at 318-767-3968.
Outdoor Olympics Camp - November 12-13, 2021
The Outdoor Olympics is a Healthy/Fitness Camp for 7th & 8th graders. The camp will focus on topics including healthy living, fitness, youth mental health, and nutrition. Youth will form teams and compete in an Olympic-themed assortment of fun and active lessons and recreational activities. The program fee will be $60 to attend and will be capped at 30 participants! Youth will need to be dropped off by a parent/guardian or another adult, which can be indicated on the registration form. Drop-off will be from 4:30-6:30 pm on Friday, November 12, and pick-up will be at 4:00 pm Saturday, November 13. Registration will open on October 1 and will close on October 25. Contact the 4-H Office for additional information!
Trick-or-Treat!!! You are invited to participate in the Pumpkin Decorating Contest at your school. The top winners from each school will be judged at the 4-H office on October 28, 2021, for a Parish Champion. Pumpkins may be any size, foam or real and can be decorated in any age-appropriate theme. Look online for some great ideas!
There will be 2 divisions:
You may take your pumpkin home with you once the judging is complete and prizes are awarded.
There are a few openings left!! Join the Seed of the Month club!!! Members will receive a packet of seeds (or plant material) with instructions on planting, watering, growing, and harvesting. Recipes, service opportunities, and a wide variety of gardening education will be available for you.
To register please scan the QR code, call the 4-H Office at 318-627-3675, or email lcraig@agcenter.lsu.edu . No Cost to Join!! A packet of seeds will be mailed each month from October to May.
PARENT/STUDENT sign up will be October 12, 2021, at 6:00pm at Camp Grant Walker in the Multipurpose Building. There will be a $25 sign-up fee plus a $10 t-shirt fee.
The Grant Parish 4-H Shooting Sports program is off to a great start this year!! The club focuses on firearm and archery equipment safety in addition to marksmanship, sportsmanship, and character development. If you would like to be a part of the team, attend the meeting Oct. 12. Like our Grant Parish Shooting Sports page on Facebook for information. You must be signed up for 4-H, in order to join the Shooting Sport Team. We also need adult volunteers for coaches to be trained. Contact our office at 318-627-3675 or lcraig@agcenter.lsu.edu for more information. Mask required at meeting.
Shooting Sports Camp - December 10-12
The Shooting Sports Camp will be held December 10-12, 2021, at Camp Grant Walker. The camp is open for 4-H Youth ages 9-13 years old. Participants will choose one of the following: Archery, Shotgun, .22 Rifle or Air Pistol/Air Riffle/BB Gun (Combined).Parents and coaches are welcome to attend but it is not mandatory. Call the 4-H Office @ 627-3675 for more information.
2022 State 4-H Fashion Camp – “4-H Lights, Camera, Fashion!” January 21-23, 2023
Get ready to explore the world of fashion in a fun and friendly atmosphere!
The Fashion Board chose this theme to reflect their personal excitement about fashion and the attitude that the campers will adopt as they travel through the experiences at camp. In addition to basic sewing fundamentals, a few of the educational activities for campers include: a sewing caddy, tote bag, pajama shorts, and a community service project plus more. The camp is set for January 24-26, 2022, at 4-H Camp Grant Walker. Camp will be open for 4-H er’s age 10-13. Camp registration if arriving Friday night $125 or Saturday morning $110, this includes lodging, meals, and t-shirt. Deadline to register is December 3, 2021. An overnight Chaperone Volunteer must attend with the delegation from Grant Parish.Cost for the volunteer is $80, transportation is on your own. If interested in volunteering, contact the 4-H Office for an Application, Health Form, and Code of Conduct.
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture