This certification is for people who apply restricted use pesticides on land they own or lease or one who works for the person who owns or leases the land that produces a commodity (agricultural, horticultural or forestry). This certification is for the use previously stated only. A private pesticide applicator SHALL NOT use their certification to purchase chemicals for the use of commercially applying pesticides in residential areas, public areas, or any area other than the privately owned land described above. A PPA employed by the land owner or lessor may not charge a fee or collect anything of value in return for pesticide application on the privately owned agricultural establishment. They may, however, be paid a wage by the landowner who produces a commodity as described above.
Two ways to become a certified private pesticide applicator: 1. Purchase the National Pesticide Applicators Certification Core Manual. Study the manual thoroughly and test at one of the LDAF's testing locations. 2. Purchase the Private Pesticide Applicators Certification Program course at our online store and test at one of LSU's testing locations across Louisiana. Please read the description of each below.